Ridiculous Blood Mages! (Full Version)

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truc -> Ridiculous Blood Mages! (7/1/2012 5:33:55)

Every 1 v 1 game I interface all I get is bloodmages with spam health, bloodlust, and strength!

I highly suggest that 'firebolt' one of the bloodmages skill should be increased with support.

I'm tired of BM's not giving me a chance to win because of their high health, high damage, which as well allows them to gain back health points due to bloodlust!

This is very a shaming and the only people that will most likely disagree to this are bloodmages themselves...

Please change this because I'm enjoying 1 v1's less and I want to win with skill, not a cheap build that can average 90% on boards!

King Helios -> RE: Ridiculous Blood Mages! (7/1/2012 9:06:04)

I agree, in fact I suggested the same thing in the Balance Discussion thread.

(I am a Blood Mage by the way).

More people should be using Dex and Tech as Blood MAges.

King Coolz -> RE: Ridiculous Blood Mages! (7/1/2012 9:21:09)

I can bet your pretty much a cyber hunter and I can advice you to switch class if your tired of being beaten.

codenamespartan117 -> RE: Ridiculous Blood Mages! (7/1/2012 18:47:27)

Not really, i've tried every class recentl, and the only class that can beat eevry class is blood mage, and the only reason is the no startegy builds, its either bolt gun bludgeon bolt then gun again, with only 1 of the moves having to hit or gun bolt bludgeon strike rage gun then bolt again, while averaging 40-50 per hit, onl thing that can beat a blood mage is another blood mage, being a cyber atm only way to beat them is through a maxed shadow high dex,high hp build, but that is only to block 2 of their eonly hits, which they usually land w/o fail, im even getting blocked by bloo mages, which makes it even worse, bolt needs to be changed to either support or dex, and replacing bludgeon with assimilate

Killer666 -> RE: Ridiculous Blood Mages! (7/1/2012 19:55:01)

@king, He is not a Cyber Hunter, And i have tried this On every Class to. When you got varium and full enhancements (all going to str) then what chance do you got?

codenamespartan117 -> RE: Ridiculous Blood Mages! (7/1/2012 21:43:43)

I dnt use codenamespartan117 anymore, now i use doom mag1995

Mecha Mario -> RE: Ridiculous Blood Mages! (7/1/2012 22:02:43)

All balance suggestions, and discussions belongs in the balance thread. The Reminders on Posting did mention where to post for balance suggestions.


Balance Suggestions
These types of suggestions do not belong here and still should go to the Balance Discussion Thread in the EpicDuel General Discussion. Changes to class skills, stats or suggestions of new skills or stats are considered this type of suggestion.

For that reason, locking this up.

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