=MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (Full Version)

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San Robin -> =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 15:59:15)

Hi my name is San Robin,
Maybe you've seen me around :)
I've made this MtAK quite fast to prevent certain people from pestering me to make one.
you can ask me questions here.
A few rules:
10 questions per post.
1 post per page.
I won't answer questions that are too personal.
If you put in another question after I answered your other questions, you'll have a big chance it won't be answered.

I'll edit the answers with This colour
Let the torture questions begin :D

Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 16:01:07)

"Certain people"? I wonder who they could be. *angelic face*
Yeah, who would be so cruel as to pester lil old me...
No questions from me, just a gift.
Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifts :D
*holds out a box*
*Slays sneevil that is lured by the box
In this box is an infinite supply of one thing. What's in it?
Diamonds, so I can buy lots and lots of cheese and other stuff :D
Congrats and good luck, San!
Thank you :D

Eric Greydawn -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 16:01:44)

I chedare you to give me that :D

D: !dnalloH ni edam
It's just as valueable to me as gold :D
Shredded Habanero Cheddar?
edible fire, I've seen that stuff destroy tanks :o /I lied


Where did he go? *looks around*

woodwoodlee -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 16:05:13)

1. How much power does Doomknight increase each level?
Quite a lot, I don't know for sure how much :P
2. How much does 200 + 40 strength increase damage by?
For stat questions check here
I like Cheese :)
Cheese is guud :D

Melissa4Bella -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 16:21:36)

*flies around looking for a snack*
Not my sig D:
Oh, hello San Robin!
Hi Melissa!
No questions from me. I just wanted to say Congrats & Good luck! [;)]
thank you :D
*flies away*
Bye Melissa *waves*

I think you mean the maroon mojo is rising. <3
gogo purplerangers!

Icy -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 16:32:57)

Ohey! Congrats and welcome! Great to have you on board! ^^
Thank you very much, Im glad to work with you all :)
Favorite color?
Fried strawberries or blenderized shrimp?
Fried strawberries
You like the shiny hammers? ;)
As long as they're not pointed at me, yes :P
Favorite superhero?
Robin *dun dun duuuuuuuuun*
How do I open the gate to Moria? D:
You shall not pass! ask it very nicely to open up
If you're scared half to death twice, what happens? :o
I'll die and be reborn as a cheese :O
'tis all! Good luck! :D
Thank you :D

Craze -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 16:51:26)


Exactly how my post was going to start, aside from one too many exclaimation marks, so I stole it :p

Are you going to give me the cheddar?
What would you do if aliens invaded?

I'm not good at thinking up questions soooo~ I'll be seeing ya around... really soon[:D]
I can't wait :D I think :/

And now there's too much purple here >.>
You can never have "too" much purple :P

*escapes in a firey explosion of lightning*
so... bright... o.o [8D]much better

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 17:03:48)

*Appears from the Realm of Matter* My my my, another AK, how surprising that is. =o
woa you appeared so suddenly :O
*Pulls out the gun of cheese* FREEZE! CHEESE! [:D]
I will :D *Noms gun*
Now, Cheese to meet you, Cheezemonger. =P
gouda to meet you too (Though I've seen you around :P)
Nothing to say, just a congratulations. [:)]
Thank you :D
*Enters into the Realm of Matter*

he disappeared again :O

Van Fanel -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 17:28:40)

First of all, congrats on being promoted to ArchKnight
Thank you :D
Let's see if I can think of any cheezy questions
Do your best!
What's your catchphrase at the forum?
You've been fondued[8D]
Is it a good choice to invest all my gold from DF into cheese?
Yes, any idea involving cheese is good (unless it's not good for the cheese)
Can a DoomKnight swim in cheese?
Yes, believe me I tried :D
Can you swim in cheese?
Yush as long as it's soft enough :P
Seems like that's all from me right now.
Woohoo, I survived :D
Good luck and congrats again
Thank you!
*searches for a cool way to vanish like the others*
why do they all do that? ._.

kim346 -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 18:03:46)

Congrats on being an MtAK!
Thank you very much :)
I have nothing else to say, so good luck!
Thank you :D have some cheese :)
*noms on a piece of cheese and flies away*

Practel -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 18:36:55)

What's up mi amiga
Doing good, eating cheese, answering questions.
Congrats on you're MtAK! I Look forward to seeing you meet your doom joy!
Something tells me that that striked word is a bad sign... oh well *shrugs* Thank you :)
I don't have a lot to say, since, well, I don't really know you, however I know you will be great!
Thank you :D
*noms on a piece of non-cheese and flies away*
*Throws cheese* Non-cheese is bad for you :O
13 :D

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 18:39:08)

Hiyas, SanRobin!
Congratulations to the world of AKness. We hope you'll stay for a loong time... :D
Hi, I hope so too :P
Hm.. Yeh, have a moglin ^^
Ooooh, Can I keep it? :O
*is burnt on* THE PAIN D:
Good luck and have lots of fun.
oh I will :D

Mritha -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 18:43:58)

CHEEEEEEEEEESE!!!!!!!! *glomps him!*
MRIIIIIIIIIIITHA!!!! *is glomped*
Congratulations on the shackles! What do yours look like?
They're purple, like I requested :D
What is your favorite flavor of cheese?
Gouda *nods* allthough I like a lot of cheeses
What is your favorite kind of food that does NOT have cheese in it?
There is food without cheese? ._.
I see your edit text is purple! :D Its about time we had some purple in this place >.>
Fully Agreed :P
Tis all for now, good luck and have fun with your new FORUM DOMINATING POWER very important responsibilities.
Thank you :D And together with our purple allies we will take over the world! I mean... I'll do my best :D

SMGS -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 18:44:39)

Hiya :D
Congratz on becoming an AK. =)
Thank you :D
No questions from me, since I can't think of anything right now.
woohoo! Save! :p
Good luck and see you around!
Thank you, have some cheese

Faerdin -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 18:53:17)

Hey there, San- AHH! The purple! It's invading the Q&A! D:
I'd have never expected this from you, San. How dare you?
I chedare everything! >:D
Oh, well. Congrats on the promotion! Welcome to the family. *Snugs*
Thank you *is snugged*
Now it's time for the questions. Don't- *Puts on sunglasses* Cheese it too fast.
I won't bite off more than I can chew :P
1) What is your favorite color? Why is this your favorite color (Blue needs no explanation)?
Purbloo! Because I like both purple and blue
2) What are your shackles made of?
Diamond, so shiny o.o
3) Why so little bloo in your Avatar?
Couldn't find a place to put it in :P
4) Favorite book/author?
ooooh good question :O I like so many books and writers, but I grew up with the harry potter books so J.K rowling comes to mind. But also "The blood sun comes" from "Patrick Webb"
5) I see you're writing an L&L. Details!
Its about a boy that discovers he has the power to fuse with dragons... and he- wait a second... read it yourself! :P
6) What herb cures all ailments?
Nightshade, ofcourse the side effect is that you won't feel anything ever again ._.
7) How has becoming an ArchKnight affected you thus far?
I HAZ POWERZ I lost a bit more of my sanity :3
8) What do you like better, cheese or cheesecake?
Cheese, because the "cake" part is a lie!
Well, those are all of my questions for now. I know you wanted more, but I'm sure more are on the way. :D
yay- uh oh o.o
Again, congratulations on becoming a DF Q&A ArchKnight. Best of luck!
Thank you! *hands Faerdin some cheese*
*Disappears in a flash of lightning*

Elryn -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 19:03:57)

*Elryn grins, grabs and bearhugs* Congratulations on your Archknightship!
*Is bearhugged* Can't. Breathe. Thank you *is released*
Hmm... I wonder who would have pestered you into doing an MtAK thread.
A lot of people, they know who they are =.=
*Elryn chuckles*
Time for some questions, war related.
yay for wars :D
Are you a warmonger?
I always beat as many waves as I can so most of the time aroun 2000 waves per war
Have you fought wars in Battleon before?
The only war I fought in battleon was the great fire war, I don't play AQ enough, I should though... :P
If you have not heard, there is a, AQ/DF crossover coming soon with the end of the Bizarre Fleck. Having read the design notes, this is already an jaw-dropping, epic finale. Are you exited for the crossover?
Ghost is making things for the finale isn't he? He's a good artist so its bound to be epic :D
What do you expect will happen? Dhows paying a visit to Falconreach?
I won't know *hopes it will rain cheese in Falconreach*
*chuckles* That last on I have my doubts. Going a bit far. Any war achievements?
Hmmm war achievements... I once did 1001+ waves in 2 days (which is hard to do for someone with my focus :P)
Proudest moment in a war?
Each time we win a war as a team of warmongers
Say the enemy had hired Cataclysm in a war and you had to face him on the battlefield. What would you do?
I'll try to knock Cataclysm out ._.
Well, that is all for now. See you soon.

See ya :)

Sir Arceon -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 19:33:32)

*Does best Xan impression* IIIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMPPPPPPP!!!!!!!
Uh oh, Xan dun like them Imps ._.

Hahahahahahaha! I'm sorry! I'm so sorryheeheeheeheehee! *ROTFL*
Xan be crazy ._.

*Wipes tears from eyes* Alright, joking aside, let's begin.
What is your favorite element? (AND DON'T SAY CHEESE!)
Chee- awww.... Light :D

Why an Imp? (You know how Xan is about those things...)
It was an avy I once made for the rift war and I liked it so I kept using it :)

Why Cheese?
Cheese is delicious and goes well combined with a lot of things *nods*

How many different classes have you mastered?
all of the DF classes, a few AQW classes and about 5 - 6 AQ classes.

Do you have any Doom or Destiny weapons?
I have the Necrotic Sword of Doom, Dire Twin Blades of Doom, Brilliant Blinding Light of Destiny, Blade of destiny and the Pristine twinblades of destiny.

Dragons: love 'em or hate 'em?
Love 'em :D

That's all for now! Thanks!
No, thank you :)

*Vanishes in a mighty explosion of Darkness with an echoing "MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..."
*is blinded by darkness*

BlackAces -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 19:52:04)

Hey San Robin

Congratulations on becoming an AK
Thank you, I'm sure I'll have fun (and stress) being one :P

That's it from me, told ya I'm boring :P, bye.
I've seen much worse :P (Math teachers D:)

Troy Darksword -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 19:58:35)

Hello Sir San Robin
Don't be afraid, I'm not here to devour you to darkness ( Since I'm a Deathknight )
That's a relieve, I rather not fight fellow forumnites :)
First of All Congratulation that you've been choosen as an AK
Thank you :D
By the way, what's your favorite Hobby ? ( Mine is Chess )
Hmmm.. Gaming is one of my favorites together with reading and programming (In the proces of learning)
Anyway once again I hope for a best of luck in darkness
I'll always have a light guiding me :)
I'll return to the Darkness than (*poof* Dissapear)
Bye have fun :P

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 20:24:31)

Oh. My what happened? I was busy trying to get the new aegd map to work and the transporter brought me to the cell of someone else. Who does that plaque say? Oh! A sandwich of Robins. My that sounds odd. Wait. That's not Sandwich that's San. A san of Robins! Ah! now it all makes sense!
It does? I mean... yeah! :D
And is he in his cell? *peeks into the cell* Ah there you are :D Well what a wonderful surprise.
Hiya, me here?
So you'd like some questions hmm? Very well.
Bring it on :D
What kind of hobby do you enjoy the most? (this could mean anything from hiking to dueling)
Gaming, altough when a program I coded works it feels awesome too :D
What sort of business and/or career do you hope to succeed into in the future?
What kind of vehicle would you like to own and why?
Helicopter, those things can land everywhere :D
And that's pretty much all I have for now.
ok :P
Congrats fellow team-mate.
Thank you!

Bye Dnw *waves*

Avi Auditore -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 20:32:33)

Hey San Robin!
When I first saw the ArchKnight title under your name, I wasn't surprised at all. You really deserve it! [:)]. Maybe someday I can become one too!
Thank you! and who knows?
What is your favorite food other than cheese?
Most fruits :P
How much cheese do you eat a day?
Lets see... Breakfast... snack ... lunch.. snack... snack... dinner... snack... midnight snack... that must've been about it :P
That's all for now. See ya! *vanishes in a column of black DOOM and yellow DESTINY*
Bye, ooooh bi-colours :O

Axumeus -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 20:50:33)

[Insert long winded and utterly unusual greeting here]
*insert long winded and utterly unusual reply here*
Congratulations on your NEW POWARZ!!!
Thank you :D
Favorite state of matter when it comes to cheese (including colloidal and plasma)?
Solid! although liquid cheese combined with other food is good too :)
If possible, chickencow eggcheese?
you can has a chickencow cheese omelette
A boxcrazed firetog :O
Most OMG-YESSSSS DF release/newsletter you can remember?
When we learned Sepulchure had even more monsters in store for us in the final 13 :3
Well that just abou--
What the- where? how? when? anvil? cheese?

VanHellsin24 -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 21:00:44)

Hey there

Cheeze or Cheese

Cheddar or American

Cheese shall dominate the forums
oooooh yes it wil, muahahahahahahaI mean.. Dominating the forums is a bad thing *cough*

Purple cheese
Epic cheese capable of ruling the world :P


Cyromansor -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 21:06:29)

*peeks head over crowd of forumites glomping San*
*is glomped* how did you do that? ._.
*dusts off dirty rags that i wear as clothes*

Ummmm... Hi San!
Hi Cyromansor
Congratulations on becoming an AK! You will do good :3
Thank you, I'll do my best :D
*reads patient clipboard hanging from cell*So it says here you have some kind of disease and it can only be cured by questions... that's fine by me! :3
The who from the what now?
Have you read any books lately? I just finished reading all the books in the Hunger Games Trilogy! I recomend!
I'm busy reading the last book right now :P
Any pets?
A dog, A cat, a pony and a brother *nods*
Any favorite animals?
I'm a big fan of dogs :D
Are you planing on participating on the newly announced contest Geopetal created?
yush, I have a plan but its still in development :P
What do you call cheese that is not yours?
A target!
Do you speak other languages? Yo hablo espaņol!
I speak about 3 languages.
I believe that is all! :D
Hurray awwwwww D:
*starts glowing and the once old rag clothes transform into a fancy white and gold tuxedo then grows gargantuan white feathered wings*
Soooooo shiiiiny o.o
*flies off into the sunlight, and as he banishes a giant lump of cheese appear in San's hands*
*a note that reads: This lump of cheese will never run out, and everyday it tastes like a different cheese*
Woohoo! Score!
Dont you just looooooooovvvvveeeeee these entrances and exits? :3 [:D] Thank you for chatting!

I do! but sometimes they confuse me :S, it was fun chatting :D

Mekoolness -> RE: =MtAK= *Insert cheesy title here* (5/14/2012 23:05:02)

Oh hai.
Hai there!
Just wanted to say Congratz. (: No questions here.
Thank you :D
Have fun being an AK!

I will, thank you :D

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