RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (Full Version)

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raff -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/8/2012 19:33:12)

My bad, they must have merged the buff and debuff into one category to reduce lag.

I'm basing this on the time before the lag reduction.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/8/2012 19:35:31)

It's fine. Dumoose said, when he updated the powers most recently:


Many abilities were altered to reduce lag until the combat engine can be optimized to allow for multiple effects within an effect efficiently.

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/8/2012 22:13:42)

I rrly dont understand whats so op about toreado, yes it does increase ur dodge and haste fur 10 secs, but srrsly u can just slide away from the user for 10 secs

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/9/2012 17:56:52)

So, just to confirm for anyone that doesn't follow, Gravity Warp can not miss.


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Amao9 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/12/2012 11:33:35)

Nice one would be scorch ,chill blade ,vampire bite, brain freeze,fashion sense

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/12/2012 19:45:09)


Fur what???

guys i just created a rlly op build fur 1v1

1. Gravity Warp
2. Plasma Net
5. Toreado

The point is simple, just use toreado, surge and plasma net and stun, ur opponent shuld be dead before the stun is over. If surge misses wait a little then gravity warp, surge and plasma net and stun. Mana will not be the problem unless u miss twice, make sure u wait fur ur opponents toreado to finish.

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~Plasma Charge

citrinas -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/15/2012 5:45:09)

If your opponent uses Gravity Wrap, Toreado or stun power first you're done.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/15/2012 11:59:18)

Hm. Not bad.

Pandora's Grace could stop it though. So could an immediately placed Super Intellect + Fashion Sense.

And of course if they're using Surge or ...of Energy (or whatever) then the build is completely ruined. Completely.

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/16/2012 4:58:30)

cit nope it happened before, I was against this guy who use both warp and toreado, and he still lost, and its actually better if ur opponent uses toreado first or gravity warp, and to answear anthesis ur not screwed fur pandora and fur mental builds, u need timing and u need a strategy, finally yes surge does counter the build, u need to wait until the opponent does not have the surge boost anymore which takes again strategy and timing, it will all be easy after a few tries,

PS beleenified cannot really counter the build even with super intelect if u toreado, stun and then surge and warp

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/16/2012 5:00:29)

so basically u need a fast pc/laptop and reactions to master this build

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/16/2012 5:03:22)

another build i am thinking of making is combining the lvl death touch 20 and the dum luck, to and do a 700 crit and then while having stun/toreado on and a gravity warp to surely finish the opponent off

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/16/2012 9:28:51)

For future reference, the edit button is on the top right of your posts.

Surge and ...of Energy will still wreck the purpose of the build. Because you are forced to wait until one of those two ends, you are immediately doomed. The build you posted has no healing, so let's say I used a build made up of

Surge (preferably ...of Energy, actually)
Fiery Core
Eye Boil
Warrior Spirit
And some other power, doesn't really matter.

Chances are high that any slightly skilled player using this kind of set will win against you 10/10 times, simply because you won't survive long enough to deal any damage whatsoever. Especially in a situation where there are a lot of haste buffs and a ...of Energy/Surge infinite-loop.

Again, the build isn't bad but it is definitely not unbeatable.

As for the second build...

Shadow Embrace and ...of Shadow (whatever it is called) already break the premise.

Edit; I know Surge heals, but under the given circumstances, I assume you use Surge immediately and therefore won't get any use out of the healing effect.
Just thought I'd elaborate.

darklord841 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/17/2012 4:48:25)

yeh but noone use shadow anymore, and just using of something cheap because lets say he knows the build i am using is shadow would be really cheap

vulkan -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (4/19/2012 13:41:59) not sure if i should be asking this here, but does anyone have a decent group build for a lv 12? im non member, but i was in alpha.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/6/2012 17:30:40)

I've found a pretty stellar build myself, using pretty low level non mem powers.

Its Brain Freeze lvl15, Warrior Spirit lvl 15, Episkea lvl 9, Proton Pulse lvl 15, and Pulse Beam lvl 15.

As a level 19, most of these powers are out of date, but they keep me alive against many players using legendary powers. It's a great stand-in until i get my SCs for some new higher level powers.

plebster -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/6/2012 18:30:10)

My level 10 build was the same as that accept I had frozen wrath instead of proton Pulse. I also sometimes used vampire bite at lvl 13 instead I pulsar beam.

Labyth -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/12/2012 8:48:44)

Here is gift from the King
i don;t want give people builds i want them to make their own out of standars bases
skill1-skill1 2nd choice

this 3 builds are high damage out put i have more but to lazy to copy and paste

surge*-yerganism*-gravity wrap*-pulsar beam*
plasma net-toreda*-pandora grace*-pony charge*
fashion sence*-warrior spirit*
death touch*

fashion sense*-warrior spirit*
reen rampage*-yerganism*
disease*-ice spear*-lacerate*
toreda*- plasma net*

stupedifica*-toreda*-gravity wrap*-bash*
reen rampage*-yerganism*-disease*
elastic kick*- elastic punch*-lacerate*
fashion sence*-warrior spirit*
bash*- stupedifica-toreda-gravity*

this are just few of many

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/12/2012 19:40:49)

Something about posting a huge variety of build-combinations defeats the purpose...

"Here, yes, for this build, you can either use...
One of six of these
One of six of these
One of six of these
Any power in-game
Some of these"

Elastic Kick
Fashion Sense

All taken from that last set but this would ultimately be a pretty horrible build.
Generally 1/3 of the combinations made will end up not working too well. So it isn't really helping somebody reading it, save for giving them some... options?
Anyways that's why specifics are pretty nice for this thread :3

Related for Battle Royale;
Combining Mutate with Chudling Rash works out nicely if you combine it with a power like ...of the Mind or ...of Energy in the first slot.
Those two power types tend to be used quite a bit and you'll be doing decent damage (and perhaps even heal a little) while reducing their chances to heal. The "... of Whatever" power is interchangeable obviously.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/12/2012 22:56:15)

@Antithesis: Since you seem pretty proficient at judging Builds, could you judge this mainly Physical one I've been think of?

Fashion Sense
Dum Luck
Eye Boil/Oblivion Blast

I don't have a big portion of these powers yet, but I was thinking that, in theory, you could start off with Dum Luck, then Reen's Rampage, Then follow up with Toreado, Eye Boil/Oblivion Blast, and Fashion Sense whenever needed, preferably around using Toreado.

I thought this build would have a good haste/dodge, and pretty high damage, but a somewhat weak defense.

Do you have any ideas on how well this build would do in PvP, and do you have any suggestions on how to make it better?

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/13/2012 2:43:26)

Hm. It could work well for 3v3 if you replaced Fashion Sense with Warrior Spirit.

The main issue is the lack of defense and haste. In HeroSmash, you really do need a good defense in order to have a good offense. The fact you have Toreado in there makes it MULTITUDES more effective, though.
I recommend trying it in 3v3 (when you can) replacing FS with WS. Regrettably I don't think it'd work well in Royale simply because people tend to use the cheap builds in there.

Physical is probably the hardest element to master. If you really wanted to use it in Royale with the set as it is, I would use it like:

Dum Luck
Wait until life goes down to half or you see them start buffing for heavy attacks, then use Toreado (and Fashion Sense if your HP is at half)
Then use Eye Boil shortly before Toreado ends.
Lather rinse and repeat.

Still though I would change some things around. Reen's isn't extremely effective in comparison to some other powers since it misses quite a bit for some reason.

Labyth -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/14/2012 19:51:54)

anti read a bit before judging me i don;t spoon feed people the thread says ur powerful build but aren;t all build powerful in their certain atmosphere and area at work if u make build for purpose doesn;t it make it more powerful that build to cover the basic of variety if i do give them powerful build i will be encouraging them to use them but very well i know that they will not use them the way they work since they have no idea on purpose they will use powerful build in what they believe are steps and they will never learn to adapt in pvp that is why is best to give them variety in case they ever want to make something or build that work as their own i know it beat the purpose of it being called ur most powerful pvp build since i am really not posting them but i will take advantage that people will view this thread to teach them a bit about being original about asking for help and about getting help i am using something to my advantage i am not posting it on the factual my strongest build i am posting to help people make strong build by giving them many combination

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/14/2012 20:08:33)

^Wut. I didn't judge you, I was judging the sets. Which weren't exceedingly good. I read your post, yeah, but it isn't really my concern what your motives are...

CrownedPrince -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/15/2012 18:03:01)

Labyth: One more thing that disturbs me from your post is the statement that you said "Here is gift from the King"

I was not disturbed by the grammar but the curiosity.

Are you referring yourself a king? King of what?

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/15/2012 18:28:34)

King of his clan, Crown, I hope. I would definitely hope nobody considers themselves "King of HeroSmash"

Unless they're me because I'm a boss...



*leaves quietly*

Qin -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (5/15/2012 19:53:34)

  • Animal fury (Increase physical damage)
  • Ice barrage (Decrease physical damage of opponent & Deals a fast cooldown ice attack)
  • Reens Rampage (Increase physical damage)
  • Fashion Sense/ Warrior Spirit (Energy regeneration)= If you want a healing capacity go for fashion sense otherwise use warrior spirit for extra physical damage
  • Toreado/ Chuddling rush/ Frozen core/ Elastic kick or punch/ This is actually the most versatile choice whether you want more kills or survival to annoy your opponent.

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