=HS= Character Apparel Discussion (Full Version)

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Omni -> =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/8/2012 0:06:23)

So you want to know what matches your hat (or items to get)? Does your current outfit work this season? Maybe you want some advice on what items you can/should remove to make way for this seasons hottest new rares? Then this is the thread for you! Just follow a few simple rules when posting..

  • This thread is primarily for fashion/inventory feedback & advice. As such in order to get advice, you will need to give it. Please ensure you give feedback and/or advice to another poster who has requested it, otherwise you may not get the advice you seek - see, we will remove your post.
  • If you're giving advice about another persons ensemble please try and be constructive. "You should wear *insert item here*" is not too useful. "The *item here* would work best for you because *reason here*" will work out much better in the long run, as well as help people come up with better and more fashionable outfits in the future.

    As a basic advice-seeking template you can use;
    [b]Look Name/Style:[/b]
    [b]Character Page Link:[/b]
    [b]Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No)[/b]
    [b]Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No)[/b]
    [b]Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No)[/b]

    To give a rating and/or advice to another player you could use something similar to the following;
    [b]Member being rated:[/b]
    [b]Link to their character page:[/b]
    [b]Appearance Advice:[/b]
    [b]Which item/s should be removed:[/b]
    [b]Why did you rate this as you did?[/b]

  • Please do not use signatures in this thread. It only takes up space and advertising is not useful or needed while giving advice. Thanks!

  • kevin_106 -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/8/2012 13:47:02)

    Look Name/Style:Chaos Knight, or Drakath
    Character Page Link:http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=nite rider
    Want appearance Advice?Yes
    Want to know which items to delete?Yes
    Want help finding matching items?Yes

    primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/9/2012 5:42:36)

    Cool a new thread, I like this idea now onto the Topic at hand:

    Member being rated: Kevin_106
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=nite rider

    Score: 7
    Appearance Advice: Your doing really well so far, you just need a few touch ups, I think you need to change your gloves and your weapon. Danger Claws can look pretty cool but the plain black colour custom you chose made it look bland and dull and also it dosn't really suit your Drakath armour. I suggest maybe getting the Enforcer Gauntlets from the DT Machine found in Skulldeep and Herospire (In your case Skulldeep) and change the Colour custom to Purple once you get it. Your current weapon dosn't really suit you, If you get Member then maybe use the Lights Out weapon but if not then try Aura of Power, Shades of Vanguish or the Dark Energy Ripper which are all from the DT Machine. And because all of those except the Dark Energy Ripper are Colour Custom make them Purple. You should also change your eye colour to purple to suit your Chaotic look.
    Which item/s should be removed: Danger Claws and Shades of Chaos
    Why did you rate this as you did? It looked alright for a Chaos look but it could've been better

    Right now my turn:

    Look Name/Style: Chaos Voldo
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=voldo
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

    vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/9/2012 5:55:51)

    Member being rated: Voldo
    Link to their character page: : http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=voldo
    Score: 9
    Appearance Advice: I think it looks really good, but get rid of the claws. They add too much brightness to the look. But apart from that, i think it is perfect. I cant think of anything that you should add.
    Which item/s should be removed?: enforcer gauntlets.
    Why did you rate this as you did? it is an excellent chaos look, but the bright gauntlets ruin it a bit.

    Look Name/Style: Smart (prefrebly being red) and a pistol that has a decent proportion to the body. (not massive)
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DC-14
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

    primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/9/2012 6:11:15)

    Member being rated: Vulkan
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DC-14
    Score: 9
    Appearance Advice: Everything looks really good. The only problem is the gun, it looks really rusty and dosn't suit your armour which looks futuristic. You should try the Dragons-Breath Gun
    Which item/s should be removed: Reynold's Blastor
    Why did you rate this as you did? Everything is perfect except the gun.

    And also what did you mean by get rid of the claws, Either get rid of them and have no gloves, replace the gloves with a different pair of gloves or change the colour?

    vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/9/2012 6:19:44)

    no gloves.

    plebster -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/9/2012 17:00:03)

    Look Name/Style: erm... don't have a name for it really. Violent maybe??
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=vestige
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No)yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No)yes

    Thanks guys

    kevin_106 -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/25/2012 21:23:38)

    @Primalvoldo In AQWorlds when Drakath's face goes all black his eyes are red. Also, I do have Lights Out but I am no longer a VIP member and im not level 11.

    Blackshock -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/26/2012 10:47:08)

    Correction, his eyes are orange.

    Member being rated: Plebster
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=vestige
    Score: 9
    Appearance Advice: This would have honestly looked better with a 5 o'clock shadow in my opinion, besides that, I loved your wasteland/fallout-ish theme.
    Which item/s should be removed: none
    Why did you rate this as you did? I liked the overall feel as it appears to perfectly fit the desired theme. I still think it needs a 5 o'clock shadow XD

    My turn, and it has been a while since I last logged in.

    Look Name/Style: Victorian Vamp
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=BLACKSHOCK
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) yes

    Phoenix Myth -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/28/2012 10:33:30)

    Look Name/Style: Jedi Yeti
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DRAKKOS
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) No
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) No
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) No


    Member being rated: blackshock
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=BLACKSHOCK
    Score: 9 2/3
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes) It is fine the way it is, I couldn't do better myself.
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes) Keep them all.
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes) I think you have a perfect match
    Why did you rate this as you did? The look is simply perfect for your theme!

    Crystal Lion -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (7/28/2012 11:46:32)

    Member being rated: Drakkos
    Link to their character page: There it is.
    Score: 8.5.
    Appearance Advice: -
    Which item/s should be removed: -
    Why did you rate this as you did? It suits your theme, except the head.

    Look Name/Style: Life Initiates Art
    Character Page Link: Artisa Lion
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes)
    Want to know which items to delete?(No)
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes)

    star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/4/2012 15:14:49)

    Look Name/Style: Psycho Jester
    Character Page Link: Star Screamer
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes)
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes)
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes)

    Note: The eyes are orange.

    EDIT: Also, I will never remove the bat so don't even suggest it :P

    zanathos -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/4/2012 16:59:21)

    Member being rated: Star Screamer
    Link to their character page: Here ya goes
    Score: 9/10
    Appearance Advice: Good job on keepnig theme.
    Which item/s should be removed: I wouldn't recommend you remove anything.
    Why did you rate this as you did? I would have to say this is an unfair judgement on my part, but while the entire look matches a nice coherent theme, the gloves don't match colorwise, no that you can change it.

    Look Name/Style: Thunder's Might
    Character Page Link: Thundersmite
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes)
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes)
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes)

    star screamer -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/4/2012 17:52:56)

    Member being rated: Thundersmite
    Link to their character page: Linkypoo
    Score: 10/10
    Appearance Advice: I think you did a nice job, so I don't really have any advice.
    Which item/s should be removed: Nothing
    Why did you rate this as you did? Well because I think it's perfect, I wouldn't change anything and it matches the theme! Great work!

    What about my alts?

    Look Name/Style: Something like the Riddler
    Character Page Link: Trivial
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes)
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes)
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes)
    I can't decide... Hat, or no hat?

    Look Name/Style: A white assassin of heroness
    Character Page Link: DreadScreamer
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes)
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes)
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes)
    I'm debating on whether to switch the suit out with something... but can't find a replacement...

    primalvoldo -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/4/2012 23:18:25)

    Member being rated: Star Screamer/Trivial
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=Trivial
    Score: 9/10
    Appearance Advice:You look very good, keep the hat it suits you with it on
    Which item/s should be removed: None
    Why did you rate this as you did? Because I thought it was very good for what your aiming at. If there was a sort of Riddler Cane in Herosmash it would be a 10.

    Member being rated: Star Screamer/Dread Screamer
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=dreadscreamer
    Score: 8/10
    Appearance Advice: I agree the suit needs to be changed but like you I can't find anything in the wiki to replace it. If only you got one of the armours from the Assasin's Creed release. You might also should try changing his eye colour to something else. Black eyes make you look a bit weird.
    Which item/s should be removed: the Suit but I can't find anything to replace with. And eye colour.
    Why did you rate this as you did? The suit didn't go well with the Assasin look like you said.

    Now for another one of mine:

    Look Name/Style: Psychotic Scarecrow with a Scythe
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=Scythejack
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

    The Scythe I'm trying to get him is the Junkyard Scythe but it's very expensive and my alternate account hasn't gotten up to the Junkyard storyline in the Death Trials.

    vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/6/2012 18:32:56)

    Member being rated: Scythejack
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=Scythejack
    Score: 8/10
    Appearance Advice: you made good use of what you could get, but i think it could go without the cape. Apart from that i think you did a good job.
    Which item/s should be removed: the cape
    Why did you rate this as you did?: ....the cape.

    My turn

    Look Name/Style: red suit with a handgun. (kind of james bond style)
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DC-14
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

    Signatures are not to be used here, as it is advertising. ~Leon

    plebster -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/11/2012 5:17:41)

    Member being rated: vulcan/dc-14
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DC-14
    Score: 8/10
    Appearance Advice: nice look and the sword goes well with the armour and also nice colours but a bit simple and where is that handgun you were on about?
    Which item/s should be removed: none.
    Why did you rate this as you did? your colour scheme fits really nicely with your items and the eyes just seem perfect with your equipped items for some reason.

    look changed back.

    Master Kage -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/18/2012 0:01:56)

    Look Name/Style: Warrior-ish...
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=MASTER%20KAGE
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Sure.
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Sure.
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Sure.

    vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/18/2012 5:48:11)

    Member being rated: MASTER KAGE
    Link to their character page: clicky.
    Score: 9/10
    Appearance Advice: i think its excellent. I think a helmet would look good, but im unaware of any that have been released yet.
    Which item/s should be removed: none.
    Why did you rate this as you did? Cos its really good.

    My turn...

    Look Name/Style: high tech soldier in red armour.
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DC-14 (yes, him again)
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

    Tally -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/18/2012 11:19:07)

    Look Name/Style:Hunter(-tress)
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=TALLY%20NOKORIBI
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No)Why not
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No)Okay
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No)Sure

    blank452 -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/19/2012 10:28:40)

    Member being rated: Tally's Huntress
    Link to their character page: Tally
    Score: Very Cool
    Appearance Advice: Barbarian Swipe could add a bit more Predator to the look, but I wouldn't say it's a necessity. Would have to make sure it was coloured correctly, tho. Same could be said about the KnightnGale Armour; a more NightStalker look could be had if CC'd correctly. Again, each to their own.
    Which item/s should be removed:Toreado, Stupefacio and Pony Charge; no need for them. NEVER! So many rares...
    Why did you rate this as you did?'Cos I'm suuuuper objective, there is no need for arbitrary numbers. Words all the way!

    The only look I've ever "created"

    Look Name/Style:Cyber McClane If you don't get it, you're too damn young!
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=HANAAR
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No)Yep
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No)Okay. I doubt it, but okay XD
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No)If there are any, go for it

    Phoenix Myth -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/19/2012 10:51:20)

    Look Name/Style: Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DRAKKOS
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) No
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) No
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) No


    Member being rated: blank452
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=HANAAR
    Score: 7/10
    Appearance Advice: It looks neat, the cape is kind of iffy.
    Which item/s should be removed: I personally would not have the cape.
    Why did you rate this as you did? I am not much of a cape/back item person.

    vulkan -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/19/2012 14:36:36)

    Member being rated: DRAKKOS
    Link to their character page: CLICKY
    Score: 10/10
    Appearance Advice: Epic. S'all im saying.
    Which item/s should be removed: None.
    Why did you rate this as you did? : i dunno...maybe because its awesome?

    Seeing as tally didnt rate mine for some reason, lets try again...

    Look Name/Style: Red Legionnaire (basically a high tech soldier in red armour. )
    Character Page Link: ME
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

    ArchNero -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/26/2012 6:57:08)

    Look Name/Style: Lux The Twilight Punisher
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=HYDREIGON
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Who wouldn't want advice :D, Yes.
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Yes
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) Yes

    Member being rated: vulkan
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=DC-14
    Score: 10/10
    Appearance Advice: It looks amazing there's nothing I would change about it
    Which item/s should be removed: Personally i'm not a huge fan of pistols thats all I have to say but regardless of that it looks great.
    Why did you rate this as you did? I like the colour red of the armour and everything else, red is an epic colour.

    zanathos -> RE: =HS= Character Apparel Discussion (8/26/2012 18:03:13)

    Look Name/Style: ThunderSmite Boss (It'll make sense, its a reference)
    Character Page Link: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=THUNDERSMITE
    Want appearance Advice?(Yes/No) Of course yes [:D]
    Want to know which items to delete?(Yes/No) Not many to delete, but sure.
    Want help finding matching items?(Yes/No) I appreciate all assistance.

    Member being rated: Archnero
    Link to their character page: http://herosmash.artix.com/hs-character.asp?id=HYDREIGON
    Score: 6/10
    Appearance Advice: I find the items you currently have equipped don't match very well. maybe try something along the same color scheme.
    Which item/s should be removed: I would remove the Lava Temptation helm and the Mantle of Heroes cape.
    Why did you rate this as you did? I didn't want to be too harsh, because the look has potential, and I can tell you are trying to be different than all the other people using the Midnight Suit.

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