RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 13:18:28)

Eh, it's just an idea to put out there, to see if anyone bites, so to speak. Things need to be done, and I don't see many other ways they could be. We could deal with such problems when they arise, I suppose, as a community.

I agree that it would be very difficult to make sure it doesn't, because people will want to do what they want to do. I suppose we can just inform new people that we experienced the problem before, or something. As I said, it will have to be dealt with then. I just don't want to see this all fall apart, and leaving it without reform will do that, I think. Perhaps we can have a system of concensus, so that the people already in the RP can rule whether a character is too OP, or not.

What my goal would be is to perhaps have our characters near the general power level of characters in-game, but there won't be some defined limit, and they won't be limited to a certain ammount of powers (though of course if you have every power or something that would be a little excessive...), or else things would get sortof boring, most likely. Of course, powers that are not in the game would be allowed. Certain informal rules and oppinions would most likely become prevalent later.

@Necro Berzerker: That would be a personal choice. In the new continuity, you could have the character virtually the same, if you want, or you could make an entirely new one. Of course what they know and have memory of would be subject to change, but still.

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 13:24:38)

Would Gavon Felarian need to change? I know that I haven't really... shown his powers, or their extent, but mostly what I have shown of his powers is all he's got. He is mostly reliant on physical things, and cannot, say, fly off into the stratosphere and launch eight lightning bolts out of his eyes. (It seems that is the norm around here...)
He can shoot a gun, he can claw, and he can bite. But his powers are extremely limited.
In fact, I like having the severely underpowered character. As stated before, it makes you have to get creative, to use what you have.
He shouldn't have to change, right?

But I think your idea is a very good one. Like restarting an old computer, eh? I like it. I second the notion.

By the way, my name is Necro Berserk... Why do people always call me, "Berzerker?" Is that on purpose?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 13:26:47)

Doesn't necessarily need to change power-wise or with regards to his mythos, other than his past's including by default effects of certain events the city has gone through. It wouldn't have those anymore.

Possibly. It might also be that people are a silly bunch, their memories are imperfect, and the have preconcieved notions that alter their perceptions of reality.

Vector -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 13:50:01)

i never called you that, necro... oh wait, there'sa other people who probably did, nvm [>:]

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 16:44:09)

I read the word 'reboot' and stopped reading.

I'm in. I probably wouldn't change names or anything, but instead of putting Saturn into all of it I could finally use good ol' Fairgates without the fear of creating a time paradox!

HE WAS MY MAIN CHARACTER ANYWAY D: The only reason I didn't use him is because he was so weak compared to all of these Titans...

Yes, I really like the idea of a reboot.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 16:59:06)

Am I the only one against this?

3 Vandoren -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 17:03:23)

I'd like to say yes, but Clown will probably be against it, as well.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 17:08:10)


Lion: The. Game. Is. Still. In. Beta. The problem is that due to it still being in testing it's rather boring, and there isn't much to discuss. The second problem stems from the fact that people are idiots, a philosophy that I stand by.

Ohmygawd shutup. That's always your reasoning. It's been in beta longer than any other AE game. THERE. IS. NO. EXCUSE.


The whole incident that happened with Scarekrow and Zafara was so I could change my character by a decent amount, while still keeping her...her.
In a way.

But yes, a reboot would be...Amazing. It'd fix a decent amount.
David leaving makes me sad, but he was certainly a godmodder. I don't mean it in a mean way, but he had a LOT of powers, and he went in and out of dimensions and made stuff appear, etc. THAT was kinda annoying.
Crystal lion (though we've had no contact) leaving also upsets me, because I hate seeing people leave due to others.
Now we get to the part where there is SO MANY EVIL CHARACTERS. That's why I switched Zaffy to good. Poor Liberty is going to explode into fire if there weren't so many heroes here. Yes, it's annoying that there are so many villains. YES, it's annoying when SO MANY CHARACTERS try to destroy Liberty.

But that's the game.

So, in conclusion of this rant, which I am absolutely positive I will get flamed for by multiple people, I vote for a reboot. A start over. Hit the reset button.
I'm sure Clown would say something about people shouldn't complain about OP characters and too many people attacking Liberty, but that's because he's on the Chaos side. If he WAS good, he'd know how annoying it is to fight someone EVERY DAY, and even more annoying when that person keeps winning because they're OP.

So...yeah. Rant over.
Toodles! ^^

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 17:17:31)



The whole incident that happened with Scarekrow and Zafara was so I could change my character by a decent amount, while still keeping her...her.
In a way.

But yes, a reboot would be...Amazing. It'd fix a decent amount.
David leaving makes me sad, but he was certainly a godmodder. I don't mean it in a mean way, but he had a LOT of powers, and he went in and out of dimensions and made stuff appear, etc. THAT was kinda annoying.
Crystal lion (though we've had no contact) leaving also upsets me, because I hate seeing people leave due to others.
Now we get to the part where there is SO MANY EVIL CHARACTERS. That's why I switched Zaffy to good. Poor Liberty is going to explode into fire if there weren't so many heroes here. Yes, it's annoying that there are so many villains. YES, it's annoying when SO MANY CHARACTERS try to destroy Liberty.

But that's the game.

So, in conclusion of this rant, which I am absolutely positive I will get flamed for by multiple people, I vote for a reboot. A start over. Hit the reset button.
I'm sure Clown would say something about people shouldn't complain about OP characters and too many people attacking Liberty, but that's because he's on the Chaos side. If he WAS good, he'd know how annoying it is to fight someone EVERY DAY, and even more annoying when that person keeps winning because they're OP.

So...yeah. Rant over.
Toodles! ^^

"Antithesis and 13 others like this."

Basically summed up just about everything in my brain.

I might become more active if this reboot does end up happening. It's be nice to get a fresh start :)

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 17:34:51)

I'm all for a reboot...but it is mainly because I'm new so I suppose my vote doesn't hold any importance there.

@Delta:Yes, you have to remember the standards their characters are made at. But consider this, what is normal on one world would be vastly powerful on another. Superman's a normal person on Krypton, on Earth he's godlike. So while the standards of an alien character are different, one must consider that this character is being RPd in HS. You then need to consider HS's standard, and whether such a strong character is a good idea. Again, not trying to make one change any aspect, but think it through whether it's smart to have your character that tough.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 17:41:29)

I'm all for the reboot as well. Sounds kind of exciting actually.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 17:46:25)

@Drakkoniss:Yes, I think it's important we allow a lot of freedom. Smoly informing new people we've had problems should suffice. The last thing I want to do is stop someone from making the character they want.

Question Mark? -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 18:56:05)

I have no specific problem with the reboot, but it needs to be done in a way that actually benefits the storyline.
As I post this, I am in the process of writing an sort-of-lengthy introduction to the reboot.
I hope that it will satisfy everyone, but I can't really say anything else about it without giving out spoilers.
Hopefully it will fit in will with our established lore and allow the rebooted universe to succeed where we have failed.
I won't be doing any true roleplaying as anyone's characters, but everyone will be somehow involved, hopefully.
I'll be back soon, which it's finished.
-Question Mark?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 19:17:15)

Well, I'd like to read it when it's done anyways. Sounds nice.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 19:37:53)


If he WAS good, he'd know how annoying it is to fight someone EVERY DAY, and even more annoying when that person keeps winning because they're OP.

... That's basically our situation in-game (though he does beat me every once in a while, and we don't fight every day)... Yeah. I'm good at PvP. ._.
Makes me wonder who she's talking about, seeing as it seems to be something said from experience.

Hmmm... As would I like to read it. I was wanting to have it transition in some overly meaningful way, as well...

@Arachnid: Sorry if I... messed that up. Considering the fact that your condition was critical and the serum the Dealer gave her supposedly made it worse, along with my character's orientation and frame of mind, I consider it as most likely the correct thing to have done from just the character's point of view, but from that of the author and actual RPer of him and his legacy, I appologise. It probably would've been good to have a PM about that, but I don't know what I would've otherwise done, anyway. :/

Celestin123 -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 19:40:57)



The whole incident that happened with Scarekrow and Zafara was so I could change my character by a decent amount, while still keeping her...her.
In a way.

But yes, a reboot would be...Amazing. It'd fix a decent amount.
David leaving makes me sad, but he was certainly a godmodder. I don't mean it in a mean way, but he had a LOT of powers, and he went in and out of dimensions and made stuff appear, etc. THAT was kinda annoying.
Crystal lion (though we've had no contact) leaving also upsets me, because I hate seeing people leave due to others.
Now we get to the part where there is SO MANY EVIL CHARACTERS. That's why I switched Zaffy to good. Poor Liberty is going to explode into fire if there weren't so many heroes here. Yes, it's annoying that there are so many villains. YES, it's annoying when SO MANY CHARACTERS try to destroy Liberty.

But that's the game.

So, in conclusion of this rant, which I am absolutely positive I will get flamed for by multiple people, I vote for a reboot. A start over. Hit the reset button.
I'm sure Clown would say something about people shouldn't complain about OP characters and too many people attacking Liberty, but that's because he's on the Chaos side. If he WAS good, he'd know how annoying it is to fight someone EVERY DAY, and even more annoying when that person keeps winning because they're OP.

So...yeah. Rant over.
Toodles! ^^

I completely agree with you, Zaffy. [;)]

A reboot. Wow. I never thought of this day would come. O.o

I had actually been thinking of a reboot as a possible solution to all this chaos, but then
I quickly disregarded that idea, as I was sure that no one would agree with me.
Then, I read Drakky's post... xD

To be honest, I think that the fact that we must resort to be a reboot is enough evidence
of how hectic everything was getting.
I think a reboot would be somewhat unfortunate, to the older players(Alpha/Early Beta), like me, because we
have been around for quite a while now, and have built up our backstories, interacted a lot with each other,
and done so many stories.

Despite the fact a reboot could possibly ruin all these storylines, ideas, and plans that we had for HS,
it also gives us a chance to start anew, and perhaps even improve our community, and make it better than ever.

This entire reboot could be compared, in a way, to a phoenix. The entire community would be "reborn". In other words,
we would all start over all, and have a fresh start.
A reboot would give us a chance to have even more creative opportunities. The community could have more variety
powers, we could be more careful not to godmod, and we might all get even closer in the process.

Now, I think a reboot could be risky, as it would compromise our many accomplishments and storylines that we had planned
for the future, but I think it'd be worth it. Some of us can create completely new characters. Others(When I say "others", those
like the Dealer come to mind. I've never thought of the Dealer as OP, but he can be a massive threat to most, if not all us
and, to be honest, I really like the concept of his character. Kyle, I don't think you should make a new character. Maybe just
give the dealer a tweak, or two, but I really like the Dealer. He should stay the way he already is.) can simply modify their
pre-existing character, give 'em a few tweaks, and voila!

Anyways, to sum up this post, I'd just like to see that I support the idea of a reboot, even though it'd definitely
change the entire HS community as we know it.

I'm not entirely sure how my Character will be changed, or even if I'll keep my character, but if I do not decide to introduce
a new character, then he will definitely be receiving a few changes. [:)]

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:19:06)

Heh heh heh...he thinks he can keep me caged. KAFF! KAFF! KAFF!...heh...thinks he can hide me from my friends.

Leaves me in a cycle of rotting and regeneration...heh...KOFF! KOFF! KOFF! HWACK!

Heh...funny...he thought that imprisoning me would suppress the chaos...but...KOFF! KOFF! The Chaos has only grown in the streets. Madness...murder... mayhem... destruction. HOO HOO!

This...heh...heh...this world is burning. KOFF! KOFF!

I can see the flames growing...the flames stretch higher and higher...sending burns everywhere. THE BURNS OF CHAOS! CORRUPTION BURNING INTO EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE YOU HEROES AND VILLAINS CHERISH!


Heh heh...ffnnkk...HEE HEE HEE HA HA!

Rotting...regenerating...rotting...regenerating...It feels so strange...borderlinging both life and death for so long...I rather like it.


But what of you Drakkoniss? Am I the only one rotting away only to reheal ever growing wounds? HEE HEE! Maybe you're not rotting physically...but what of your mind? HEE HEE HEE HEE!

Does it hurt knowing that I made you a monster? Becoming another Clown the Jester? No...not quite me...unlike have no one that can suppress your destruction....what with me in your little kennel. Heh heh.

I bet the thought has occurred to you heroes and villains....Drakkoniss is growing more and more untrustworthy. You need someone to take him down...and you all know...I'm the only one who can do it.


Heh heh many more will you let Drakkoniss kill in his madness before you free me? Heh heh heh. This is going to be fun to watch.



Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:19:10)


@Arachnid: Sorry if I... messed that up. Considering the fact that your condition was critical and the serum the Dealer gave her supposedly made it worse, along with my character's orientation and frame of mind, I consider it as most likely the correct thing to have done from just the character's point of view, but from that of the author and actual RPer of him and his legacy, I appologise. It probably would've been good to have a PM about that, but I don't know what I would've otherwise done, anyway. :/

I just ad-libbed and made it go the direction I wanted it.
Like when the Dealer gave her the serum to cure her, I just went as Scarekrow to say it made it worse.
Really, it's not hard at all for me to just change the situation. But my character is going to come out different by a decent amount.

So...When does this reboot occur?

EDIT: So what does Clowny think about a reboot, hmmmm?

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:22:59)

Yes.. I was very much considering the fact that our storylines would be nullified/ruined. It is unfortunate, but still. I'd almost wish that it could be done only skipping back a little bit, but I don't know if that would be possible, really... I would like our backgrounds and relationships to remain the same. :/

Might post an idea I have for a rebooted version of my character. It'd be similar to how he was before, but different. I think I'd keep the power scaling ability just in case of godmodders, but idk. That could interfere with things, even though my character in-game is stronger than most other people, and can and has soloed every boss in the game (other than the two on the evil side of Deathitude, to be fair)...
Hmm... Hard decision... What do you guys think? Keep it just incase?

It would occur relatively soon, but not quite now, theoretically. Good to know, with regards to what you were doing, btw.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:24:29)

@Arachnid Whenever we can, I guess? I think we should collaborate on a reason for it, to be honest. Instead of just a new thread showing up all like "Ohai new story guis"
As soon as possible, basically. Let David obliterate the universe. Then we are all set!

Scrap the power scaling or change it somehow like Naruto.
I don't think our in-game abilities should play any role in this, though.

Lest I become an immediate godmodder hehe

Jokes. Jokes.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:26:19)

Massive time vortex that erases our memories and some of our powers.

Or the world could blow up, yeah. But we'd still need to go to the past. And change some powers.

And stuff.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:28:39)

I have a much more dramatic and horrible idea in mind. I don't think our in-game abilities should play a role in this, either. I was saying they would make a pretty good scale of comparison to show just how much is too much.

Arachnid -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:30:40) apocalypse?

Or too many powers fired off at once, creating a massive nuclear bomb?

Let's get creative with how we destroy the earth.


But what then?

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:31:07)

@Drakk:I say ditch it. It will be MUCH more fun to beat godmodders with sheer inventiveness. Likewise, I will probably ditch my anti-godmod power I never told anyone about. And it shall remain secret. FOREEEEVER.

But yeah, when should we start this reboot? If we do, I think it is the perfect time for someone new (i.e. me) to jump in on the fun.

Course starting all over...this is a large endeavor.

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (3/19/2012 20:31:43)

Final showdown between all the characters, Clown kills Drakkoniss, he ceases to exist, Saturn becomes depressed and creates a being that eats the universe. Then The Dealer, Zafara, and Lord Thursday sit back and drink a glass of lemonade as the world is devoured in a fashion similar to how it did in my story, what with blue lights and everything.

Seems legit

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