RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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kamiry -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/25/2011 21:55:12)

@link beating a stunner only requires dots and heals honestly im not going to tell exactly what to do but its not hard to do just timing is key and depending on which build the person is using I do use stupefacio I have used it alot before as i said... i still use it to this day but all i gotta say is atleast im not one of those people who dont use those same ol builds i guess link uses i have multi builds and whatnot... for tally tally is a good pvper u CAN beat her but u just gotta know how to.. melee builds do have weaknesses too people each build has its weakness and stun builds usually lack heals energy accuracy or Damage... just tryna help those of whom are a bit slow at how to seek weaknesses each build has its weakness u just gotta exploit them.... i have.. CAN U? not u link but anyone else lol

FrostHS -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/25/2011 22:15:25)

I stopped PvPing because i was always ganged up on and everyone always stunned me. >:l

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/25/2011 23:16:30)

>-> *flicks her in the ears* surrre

lols kammy i know i know...i already thought of a build just ofr tally since she beat my normal set up that so far only 2 ppl have well i think a person should learn this all on thier own...we spent many a "hour" testing each skill indivlely thinking of ways to use them in combo and all for helping ppl and all but thier are things you just cant hold thier hand through..pvp is one of them, either learn the game in more detail or get crap lucky and what not...

*yawns* im tired from my day...this is linkers and im a light *plops on his bed and uses his toes to turn computer off*.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/26/2011 15:15:30)

*sigh* It seems that people are becoming afraid to include stuns in their strategy even if they don't personally see it as cheap. I haven't been called cheap yet myself and stunning is not the main point in my build, but I guess I'll do something that I really don't want to do and give away some of the most glaring weaknesses in my build. Right now I don't have a heal, a way to restore energy, a way to get overly dodgy, or an instant 1 or 2 hit KO. It seems that if stunning a non-stunner is cheap, then using these strategies against someone who is not also using them is also cheap. No?

I'm not saying that stuns aren't good, but the point of any build is to gain some sort of advantage over your opponent that will hopefully tilt the match in your favor. If a 'code of honor' is formed where stunning is essentially banned then who's to say what the next thing to go will be? Anything that's effective will eventually also get banned as being cheap.

ND Mallet -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/26/2011 15:27:46)

@sir night Stuns weren't meant to be looped so you can use one stun right after one another causing an infinite stun lock on the enemy. That is cheap. It's like spamming the fan weapon or Pit's over B in SSBB for the same reason that it's hard to get any damage in when you get caught on the receiving end.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/26/2011 18:21:06)

sir night...mallet guy is right (btw love that refence to SSBB) im cool with stuns my self i use them from time to time to mess with ppl mostly cause ppl cant seem to find ways around it, but yes when you have that infinet loop of stuns it dose go to be unfair for most pvpers...yes it evens the field for those more exp in non stun set ups like anti theeslayer and my self incluaded...but for players that hardly pvp and only do it for "fun" or try it out for the first makes me want to nerd rage and spam them harder with more profinency then what they got and use

kamiry -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/26/2011 21:08:56)

@link sir and mallet
i say this u all 3 have a point but in the end stuns will possibly still be in the game... honestly why would someone take stuns OUT of the game ya know .. its not hard to survive the stuns unless the person is using a 1 or 2 shot build and even then u shoulda thought of every possibility on who ur pvping against... now for fighting ppl new to pvp thats just wrong touse stuns against them lol.... its funny but very very wrong =p stun spamming is nice and all but sometimes... the only way to stop a 1-2 hitter combo like MENTAL BUILDS or.. SHADOW like death touch is to completley stop them in their tracks by stunning them... in the end stunning isnt good nor bad but against those builds sometimes healing aint enough,... esp when ur at 200 hp and they got like 800-900 u live that burst... what can u do..well one... if ur lucky u got life force... 2 you stun em heal up and get back in that fight OR 3 u die.. lol... stuns aint that badjust ppl needa stop QQing about em man up and take dem lossses i surely take some lossses by stunlockers do i complain NO why? its a strategy now.. am i promoting stunning not too much just dont stun ALL THE TIME ppl!:D

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/26/2011 22:23:13)

I do think the infinite stun loop is cheap. But to be fair I know that LinkLink does the 1-shot KO build which is just as bad as an infinite stun. And like I said, it isn't just the stun loop that people are becoming afraid to use. People are becoming afraid to stun at all, despite the fact that there are far cheaper things going on in PvP than stunning your opponent for 3 seconds.

Devastate -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/26/2011 22:35:38)

Sir Night, I totally agree with you on this one. One hit KO's are as cheap as the infinite stun loop. So it's not a matter of hating the infinite stun skill build alone, but the fact that the one hit KO's are as of the same nature makes it unjust.

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 1:03:19)

agreed with dev, if someone one hits me cough anti cough i would not immediately go into stun builds i will first try killing them without stun if it gets too dramatic i have no other option

Oh and i stopped using infite stun long time ago, i srrsly hope they release new powers and for me one shooter are ppl who cant play without super intellect

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 1:07:19)

hey now..i was only craping around whne i founded that one shot build..again that was only ment for laughs..i didnt think ppl would try and copy it and make lesser version of it...which started the whole everyone uses mental thing now XD

lol again i only wanted to use my one shotter for laughs...cuase...its like uber funneh to see you all use life froce and go to full hp then pull of 950s XD

still though those "oneshotters" have soo many weaknesses its not funny...if you cant figer out how to bipass such a poorly putogether set desver e to get one shoted

Devastate -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 10:19:59)

Switching build. No stuns pure radiation.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 11:26:01)


I suspect that you and I have very similar builds right now.

kamiry -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 11:48:46)

thats my build... now its not mental thats being stolen its my build.. link do u see a pattern here... x.x

lol.x.x i dont needa use one shots or stupe to win i just got mi own build but when yall find out which skills to use then u'll ultimatley will top the kamster... till then goodluck =p

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 12:00:56)


thats my build... now its not mental thats being stolen its my build..

Nope, I've been using Radiation for a while now. Ever since I had to accept that rares like Animal Fury just aren't effective anymore. I just wasn't advertising it because I didn't want people to start copying it.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 22:55:39)

lols i dont see why ppl use radtion just dosen suit for singles...its pretty ok in team but over all radtion type as whole isnt very praticle

i can understand why ppl like to copy mental builds, becuase as a whole they are very powerful...

i am seeing a small patern where ppl move in masses when it comes to prue move type set ups, im disapointed in ppl...i would have thought they would be mroe creative when it comes to powers...just think what it will be like when non mems get ahold of pvp...i have a feeling we should set up a room for pvp like server saf on aqw for the more exp pvpers who dont copy set ups...who is with me!

off note..i now have a beastly hastedebuffer set up x3

kamiry -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 23:02:42)

i agree linky i feel as tho when one build has been proven great ppl try and copie it and possibly try to build off of it.. nowadays im just chillen making builds ya know.. as for the non memb pvpers.. im not too worried about them because 1 they will have no experience 2 they aint lv 20 because they dont have the will power and 3 well the skills they have wont be too strong..

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 23:07:33)


lols i dont see why ppl use radtion just dosen suit for singles...its pretty ok in team but over all radtion type as whole isnt very praticle

You mean because it doesn't kill quite as fast as a mental build? Thats why I usually have Bash in my build. It more or less evens the field against the 1 shotters.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 23:11:33)

lol sir..i have a radtion build to but thats whne im bored, anyway it can be easly beaten even with a bash or just lacks uuffmmp in healing and power and vartiy most of all

lols thier are some beastly non mems kammy

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/27/2011 23:26:32)


it just lacks uuffmmp in healing and power and vartiy most of all

lol you think it lacks power? Obviously your radiation build is different than mine. And variety? Need I go back to the fact that you're a 1 shotter?

Devastate -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/28/2011 4:28:18)

"My" build? No one has the right to claim a build. There must be this single person out there who may have used the build even before "you" got it, so people might find it very displeasing to talk in a way like that.

@Sir Night : Maybe, who knows? After all it is always possible for two players to have the same build, and the good part is, neither claims it to be his.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/28/2011 14:57:44)

sir knight thier very few radtion skilles to begin with so its very likely we use the same things...and i dont do one shot often..thats for bleep and giggles..

and yes MY build....i trademark all my builds e.e and deva nuu...i was the first person to use speed buffers like this...soo what if they find it "displeasen" its how i talk...its how i act...its how i am...this ciggert butt has spoken

builds that i was the first to use was meh speed set up which made me famus in the first place...thats about it for things i was the founder of .-. not saying i was the first to think of that one shotter...but i know i was the first to really use it in pvp so well...

lol i dont claim radtion ...not enough powers to really be differnt or stand out of the crowd, speed is mine though >////< i le master of speed

Pyure -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/28/2011 15:38:14)

To all those saying that Deaths Touch is overpowered, it is not, nor is Abra Cadavra, I have both, and honestly they are horrible with thier long cooldowns, and if they miss, your basically dead.

My build is much like Nd Mallet's:

My skills are:

Warrior Spirit
Life force
Frozen Wraith
Brain Freeze

All of my skills are non members- the ones i use on my DoT Tank style build at least. Well the bell just rang so i gotta go.

Devastate -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/28/2011 16:31:28)

Link, I was not referring to you, nor to anyone. :)

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (11/28/2011 17:20:06)

*looks at deva* challenge accpeted

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