RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/19/2015 20:23:47)

I bet she'd play it more often with new outfits...or maybe adventure mode! [:D]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/20/2015 7:46:41)

^I think it too. [8D]

The Hollow Soul -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/21/2015 15:49:24)

PvP was Rolith's testing for the battle gems engine. Now that he's on to Project Omni full time, I doubt we see any updates to this game. [;)]

Which is sad for the people who paid $10 for adventure mode.

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/22/2015 11:30:12)

^ I agree! But I can't stop hoping. [8D]

peacemaker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (4/5/2015 14:28:33)

I have a character, (Mr Emerald Woo). Is there some way to change his name please?

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (4/6/2015 6:56:36)

^ No, there's no way to chance a characters name. [8D]

peacemaker -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (4/6/2015 9:34:08)


I was going to try and change it to my MLP OC pegasus name.

Thanks anyway, everypony!

FlameRat -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/19/2015 8:51:49)

Anyone thinks that this game is way too simple? I won 40 battles in streak, with most (30+) battle remain full health and the rest didn't get more than 5 hp lost. The opponent can't even perform more than 2 actions almost every time!

Also, is this game still under maintaining, or they just leave it on a server as a zombie? The game is almost the same as when I first play this game right after it was released, when I even was not a brony!

If they do keep maintaining the game I would purchase it, but so far, no. This game only worth 0.99 USD so far.


ps. my code: 59979-061B let's see whether it's really the game too simple (or have weird bugs) or I just didn't meet skillful enough players! at the moment I post this reply, I'm using an awful netbook which can't even play the BGM smoothly and can only run the game under 4 fps, and I need to wait half a second every time I point to another ball when holding down mouse button, otherwise the game would just ignore my operation.

FlameRat -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/20/2015 7:23:58)

Update: Switched to a fast computer and the game now have hard enough difficulty.

So, if you can't win the match, switch to a slower computer XD If you want to really challenge the game, don't use a netbook

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/20/2015 11:22:07)

I think, they have left it on a server as a zombie. [8D]

FlameRat -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/21/2015 0:32:41)

Took me a dozen tries to win a lvl 20 pony with a lvl 7 pony, even if I used purchased item.

MP, is this you?

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/22/2015 11:37:41)

No, that's no my pony, mines named Golden Glory Gem. [8D]

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FlameRat -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/23/2015 4:20:14)

The hardest part of this game is that my mouse just get jammed up now and then.

This is a lot harder than those match 3 games I think... Maybe this game can improve my drawing skill XD

And now it gives me 110 or so battles per day but I can only play 60 to 70 or so... And now I'm accumulating the battle amount every day. Don't know how many is the battle amount cap, but really not that easy to used up all 110 battles every day.

(ps. spot a pony named Cutie Pink Pie who has the almost same color and mane style of Pinkie Pie. How brilliant! A little bit shame because it isn't using the Pinkie Pie style tail though.)

FlameRat -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/26/2015 5:27:38)

OMG I just got crazy.

When my opponent use confusing pets, the magic would trigger multiple times until it runs out of magic points. But for me, the only time to trigger confusing magic is when cleaning blue balls, and no matter how much magic points left, only trigger one time.

That's super unbalanced, why should I be less powerful than my opponent who use the same pet as me?

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (8/3/2015 10:08:55)

Probably because the pony you're fighting is in an higher level, than your pony. [8D]

Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (4/10/2016 17:06:30)

Sigh...over a year later...what's up guys... [&o]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (4/11/2016 4:11:34)

I still play, now and then, but I'm losing hope, that it'll ever get updated and starting to think, that the team hopes, that we'll stop login in to the game, which is not likely. [8D]

Icetex -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (5/16/2016 10:48:51)

Reason why i guess this game died because I think i was someshort of April Fools Joke
and AE didn't want focus on it at the time
also Because of Hasbro(The Owner of MLP license) or Legal Reasons could be both
I did play for while but gave up as game seemed to crash a lot for whatever reason
This game unbalanced as the game seems go faster with better processor or internet
although still can't stand Login menu theme

Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (5/1/2019 2:47:20)

JK, RIP Pony Vs Pony
I never gave you a proper farewell...

Curse you, Artix Entertainment.

Princess Angel Moonbeam, my beautiful little thing


Galactic Assassin X -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (5/7/2019 9:25:13)

Ah, I remember this game... And I agree, I don't think they realized how big it would get. If anything I'm surprised this game didn't get a mobile version.

SuKanzoo -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/4/2019 23:05:07)

I think the game would've been better if it were an RPG. I can totally see that as a real remake/sequel!

SuKanzoo -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (3/21/2020 11:19:34)

Uh-oh! Flash is shutting down this December and Pony Vs Pony is run by it! [:(]

Icetex -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (4/8/2020 15:42:43)

The Unfortunate Reality even if AE could do remaster/mobile port/squeal Hasbro wouldn't allow it in today's world this game simply slip under Hasbro Legal Radar(As You Know They Own MLP Franchise)
but to your point, all not lost as a Project supported by NewGrounds is FlashPlayer Emulator Called Ruffle

SuKanzoo -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (6/7/2020 23:48:53)

But with a game that you play by registering and signing in, I don't trust that it'll work in one piece. Ergo, I'm hoarding everything that I can from the game and putting them in my own PVP wiki. With lots of time and luck, I've just taken pictures of every Special Shop item and pet I could find from opponent ponies with them worn and selected. I've also written down all of the powers those pets have. I've already posted them on my wiki and I hope you're okay with me making it when there's already a PVP wiki. I made it because I wanted to support it a while back, but it won't even let you register.

Two questions:
May I post a link to my wiki?
What happened to that other wiki?

Icetex -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/10/2020 17:24:01)


May I post a link to my wiki?
What happened to that other wiki?

1. I don't think arch knights would care as AE abandon this project long ago
2. I don't believe PvP ever had an official wiki as it was abandoned so quickly after it launched in 2011

But with a game that you play by registering and signing in, I don't trust that it'll work in one piece. Ergo, I'm hoarding everything that I can from the game and putting them in my own PVP wiki. With lots of time and luck, I've just taken pictures of every Special Shop item and pet I could find from opponent ponies with them worn and selected. I've also written down all of the powers those pets have. I've already posted them on my wiki and I hope you're okay with me making it when there's already a PVP wiki. I made it because I wanted to support it a while back, but it won't even let you register.

It would work but at this point, PvP is very unstable and Ruffle as compiled Plugin version for browsers but
i sadly believe by the end of this year or next PvP servers might be shut offline alongside HeroSmash
due to Flash Player imminent death

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