RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/6/2012 0:59:56)

I'll say it again. There should be a limit of 1 Legendary Power per build. That would make it fair in my opinion.

If they don't do that, then I guess the defensive powers should be nerfed. I realize that they needed to add some defensive skills to the game because burst damage builds tended to be OP before, but now the overpoweredness is in the other direction and you can just make yourself unkillable with 2 or 3 Legendary Powers. Offensive builds still need to be valid too.

EDIT: Actually I haven't used all of the offensive Legendary Powers yet so I might be wrong on that last bit.

EDIT 2: Yeah. After seeing what the Ice Barrage does, forget what I said about ignoring the offensive skills. There should just be a limit of 1 Legendary Power per set.

ND Mallet -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/6/2012 22:00:40)

I'll make it simple for everyone to point out what I'm trying to get at here.

This is only an example.
Say the game is designed so that the average damage is 10. That means that monsters are set to be on a difficulty level rotating around 10 damage. Of course, if you use Member or SC powers you will get extra damage and an advantage but that's not the point. But when something like the Legendary Powers come along, they increase average damage to 20 instead of 10. They're not even SC or Mem powers either. So that means the enemies now die twice as fast and difficulty dropped by half, for non PvP battles. But the argument saying that they can be OPd because everyone can access them is severely flawed. They're non SC and mem, they are much better than those type of skills. If ordinary skills can be bought that are better than Mem and SC, it will lower revenue for the game. Also, some of those Medals for the skills require tasks such as not dying in the fight and getting multiple kills at the same time. But since you don't have the powers to do that kind of feat, you're pretty much screwed at earning those powers. Think of this. It's like putting 1k dollars at the top of a staircase and saying anyone can get it. Wrong, for paralyzed people are unable to climb up and get it plus some people are unable to climb stairs because of age restrictions and weight. If you're a lvl 20 with plenty of luck or started PvP during the first release of medals then you had the greatest chances of getting those powers easily. Otherwise you have to suffer through 35 battles multiple times fighting enemies using builds that will eat through 2 heal skills and 2 Heal over times like a frog eating a fly.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/6/2012 23:32:19)

@Mallet Guy
Limiting the number of legendary powers that a person can use at a time would keep things balanced and it would still give people a reason to buy SC and member powers. And it would still allow the powers to be legendary at the same time.

And no offense, but I think you're giving up too easy. Some of them are hard to get, but some like the healing ones should be easy for anyone to get, even if you don't win the match. And when you have those ones the other ones should become easier to get as well. Besides, you shouldn't expect winning to be easy, even if there weren't any legendary powers in the game. The only way to really learn and improve is to put your time in getting your butt kicked and learn from your losses. I know I have to do that when I'm working on new builds.

Anyway, on another subject, is there something that I'm missing about Atomic Smash? Why are the cooldown time and the energy cost so high? From what I can tell it's just a radioactive Crosscut. If so, I think this move is underpowered, especially for being a SC power. At first I figured it was because you could put it in a strong radiation build, but I don't think that that's really an advantage anymore as compared to the other elements.

ND Mallet -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/6/2012 23:46:35)

@Sir Night Chances are that limiting skills you can equip is next to impossible. There is no system for telling the differences between the powers. It can tell the difference between effects and attacks of each skill and whether you can equip it or not because of Mem or not. They do not know what the other powers are in the skill set up. That means any power can be used with one another because their is no way for the system to determine what is Legendary and what isn't. If you want balance soon then Legendary powers will need nerfed otherwise you'll have to wait until the team can find a way for the game to know the difference between Legendary Powers and any other regular power.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/7/2012 0:22:59)

but thier is a way to tag them...they do it with rares they do it with things labled "awesome" or in this case " Legendary "...that is where they can start as for limiting powers..i see no problem in the possably of limited them...but again...these powers are hard to to be rewarded with a stronger power over all on its own is a good thing

yes mallet many mem and SC moves are weaker over all then a lot of non mem skills...claw from team ten is a great sucks horrably...then thiers phnixe fire i belive the skill is sucks to and its mem...even animle fury got weaker then what it used to be back at the lv 15 cap...they need to do a U hual on all powers going through them each one at a time and bring them to par (eg to lv cap or not being soo under powered)

fix the obv problems such as the bugs that continue to pile up as well as the under powered skills...

and mallet can be harder to kill a guy with 2 or more L.powers..but it becomes easyer if you one make a decent build...if you are not getting more then 100 hp off the guy...maby you need to change things around..try new powers...i was usen lv 15 skills for the longest time out healing and doing more damge then ppl with 5 L.powers at once.....and you can to...ya need to step it up or get out of the kitchen befor your burned :l

and can we please move on from L.powers...and talk about underpowered skills that need work...i mean what skills dont show up in pvp cause they suck that bad

Devastate -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/7/2012 8:14:20)


yes mallet many mem and SC moves are weaker over all then a lot of non mem skills

This too is one factor why I ceased spending Smash coins for powers; the fact that ALL powers have the possibility to be subjected to change. It is a disheartening feeling seeing the power that you bought for a serious amount of coins go into drastic changing and you actually hating the effects of the new implemented change.. Come on, the reason that you bought that power is for the fact that you were allured to the promises of the power's description.

Terra -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/7/2012 14:31:07)

Plus, they will lose their usefulness at higher levels and become obsolete. Only spend SC if the Power is at the Level Cap. At least it'll be a while before they become unusable/underpowered/outclassed.

ND Mallet -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/7/2012 14:37:57)

The problem with Legendary Powers being so strong is this. What happens when they raise the level cap? You have to farm for more Medals, Exp and Fame to get the new highest level Legendary powers. The only skills you will need are Legendary powers. To combat this, the staff will buff every other power, raising the damage output of the players. This in turn will require them to buff the enemies and rework the player stats so they won't be killed in seconds anymore. Then they'll release stronger powers and this cycle will repeat. This is why we need standards and to not have powers meant to be above the rest of the group achievable by everyone. Look at MQ. They have this same problem. Just about each time they release a new mecha it's more powerful than the last one.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (1/7/2012 17:31:43)


is there something that I'm missing about Atomic Smash? Why are the cooldown time and the energy cost so high? From what I can tell it's just a radioactive Crosscut. If so, I think this move is underpowered, especially for being a SC power. At first I figured it was because you could put it in a strong radiation build, but I don't think that that's really an advantage anymore as compared to the other elements.

So there's not some advantage to this move that I'm missing? Then yeah, I think Atomic Smash should at least have a shorter cooldown time then what it has now.

RemnantHS -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/4/2012 16:08:26)

Make a system where you are sorted into a queue with people around your attack power. 'Nuff said.

Tally -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/14/2012 22:59:27)


  • Limit legendary powers to 1 per build
  • Organize leaderboards based on factors like win/loss ratios
  • Separate leaderboard into categories for P.D, Royale, 3vs3, 1vs1
  • Level filters

Sums up most of our suggestions, yeah?

citrinas -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/15/2012 11:06:36)

1 legendary power per build? Seriously? I wouldn't like that, even when I'm currently using only 1 legendary power. Also I like level filters, but then PvP would take ages to start. It's already too slow.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/15/2012 13:50:22)

Tally: 1 legend per build is not good for PvE, a better idea would be a mode where you get more loot but you have to play by certain rules. At this point level queuing isn't a good idea due to the low population because the game is still in beta.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/15/2012 17:26:10)

I think 1 Legendary per build would be a good idea. It would be more fair for the weaker players, and it would require more strategy and skill when putting together a set.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/15/2012 18:13:25)

I disagree. Alot of players use Fashion Sense in every build, which would mean that they'd have no room for another one in such a restricted mone of gameplay, and they wouldn't be able to support as high of energy costs as they might need to, because WS, at lv. 15, does not give nearly enough to support the more advanced builds, anymore, because at higher levels, energy cost increases. With the fact that it also in many cases functions as the only heal in the build (though many use another, as well, and either use it for their energy booster, or in conjunction with WS), I say that 1 is too low for my tastes, though there could be problems at 2. With the advent of the newer Super Powers, however, at the very least the lower cost ones will make hard hitting powers more available to the public, and I think in the short term, that will help balance the gap between lv. 20s that have not spent so much time PvPing, though it increases it between the lower level players, and the 20's, sadly. The additional gap between levels could also give an additional incentive, however, to level up outside PvP, so that more players will choose to stay it out untill the end game. For the moment, however, it's still rather uncertain...
Hopefully, it will all work out for the best, soon.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/15/2012 18:15:58)

I vote for a maximum of 2 legendaries in a build. I've had it with the "VIVA LA LEGENDARY" users.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/15/2012 20:11:54)

I say you mix the limits. one Legendary Build for those lower than 15, 2 for those 15 and over, and add a mode where those who want a free for all, freeform power match, can join their own games.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/15/2012 21:54:11)


Alot of players use Fashion Sense in every build, which would mean that they'd have no room for another one in such a restricted mone of gameplay


it also in many cases functions as the only heal in the build

Thats exactly my point when I said it would take more strategy and skill. There are a lot of energy refillers in the game, but right now Fashion Sense is the obvious choice for anyone who has it, no matter what type of build they have. But if we were limited to 1 per build, we'd have to think, "Hmm, I'd really like to use Toreado in my build, but if I did that I couldn't use Fashion Sense, so that would put me down a heal. Is it worth it?"


I vote for a maximum of 2 legendaries in a build.

2 might be reasonable. But I think any more than that is overboard.

slipyist -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/18/2012 19:27:42)

instead of fashion sense u can use toreado and vampire bite
cause toreado will increase ur dodge rate while vamp bite damage ur opponent
and at the same time healing u
my point is u can use 1 legendary at a build ^^

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (2/18/2012 20:56:41)

legendary r not the problem anymore, its the super powers beating the legendary powers, a few examples include surge (low cooldown, full heals when looped, increases damage fur energy and pony charge), plasma net (good dodge, high dots when used with surge), fire lash (bugged haste debuff which is stronger than gravity warp and lasts for long and can be looped, makes eye boil do high dots and goes well with momma's spit most likely and is good with fire core) these powers surpass alot of led powers and I wonder how strong they will be when u combine them with a stun as they do around 300 dot per tick (2sec)

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (3/6/2012 23:48:41)

Being the noob that I am, I can't seem to figure out a good build. Could anyone give me some pointers or tips on how to make one? I am trying to do a haste/energy build.
~Chuck Awesome

Immortales -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (3/8/2012 8:00:09)

Yeah above what level r u first?
if your not at 20 you can't build a great haste/energy build
unless you have Sc then ask someone else

plebster -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (3/8/2012 10:52:56)

for energy build: surge, plasma net, lightning strike, pulsar beam, and fashion sense

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (3/8/2012 19:16:07)

Sorry. I don't know how to merge posts. I should try to get to the balance I was going to suggest. I was going to suggest buffing dum luck because of it being weaker than it's counter part, rampage. First off, rampage has a lower cooldown. It also has multiple effects such as raising your attack and lowering you're opponents. Although it may have a higher ep cost, I would still trade this in instead of a slow cooldown like dum luck. I think they should buff dum. Either in duration( if you have regular 2 second attack you will only get three chances of hittin you're opponent) or the cooldown should be buffed.
~Chuck Awesome
P.S I am lv 20 and I have lightning. I just don't have the pvp score. This was the wrong place to ask help and I would appreciate it if you will pm me about it.

rejaylob -> RE: =HS= PvP Balance Discussion Thread (3/9/2012 4:46:38)



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