Lycus -> RE: =ED= New Customization of Varium Packages (4/28/2012 7:53:59)
I have to say, I did find reading this discussion incredibly amusing, especially by the fact that everyone contradicts each other so much. You have one set of people complaining that there's no difference, the Devs are just greedy etc. and then you have people complaining the bought Varium before hand and that they've lost out on this and that, and it isn't fair. Look as RabbleFroth has pointed out, there's a lot of benefits for this system for all levels, and I think that many of you are looking at it from a very slim line of perspective. Look at it in the broad view. Not everyone who's level 32/33/34 buys the 10k Varium package, which seems to be assumed by quite a few people here. If you are a level 32/33/34 and buy a small package since you don't have enough to buy a big package, or you only need to get a small quantity of Varium, you get a lower package and either get the Starter kit, or nothing what-so-ever extra that is either pointless at your level, or if you got nothing, then you feel like you've lost out a bit. This allows high Levels to buy lower package and still actually get something out of it, they get extra credits, or if they really want, they get some weapons. The same happens the other way round, people seem to assume that low levels are disabled to buy high packages. Beforehand if you were any level between 1 - 28 or so, then buying a 10k package just came with some items that were not useful at all. Now they can choose items that are more appropriate for their level, or credits if they don't want them. If you bought a package before this, then I'm afraid you are out of luck. This feature was announced two weeks ago, so if you decided to buy Varium in those two weeks, then... If you bought a 10k package then you still got your promo item. If you bought another package, then don't worry, everyone here who hasn't been in your situation has decided that it's all pointless, so that's nothing to worry about. Of course, I don't mean that, but I'm making a point. There's people who have just bought packages and they feel like they've missed out on something, they're not going to do that if no change had been made to what you get, because what you get is more for your money. If you look at the numbers, for the most part, on most the packages, you now get more for your money. All be it a small or big bonus depending on the package, you now get more for what you pay for. So what part can you complain about? You now get more for your money, whether you think this is good, it is still an improvement from the previous system. You now get more versatility with what you buy, and most of you are again looking from a slim perspective, looking at the small picture in front of you now, not the big picture that this paints in the future. We can now add packages for all levels, that any level can get with any package with enough keys. We can now add a wide range of things to the system that would never have been thought about before, a single level 34 Sword for 4 keys, may be a single bot for 3, and a single bike for 2; there's just so many ways we can play around with this that gives everyone a much greater chance to get items they want. I understand where some of you are coming from, I know it may be a bit of a bummer not being able to save keys, or feeling like you've missed out because you just bought a package. What needs to be thought about is that there are people who buy the 10k package just for the promo - the top promo level items have always been with the 10k package and that package only. If you could buy two small packages and save the keys for Delta Knight or the Bionic Battle Gear, for much less, therefore exploiting the system and causing a huge disadvantage for those who buy the 10k package. I think what's happening is a lot of you have seen this new system and are already taking it for granted, you're not appreciating the changes that have been made for your benefit. If you buy multiple 10k packages, this benefits you, you get more promo choices, choice of pure credits etc.; if you are a low level who wants to buy a big package, you now can get items that are actually useful for you and more credits than before; if you are high level who buys low Varium options, you now get the choice to actually get extra credits which are more use to you than the other packages are; we now get the versatility to introduce more packages for you to choose from; if you buy any package from now on, you now get some kind of added value, no matter how you look at it. This update to the system benefits everybody, it adds value to all packages, and no matter how you look at it, it is an improvement in pretty much every aspect from the old system. Pivotal nicely laid out the changes in what you get, and as you can see, it does show every package you get that added bonus with. Whether it's added credits, or versatility to choose, you benefit from this change. So instead of complaining for things like 'no benefit' etc. the facts prove you wrong, no matter how much you argue your point, you can't win. The facts are the facts and the facts are the truth to the matter, whether you like it or not. I know you may have wanted more change, but this is what you have been given, a system that benefits everyone and adds value to all packages. Now if you can't stack keys, tough, you still get more than you would have got before, be happy with it instead of being greedy and wanting even more. This update took time and effort for the benefit of you guys, yes it's the Devs jobs to work on the game, but they worked almost all night on Thursday and all weekend last weekend, which is out of hours, they don't get paid for working those hours, but they still did it for you. Now if this is how you want to repay them for a beneficial system that beats the old system in every way, that they worked extremely hard to bring out for you. Then shame on you. I appreciate having opinions, and I am a strong believer in expressing opinions. But if you're going to sit there only looking at the negatives and just whining about this, then I don't see the value of that, since it isn't helpful for us. It instead just expresses your greed and emphasises it.