RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 0:59:23)

The big yeti looks cool though. I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George!!

sotsemod -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 1:56:07)

what if i do the quests for one alignment, then change my faction and do quests for the other alignment? is that a good idea?

Hallodeath -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 2:20:01)


I will hug him and squeeze him and call him George!!

I'll call him STEVE!!

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 2:29:04)

@sotsemod You should read earlier posts. Its been mentioned that the devs will prevent that.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 2:52:22)

hoping for a good update !! . so is it midweek update or friday update ????

Jekyll -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 4:49:46)

^Friday update. Why do you always use so many question marks?

Calogero -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 10:45:15)

It better not fall under normal rules of 5 battles per NPC unless you brainwash... Would be a really cheap move of them if they did...

Matgon -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 10:47:25)

I know what aligment will win the war before it's even started -__-

Digital X -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 10:57:18)

it will be interesting to see how this war plays out, and if a meter will be present, or a perecentage bar etc. Hope you all have you best equipment to battle the nasties!

Basicball -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 11:07:12)

all join legion factions :D

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 11:11:52)

Sounds like team battles? Fighting with a 'Bad yeti' as a team. Now that I like :)
Once we have it, hope we can still help (and get points) for who ever has not. Sort of like Boss battles now, only with more people. :)

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 11:30:01)

@Fay Beee- We weren't planning on a big boss like that (like 3v1 style). I'm sorry to disappoint you- we might do that eventually, but we weren't planning on it for Friday's release.

@Andy123- I know you're going to flame me for this, but they will work like normal NPCs. The only difference is that the rewards are different.

As for faction jumping, we're planning on putting restrictions on the system so that you can't just faction jump or alignment jump to play both sides of the war.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 11:32:22)

@ Cindy


Checking your progress will be a snap, with leaderboards at both the Legion Outpost and the Krampus Village displaying the “Most Wanted” list of those players who contribute the most toward the war, and you can earn the “Most Wanted” Achievement!


World Domination would not affect the war. It is a separate system, so war kills won't affect it. It also won't reset daily, since I need to know who's winning over the entire length of the war.

I'm a bit confused. I see it as the most wanted board will reset daily and the main legion vs exile board won't reset at all. Is that how it will be?

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 11:34:58)

What I'm saying, Smackie, is that the World Domination/Exile vs. Legion/Daily board won't affect the Frysteland war boards. It's a separate leaderboard.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 11:45:05)

But for the achievement that board will reset daily?

Calogero -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 11:47:18)


@Andy123- I know you're going to flame me for this, but they will work like normal NPCs. The only difference is that the rewards are different.

Funny, you don't add in Warkills which costs money but you want us to keep buying brainwash to have a shot...
like I said... cheap move

CarePenguin -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 12:52:13)

Sounds like one of HeroSmash's previous mission, if I remember correctly.

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 14:54:35)

So is the "bad" yeti, a 2v1 boss or a 1v1 boss?

Digital X -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 14:57:40)

Looking at the size of him, i hope it's 2v1, but we shall see.

Mortarion -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 15:04:30)

What happens if I have no faction?

xxomegafaustxx -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 17:33:37)


If you need a faction, I'll be happy to recruit you. (Exile Faction)

Just PM me.

Back to the topic:


@Andy123- I know you're going to flame me for this, but they will work like normal NPCs. The only difference is that the rewards are different.

So, is this just npcing with drops/rewards? Like Snork, with the armour drop? Great for credit farming especially to us nonvars who are tight on credits.

Other than that, I would envision brainwashing overuse and abuse.

rej -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 17:35:44)

Hot dang. Or should that be "cold dang"?

Either way, this release looks amazing. Though i'll regret having to leave my faction my current faction as to be ablr to complete both alignment quest chains.

Cinderella -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 17:41:18)

@Andy- Charfade tells me the war battles will be like boss battles. You can fight them as many times as you want.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 17:43:48)

Ahh, Finaly good news Cinderella... So there is still hope

rej -> RE: =ED= The War for Frysteland! - DNs December 6th, 2011 (12/7/2011 17:45:27)

^indeed. I hope these new war battles will be within the farming range (29-39) and reasonaly easy. It would be nice to be able to to participate without having to go through extra, unproductive work.

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