blank452 -> RE: =HS= Your powerful PvP Builds Thread (9/13/2012 14:09:07)
@Genov The full set is good, don't get me wrong, but kinda janky in as much they are fairly separate skills, apart from IB and Hail Storm. Hail Storm, tho is an okay attack; the direct dmg is nice yet the bleed is fairly lack lustre. full break down of Hail Storm: 73en 30sec initial hit + 3 tick DoT (159;193) ~> 176 (19;23) ~> 21 Avg Dmg = 239 DPS = 7.97 The thing that kills it is the cooldown. The energy cost itself is negated by the cooldown as you can easily regen 73en with Fashion Sense, but the long cooldown (as you have no haste buffs) makes it's DPS low. Granted, IB puts that DPS higher, but I would say you could do better with more of a utility skill such as a haste buff as that will bring the cooldown of Sarin Grenade and FS down as well as allow IB to become more spammable, thus upping your overall DPS, which is what Hail Storm would be used for. The rest are good. Chudling Rash and Fashion Sense; standard. Sarin Granade; great power nerf (effects heals as well as dmg) yet does have a lengthy cooldown so like I said, would benefit from a haste buff.