RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (Full Version)

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Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (4/23/2013 21:02:56)

Ok, find me in OverSoul sometime and I will add you to my friends list. The OverSoul Branch is not open, as it is a work in progress.

Final Fantasy -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (4/24/2013 4:32:38)

I'm back! Hope to see you guys soon.

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (4/24/2013 7:08:51)

Here are some new Clan Siggys, handcrafted by yours truly.

1. [img][/img]


2. [img][/img]


3. [img][/img]


4. [img][/img]


5. [img][/img]



Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (4/24/2013 14:44:14)

Neat signatures Thanatos!


Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (4/28/2013 23:07:00)

Everyone welcome our newest members DivinePanther and Andree987! Andree's Forum name is Apeiron, so you can recognize and contact him through the AE Forum. Aregis lease register for the Official ShadowScythe Elites Clan Forums here if you have not already done so. Once, again, welcome, DivinePanther and Andree987

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/2/2013 16:48:57)

Announcement XLVIII from the Clan Website.


Announcement XLVIII:

So, we have recruited a few members lately, and Grim Facts Productions has made us a new banner for the ShadowScythe Elites Page on the Battleon Forums. Furthermore, I have updated the Forum Page by removing some content, making it look nicer, and adding the new Clan Siggys I made!






In addition, the Clan's Main Server in AQW is Artix. That is where we want to be playing in when we are online, simply so we can find each other and meet with ease. Also, the clan meeting place is /house Jont2. It will serve as our main base of operations and HQ until further notice. Whenever a clan meeting is called, it will be held there unless I say otherwise. We will also have a meeting THIS SATURDAY (5/6/13) AT THE MEETING PLACE AND SERVER AT 4:30 SERVER TIME!!!


Finally, it seems like the Featured Elite of the Month Poll seems to be bugged and not show up on my computer. Also, no one has been voting much so I've decided to shut it down until further notice.

- Lord Thanatos

Doomknight696 -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/8/2013 8:31:18)

Hello, I would very much like to join your guild, I also LOVE the shadowscythe and Doomknight/ DKOL classes. Please consider me to join your guild. Thank you.

AQ Worlds Character Name: Bloodlesssparks
Clan Codename: Bloodless
Email OR BattleOn Forum Username: / Doomknight696
Number of Rank 10 Classes: Doomknight Overlord, Mage (rare), Chaos shaper, Paladin
AQ Worlds Character Level: 50
Months of Membership Purchased: total: Almost 2 years, few months left
How Did You Hear About This Clan?: By searching through this forum.
What Do You Have to Offer for This Clan? Friendly advice, help if needed (farming, bosses, challenges etc.)

From the UK, Can play near enough any time, GMT
I play everyday, mostly alina/artix servers, can move to others, Played for almost 3 years
Currently have 28 Character page badges

Thanks for taking the time to read

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/8/2013 15:55:14)

Welcome aboard, DoomKnight696! Glad to see that you have in DoomKnights and the ShadowScythe Elites! Also, you must register for the official clan forums here. Oh, and by the way, this is the latest application. :P I'm not sure where everyone is finding the older one. Finally, we must set up a time to meet so I can add you to the guild. How does 5:00 pm Server Time on Artix at /house Jont2 work for you (Artix is the official clan server)?


1. AQW Character Name:

2. Character Level (40+):

3. BattleOn Forum Username/Email:

4. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause:

5. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan:

6. Continent You Live In:

7. Your Online Times (Server Time):

8. How You Heard About Us:

9. About Yourself:

10. Noteworthy Details:

Doomknight696 -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/8/2013 16:36:46)

That sounds great, will be there :)

Doomknight696 -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/8/2013 17:18:28)

Thanks you very much for accepting me into this guild. Appreciate it. Long un-live the Shadowscythe Empire, Long Live the SSE

The follower -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/9/2013 13:48:02)

Guys im sorry but im leaving the guild :/ hope the guild does well! im leaving for a offer as an officer from my friends guild....sorry guys im leaving

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 13:50:07)

The Legion Silencer Silencer is back in the ShadowScythe Elites!


Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 14:27:21)


Even though I have already accepted you, you must still reapply to join again using the application below just so it is fair to everyone else. I sent you a PM regarding your reapplying. Also, I will make you a Knight of Shadows due to your previous contributions. But since you left (twice, I think), your loyalty can be questionable. Once you recruit 5 members into the guild (as in find players, not just accept/decline applications), I will restore your rank as a Dark Acolyte. The 5 new members can be from the former Legendary Legion or anywhere else.


[b]1. AQW Character Name:[/b]

[b]2. Character Level (40+):[/b]

[b]3. BattleOn Forum Username/Email:[/b]

[b]4. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause:[/b]

[b]5. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan:[/b]

[b]6. Continent You Live In:[/b]

[b]7. Your Online Times (Server Time):[/b]

[b]8. How You Heard About Us:[/b]

[b]9. About Yourself:[/b]

[b]10. Noteworthy Details:[/b]

Also, as a reminder, please register for the clan forums if you have not already done so. Furthermore, the clan's official server is Artix and you must play on it unless I say otherwise or you have a reason that I approve of. The reason is that Artix can support our member and non-member population, and it is an International Server, as we have Elites from all around the world.

Misty_kitty -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 14:38:03)

Hai guys! I just wanted to drop a Hi to my former clan! (OR IS IT....)

I am now in Ebil Ambassadors. (Cross of Ebilcorp and AQW Ambassadors. I'm stuck between both O.o)


Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 15:29:22)

Hello, Misty Kitty! Glad to see you are getting along nicely and that you are an ambassador! So, wait, are you asking for advice on whether to choose EbilCorp or the AQW Ambassadors or just sending a greeting?

Misty_kitty -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 15:47:30)

Sending a greeting.

I was in Ebilcorp but then I was remotely added to AQW Ambassadors, but it glitches a little so it shows me on Ebilcorp AND AQW Ambassadors.

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 16:26:01)

Now to reapply

1. AQW Character Name: Computerdragon5

2. Character Level (40+): 50

3. BattleOn Forum Username/Email: Legion Slicer Silencer

4. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause: Though I am evil, I can help out the members of this clan, and pretty much anyone who requires my help. I can also help organize meetings if necessary, prepare the members in case of a Guild War by a rival clan, and accept the people who show interest for this guild.

5. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan: Long Lasting bonds and friendships with the members of this guild, and stop being /afk all the time. I know this clan is pretty active, as I was in this guild earlier.

6. Continent You Live In: America, though I would travel to Dubai. I'll let you know when though

7. Your Online Times (Server Time): Eastern Time (Server time, American Time)

8. How You Heard About Us: Was in the guild already, found it on the AEF (Artix Entertainment Forums)

9. About Yourself: I am a player who has been playing since late 2010. I had five accounts and computerdragon5 is my most current and main account, though I can be found on my other account :Computerdragon5beta

10. Noteworthy Details: Nothing really, just a person who loves to game.


Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 16:48:09)

Well LSS, you've been accepted! Surprise, eh? XD

Also, many people seem to be confused by the "Your Online Times" part. It's supposed to mean "What times do you play," but since so many people are confused by that, I'll change it to "What Times Do You Play (Server Time):".

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 18:33:28)

Oh, in that case, I can play around 4-5 PM most of the time.


PhArAdCo -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 21:43:24)

AQ Worlds Character Name: PhArAdCo
Clan Codename: PhArAdCo
Email OR BattleOn Forum Username: PhArAdCo
Number of Rank 10 Classes: 3 (It was 7 but I sold others for space clearing)
AQ Worlds Character Level: 46
Months of Membership Purchased: 0. But I might be a member soon.
How Did You Hear About This Clan?: I can see lots of forum members with Shadowscythe Elites signature. I have been curious and clicked it.
What Do You Have to Offer for This Clan?: I am a loyal follower of Gravelyn and Nulgath. I am good in PvP. I am a friendly person and I play AQW everyday.

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/11/2013 22:01:38)

@ PhArAdCo

Welcome aboard to the ShadowScythe Elites! As a clan member, you must register for the Clan Forums here and the Official Clan Server is Artix, so please play there as much as possible due to the fact that it can support our range of players including members, non-members, and those who live all around the Earth.

To all considering to apply and those who are already in the clan:

I'm not sure where everyone is finding the old application, but please stop using it. If you wish to apply, just use the one on the first post (the clan page). I have also posted it below, so please do use the one below.


[b]1. AQW Character Name:[/b]

[b]2. Character Level (40+):[/b]

[b]3. BattleOn Forum Username/Email:[/b]

[b]4. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause:[/b]

[b]5. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan:[/b]

[b]6. Continent You Live In:[/b]

[b]7. What Times Do You Play (Server Time):[/b]

[b]8. How You Heard About Us:[/b]

[b]9. About Yourself:[/b]

[b]10. Noteworthy Details:[/b]

Legion Slicer Silencer -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/12/2013 16:06:21)

The private guild forums hasn't been active lately. If anyone doesn't post a new thread/post soon to bring back some life into the guild, then soon (most likely this week), I will add a new topic. The last post was last month I believe, or earlier this month.

Also- @Lord Thanatos

Unsure whether or not, but we should hold a meeting and bring newer ideas of what events we can arrange for this guild.


Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/12/2013 20:59:56)

Alright, you can start a new topic, but I've found that many of our members spend more time in AQW than on either of the Forums. But I don't mind having a clan meeting sometime.

Also rewrote and updated the Clan Lore section of the Guild Page.

Lord Thanatos -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/14/2013 16:21:59)

Okay, for these next few days, the Official Clan Server WILL NOT be Artix, due to the fact that respawn rates are TERRIBLY low lately and farming has a pain. I'll post when rates come back up and the Official Server is Artix again.

TheLegionDeathCaster -> RE: ShadowScythe Elites [AQW] (5/14/2013 20:44:18)


If you wish to join the ShadowScythe Elites, you must meet the following requirements.

- Level 40 or higher -Level 41

- Plays AQW on a regular basis - Yup I play everyday

- Not a member of any other guild -Nope not a member of any other guild


How to Join:

To join, fill out this application and comment it below. Your chances of acceptance will be higher if you take the time to fill it out, use correct grammar, and answer thoroughly.

1. AQW Character Name: -bata batuta

2. Character Level (40+): -Level 41

3. BattleOn Forum Username/Email: -TheLegionDeathCaster

4. What You Can Contribute to the Clan's Cause: -I can contribute to this clan by helping the clan in some guild wars and pvp.I will also train and duel many player to improve my skills

5. What You Hope to Gain from Joining the Clan: -I hope to gain many support from our fellow Clan/Guild members.

6. Continent You Live In: -I live in The Continent of Asia

7. What Times Do You Usually Play (Server Time): -About 8:00P.M. to 1:00 A.M

8. How You Heard About Us: -To be honest I was apart of The Legendary Legions guild but it was disbanded so I saw this guild because It is the Ally of The Legendary Legions.

9. About Yourself: -Well I am very hardworking I do some farming for about 5 hours.

10. Noteworthy Details: -I will try my best to cooperate everyday because I love this guild and I will never ever leave it because I am Evil!!!!! [:@]

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