(HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (Full Version)

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Clown the Jester -> (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/1/2011 20:48:48)

Feel free to discuss The Children of Clown the Jester here.

I hope you enjoyed it. I most certainly did. HEE HEE HEE HA HA HA!

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/1/2011 20:55:36)


Oh, goodie! A story by none other than CLOWN THE JESTER!!!!!!!!!!!

I think I'll comment NOW!!!!!!

O.o A long one... I don't promise I'll be able to do it all... But I'll see what I can do... Hehe...

Urm... you encouraged the readers to comment on the story on the actual story thread. That may be a weee problem, there.

I am commenting now. I got distracted.

I would have liked you to bold the "I" in "The Madness, Comedy, and Chaos I created?"

Oh, and I love the preamble. BRILLIANT!!!

Tra la lala la, lala, la, la! T'ain't the season to be jolly, tra'lala lalala, la, la, la! ... Oh, wait, that's not the right season.

I think you meant "... Those small minded, greedy, villains, thrying to make a (or possibly even their, considering you pluralized "profits") measly profit while the law enforcement was at its weakest." I won't correct you any more, though, because that would ruin the fun... Hehe...

Btw, is this canonical to the storyline? If so, that could be quite an interesting little thing that I/we could tinker with...

Aww... Saying you're Raeven doesn't see The Joke? (I am pointing out that in light of you saying YOU are the only one to see it) I am sure Raeven will not be glad to see that, considering she's getting active again... I saw her, and sang to her earlier today, in fact. Turn the Page, to be specific.

The "This is your Captain speaking" bit made me think of war, for some reason. I imagine flak in the air, and exploding shells rattling the plane. XP

Interesting past for that guy, btw.

Strangely, the title makes me think of Children of the Corn (or was it Korn? XD [The "the" may not have been there, either, but meh]) for some reason...

Fifteen years old, and he's read the Bible 8 times? XD

Yes, I know that's not what it says, but it's still funny.

Bacon Juice... rofl

O.o Rust...

Strangely, he somewhat reminds me of me, but not.

His fears seem funny to me... and I expect I may know what that is... or not. We shall see... we shall see.

Seems it was. I liked how you sculpted that scene, btw. It came out spectacularly.

It seems to illuminate all too well the sortof tragic feeling in the world, the presence of what you call "The Joke". Very, very well writen there.

And then lightning flashes again, and Clown reapears, perhaps?

I wonder who had the nasty task of seeing if Clown really died, hmm? I am suspicious I wasn't arround to ask...

Muahahahahahaha... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is getting good.

Reminds me of the drumming... always the drumming... never ceasing, always, and forever... OVER AND OVER!!!!!!!!!!

/me stops playing the part of The Master

I wonder if he'll have a heart attack...


I think I'll post this now, because I'm about to have to go to bed...

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/1/2011 21:06:37)

X3 clown is writing as well, finally I once again have a writer that has some of my chaotic thought patterns. I shall comment after I finishing writing my additions to my story.

UnityDestroyer -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/1/2011 21:18:13)

Wow. You're writing skills are developing by day. I was in the middle of the story when I decided to comment so here I am.

Goldstein -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/1/2011 21:43:21)

Well, I read the first part and now all I can think about is this.

star screamer -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/1/2011 21:46:55)

Imma read it tomorrow my clownishness
All I thought was this when I saw this... Mommy are you my mommy?

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/1/2011 22:29:17)

@clown: Truly clown words cannot describe how I feel about your story, the darkness and looming evil, the tragic atmosphere you protray it's intoxicating. I find myself reaching into the dark corners of my mind to contemplate just what allows you to write in such a way. But then again life is full of surprises, your situation could have been the same as mine.

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/2/2011 7:09:31)

Thankyou guys your comments have been most helpful.

OH Drakkoniss thanks for crtisism where it is needed. I know you well enough to know when you crtique my work you do it with good nature and for the purpose of benifitting the story. I'm gonna correct the mistakes you mentioned.

AND RAEVEN ACTIVE ONCE AGAIN!?!? WHAT FANTASTIC NEWS! This makes me so happy. Heh heh heh heh heh.

Thanks again guys.

Oh Davy...I gotta say...usually it takes one very bad day for me to get these ideas. One very nasty, rotten, terrible day...thats how my creativity on madness starts. Heh heh heh.


Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/2/2011 13:50:49)


Strangely, I get crazy, morbid, horrible ideas like these all the time...

I imagine Jae being murdered (more killed in battle, but sortof in cold blood, because Jae was not able to put up a worthy fight [No offence intended, if you are reading this, Jae]) by Raeven, then me ripping Raeven apart in a most painful way by overpowering her mental powers with my own, fueled by hatred and rage... and this is in the middle of a huge war, in which you, Clown, Nuvoloso, Ancient Darkness, Star Screamer, Rocker, and all my enemies are arrayed against me, killing my allies while I am fighting other villains, and it all ends in my slaughtering everyone on the battlefield... I have dark thoughts.

Not to mention what I imagined doing to Zafara when I first read the chapter of C&T where you, Clown had her captive and couldn't kill her, if she turned out to be my enemy...

Horrible, horrible, thought patterns... tragic, dark, horrible, things that could happen...

Well, on to reading some more...


That Chaos Carnival member... He makes me think of Prometheus... I think I might just read his story first, no offence, to see what his backstory actually is like...

A very interesting character, he is... I suspect he'll become bigger in our community soon.

Russia... 1700s. Nice time... sortof... It depends on your possition and oppinion on things, I suppose. Russia before 1900 was very nice, too. It and America were friends... Pity about what happened to the Tsars... although I suppose that if Communist Russia didn't rise to power, Germany probably would not have viewed the Russians as a threat, and would not have spent the time sending their troops over there in attempts to conquer the most difficult nation in the world to conquer (1 time in history has Russia been conquered by a non-Russian [obviously there would have to be someone who made Russia into a single gigantic country, right?]; 1!!!)...
As could be said:(read this in a Russian accent, btw) No, no, no. You do not invade Russia. You cannot conquer Russia. You can destroy the cities, and defeat its armies, perhaps, if you are lucky, but if you invade Russia, Russia will crush you. Mother Russia will freeze your men, stop your tanks cold, and turn you away, and that's not even with men to fight!Winter campaign? You are a fool, and you should be killed for your idiocy. No; There is no invading Russia, not if you actually want to win, anyway.

... But enough about his story. This is supposed to be your commentary thread, after all.

O.o The Dreamer? I really need to read his story some time...

Some crazy rambling, you apparently gentlmanly Clown... Some crazy ramblings indeed... Makes me think of old times... and that I probably should feel sorry about those parents... but more to the point, considering they have been dead for years, it makes me wonder more about Dreamer, and if this is canonical. It also makes me miss Blackshock. :/

Grapeful... hehe...

Ho ho ho ho?

You know, if I remeber correctly, laughing can actually kill you irl...

I wouldn't say impossible, but... Very difficult, as you said. Glad you decided to finally put that bit into the story... Let's just see how this turns out, eh?

Is that all the craziness in your head? DO you just hear voices yelling? Shouting? No, I think not... Let's continue, shall we?

PUNCH THE MIRROR!!!!!!!!! BECAUSE I SAID SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

O.o Nonchalance...

That's true, you know... We do want you, even if we don't... Complicated.

ANd why was he pondering in such a way, instead of thinking that might have meant he defeated Clown? BECAUSE HE'S INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!

I disagree about the Faith not being real bit. Faith itself is just about the realest thing in the world, regardless of whether it is correct, or that it can be crushed, or wane over time. The actual faith there is real, and while there is doubts, the belief that there's something beyond yourself dictating how the world works, and shaping it into a logical whole is nearly universal... but whatever...

This reminds me of the fact that I already knew this could happen... I already knew there could even be multiple Clown the Jesters at once... That's one of the reasons you are so hard to kill.

A horribly narrow view of the world, though. I, for one am quite aware of all the struggles and pain, as you know... Which reminds me of how similar we are... How different the world would have been if you had different oppinions about what you knew, and if you didn't just give in, and acknowledge the pains of the world, and instead tried to do something positive about it... but it is not to be, I suppose.
We are so similar, yet we are different, you and I.

Seven years bad luck... XD

Such a silly little superstition... I pity the guys who make mirrors, if it IS true, though. lol

Sad that your face inspired such a negative emotional reaction in them... Such superficial thinking almost supports your train of thought that humans are monsters. It was probably instinctual, but meh.
Not all are like that.

Laboratory? Lavatory.


What would have been funny is if someone was just sitting there acting completely calm and said, "Hey."

That makes me think of it being a Chaos Carnival member, but idk, if it was just some random person, that would be quite interesting, as well... And besides, a Chaos Carnival member probably wouldn't have been able to get on the plane unless it was a telepath, invisible, or something like that... and would have said, "Hey, Clown," not just hey, and then would have asked you how you'd been...

Strangely, I also imagined myself being that person, and that would have fit the Twilight Zone theme, but idk, that might just be a bit too odd... although it would make for an interesting ending, that's for sure.

Eh, there's also the fact that it's a longer fall, and the wind will make it impossible to hear anything, as you fall screaming to your death...

I wonder if dear old... what was his name again?COLIN! That's it... I wonder if he's fighting back now...

Or, you know, Death could have cheated. He does that.

Interesting little story, there... Interesting indeed.

Funny little twist at the end.

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/2/2011 16:38:32)

@clown: Good to know I'm not the only one. Ethier way though your writing is very well scripted which allows me to understand why you take your time to write rather than writing daily like I do.

@drakkoniss: Your sadistic nature is well noted, my past life experiences is what causes my morbid and sadistic thoughts which I try my best to repress when I'm writing(due to my more M rated mindset). I don't really know exactly just how swallowed in darkness you and clown are (and I do not wish to know because a man's past and present is his own business) but I do know just how hard life can be so I try my best to be optimistic when it comes to assuming what makes another person sadistic.

Anyway I can't wait to

star screamer -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/2/2011 17:16:36)

@Drakkoniss Do not worry I always have dark thoughts, and I actually mean in real life...
me jumping on my my friends back then snapping his neck, eating pizza while I rip open my dogs insides,
I suppose it's just insanity, if you are insane...

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/2/2011 19:15:42)

Oh, one might try to call it insanity... Not really fitting, though. I am completly sane, logically thinking, but I have... A taste for the dark... the gruesome.

To be honest, DB, there is no big, bad secret about how my mind got to the point it is now. In all reality, it just became that way for some reason...

Obsession with violence and power, perhaps... Or maybe I just find it funny for chadenfreuda's sake. I don't know. I've seen enough violence, and I know how the world works enough to find it sad in my more reasonable moments... But playing violent videogames, and my love of stories, whether they are on television or in books, that have death and tragedy in them has caused me to appreciate the more morbid of the many types of art that eist in this world. I would hate any of it to happen in real life, of course, and I am soundly founded morally, as one might tell, when I am dealing with serious matters... but still, it's funny when you see one skilled person slaughtering dozens, knowing that if they had had the opportunities to gain skill that he had, that their numbers would win the day... and yet they die, and my bloodlust is sated. It is very entertaining to see blood shed, after all.The Romans knew this, and I'm sure many of the Greeks before them did, as well. They enjoyed war.
I think it may be my intelligence that causes me to be so sadistic... My introduction to more mature content before the proper age, one could say... Or maybe they are caused by the same thing, and not related otherwise... but yes, I love violence, and enjoy a good show of talent in the martial arts, but no, I have not had the horrors in my life which one would think would cause such a thing.

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/2/2011 19:47:11)

@drakkoniss: So it is as I thought then, you gained it almost the same way as I gathered my knowledge of anime and all things asian x3. Tell me drakkoniss is it really so bad to think this way even though you don't act on it? Personally my darkness and experience has become my strength so I enjoy how I am now and with the way I can write I can careless about what pops in my head as long as I don't act on it. Genius and insanity is on the same wavelength but adding that with past experiences and understanding always make the world look alot clearer through your eyes but I digress, I believe this conversation should take place elsewhere so I will stop cluddering clown's thread.

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/2/2011 22:32:01)

BY NO MEANS DAVY! The descussion of insanity is always welcome here. Heh heh heh.

Seems right doesn't it? I mean...lets face it. We're all a little crazy. Yet society teaches us to be ashamed of our madness. To be treated for it with pills...electrotherapy...and straight jackets.

Makes you wonder whether or not the inmates should run the asylum.


Dieing's easy. Comedy's hard.

delta blitz -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/3/2011 22:44:17)

@clown: Of course you would understand after all you and me both are bearers of the same joke, even though how we spread it is different. My white chaos and your purple chaos, too bad we aren't on the same path or else this world would have been changed by now and we would be working on another universe.

Sorceress555 -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/4/2011 20:04:57)

...Creepy. I likes it very mucho.

Does Becky die, then? *tears well up in eyes* Please say she doesn't. If she does, I'm gonna cry...and you wouldn't want that. My tears are highly toxic, corrosive, radioactive and explosive.

By the way, have you ever heard of MS Word spellchecker? If you have, you should use it...no offense, but I caught a load of technical errors in your story. However, it's still generally readable and as I said, I like it a lot. Keep up the good work!

P.S. It's a short story, right?

star screamer -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/4/2011 20:11:24)

@above He's clown, he always making on purpose spelling errors for fun.

Drakkoniss -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/5/2011 11:08:17)

Yes, it's intended to be a one-shot story inspired by the halloween season, unless he changed/s his mind.

Oh, and he said all of the people on the plane eventually died... He might actually have said passengers. One sec. Nope, he said member of the flight, which implies the crew as well as the passengers.

P.S.: At least your tears aren't also caustic... The fact that it's corrosive implies it's acidic, and if it were causitc, that would imply it were a base, so they wouldn't make much sense together... Radioactivity and explosiveness would also make sense, though, and with a chemical like that, adding toxic on the end is just obvious, so... lol

star screamer -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/5/2011 16:03:25)

@Drakkoniss YAY DOOM TEARS!

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/5/2011 17:12:58)

I actually do use spell checker...it's just it doesn't pic up most of these mistakes...and I'm to lazy to fix them. Heh heh heh...but some of the grammatic mistakes, especially in dialogue are intentional.

No offense taken. I appreciate criticism. Thanks for commenting Sorrceress555.

Ya Drakkoniss is right. It is a short story. I just wanted a quick story that dwelled briefly into the mind of my character. Glad you enjoyed it.

If you want a really really long story I coauthored, try this story.

Comedy and Tragedy.

megakyle777 -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/7/2011 13:18:19)

Dude, whatever happened to The Good The Bad and The Chaos? I was enjoying that and wanted to see more of Western Age Dealer to see what you did with his backstory and whatnot.

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (11/7/2011 18:02:00)

I will continue that now. I just wanted to do this short story as a change of pace. However I will be releasing another chapter of Good Bad and Chaos very very soon.

Jessa K -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (1/9/2012 19:45:51)

Well, downloaded another fanfic for nighttime reading, hope it's as good as C&T!

EDIT: Shorter than I expected, only took me about half an hour. Very good, though. I didn't exactly see the point of it, really. However, it was still interesting to read and was well written. Something I also noticed in C&T is that you are very good at conveying emotions in your writing. At one point I was actually scared, and for an author to be able to do that takes a lot of talent.

Overall, good job and I cant wait for more!

Clown the Jester -> RE: (HS) The Children of Clown the Jester Discussion (1/17/2012 8:08:03)

Thankyou You M'Dear. I feel portraying emotion is the most important thing in a story such as this.

This is a mind story ya know?

Thanks again for comments.

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