=HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (Full Version)

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Plasma Charge -> =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/7/2012 16:37:24)

Welcome Heros... and Villans to the First Powerful Super PvP builds thread!

With the arrival of PvP to the game Builds in HeroSmash you guys have started devising some fiendishly heroic
battle set ups, so this thread will serve as a place for players to fine tune and share their super set ups with the
rest of the community!

The definition of “powerful” depends on many factors, but if it works well for you, we are interested to hear about it.
Posters are welcome to add any theoretical or tried-and-tested builds to the thread.

Here is a suggested post format:

Offensive powers:

Defensive powers:


(and if you want to test the build)
Current room:

Remember, this is a constructive forum, so please respect each other and give advice instead of just posting builds for
others to test and boasting about how good they are that they best so-and-so.

plebster -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/7/2012 18:44:33)

Antithesis, do I have permission to say that little build that you told me? First you gotta guess who I am. I will give you a HINT, wait that was the hint. Hehe

A nice 1 vs 1 build might be: super interlect, fashion sense, reality rend, psychosis, and siphon life.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/7/2012 18:49:25)

What type of build is it...?

And you just totally maximized broken-ness. D:

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/7/2012 18:57:16)

A nice build with very high damage and healing effects but it's far from broken, ...of the psychic will negate all the damage

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/7/2012 18:58:15)

Isn't Fashion Sense a broken ability when used with Super Intellect? As in... the math is wrong.

I use broken in the sense of "doesn't do it right"

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/7/2012 19:03:56)

Nope Super Intalect boosts all psychic powers so this is intended as far as I'm aware.

But as I've showen one power can break the whole build!

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/7/2012 19:07:34)

In that case, Fashion Sense + Super Intellect can make one immortal if done right.

Time to research how I can make this break PvP :D This should be fun.

Will return with results

plebster -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/8/2012 3:09:41)

Yeah I forgot about ... Of the psychic. Here's anOther build, this one for 3 vs 3 but it can be broken by ...of the Ice: warrior spirit, frozen cOre or frozen wrath if you don't have Sc, brain freeze, ice barrage, stupfacio. I don't think this is very good but it's really just a stun and kill build.

monster116 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/8/2012 3:25:34)

~ Unleash the monster in you with this easy physical build ^o^ ~


Dum luck
Reen's Rampage
Warrior's spirit


Start the battle with the Warrior's spirit buff then proceed with a nicely landed Stupefacio! then head on with Dum luck then Reen's Rampage (Be sure it hits if it doesn't your screwed [:D]) proceed with Crosscut. The damage dealt will be enough to decapacitate your enemy.

I use this build more often cause this is the only fixed build that I have XD
I would prefer adding Animal Fury (which I do not have) or maybe Gravity Warp (haven't tried it yet XD).
nah just sharing thats all... XD

Advantages :
Leave's enemy defenseless
Deals high damage enough to finish an enemy off
Good for 1v1.

Dis-advantages :
Long Cooldown (60 seconds before another kill)
Easily countered with ..of physical
50% chance to miss with Reens rampage or Crosscut
Useless if opponent had pony's charge buff before you executed the combo.

Note: if you find this build ugly don't blame me, Em just sharing what I know.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/8/2012 15:22:31)

i am agenst this form, beuase i feel ppl will just "take" use those builds and think they are good for usen them

@plasma superintel with fashion sense is broken becuase of the redunkuless jump in healing power it gives it, back when fasion snes felt its buff it used to do 200-240

and i dont encrouge use of super intel for when it was OP at lv 1 :l

EDIT:i would be cool if this thread was a way to talk about countering differnt skills and skill combo that might be a bit complex for some .-.

Plasma Charge -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/8/2012 16:27:25)


I didn't realise people here would be so fixed on build that they wouldn't be able to beat one that they themselves had made,
also you don't have to post your build but post powerful builds, think of it as a way of helping others who aren't as skilled
at making builds.

Fashion sense can be countered with Haste nerfers, and stuns.
Although yes it is very powerful!


Your build seems to be very hit or miss although it does have crazy damage potential if it hits!

plebster -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/8/2012 17:36:08)

How about warrior spirit/fashion sense, fiery core, eye boil, fire lash, and maybe immolate/pulsar beam/lava storm/flaming fury/episkea/pandora's grace/vampire bite, any descent power really

monster116 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/9/2012 1:59:42)

@Plasma Charge: Oh, why thank you [:D]

rejaylob -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/9/2012 4:42:25)

Guyzz... did you know... just saying this ok...


Edit: I also think of this... superintel + fashionsense as broke... the math isnt right...


blank452 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/9/2012 8:19:08)

I still don't see how people think that "Super Intellect+any mental DoT/HoT", "Fiery Core+any fire DoT/HoT", "Surge+any energy DoT/HoT" is just simply powerful. It is broken. You can get 2 different ranges of numbers depending on which way round you use the skills. Try it. Use the buff first then the DoT/HoT. Gauge what numbers you get. Then use the DoT/HoT then the buff.

I guarantee you the numbers for the first example will be in the range of double for what you get in the second example. If it wasn't broken the numbers would be the same.

Oh, and just to say that "... of the mind" doesn't counter the build Plebster mentioned. It just means you won't be hit with as much dmg. The user will still be healing by an insane amount, so unless you have good timing with the right skills you won't be able to kill them.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/9/2012 18:04:31)

if someone isnt great at maken builds then that person needs to ask what is my playing style, what dose this power do and how can it help this power...thats how it startes when a new pvper or build maker...thats how i started thats how most of todays great pvpers started

and the DoTs/HoTs are broken they do the buff % PLUS the ogrignal DoT/HoT added on soo the math is incorrect

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 0:04:51)

I honestly don't PvP, but the few times that I did I found the "Taser" skill to be pretty good.

Removed reply to deleted post. ~Ashari

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 0:36:58)

I tried using super intel + beleens and it didnt do anything/ didn't notice a difference. I tried it in a new build I thought up( I haven't tried it yet, but I think it will be pretty good).
Ice barrage
Gravity warp
Brain freeze ( can you plz make a lv 20 version)
Super intelligence
Here's the science
Super intel + and ice barrage will make brain freeze pretty good you can also use beleens with intel( if it works). Gravity warp is the cheap part ( keep in mind I don't have this build) use it with ice barrage and you may have the regular ice barrage spam technique!

plebster -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 3:40:03)

Here is a build to counter toreado in 1 vs 1: super interlect, fashion sense, siphon life, warrior spirit, episkea. If they also use a strong haste Debuff on you, then swap warrior spirit and episkea for psychosis and taser/fire lash/gravity warp. Nearly the same as the interlect build I did

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 14:48:08)

beleens rampage is a melee type skill...not a mental...so it wont buff it

fire lash is to strong, the cooldown needs to be longer for it to be fair, either that or lessen the haste reducion of the skill

im still greatly affended when i read some of these builds (im just here to correct mistakes on powers)

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 14:51:33)

Link: I think you mean Reen's Rampage. I think Beleen's skill is fashion sense.

linklink0091 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 17:27:12)

lol whoops x3 im not sure why but i tend to think reen and beleen are the same char, my bad XD

please disreguard my comment about the effect "beleenaifed"

plebster -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 17:29:09)

How about this for 3 vs 3, will be beaten by ...of the ice and yes, by toreado, but apart from that it's good: warrior spirit, pulsar beam, yergenism, frozen core, and ice barrage, with the boosts, that's about 340 per ice barrage I think, and one ice barrage every second, so that's pretty badass. Warrior spirit should be kept rollin at all times and the other 3 moves should be kept rolling

Ashari -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 17:37:02)

This is just a reminder everyone, this is not the place to discuss if a certain power or combination of powers is overpowered. That belongs in the PvP Balance Discussion thread.

This thread is intended to give everyone a place to share their successful PvP builds and maybe help out some of the other players who are struggling to find the right skill set. :)

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (3/11/2012 20:52:54)

;~; Sorry Ashari.

Anyways, a good idea for 1v1 sets is to use an all out punching set that uses Toreado as a base.


Toreado + Four powers that do a ton of damage.

I don't like sharing my sets but I can give you that protip.

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