Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= New Design Notes April 25,2012 Rise Delta Knights! (4/28/2012 10:59:07)
andy123, I am looking out for the classes that don't have passive. The mercs when they wear the armor they will have +11 on defense and resistance. The tact merc will have +16 defense +5 resistance. The Cyber Hunter +5 defense +16 resistance so since everyone is always looking at the total points then the merc will be + 22 total points, Cyber Hunter +21, tact merc + 21 and the others without a passive armor +16 total points. So the three classes that would benefit and would not make them over powered that does not have a passive armor are the tech mage, the bounty hunter, the blood mage. If +8 defense/resistance is overpowered then +11 defense/resistance would be over the top in your eyes or +5 defense +16 resistance or +16 defense +5 resistance. Players will be calling for nerf after nerf to the passive armors or remove them completely but I call for little extra points on defense and resistance for the classes that don't have any passive armors. A lot of Bounty Hunters, tech mages, and Blood mages would appreciate those extra points and as the level cap raises those extra bonus points would be helpful.