RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/14/2013 18:24:47)

I hope that it'll be updated soon, but I fear that it'll never be updated again. [8D]

Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/14/2013 20:01:27)

Noooooooo! Seeing as the game's at least still up and running gives me hope.. Kinda.[:'(]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/15/2013 18:25:03)

I guess, we'll have to wait for BattleGems to be released, before we can hope for an update. [8D]

XapApp -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/15/2013 21:33:34)

Speaking of BattleGems, it's gameplay seems to be similar to Pony vs Pony from looking at this image.

Oh, found this video as well which shows a part of the gameplay.

Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/19/2013 21:22:03)

....There's no adorable ponies in that game, though... -disappointed- [&o]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (10/20/2013 8:15:30)

I have a theory that BrutalCorn originates from Pony vs Pony, but since Artix Entertainment has neglected the game, he broke out of the game and into our world. [8|]
Now, he is pursuing all those, who have neglected Pony vs Pony, trying to beat them to a pulp, until they update the game.

May he succeed! [8D]

NurseRedheartFiM -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/14/2013 0:01:39)

I have a question about the Pony Up Package. I noticed the Adventure Mode - Coming Soon notice... Can I get some more information about that? Most of all, I want to know if that price of $9.95 is a permanent thing with the Mustang Shop and I really want to know some more about the Adventure Mode thing mentioned as well.. I'm sorry this sounds so.. unorganized but we're really not given much information on the matter.

Extremisxx -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/16/2013 17:30:08)

Everytime I try to log in it says loading and goes back to the login page. It doesn't even say bad user or password. My password and Artix account is correct.

Corvus Corax -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/18/2013 5:35:52)

@Extremisxx: I logged in ok just now. If you're still having issues, try clearing your browsers cache and see if that helps.

NurseRedheartFiM -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/18/2013 19:00:45)

I guess that means no one knows? =/

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/18/2013 19:14:18)

^ I've tweeted the PonyvsPony group PonyvsPony's Twitter, but no answer. [:(]
I don't dare tweeting Rolith Rolith's Twitter, because I guess, that he's busy with Battle Gems.

Foxtress -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/24/2013 21:12:31)

Well, hello everybody.
I found out about this last year via an ad and I got addicted pretty fast. Spent monies.
Then I left this alone for a year, come back, expect to see bunches of new stuff and all the limited stuff I considered buying gone, and it's all the same..
Is ponyvspony being shut down or something? How come there hasn't been an update in over a year?

Taktuk -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (12/5/2013 13:39:38)

Yeah, that's horrible of them, really. I paid for an upgrade expecting an actual adventure mode at some point. It's been a year and I'm still waiting.

It'd be a great Christmas present. Just saying.

Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (5/11/2014 3:52:52)

Methinks we've been...abandoned. [&o]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (5/11/2014 16:48:31)

I've written to Artix, Rolith and the Pony vs Pony group over Twitter and got no answer. So you could be right. [&o]

The "update" we've got is a PvP pet in Battle Gems, so they don't seem to have forgotten everything about this game, but it's not enough. [:@]

Taktuk -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (6/15/2014 6:32:20)

Man, still no word.

If there was a legal motion, could we at least get confirmation of that please?

It makes me regret buying the upgrade, since it's essentially a dead game.

Durra -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/6/2014 7:09:48)

Is this game a live PvP or just an NPCvP?

I like the art though :)

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (7/6/2014 7:26:56)

^ This game is a NPCvP game. [8D]

ArkanePony -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/8/2014 10:14:41)

Hello! I'm essentially a new guy on the forums but I've played PvP a year ago. I recently started playing it again hoping that there'd be new things.

But I've returned to what seems to be a dead game.

I really hope this game gets back up on its feet. I really enjoy it and I'm sure there's alot of people here that do. The music's what got me into it, though. :P

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (11/23/2014 13:13:26)

^ I hope it too! [8D]

Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (12/31/2014 3:13:21)

Two years later... Okay, AE, I've had it! If you are just going to abandon my game like this, then let me take over! I'll revive it!! [:'(]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/1/2015 15:17:53)

^ Oh please do something, this stagnation is terrible for this great game! [8D]

Miladanshi -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/4/2015 17:21:08)

MP, you're still around! Well, I'm glad there's still someone else who wants this game to come back. But I'm not sure what to do... My battle count has even passed 100,000...[:o]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/7/2015 13:12:56)

Yes, I'm still around and playing the game. I'm almost always the last one to leave "a sinking ship". [8D]

MP -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (1/13/2015 18:34:27)

We are not alone:

Beleen ‏@BeleenAE
Happy Tuesday! Totally forgot to tweet this morning… was too busy playing Pony vs Pony, LOL!!!

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