RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Pyure -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/21/2011 14:31:59)

I have an idea that would be helpful to all of the newcomers. I believe that maybe, just maybe AE should balance the powers that came out in alpha, I know they had started on a few, but a few isn't enough, as many of the alpha powers are very underpowered, and require buffing asap. It would create a better environment for the newer players in HS because many of the lower level skills are underpowered. It would also help the higher more experienced players in HS because with the new buffs there will be more options of powers, creating a more diverse and better skillset overall.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/21/2011 19:16:04)

@Pyure one..alpha only has one power...brainfreeze...its rather ok to for the other powers that came out during alpha...they did change a few such as horror and that one fire DoT move that escapes my mind at teh for the balanceing...really dont put your hopes in AE or the testers to pull some marackuless buff/debuff on powers....its very unlikey it will happen...they might change 4 powers at most each time they change the powers a bit but thats about it

oh and for the inexped players of HS...they can either learn the game or ask for help...otherwise they are going to be inexped for the remader of that game while they play

as for the lower lv skills...they are ment to be weak...hince why they are lower lved powers .-.


creating a more diverse and better skillset overall.
lmao i would love to see the marjorty of higher lv players be more diverse...but most wont becuase they LOVE to see large numbers when they pvp...thats why in pvp mental builds are often so overused and why 90% of them dont have a single heal with them when they do use it, personly i enjoy things that do 10-90 damge each strike...heck its earned me at least 220 brawl wins and only 9 noob medels and like 40 unstopple medels (even though it counts up to 35) and whats funnyer is most my fights last 8 to 3 mins long

pyure i want a lot of those things to....but its unlikely to happen, when a lot of lower lvs or inexped players ask "what power is best" or "wow what are you useing !?!" or somen to that extent

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/22/2011 13:50:59)

I'm not even sure where to post this, but I found a big problem.

I was playing a team battle and one of my teammates kept healing all of our points away and he refused to stop because he wanted the medic badge. Either healing yourself should just be penalized and you get no badge for it, or if you do get a badge for it don't penalize the team when someone tries to get that badge.

EDIT: Actually it isn't fair anyway to penalize a whole team just because one person on that team keeps healing themself.

Terra -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/22/2011 14:34:05)

I think the Healing penalty shouldn't be THAT high. I mean, If you lose almost as many points as the ones your opponent gets when he kills you then what's the point in Healing?

Oh and Sir Night, the best place to get Medic is Power Defence because in that mode you don't get penalised for anything and your score can only go up. So if you run into anyone like that again tell them to help you out and then start playing Power Defence after the match is over.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/22/2011 22:05:50)

what baffles me more is...when they describe the differnt pvp...they never mentioned healing makes you lose points in team brawl....actuly...why must we be punshied for healing team mates..

Ninja Assassin24_HS -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/22/2011 23:54:15)

I just came to this conclusion via doing a couple of PvP's with some people. I may end up rementioning things, but they need to have some attention brought to them.

A.Stupefacio:Needs a chance of miss like bash because if not evenly balanced out, you have maybe 1-2 seconds to hit in battle, making the other person almost invulnerable.
B.Death Touch:Death Touch is a great power, but when used with powers that boost Shadow moves, it is a serious and unfair threat to offending players.
C.Combo:Reality Rend and Abra Cadavra together is a SERIOUSLY powerful combo. I realized this when I battled my brother and he one-hit-ko'd me with a crit of 900.
D.Frozen Doom:Very uncommon but a unfair advantage somewhat like I mentioned with Death Touch.

I will keep you informed with more powers I see that should be modified.
-Ninja Assassin24 [:)]

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/23/2011 18:21:30)


A.Stupefacio:Needs a chance of miss like bash because if not evenly balanced out, you have maybe 1-2 seconds to hit in battle, making the other person almost invulnerable.
B.Death Touch:Death Touch is a great power, but when used with powers that boost Shadow moves, it is a serious and unfair threat to offending players.
C.Combo:Reality Rend and Abra Cadavra together is a SERIOUSLY powerful combo. I realized this when I battled my brother and he one-hit-ko'd me with a crit of 900.
D.Frozen Doom:Very uncommon but a unfair advantage somewhat like I mentioned with Death Touch.

A: Agreed. I always thought stuns in PvP are stupid, because you can kill someone before they even touch you.
B: What move boosts shadow powers? I have yet to have seen one.
C: One hit ko's should not happen, and that's that.
D: Frozen Doom is the power you get for ordering a t-shirt. It can be as overpowered as it wants too.

All in all, I'm enjoying pvp. Mostly because I played a match aganst all level 20's, and I won. And I didn't die a single time.
Hell yeah!

~Lady Zafara

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/23/2011 22:14:28)


A.Stupefacio:Needs a chance of miss like bash because if not evenly balanced out, you have maybe 1-2 seconds to hit in battle, making the other person almost invulnerable.
B.Death Touch:Death Touch is a great power, but when used with powers that boost Shadow moves, it is a serious and unfair threat to offending players.
C.Combo:Reality Rend and Abra Cadavra together is a SERIOUSLY powerful combo. I realized this when I battled my brother and he one-hit-ko'd me with a crit of 900.
D.Frozen Doom:Very uncommon but a unfair advantage somewhat like I mentioned with Death Touch. stupid has already been debuffed, though i wouldnt mind it missing once and a can still be easyly bipassed...if you cant figer it out yet..ask some players in game to assisted you or on the fourm...most likely more then one person will help you find ways to fight stunners
as for death touch...and "shadow"boosting moves...only two things coem to mind that CAN buff shadow...yergism and disease from skull deep...with that being says as of its cooldown it is only good if used "smart"...if players spam that on the spot when it can be used...thiers not much to fear from that skill then
as for this mental build you stated...rend was bebuffed as well...and thats not whats maken it hit helps but thats not the onyl need super intell which increases all mental damge by 100% and crit chance by 50% while rend increases it by another 30-50% and also increase crit what i dont know becuase i would have to use a mental move 1000 times while in the effect of rend..and that just takes to much time...i rather not test that...if you ant teh exact number on that ask staff member who might know this like dumoose

frozen doom is rather...very ballanced if you ask me...becuase the cooldown is rather long and it uses a lot of mana once used...soo wit ha 30 sec a rate of i belive 40 to rather fair for the mana cost and the skill cooldown

and for you ~Lady Zafara ...frozen doom is a power form deathgate.....the tshirt power is called artic some research befor speaking so confidently about powers

artic blast isnt even THAT strong....12 sec cooldown doing like 120-150 damge unbuffed...and its short range...frankly i was expecting more from a skill that costed me real life money...but this can be expect from any form of SC moves as well

link has again spoken -,.-

p.s i was just fired from i rather no one try to undermind my thoughts on here for a day or so, make it tad easyer on me and not get me upset

Flamestar 4132 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/24/2011 16:53:24)

Is anyone else having trouble with other players leaving during a match?

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/27/2011 7:23:16)

with this new war....thiers nothen but vamp bite's in pvp....i feel noob usen it now...even though i was one of the first to get the skill when it came out....

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/27/2011 13:05:16)


do some research befor speaking so confidently about powers

I mixed up the names, Jesus...Get over yourself.


with this new war....thiers nothen but vamp bite's in pvp....i feel noob usen it now...even though i was one of the first to get the skill when it came out....

This makes me feel awesome. For the record, I was the first one to get it.
Lady Zafara has spoken.

Is anyone else having trouble with other players leaving during a match?

I have no problem with it. I play the free for all, so it would only bug me if it was power defense or 3v3.
With the amount of people that leave free for all, I'd have to say, yes, it could be a problem.

~Lady Zafara

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 0:31:46)

lols ill rephrase my self x3 first person who didnt create it

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 0:49:54)

Link: Wrong-o, the person who added and or tested it before it was released had it first.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 4:52:43)

why is everyone on my case about that...use some common one of the first "public" players to get i need to make it any simpler so you all dont bust your brains trying to infer my statements?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 13:47:51)

Link: Wow, there's no reason to get angry and misspell even more I was simply point out your poor wording. Oh not to mention that there is no way to check how the items were bought and by who, making your boast lies at best.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 14:09:52)


Link: Wow, there's no reason to get angry and misspell even more I was simply point out your poor wording. Oh not to mention that there is no way to check how the items were bought and by who, making your boast lies at best.


no reason to get angry and misspell even more I was simply point out your poor wording.


misspell even more I was simply point out your poor wording.


was simply point out


I suggest you check yourself so you don't make silly grammar mistakes whilst correcting another's grammar.

He was 'simply point' out that he got it early, no need to rage.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 15:20:54)

Anti: Tiredness+auto correct, I usually don't make that many mistakes.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 18:04:24)

while my grammer will forever be horried....please dont corret it unless it a word i cant spell or someone may not know what it is by infer-ing what it is...becuase you might not knwo why i spell this way, let alone type

i only snaped becuase i get tired of ppl houndind other ppl for stupid crap...frankly i bet you all would to if you was repeatly scoolded over the same thing

monster116 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 21:48:57)

@link: im sry to say this.. but i can't stand you boasting anymore o.e
you get pissed fast thats fine with me.. but better watch your words.


i get tired of ppl houndind other ppl for stupid crap


do i need to make it any simpler so you all dont bust your brains trying to infer my statements?

Everyone has a heart..
everyone has feelings you got to respect..
those words may not mean a lot to you.
but hey.. it might mean a lot to them..


with this new war....thiers nothen but vamp bite's in pvp....i feel noob usen it now...even though i was one of the first to get the skill when it came out....

oh and btw you didn't state


im one of the first "public" players to get it...

this in your first post thats why people misunderstood you. just making it clear..

oh about grammar.. no ones perfect [:)]

rejaylob -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 21:57:13)

Why the hell is everyone fighting about the grammar????


Devastate -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/28/2011 23:28:05)

Please be reminded that as much as possible, we want to make this forum clean from arguments and certain disagreements.


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If there are any disputes do settle them by Pms. :)

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/29/2011 0:44:48)

Devastate, comin' in with the hammer!

You never finished your comment on my story, bub. You have created a cliffhanger for me. And it wasn't even in a story.

Very well played.

As for PvP, Leaderboards still don't reflect skill. There should be an official tournament or something.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/29/2011 0:46:30)

lols thats fine monster, not many ppl can stand any form of arrogance...i normaly dont boost about a lot of things...just things i know i toke time to learn and understand .-.

as for watchen my comments...i see them..i mean rather blunt..if no one likes it so what

as for ppls feelins normaly i would say your right...but iv become rather detached on how ppl feel...includen my self

as for those comments bout vamp bite...can we please move on...we are beating a dead horse

edit: yes please can we have somen pvp related that shows skill...points are worthless e.e

Devastate -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/29/2011 0:59:14)

Oh Anti, don't worry I'll get back to it as soon as I finish some school related stuff. I've finished the first two panels and should be starting to read the last and make comments as well.

I do agree with your suggestion of a tournament to determine who's the best and who's the .. well.. flunking one! +1 for that :)

monster116 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (12/29/2011 1:06:39)

+1 to Tournament

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