=HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (Full Version)

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Mecha Mario -> =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 15:55:54)


Randor the Red

May 04, 2012
Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday!

What a week! few more of item bugs have been dealt with and then built a Cinco de Mayo/ Birthday shop and filled it with seasonal goodies! There maybe one more item to be added later when finished that will be perm rare.


Polistar is working hard on getting player suggestion stuff on track. Zheenx also now helping with suggestions so expect to see some soon.

Tags: Randor the Red Cinco de Mayo Randor Birthday

Shadowlight1 -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 16:43:19)

You think you guys could put together an Avenger's shop? It's something I've been looking forward to.

blank452 -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 17:10:14)

Please, please, PLEASE let the final item be Cruz's moustache!

Oh, and happy birthday Randor! XD

Randor the Red -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 17:49:17)

Added the Cruz Mustache to the seasonal shop!

blank452 -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 18:02:37)

Cruz moustache is a mask? Wait. That means I can have a five o'clock shadow and a moustache at the same time??

*Begins epic journey towards facial hair Valhalla*

zanathos -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 18:25:15)

Was really hoping for an Avengers shop. I can't see them doing a "Summer BlockBuster" Movie Plex series if they ignore Avengers.

HS is awesome -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 19:23:23)

BTW Star wars day today! May The Fourth be with you!

May The Fourth, geddit?

Randor the Red -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 19:49:54)

Another item added to HS seasonal shop a sword made by Polistar! "Randomizer the Red" (perm rare)

Assassin01 -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 20:14:46)

It's bugged, it says "test item cannot be purchased".

clear cache and refresh browser ~ Red

Jessa K -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/4/2012 20:29:56)

You know, Vera has that really awesome eyeshadow. And since the guys got the mustache, it would be pretty cool if us girls could get our hands on that eyeshadow. Pretty awesome.

And the dress is sooo pretty! I love it!

plebster -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/5/2012 2:39:49)

Is the 'tache gonna be perma rare???

randor, no one can get the randomizer apart from you, please can you fix it? look for yourself, no one in game has it.

Removed double post, please use the Edit button if you have more to add. ~Leon

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/5/2012 6:06:10)

Cruz Mustache is set as Seasonal Rare, and the Randomizer is a known issue, try clearing your cache and refreshing your browser.

plebster -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/5/2012 6:52:52)

Happy birthday randor btw!!!

zanathos -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/5/2012 13:00:37)

Happy Birthday Randor! Finally got the Randomizer wep to purchase.

MindsEye -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/7/2012 5:38:49)

CC armor would be cool.

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/7/2012 17:18:37)

New Rock Lobster axe is now available in the Cinco de Mayo shop. [:D]

Antithesis -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/7/2012 18:15:32)

Eh. Won't be purchasing.

Any release this Friday?

zanathos -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/7/2012 18:20:34)

Please add a belated Avengers Movie Plex shop. If you don't do Avengers, might as well just not do a Summer Blockbuster series.

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/8/2012 7:46:22)

If they did Avengers, I would wet myself... With excitement! It would be an extremely cool release with powers, awesome armors, and maybe something we haven't seen in a while... Quests!
On my knees pleading,
Chuck Awesome

Chuck the Awesome -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/8/2012 7:53:53)

If they did Avengers, I would wet myself... With excitement! It would be an extremely cool release with powers, awesome armors, and maybe something we haven't seen in a while... Quests!
On my knees pleading,
Chuck Awesome
Btw why did they shutdown the server Monday?

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/8/2012 12:28:25)

I don't think there'll be an Avengers movie plex because it's basically already been done. There are already armors for Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America and Mutate + Super Atomic Smash = the Hulk.

Postmaster General -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/8/2012 13:50:40)

@Chuck the Awesome: Server shutdown was to update shop with Rock Lobster Axe.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/8/2012 19:10:19)

@Sir night: They could bring back some Captain America items, do a proper Iron Man set, give a Hulk Armor, and maybe a tactical Agent armor or Hawkeye/Black Widow Armor. With a Shield gun wep, where it looks like you threw the shield.

Sir Night -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/8/2012 19:27:38)

I do agree that it would be awesome if they did do it. I just don't think it looks likely.

zanathos -> RE: =HS= May 4th Design Notes - Cinco de Mayo and Randor the Red's Birthday! (5/8/2012 21:38:50)

@Sir night: You're right, but if they do a BattleShip or Promethus shop this summer, I'll be somewhat disappointed over the lack of an Avengers shop, since they are both lame in comparison.

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