=ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (Full Version)

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Fay Beeee -> =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 15:43:39)


October 05, 2011
This Might be a Design Notes Post
I Hear the Wind Blow

Welcome to Autumn, Northern Hemisphere EpicDuelists! Here on Delta V, the planet’s axis is shifting, bringing colder weather to the main continent. This can only mean that the Harvest Festival is coming soon- nearly every culture in the known Universe has some sort of celebration to commemorate the harvest of crops, and when the colonists came to Delta V, they brought their old traditions with them. Here’s what players can expect in the weeks ahead:

Put it to the Test

We’re still hoping to have the retrain revamp done by Friday. For those of you who missed this page last week, the new system would allow you to level up with one click, and eliminate the need for continuous retrains, which can be especially annoying at higher levels!

Balance updates are still being built and tested, so I’m not sure if we’ll have them for Friday. One thing I’ll confirm (that’s been going around as a rumor) is that Field Medic will be getting an overhaul, and the Tactical Mercenary class will also be getting an overhaul. I know that this will upset some of our players (especially those who play as Tactical Mercenaries), but it really isn’t fair to players to have the entire game overrun with a single, very powerful class.

Stand On Your Own Head

The Candy Harvest on Delta V is a tradition where citizens all wear disguises and collect sweets and other prizes from business owners and other upstanding citizens. In antiquity, this was done to ensure generosity and prosperity for another year, but over the years it became an excuse for Delta V’s younger citizens to beg everyone around for confections. You can share in this tradition with new Halloween-themed hairstyles and armors.

This week, we’ll also be bringing back last year’s Halloween home items, and next week we’ll be bringing out the NEW home items and other awesome things for you.

Spoiler Alert!

We have plans for some new mutating weapons, seasonal styles, class-changing armors (because why should only one class get all the fun?), and more!

Be prepared for some new missions as well- I’m working on my first missions for the game, and I have some pretty ambitious ideas I can’t WAIT to tell you about, along with fleshing out the world’s mythos.

Join Us!

As you’ve probably already seen on the AQW Design Notes, beginning Friday, October 14th, AdventureQuest Worlds will be hosting a very exciting Birthday Event, featuring none other than internationally-acclaimed, long-running alternative rock band They Might be Giants.

If you’ve never heard of TMBG, I can understand. They’re kind of a group that seem to be everywhere- they’ve done music for commercials (“Things are what we like to do...”), television shows (“you’re not the boss of me now, you’re not the boss of me now...”), and movies (“Making up a little song about Coraline...”), but remain firmly out of the mainstream. Their album Flood was certified Platinum (~20 years after its release), and they’ve won Grammys for “Boss of Me”, the theme to Malcolm in the Middle and Here Come the 123’s, and were nominated for Here Comes Science. You’ve probably heard the song “I am a Paleontologist” from Here Comes Science used in a shoe commercial. Founding members John Flansburgh and John Linnell have been performing together as They Might be Giants since the 1980s, and they released their self-titled debut album (known to fans as The Pink Album- I suspect that it’s Beleen’s favorite) in 1985.

So, Join Us!


Now that you’ve read the interesting bits of the DNs post-

I know that I’ve gotten flack from players before about advertising events from other games in the EpicDuel Design Notes, but I hope you can forgive me for this. As Cysero said in his design notes on the subject, pretty much everyone here at AE is completely obsessed with They Might be Giants, and for many of us they were the first band we really got into. I can’t really say that- I got into them about 4-ish years ago, when I was an undergraduate. I was able to acquire two free tickets to see them in concert, and at the time I was relatively unfamiliar with their work (I knew “Istanbul, Not Constantinople” and “Particle Man”, but little else). Nightwraith begged me for my extra ticket, and we went. Due to my high tolerance for pain, we were able to snag spots right by the front of the stage by sitting through a truly terrible opening act, and when John and John and Dan and Dan and Marty got on the stage, the power of live music took over, and I had an amazing time, singing along to “Why Does the Sun Shine?”, and Flansburgh even let me touch his guitar. That night, I bought Flood and The Else, which remains one of my favorite albums of all time. The band has inspired me greatly, with songs that make me laugh (“You’re older than you’ve ever been, and now you’re even older...”), cry (“It’s a new year, careful what you pack, there’s no turning back...”), fall in love (“Blue canary in the outlet by the light switch that watches over you, make a little birdhouse in your soul...”) or right out confused me (“I’m goin’ down to Cowtown, the cow’s a friend to me. He lives beneath the ocean, and that’s where I will be!”) I also largely credit the band for the fact that I’ve taken the time to teach myself guitar and bass.

So, assuming that most of that’s going to get cut, (or TL;DR) TMBG is a big deal for all of us here at AE, so I’m happy to squee over the band.

The Bee of the Bird of the Moth

This week’s Insect Fact is close to my heart, since it involves members of the family Sphingidae- hawkmoths. There are several moths in Sphingidae that are known as “Hummingbird Moths”- across Europe and Asia the species Macroglossum stellatarum is called the hummingbird moth or the Hummingbird hawkmoth. Like all hawkmoth caterpillars, the caterpillars are green and have a curved spike on the posterior end, giving them the common name of “hornworm”, and the larvae feed on bedstraw (Robin run the hedge), while adults prefer Jasmine and other sweet-smelling flowers. The adults make a distinctive “humming” noise while hovering to feed. In the US, the genus Hemaris is commonly known as the Hummingbird clearwing moth, or the “Bee-Moth”, as some species (particularly the Snowberry Clearwing moth) have coloring similar to bees. No hummingbird moths are considered pest insects, and are often a welcome visitor to night-blooming gardens, as they are important pollinators.

The song “The Bee of the Bird of the Moth” by They Might Be Giants appears to be in reference to these creatures (“It’s just a hummingbird moth acting like a bird who thinks it’s a bee”).

Tags: Cinderella



It doesn't look like this week's update is going to be ready to be release tonight. It's going to have to be pushed back until early next week. There's quite a few too many things that are still being tested and many bugs that still need fixing. The retraining UI has also been pretty stubborn and its not ready to be release today. I'm sorry for the delay everyone.

I can tell you the exact details of the balance changes we're making now. Remember that these are only the changes I'm sure will be included, so don't be surprised if we squeeze in one or two more things. We have addition changes planned that we were able to fit into this release, so those changes will probably be coming in the next few releases.

- Field Medic no longer improves with Support. It now only improves based on your characters level. A level 33 character can expect a 29 HP Health at skill level 1 and a 56 HP heal at skill level 10. The amount healed is increased every 2 levels.
- In addition, the cooldown on Field Medic has been reduced to 3 turns.
- Maul now has a Tech requirement, starting at 16 Tech and increasing by 2 Tech per skill level.
- Hybrid Armor now has a Dex requirement, starting at 15 Dex and increasing by 3 Dex per skill level.
- Frenzy now has a Support requirement, starting at 19 Support and increasing by 2 Support per skill level.
- Reroute now has a Tech requirement, starting at 24 Tech and increasing by 2 Tech per skill level.

Tag! You're it! ~Ashari

Arcanis -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 15:57:18)


Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 16:03:39)

Thank you Cindy :)
Just read them. The retraining one will be very welcome.

Looking forward to the others also.

Beautiful Moth - Amazing - link below


Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 16:21:19)

This sounds very interesting. I do request that the credit part of house items be reduced substantially. When house items were introduced, there were no other use for credits other then for weapon purchase and boosters, and many understood the higher rates. Having the lower credit rates, it will give opportunity for players who do enjoy the housing factor to support the items, but not be credit drained in the process.

Digital X -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 16:26:02)

Candy Harvest has caught my eye, will it be like some.. event of sorts? I don't really know how else to ask.

And i want one of those Hummingbird Moths! :o make a great pet in my addition of.. 1 :3 They can be kept as pets right?

Stabilis -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 16:26:26)

Mutating weapons and armours? All right!

Wraith -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 16:41:07)

Lets see...

My ability to get varium depends in my math test, hopefully I get 100.

I assume there will be tons of Varium features.

MirageD -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 16:47:07)

sounds great :D

Baron Dante -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 17:03:43)

I kinda hope we won't have another Achievement. Finished being lazy and only now got the TLaPD one. :/

Other than that, I'm curious. Field Medic is, even if used terribly in my build, a crucial part of it, pretty much a mandatory against fullblown offensive.

And that usually means TlMs, which will also get an overhaul... Granted, Support builds are now way too common and can easily make all classes walking damage... things.

Will be waiting with great interest.

supermasivo -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 17:28:56)

Not totally happy about this update, i have expend lot of money to get tlm and make it powerfull... im really upset so im gonna write in spanish: Es bastante injusto que solamente bajen el poder a los tlms ya que no solamente el poder de "heal" esta siendo abusado sino que también (hace ya bastante tiempo) SHADOW ARTS de los BHunter siempre ha estado muy Oped y nunca nadie hizo nada al respecto para bajar el nivel de bloqueos... Ahora, antes todos se quejaban de los BM que eran inutiles... ahora que hacen un daño brutal (Str) nadie se queja...
Los CH abusan del STATIC CHARGe haciendo spam cada turno haciendo 3 de daño y recuperando casi la mitad de la energia? teniendo siempre grandes cantidades de energia para sus ataques...etc.

Ahora si bajan el poder a FM van a bajar el poder a TODAS las clases dependientes del FM, no solamente a los TLMS...

Pregunto a los creadores de este juego, POR QUÉ SIEMPRE TOCAN Y RETOCAN A LOS MERCENARIOS EN SÍ? al principio fué bajando el poder de Artillery (antes ignoraba un 20% de defensa, luego un 10% y luego nada...) bajaron el Hybrid armor a 12, ahora a los tactical mercs: habéis bajado el daño de los ataques, luego el daño se estandarizó, la gente se decantó ahora por el soporte que era mil veces mejor por el daño de la bazooka y el abuso de FM... Me pregunto... por qué siempre los mercenarios? y reitero habéis visto a los BH? son brutales con un build de alto hp y de alto STR y la pistola de un BM? +10 a una alta fuerza? haciendo daños de 25-25 en rage en una resistencia o defensa de casi 53?
Otra cosa, la gente ya no se queja de los tlms casi ya que ahora todas las clases estan relativamente igualadas... a mi me han ganado muchas veces CH, BH, BM y TM porque ya saben como ganar a un tlm perfectamente.
Si quieren revisen a los tlms y a TODAS las clases también que no son nada de débiles.

Translated into English:

It is quite unfair that only lower the power to tlms as not only the power to "heal" is being abused but also (long ago) the Bhuntar ARTS SHADOW has always been very oped and nobody did anything about it to lower block ... Now, before all the BM complained that they were useless ... Now they do brutal damage (Str) nobody complains ...
The Static Charge abusers CH spamming every turn doing 3 damage and recovering almost half the energy? always taking large amounts of energy for their attacks ... etc.

Now if you lower the power FM will drop power to all dependent classes of FM, not only the TLMS ...

I ask the creators of this game, WHY, and refined ALWAYS TOUCH THE MERCENARIES IN ITSELF? At first it was lowering the power of Artillery (known before a 20% defense, then 10% and then nothing ...) down the armor Hybrid to 12, now the mercs tactical: you have lowered the damage of the attacks, then the damage was standardized, people opted for the support now that was a thousand times better for the damage of the bazooka and abuse of FM ... I wonder ... why always the mercenaries? and reiterate the BH have seen? are brutal with a build high horsepower and high STR and the gun of a BM? +10 To high power? doing 25-25 damage to rage in resistance or defense of almost 53?
Another thing people do not complain about because now tlms almost all classes are relatively the same ... I have been won many times CH, BH, BM and TM because they know how to make a perfectly tlm.
If you want to review tlms and all classes also are nothing weak.

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 17:46:03)

Why do I have the impression that the candy is like fame? Where younger citizens go around begging for it, which is wrong.

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 17:49:20)

The Candy (or sweets in England lol) is usually asked for in 'Trick or Treat'
Well they do not really ask. But if you do not offer they will use a TRICK.

edwardvulture -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 17:56:31)

Cool I hope some of the at least one of the armors are f2p

Wootz -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 17:59:06)

Awww...I bet most or all of those mutating/Class changing weapons & armors will be Varium, just when I'm out of Varium. D:

supermasivo -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 17:59:41)

I read this in facebook "btw if this update makes my tatical merc bad i want my money back" and i think i agree... but before geting totally upset i want to see how much this nerf gonna low my char... till then.

Wootz -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 18:01:11)

Same thing would happen if Static Charge gets removed in my book, supermasivo.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 18:14:56)

Though many of us have our opinions about balance issues, but the landscape always changes. Many of the individuals who are not happy with the Tact Merc adjustments, this is nothing new. Previous classes who were deemed OP'ed were altered as well.

So if you chose to pay to win, my apologies.

veneeria -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 18:34:51)

Well, i really hope that this change to tactical mercs doesn't also weaken other classes, but apart from it.. i am really in between the line of buy varium again or buy membership in aqw again. x[ *shakes fist*

Darkoake445 -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 18:51:42)

Well at least we're getting our retraining revamp and new armors. Hopefully these armors won't be fat and look ridiculous like the Tesla.

The Death Trap -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 19:19:28)

Hope we get more rating points

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 19:24:59)

Seems cool, maybe I will log in later by the weekend to see new revamped retraining.

Wiseman -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 19:55:22)

As I'm sure this will become an issue during the next few balance updates I will post the ToS disclaimer here for everyone to read. I know many players do not read the Terms and Conditions even though everyone that plays the game must agree to them when they make an account.


You hereby acknowledge that by using the Site or the Services that you do not acquire any property rights whatsoever in the Site, Services, Game Data (as defined below), or any status within the Site and Services. To play Company games requires the creation and retention of electronic files, including without limitation player characters, accounts, in-game currency (Z-Tokens, DragonCoins, NovaGems, AdventureCoins, SmashCoins, SparkleGems, Varium, etc.), statistics, user profiles, weapons, armor, quests, loot, etc. ("Game Data"), which are stored by Company. While keeping Game Data safe is a priority of Company, note that Company shall not have any liability for the loss of any Game Data for any reason whatsoever. Company reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to modify or delete any information, including without limitation Game Data and any other information accumulated, stored or uploaded on into any Company game.




All authorized purchases of digital account upgrades, in-game currency, access or services through the Site, to include upgrade and membership packages, and any other access types or services, may not be refunded or transferred regardless of cancellation or termination by any party. Duplicate account upgrades made by mistake shall be refunded upon notification to Company under this Agreement.

Nothing in this Agreement places a duty on Company to ever reimburse any player by providing experience credit for any experience lost for any reason. Company will never reimburse or be obligated to reimburse players for any experience loss in a monetary manner, such as but not limited to monetary reimbursement or monetary credit.

For any player that wishes to read the Terms and Conditions more thoroughly: http://portal.battleon.com/policy/policy-terms.asp

FrostHS -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 20:17:40)

You freaken OP'ed Tact mercs, stop complaining. The only time you do is when a nerf is threatened which says a lot. Pretty much you will be hopelessly lost, and out of a build YOU COPIED FROM SOMEBODY ELSE BECAUSE YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE ONE. No offence the smart ones who know how to make a build, and now I shall end my little rant.

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 20:46:04)

I know a lot of you are upset, and I knew writing the DNs I was setting myself up for flaming. That's why I'm easing you into this now, instead of being like "SURPRISE! Overhaul!"

Calogero -> RE: =ED= New DN 05/10/2011 (10/5/2011 20:53:12)

Hence why I said, Fix Tact merc as fast as possible. Do NOT drag it because it will haunt you.
And what happens, We are about 4 months with the Op Tact merc and now most complain
when it's getting the nerf it deserves.

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