=HS= Character Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Jorath -> =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 15:57:51)

What character are you? Whose outfit is the best? Who has the prettiest shoes? What experience as a character have you liked best so far?

Discuss all things related to the characters in Hero Smash!

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If you don't know who I am, I am the Head Moderator of Legends and Lore, the Creative Writing corner of the AE Forums. It has been requested for me to offer to you the same courtesies that I have extended to AQ and DF. Within our collaborations and AE Fanfiction sub-forums, we have numerous accounts of ingame storylines going on by players like you.

So, I have joyfully started you off with this:

In the Beginning... This is a story thread specifically for you to tell the world about the beginnings of your character.

=HS= In the Beginning... discussion This is where you can talk about the stories that people place within L&L.

As with AQ and DF, anytime HS has a major event or war, we will have a story thread set aside just for you. If you have a storyline about your character that is much more than his or her origins, we encourage you to create a story thread in AE Fanfiction and then a commentary thread in Works Discussion

~Eukara Vox

If you wanna discuss or have some urgent questions or you just wanna chill, come and join us in the #HeroSmash IRC channel ^^ we'd be grateful to have you guys there. From there you could also join the official AE game channels like #yulgarsinn, #battleon, #epicduel etc. Here is a guide if you don't know how to get on IRC. See ya guys there ^^. />d4

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 16:02:09)

Oh Oreo, I should tell you one thing.
I have more than one way to fight you. You attack me with a giant cross?
Easy, I activate your emotions... your fears, saddest memories,
anger... I use your own self against it.
But you seem like a good man, so don't you fear, I won't kill
you! Yet...

He he he he...

Orashi -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 16:03:23)

You can try ;-)
(BUT, will inevitably fail)

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 16:07:40)

Why don't you come find me?


Orashi -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 16:14:25)

your the one who wants to put me in the grave
you come and find me

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 16:17:35)

Who said that I wanted you dead?

I luckily got on HS the time when two of my clan members were on,
so you should fight them. Please?

Orashi -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 16:42:31)

why not
it's all in good fun

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 18:17:40)

@Orasih Allow me to welcome you to the HS side of the forums! I hope we come to know each othere well. I have a slew full of chartercts which I shall let introduce themselves.

I am a purple, tentacle headed, evil alleiin super genius! I work for Omnicorp, which is were many great and famous villeins have got there start. I live in my great fortests, Castle Purplestone! Yes I do like purple, a lot. My family was once the royal line on my planet ya know? Oh I was also involved in the Fall of Herospire! I also took over the Courtney once! I`m also a skilled mental manlipulater. THE MIND IS MY PLAYGROUND! Oh and i`m psychiatric.
~Darkness King

I am Acellrator 3G! You could say heroing is the family business. My dad and my grandpa were both super hero`s, and so im I! My grandpa got his powers from Pandorias sacrifice. For some reason the "power energy" as I call it, formed into a recivissce gene. Which evolves which each generation. My grandpa just had super agility. My dad had that and super speed. I have both of those plus super strength. I also help my um um , friend Profeser Jhno with his business, If you are a hero and you some kind of gadget, well head on down to Jno labs!
~Acellrator 3G AKA Professor Jhono

Hey I`m Chemical Reaction! I used to be Acellrator 3G`s sidekick. Then I fell into a vat of malachite. I know have the power to rearnge chemcil structure's of objects using only my mind. I am know a full f ledge super hero *holds up his hero license* Though I`m still just a teen and my powers are a tad unstable. I`m still close with Acellrator though, he was my mentor after all. Nowadays when I`m not saving the world, I help my friend the chemist Artie Fishkiller (Professor Jhono`s old lab assistant) with his chemistry institution downtown.
~ Chemical Reaction AKA Artie Fishkiler.

I am Agent K Lightingale of Neateraltey, and the rest is classified.
~K Lightingale

I am Intellect head information and tech officer for Neutrality. The rest is classified.
~Agent Intellect AKA Jhon Reno

I`m Black Agenl. Or as they call me back home in the rings of heck Grogrankeion! I am a angel of sin. There are many, many, many tales and legends about me and my kin. I have been loyal to Omnicorp ever since The Battle of the Shadows. That is all you need to know about me for know!
~Black Agnes

I`m White Demon. Or as my brethren call me, Vondoltevogali! I am the leader of the white demon tribe, One of the most powerful demon tribes in all the rings of Heck.
~White Demon.

ME? Well I am the last of my species. I can fly through space, and go through gravitational pulls, and atmospheric barriers no problem. How you ask? Why would I trust you with a secret that big? We just met. I can also control cosmic energy! I can also create new stars, control the stars, and a=that kind of stuff. I AM THE LAST OF THE STAR KEEPERS! The most acniet race in all of the Galaxy! I am the leader of Stargate. The protects of the universe. You may find me on Earth every once in a while, but I noramlley portal the more populations gaxylies. Plus we allredy have a Stargate officer in the Mixeyway. Eclipse, well hes a honorary one at least.
~ Captain Orain

star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 18:28:58)

Lots of fluffy unicorns kinz...
I only got three serious characters, well technically four but whatever.
There's Trivial, the riddle master himself (Wait a second...)
Me, el Star Screamer, prince of Hell an' all that.
Dread Screamer, my son/clone, yet he chooses to do good over chaos... foolish boy, but he plays a great role in my future.
And well there's Doctor Stephen Fear, who is me. Or I thought was me... But he never really existed.

Orashi -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 18:38:07)

@kinzvlle thank you for the warm welcome

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 18:43:20)

@Glaisaurus: As of yet, it has little connection to the game, comparable to most other works of ours, and I would very much recommend it just as a pice of art to entertain you. ;)

(interesting bit, concerning Stephen, btw)

I am still sad about Jessa never having followed up to Fredrick's greeting her. :/

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 18:44:23)

I suppose some sort of introduction is in order.

In character:I would be known as Corona when I come from, that being a horribly ruined future (the cause of which can be attributed to the sun). As you may have guessed, my powers all revolved around Time Travel. My goals include simply discovering the problem with the Sun and stopping it before it happens in my own time. I've been partially separated from time so as to not be erased once I stop the Solar apocalypse.

I have several other characters in the works, but have not developed them enough to write out any sort of intro. They're pretty much all JoJo's Bizarre Adventure references though (even Corona).


@Glaisaurus: As of yet, it has little connection to the game, comparable to most other works of ours, and I would very much recommend it just as a pice of art to entertain you. ;)

Even so, I'll probably just pick it up when I get the chance to write my own HS stories. More interest then. At the moment, I've been pretty much trying to read all of the L&L's DF and such. There are waaaaay too many HS stories for me to tackle now.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 20:35:50)

Lol, Drak, I already explained that it felt weird responding, since the threat had pretty much disappeared.

Oh, and hai Orashi, I'm Jessa! I'm one of the few girls around here. If you want to know my backstory, you can just read my fanfic.

Edit: Well Glai, that's okay with me. I purposely leave my story understandable for non-HS people, though.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 20:38:49)

To me, it doesn't matter if the threat has ended, or not, really, considering the fact that he/they would not have known that it did, immediately. :/

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 20:42:19)

But to me, Drak, it's just weird. The RP style here is much different than I'm used to. Still, if you wanted to I could try.

Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 20:46:27)

Well that's good to know Jessa, since...even when I will start reading these, I'll have no reference point as I don't actually play HS...

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 20:54:06)

Yeah, ever since my friend read Comedy and Tradgedy and had to keep asking about it (since there are a lot of HS references in it) I made mine easier to understand.

delta blitz -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 20:58:35)

*The skies above roar with a thunderous explosion and flashes with a blinding light as a glowing white figure with black gloves descends to the ground much to the suprise of the onlookers*
*A group of heros fly down from Herospire to meet this figure*
"Stay where you are visitor one of the heroes said as he and his comrades stared at the white glowing figure, what is your reasoning for descending on our dear city"
*The glowing figure turns his eyes to the heroes and quietly reaches into his own stomach*
*The heroes tense up, as if preparing for a fight as the glowing figure pulls his hand out of his stomach, revealing a glowing blue stone*
*Without a word the glowing figure gently tosses the stone over to the hero's feet* *The hero carefully picks up the stone and examines* "What is this the hero" asked as the glowing figure snapped its finger and the stone transformed into the Pandorian malachite.
"The Pandorian malachite the hero said as he gasped, but how the malachite was stolen by davinci and then destroyed during the raid of skulldeep"
*The glowing figure said nothing as it began to rise off of the ground*
"Wait the hero said as he flew up to the glowing figure who was flying away, what the heck are you"
*The glowing figure paused for a second and then quietly pulled off its left glove* "............Chaos" the glowing figure said it placed its left hand on the forehead of the hero

~Chaos of Loneliness

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 21:03:37)

So are you back in the RP, David?

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 21:30:31)

If there is one person I missed in this thread.

It's Jae.

Welcome back... I think?

Kinzdor -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 21:32:52)

@Star Well I have that many chars due to an overactive imagination. I don`t even use Captain Orain that much in the RP. Also I`m shocked that Glai didn`t comment on one of my chars, being the last of a acint alien race.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 21:47:40)

@Glaisaurus: Another fugitive of Time from a less desirable future? Interesting...


Glais -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 21:48:02)

Sorry Kinz, *Takes the Giorgio pose* ALIENS

@Zanathos:It seemed original at the time Yep, pretty much. Though, he's not so much a fugitive as a savior. He wishes to solve the problem rather than just run away from it.

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 22:32:18)

David... *clenches his fist*

*having sensed the Malachite at the time of the stone's transformation, he appears to the side of the heroes, and it flies into his hand*

Restrain him. This man has been infected, and is no longer in his right mind.


I feel like doing a scene of the same sort, Jessa, so would you mind if I copy/paste it, make a few edits, and start something like that up?

I miss Jae, too. I question whether or not her abscence could/should be part of Fredrick's reason for being with Jessa, at the time.

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= Character Discussion Thread (4/4/2012 23:23:22)

No, I don't mind at all, Drak. Now I've just got to remember what color I was going to use, lol.

I also miss Jae. Without her and Rae around, and now that Carly's dissapeared, I'm the only girl in our little group. Not fun.

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