Rorshach -> RE: War Ideas/Suggestions Thread (5/21/2012 4:56:43)
In terms of an armour for the war suggestion, this is just a piece of my thoughts. 1. An Treasure Chest like the ones in some wars. But this time (if added), will have a treasure chest that is a War-Mour(WarArmour combined - just a pun). In this case, players will be able to equip it in the wars that are available every time. For every war. 2. Out of this armour, there will be an additional "boost" that will give players some kind of boost. As this is temporary, this armour won't be overpowered by bringing forward your previous war kills into the next war, and so on. Frankly speaking, having a suggestion on war stuff that doesn't alienate those who do not participate is really hard. It's like giving credit to those who didn't do much. Although it can't always be said that everyone MUST participate; where some of us really just can't because of real life stuff. Unless it's not about the rewarding that we're suggesting on, maybe instead suggesting on how the wars themselves can be improved, would be better off than to suggest on the rewards. Since also in real life, not everyone in the group can understand the problem, but if the problem was made easier, at least everyone would be able to try to solve in it together. What I suggested in my previous thread still stands. - Adding a war counter for the individual player; like in DF and MQ. - Have a better healing option(?), I'm not sure if everyone wishes to be healed at all. Maybe instead of every two battles, make it every battle. Best Suggestion Yet! Add a war-weapon/armour that everyone could fight for. Like having some sort of rare treasure chest in the war, and inside this chest is a WarMour that is better than ordinary armours as it gives more damage and better defenses. However, it is only temporary, and goes away when you leave the war. Also, it is only useful IN the war, and not outside of it. Meaning that it works in the event, and not outside of it. So this gives players a choice if they wish to stay in the war, or to take a break from it. Since this is NOT a war-end reward, nor is it scaled to the number of battles you fight, this doesn't alienate those who do not participate. Everyone has a fair random chance to attain it. Of course there is some certain form of "alienation" whereby the more you participate, the higher your chances, but that doesn't mean that you won't have a chance of getting it after/in your first battle. Outside of wars this armour will disappear OR, the staff can just make it to be untriggered. Meaning, this armour/weapon is war-trigger-based. And if used anywhere other than a war, would be proven very less useful. This would keep it balanced (somehow).