RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 4:48:45)

I see. You would have been usefull to have at the Fall of Herospire and the Battle of the Darkest Shadows. But I shall not mention such things lest people get ideas.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 4:50:56)

Unless...I WAS! *DUN DUN DUN*

No, surely there is an explainable reason that I wasn't...AH! No, that doesn't make any sense either...

Well, I just wasn't.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 4:57:01)

Fair enough. It was kinda odd anyway.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 4:59:25)

Hm, I wouldn't know, it was before my time.


Oh that was just horrible...

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 5:01:06)

Glais: i made them up just now. Unless there WAS a fall of herospire that I missed.[;)]

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 5:01:40)

Perhaps there was, and it was averted?

On that note, I am going to need to add more limits to Corona...he will now definitely be restricted to one Time at a...time. So as to explain why he hasn't fixed "everything" I guess...something like that.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 5:45:04)

What do you mean byt one time at a atime? he can only come from one particular timelime?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 6:00:46)

I don't know. I would say one place at a time, but he's always one place at a time. He has to be.

This is far more confusing than I originally anticipated...

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 6:15:37)

I just read the thread and saw that Cystal Lion intends on leaving this because our characters have become too powerfull. Now, beforehand I was agreing with Clown about how we should not listen and do what we will, but I feel that when it gets to the point of someone leaving we have gone too far. So I declare what I like to call a National Power Deleveling Day. Basicly, we scale back our powers to a degree where they are not OP. And to get the ball rolling I will start: if everyone agrees to this notion and thinks that I should do so, I will remove my single power of being able to convice almost anyone of anything.

That's the kind of sacrifice I'm willing to make when it comes to the point that people start leaving this. Crystal, don't leave, it would not be the same without you.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 6:30:19)

I don't think that's unreasonable at all.

I'd also like to note, stepping away from being incredibly OP leaves one open to more creativity. We'll begin thinking of new powers, new ways to use them, and as a result I think future stories/RPs/whatever will benefit.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 7:04:44)

Exactly what I was thinking Glais. I can see the point that Clown had about not wanting to limit people, but when people leaves it's too far.

Also, what do you think about me getting rid of my power? SHould I do it? I mean, I like it myself and don't think it OP since it's nothingto do with combat or whatnot, but i can see why people would want me rid of it.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 7:11:43)

I see your power as more of a gimmick and not a godly game-breaker really. It seems to be more in the intention of fun. It just seems to be what the Dealer's good at.
Technically, you could get rid of it and still have it be there. It would be something noticed as they read. "Hm, this Dealer guy, everyone he talks to seems to be convinced..." Etc, etc.

And exactly, me and Clown came to an understanding on that. I don't mean to limit people, but it gets to a point where things get crazy.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 9:13:34)

Well, Corona could recognize that, if he did not exist, then the things he went in the past and fixed would be disrupting the natural order, and maybe preventing something that was supposed to happen, to make this happen, to make this happen, to m- etc...
But maybe he was made so he could go back and change the positioning of this fan, to make this not happen, because the universe didn't want it to- I'm confused. *explodes*

I am not OP, really, and I mostly rely on physical things, like guns or bombs, and claws. But the few powers I do have... (Mainly poisoning and disease-ing) I will give up one of.
I just can't choose which of them... Could anyone help?

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 9:32:57)

Its not the matter of scaling down powers >.<, I'm not sure many of you remember this but when we all first started this Hs forum community, many of the character were oped. But still we all had fun because no one cared how strong another character was. it was about the fun of having characters do cool stuff. We can't kill off eachother's character anyway......*X prime had corrupted Super Death so that now everyone is immortal*, so why mess with the natural order of fun by trying to make sense of eachothers powers by scaling. Just Rp for fun not for the sake of winning or losing because it really doesn't matter. (My character was destroyed*killed* by Super Clown in C and T and never ever made an appearance in the story again, but in My version of C and T, my character was at death's door only surving by a thread and just happened to miss Drakkoniss's and Clown's final battle). All I want is for things to go back like how it used to be, we are all friends arent we? So why can't we just let things go how they have been since the beginning. If you want the real teir listing that we had established then you need to go back to the first character disscussion thread we created, there you will find the answers you seek.....anyway I'll stay on the forums but I'm not rping until this mess is finally cleared up (and I mean cleared up for good not just delayed until someone else makes noise about it).

So have fun guys...I will be watching..and posting links to my story thread [>:]

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 9:58:18)

Is that actually a power? Anyway, I don't see any reason you'd need to give up your ability to convince people of things. Its not OP, and its part of what makes him cool. But still the willingness to get the ball rolling is good.

You didn't see it as a problem because at the time you were one of the godmodders yourself. (No offense) But it was a problem from the beginning, and as long as it continues people will continue to complain and drop out. Crystal Lion has already left because of it.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 10:00:23)

(SIghs) Cystal has left for good, Delta is leaving till it's sorted, Godmodding is everywhere...

I hate to say it since it will probably mean the death of the HS forumsand thus the game, but...maybe it's time we left this thread to die. We had a good run and it was fun. i say have an AK permakeep them all for prosterity and to give staff ideas, and leave it at that.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 10:16:05)

*attempting a german accent* und now you listen to me? after all this time? das ist disappointing... [>:]

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 10:28:39)

Perhaps the whole reason HS is dying is because AE does not want to support villains in HS, yet cannot exactly support heroes ingame either, since too many players are on the side of villains in the first place.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 10:41:00)

I refuse to let this thread die!
I refuse it!
I won't let it happen... I won't...

Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 10:45:56)

I gave my word that I would never join another forum rp ever again, and I'm not turning back now. Maybe this thread could just go back to making theories of ingame characters for a while.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 10:53:30)

^Not to worry this thread won't the most, only the rping aspect of it will

@Croc: Actually seeing as my character isn't here I can explain the reason why you think he is so strong. For starters I didn't limit my characters ability to super human or in fact any type of human at all (he is an energy being born in another galaxy of this universe), therefore I had a bit more room to be creative with. A few other forumers did the same, deciding not to limit themselves to human standards. Overcast and Ancient are from another dimension(I'm saying this because Ancient was as powerful as my character when he was still zero energy with is much more powerful than he is now), Clown is an parasitic ideology, Celestin is from an angel like race from a game I have played (Fun game actually), Velmur was a god and last but not least Drakkoniss is....meh I don't know but anyway as you can see these characters aren't super *humans*, they are supers of their perspective races. So before you call someone oped you must first think about what standards you used to create your own character and then look at their standards to make their character. You can't compare a human to an alien that would be naturally ten times powerful naturally.....just something to think about...I don't want to start another arguement.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 12:47:30)


Oh, and in passing, JACK was basically an attempt to take Drakkoniss down a peg or two.
He was dangerous in the physical world, and pretty much invincible in a biodiverse location.
Unfortunately, Drakkoniss was a bit too crafty for his own good, and essentially ended up killing off my anti-god-moding character by placing him amongst his superiors.

I understood this, minus the anit-godmodding connotations. I'm still sortof sad with regards to Voldo's fight. Made me (Blood, really, but still; even though he's supposed to be effectively a version of Drakkoniss that either doesn't hold back, or does so much less, and is inventive about it) seem too powerful. :/

... Voldo, you do realize the Dealer had already personally broadcasted a news story about just that... right? But whatever... I suppose him not knowing about it makes it slightly more realistic, because people make mistakes.

*snaps his fingers in frustration (something I can't actually do irl [XD])* I liked that Valery girl better. :/


Course, it should be ok in theory. since the Sun was around in "my" we all have an eventual happy ending.

Your existance and/or actions in this timeline have caused the theoretical possibility of yours becoming and alternate timeline future.


Hm, I wouldn't know, it was before my time.



last but not least Drakkoniss is....meh I don't know

Technically speaking, I would be classified as a Paladin, though much more powerful than how they are conventionally depicted, albeit I don't usually use the actual combat skills provided under such an agreement often, nor could/can I. *shrugs*


Glais: i made them up just now. Unless there WAS a fall of herospire that I missed.

David made it crash into Skull Deep. He then removed the "bones" (the real ones were destroyed, remember, at least to an extent, and then... meh, I won't ramble on), so Skull Deep has effectively no support, and is sinking into the volcano. Brilliant, isn't he? Oh, and Lunarox brought HeroSpire back into the sky for some reason.


he will now definitely be restricted to one Time at a...time. So as to explain why he hasn't fixed "everything" I guess...something like that

lol (I understood that and the Dealer didn't; ^-^)


You didn't see it as a problem because at the time you were one of the godmodders yourself. (No offense) But it was a problem from the beginning, and as long as it continues people will continue to complain and drop out. Crystal Lion has already left because of it.

I agree with this. Heck, I was one of them, and I saw it. In fact, that's the only reason I actually made my character that powerful.

Crystal... I have an idea. Would you come back if Experimental wasn't dead? I ask this, because my thought is that as long as there are characters this powerful, then the problem will continue. I thusly foreward the motion to completely reboot our continuity in its entirety, and have everyone recreate their characters (or create new ones), so that the problem can be slain, once and for all. I would normally not do this, because of the rich history we have, but it has gone too far. Noone other than me has even noticed/been paying attention to the many, many, many destructions this city has endured. Heck, in the blackout Range caused, to where noone could see, and all mental powers were negated (thank you for killing many of the people "flying" with levitation via telekenesis, btw), hundreds, if not thousands would've died. Cars across the entire city would've crashed into each other. Numerous accidents would've occured with normal people and supers alike, when what they were doing was suddenly hampered by that. The construction industry would've suffered heavily. Also note the EM disaster of late. Know how people react when there's a blackout? Massive rioting and looting. Panic. Death. You just destroyed all the high technology in the city (circuitry is fried in an EMP event of significant power; stuff isn't just turned off; it can be permanently destroyed). Heck, for all we know there could've been nuclear reactor meltdowns. There were probably catastrophic failures in certain other types of power, as well. Zombies. Massive sicknesses otherwise. Nuclear explosions (yes, multiple), many, many, many explosions. The recent mashup of HS and SD mentioned earlier. Numerous other things. I say we stop, sit down, and start over.

Anyone care to second the motion?

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 12:56:57)

Drakkoniss: I'd rather oppose the motion honestly.
Lion: The. Game. Is. Still. In. Beta. The problem is that due to it still being in testing it's rather boring, and there isn't much to discuss. The second problem stems from the fact that people are idiots, a philosophy that I stand by.

Even though Lion leaving is sad, David leaving more then balances it out.

megakyle777 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 12:58:16)

I think rebooting everything COULD be good. We can remake characters who are not OP. But how do we prevent the issue from rising again?

Also, The Dealer is staying the same anyway however, since as pointed out he's not OP and I quite enjoy the persona.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 13:17:44)

Does this mean one would simply... fix their character, or completely make a new one?

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