RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (Full Version)

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gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/20/2011 15:29:25)


Its hard to test for me at level 20, its difficult to beat stuff without the orb change, but still its not all that bad either.

But i can already fell 100% pet would be better too

Mighella -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/20/2011 15:46:01)

I spent all my gems on the snow bunny today, but so far I'm really liking it :)

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/20/2011 19:16:43)

Did a couple dozen more battles

Turns out without the orb fix, it is quite difficult for me to beat things with 120 cupcake level. Most game i won due to level difference (more hp)
On the other hand, if the orb was set to normal as it is (in TEST) now, i find it too easy to beat anything up. In fact I still bet a level 5 can beat-up a level 20 9/10 games, and then farm him via friend list

So I suppose, if AI was given a handicap of 3 orbs, would it be fairer if the following happened:
Instead of 4th orb = damage, it became the 3rd orb = damage!
So a 5 orb chain previously did 2 damage, now it does 3 damage!

Shao Kahn -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/20/2011 21:50:17)

What do you mean by orb fix?

Markaroli -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/20/2011 22:38:50)

Is Frosty the Polar Bear glitched? It says it needs only 1 MP but it still takes 4 like the other pets..

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 0:48:53)

Interesting, i was going to buy the polar bear next once i get more gems

Hmm, i am curious to that might be intentional as Attack 100% pet for only 1 Mp seems OP (especially the low cost)
Perhaps all the other 100% pet is getting fixed

Report it as a bug / glitch anyway

Alanna Zelen -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 3:02:29)

*looks around* Hehe. I'm really getting good at this :P

Baron Dante -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 3:33:15)

Gormans: I can't see why the 100% = 1 damage for each is bugged. The number tells how many candies you need to start the damage counter.

Digital X -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 4:02:24)

@Alanna, i bet you couldn't do that again [;)] That's cutting it really close, i bet you didn't expect to win that eh? looks like your luck was in!

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 4:13:40)

I was referring to the part where polar bear does not attack until MP 4+ mentioned in the post above

I guess AI is still too easy to beat, even @level 20...
Wonder how would this be addressed, i still think some "handicap" should be given to AI...

Baron Dante -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 5:06:25)

Gormans, no, if anything, it's the Polarbear that is bugged.

I mean, it's basically a 25% pet now.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 5:26:40)

Oh, you still lost what i originally mean

1) Polar bear is bugged and needs to be fixed
2) Is Attack 100% pet too strong? Especially you can get it for 3k gems only
(Maybe they are being looked at and will be nerfed)

Baron Dante -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 5:33:58)

Ahh. Be clearer k? xD

2) No. It's equal to normal attack, but unblockable.

nield -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 6:53:19)

I personally find most battles to be quite easy. Even the lvl 20's. They're way too slow for me :/

I suppose it's worth noting the only lvl 20 I've fought is Rolith. He's kinda slow... No offense, Rolly.

Lohlaris -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 7:03:07)

I don't really think AIs need a handicap .I mean, Cupcake level is going to be raised again at some point, and then probably again till it accurately represents the users speed. Making Chocolate level challenging now will probably just screw us over later when the Cupcake level cap is raised. It'll probably be just as impossible as before with the glitch once they raise it high enough.

nield -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 7:15:53)

Oh, and guys, if you use my friend code (175-F43B) please PM me, telling me what your PvP username is. If I don't recognise the name above the ponies name, I just deny.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 7:27:08)

There are three groups of people

Level 5-10 who easily beat level 20
Level 5-10 who can barely, but able to, beat level 20
Level 5-15 who cannot beat level 20

But to be fair, i still don't see (from the start) how in a game a low level can beat a high level.
Its like a level 30 player beating a level 120 boss in an RPG game.
I can accept a level 30 beating a level 45-60 for example...

In regards to the cupcake level raise, it is useless
I am level 20, if i can only achieve a cupcake level of 115, and (in the future this will be fixed), then you see me as 115 cupcake level.
It does not give my AI, therefore, any advantage at all being a level 20...

I think either AI should be given handicap, or a bigger and more obvious hp gap to pull out the difference.

An alternative to this would be to add special effect to equipments that makes it more effective. Right now we can "kind of" see this one pets.
Level 1 pets has very low damage, compare to a level 10 pet.
But if this was extended to armor, say for example a level 20 armor will give 5 defence candy at the start of the game, or 5 extra hp. This would be more sensible.

Feel free to discuss

I will try, but half the time i am at work so i cant type and check what i typed lol
And unblockable normal attack is already OP, if you ask me...

nield -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 7:35:02)

It's all about the speed, and cupcake lvls nowhere near represent it properly yet. I can wipe the floor with someone at cupcake lvl 120 easily.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 7:48:45)


You wipe the floor with a 120 level AI, that said if you were playing the real person, it should be way more difficult
But then you're right about the part cupcake level does not represent it well enough yet.
But should AI level be controlled by cupcake level (which in theory a level 1 can be maxed at) or also by the pony level to determine how strong it is?

nield -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 7:53:49)

True, if I fought the actual person, I'd take at least SOME damage. I feel the cupcake lvl is a good manner to reflect the speed of the player, but it has to be brought up to the point where it accurately depicts the speed.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 10:29:43)

Still, i really feel the cupcake level means nothing (at the moment anyway)

The fact that how strong a pony is is not major-ly determine by the level, but instead other factor does not make sense to me at all

Maybe I should clarify everything i've said and see what you all think
I purpose these should be considered and changed

1) What the pet does should be added to pet description in the shop

2) AI should be given a handicap of -1, since right now they are slow and "stupid. This is to balance AI being not as effective as human intelligent.
For a chain of 8 orbs for example:
Normal: X X X 1 2 3 4 5
AI: X X 1 2 3 4 5 6

3) Hp should have a gap increase by +1 to differentiate further the level difference
Currently: HP = 30 + 2*L
New:HP = 30 + 3*L

1hp difference per level will not make real difference for "close level" battles, but it does greatly differentiate a huge level gap, making the higher level pony stronger.

I do have alot other suggestion, but then those 3 above are what i think should mainly be the focus for the game, as well as various bug fixes

Again feel free to discuss

P.S I also think we should able to remove friends!

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 10:41:49)

What is a good pet that I should pick up at level 7? I have that brown bear atm.

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 11:15:40)

If you're adventurer, then wildberry toast is probably the best

nield -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 11:31:44)

Hey Gormans, Rolith rolled a new version of PvP a while ago that answers your 1)

gormans -> RE: =AE= Pony vs. Pony (9/21/2011 11:35:58)

Thanks Nield

I am excited about a level 20 pet now
Sad it does cost quite alot and does not fit my colour scheme =(

P.S can someone confirm if frosty the bear has been fixed!

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