=ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (Full Version)

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TankMage -> =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:23:12)


December 06, 2011
The War for Frysteland
Brace Yourselves: The Battle Begins!
Hello there, EpicDuelists! Hopefully this week’s Design Notes will answer all those questions I’ve been getting since the last update. We’ve been working diligently on the big Juloffenblotten update!

The War for Frysteland

We’ve been slowly introducing players to Delta V’s Frozen Northlands- Frysteland- and its inhabitants the Krampus. Now, you’ll recall that the Krampus have a long tradition of Beast Riding, making them uniquely able to harness the power of the corrupted Yetis threatening Legion and Exile targets alike. If only you could get them on your side…


Since the war requires alignment, Factions will become important for proving your loyalty. To that end, faction creation costs are getting slashed so even more players will be able to support the cause!

In addition to the direct storyline quests (written by yours truly, so blame me if there are quest types you don’t like), defeating certain enemies will add points to your side’s War Leaderboard. Those loyal to the Legion should defeat Krampuses, and Exiles should defeat Yetis and Arctic Guards for added support. Completing quests for either alignment will earn you BIG points toward your cause!


Checking your progress will be a snap, with leaderboards at both the Legion Outpost and the Krampus Village displaying the “Most Wanted” list of those players who contribute the most toward the war, and you can earn the “Most Wanted” Achievement!


Remember: your performance determines the outcome of the war! The first quests will be available at Holiday Hank or Winter Alydriah depending upon your alignment.

Frost Gear Solid


This week will also see the return of the old Frost weapons, as well as a new crop of weapons for the season. One exception will be Frostbane, which will be retired and marked as permanent rare. Congratulations to those who got it while it lasted! Remember, some of these Frost weapons will be credit-only, so all players have reason to be merry!

Insect Fact: Eggs

Many things lay eggs, including most insects. For the most part, an insect mom lays her eggs shortly after mating, but other species delay egg laying, and the eggs hatch immediately after being laid.

In social insects, the entire colony will care for the offspring, some of which will be the result of mating, and some the result of parthenogenesis, which is the development of an unfertilized egg into an individual.

The Pacific Beetle cockroach has a range from Asia toward the Americas, and lives quite happily in Hawaii. This insect is unique in the sense that it is the only insect to display true viviparity- that is, egg laying or development does not occur, and the offspring complete larval development within the female.

-----Intercepted Transmission from Alydriah to Legion Commander Edgar Boothe-----

    My dearest Boothe-

    As always, the Legion applauds your dedication to the cause of Order. I imagine it can get terrible DULL in the Northlands, but I should have a job for you soon enough.

    You well know how the wretched creatures who occupy the Northland have some sort of power over the wildlife. My geneticists have nearly perfected the designs for the new Hazards- the imperfect SnowHazards have already been released, and they have proven vastly more powerful than the native population. However, they are unpredictable, and I fear that, should the indigens utilize the Hazards for combat, they could quite comfortably cause damage to our Arctic Outpost, maybe even venture onto the main continent. If we can convince the Krampus to join our side, they could be an effective weapon. If they refuse, exterminate them like the rest of the vermin infesting this planet.

    I’d like to thank you for the new pet. You know how I love expanding my menagerie.

    Yours in Order:

    Alydriah Descarl


Tags: Cinderella Frysteland Juloffenblotten snow Winter Factions War

Tagged and formatted! ~Ashari

Whirlwindstorm2 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:27:51)

Looking good! :D Factions have a purpose, new weapons, new quests, new cheevos, new npc's, new areas! What could be better? Honestly, this is probably the most anticipated update for me ever. Great job, ED team!


Stabilis -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:27:52)

Faction cost down.

Other than that, interesting.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:31:38)

is it 2 most wanted achievements?

Checking your progress will be a snap, with leaderboards at both the Legion Outpost and the Krampus Village displaying the “Most Wanted” list of those players who contribute the most toward the war, and you can earn the “Most Wanted” Achievement!

so according to this, if we are exiles, we fight yetis. but if we want to get the other achievement by defeating krampus i would have to leave my exile faction to join a legion faction?

im not liking this already.
can someone with more knowledge about this please clear this up?

Arturo20 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:34:45)

Yeess finally a new awesome weaps!(especially credit ones). Personally I hope for energy claws cause last years was physical so time for energy ;) and with much dex please xD

Hatsuka -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:38:43)

Yes! New War and New Achievement! :D
and Non-Var player gonna happy and excited for this new Weapons :D

ngshuyi94 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:41:44)

@ GoldSlayer1, true, it encourages Faction Jumping, so im not up for it. Hopefully they make it in such a way that u can only get 1 of the acheivements?

Other than that, interesting and cool update. [:)]

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:43:51)


@ GoldSlayer1, true, it encourages Faction Jumping, so im not up for it. Hopefully they make it in such a way that u can only get 1 of the acheivements?


Completing quests for either alignment will earn you BIG points toward your cause!

they are done by quests, the real question is, can u do both quests even if ur in just exile alone?
im hoping the staff see my post and hopefully allow people to do both. because if they can only do one, it will encourage faction jumping like u said. and it would piss off alot of players loyal to their faction who dont want their hard work to be gone over a quest and achievement.

nico0las -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:46:57)

As if I can't guess who's going to be the most wanted...
Time to find a powerful faction.
It's a pain in the rear, because on one hand, I need 1000 rating points to reach
6 stars, and need either a WD or this new achievement, but on the other hand, I love
the faction I'm currently in, but there's no chance in hell we could win.

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:49:37)

I think the devs better change their format. Maybe instead of the top factions winning the cheevo, how about setting a certain target, say "Defeat 5000 Yetis". Once this is accomplished, the whole faction will gain the cheevo. I think it's pretty unfair to people who are not in top factions. I don't want to see my members leaving for other factions too.

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:52:50)

From my understanding the most wanted cheevi goes to an individual not to a faction. I'll verify though.

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:54:51)

Ok, but what about the Faction points and faction-which-contributes-the-most system?

Anyway thanks for the quick response. [:)]

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:55:23)


From my understanding the most wanted cheevi goes to an individual not to a faction. I'll verify though.

yes but from what this suggest, we have to be in a certain faction and we can only get the achievement that is already predetermined for our alignment.
what if i wanted to get the same achievement that a legionnaire would get? while im exile.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:56:31)

@ GoldSlayer, I Completely Agree.

And What About Faction Founders Who Are "Dedicated" To One Alignment And Their Faction?

They Will Have No Chance To Ever Get The "Other" Achievement.

Meanwhile, Faction Jumpers And Players Who Have No Loyalty Whatsoever Can Easily Get Both Achievements At Some Point.

This Is Such A Stupid Idea. It Actually "PUNISHES" Many Of The Game's Best Players And Faction Leaders Who Have Established Their Factions, As Well As The Top Officers Of Those Factions.


Seriously, This Proves They Do NOT Listen. So Many Players Submitted Ideas To Actually Reward The Best Factions And Their Long Time Leaders And Officers.

Not Players Who Don't Care About Factions, Only About Themselves.

This Actually Is Better for Someone Who Is A "Hired" Gun Type. Can Come And Go As They Please, With No Real Loyalty To Any Alignment Or Faction.


Again, Pretty Much The Opposite Type Of Reward That Players Who Have 15,000 Wins+ (For Example) Were Hoping For In A Faction.

Because They Will Never Have The Chance To Win Both, While Players Who Do NOT Care About Faction Loyalty Can Easily Win Both Alignmnet Achievements.

How Ironic. In Creating New Faction Alignment Achievements, They Actually Punish The Players Who Have Established Many Of The All Time Factions.

Wow. How Well Thought Out Of Them.

~ Buffy

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 19:59:47)

well :/ yeah that sucks.

but lets let cindy explain how this will work. (maybe she's thinking changes/modifications to it right now?)

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:01:06)

@Buffy: Everything you said.... is correct! I haven't got any existing faction cheevo yet, but I still stick by my own faction. I do not disband it just for a few thousand rating points, as I think about some of my members who will be left faction-less. Not that I'm asking to be rewarded; I just don't want to be punished!

PD -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:05:06)

Oooo... Wars....

i leik wars. just leik how i leik pomeranians.

On a serious note, this'll be a good farming opportunity. I'll make a STR Build to get lots o wins. :D

Oh wait... BH's can't make STR builds anymore because there's absolutely no way to make a STR build without obscene stat boosts -_-

Xx. Christian .xX -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:07:46)

So the most wanted cheevo can be achieved if you did most the wins IN YOUR FACTION in 1 day??

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:07:58)

Goldslayer and Buffy, I don't think the cheevos are unique to legion or exile until a side wins.

I'm not sure how the enemies that affect only alignment will work because Titan is still building that aspect of the war. I think both sides will be able to fight all enemies.

The most wanted cheevo is not unique to alignment. You can't get two by faction jumping. We did think of that.

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:10:19)

so we can in fact get both achievements no matter our faction alignment?


I don't think the cheevos are unique to legion or exile until a side wins.

similar to war kills system on WDs?

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:13:32)

What about a chill faction like mine? I expect they will all want to fight in a good one now?

I am exile and I love the yetis but if I have to kill some bad ones, I will try. :)

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:14:49)

Gold, there aren't two. It is just one achievement. If you were #1 on both boards you would only get one most wanted achievement. It's the same.

Ashari -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:14:51)

@goldslayer1: It's a single cheevo that players on either alignment can get.

This event is meant to bring factions together, not break them up, after all! :)

goldslayer1 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:17:44)


The most wanted cheevo is not unique to alignment. You can't get two by faction jumping. We did think of that.

why are there 2 achievements as if suggesting one is for each alignment? or we can only get one?

im guessing these aren't the achievements?
and are just TV screens displaying most wanted from the other alignment? if they are achievements, why are there 2 designs?

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/6/2011 20:19:18)

So, What Is The Purpose Of Two Leaderboards?

This Is Like World Domination Then?

Only One "Daily" Winner, Despite Two Leaderboards, One For Each Alignment.

And Only One Achievement.

Well, That Clears Things Up A Bit I Guess.

I Don't Think The Design Notes Made It Very Clear.

Now I Understand.

Thank You.

Here's An Evil Problem I Forsee... If The Achievement Is Based Upon Who Wins The War That Day...

I Could Fire A Ton of War Kills, For Example... To Prevent Someone From Winning It...Allowing The Other Alignment And Board Leader To Win That Day.


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