Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (Full Version)

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King Helios -> Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 18:11:58)

Look at the title, it's the 5th of these. I will post this at the top of the page. There have been 5, because the other 4 were trolled and spammed. If we don't succeed here, we will not be able to make one of these for the rest of the war.

Also, read this, by Lycus and Lord Barrius: War Discussion
I will post a (hopefully) friendly reminder at the top of each page.

Let the discussion begin!

Oba -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 18:14:35)

Do anyone get any difference by wearing the mechachillid armors and/or using the new weapon against Delta Vault? I do and I do not survive longer nor do I take more dmg.... very disappointed D:

King Helios -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 18:17:37)

I take about 2 less damage per attack, and do 4 / 5 more on Strike.

Arcanis -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 18:28:50)

Was it possible to get in 2v2 (in war) ,end up with lv 33 partner (i'm 34) against 2 levels 30 even before this update or did something break here? [:'(]

King Helios -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 18:29:40)

@Lord Nub / ManThong

I'm assuming the Varium one is the topic of your discussion.

Did you see the comparison I did in the last thread, between it and Delta Knight? (they're about even overall).

Second Silver TH -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 18:48:22)

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand the Legion is winning again.

The grenades hate me, really, they NEVER drop for me [&:], and the 1v1 against the lvl 30 Heavy Mechachillid are quite hard for me.

OFF?: Can anyone help me making a build? There.

Guppy -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 19:04:19)


I have to agree with Lord Nub. I demand some more information in the Design Notes about these "stronger" abilities in the future. If I knew this, I would NOT have payd 15k credits and 1k varium.. Not sure if I would have bought the promo either for that matter.


Do anyone get any difference by wearing the mechachillid armors and/or using the new weapon against Delta Vault? I do and I do not survive longer nor do I take more dmg.... very disappointed D:


I take about 2 less damage per attack, and do 4 / 5 more on Strike.

I don't even use the Heavy Mechachillid Armor, and nor the Infernal Interdictor (I'm a Bounty Hunter, no use to me). I only wanted the Armor because it's a War-Rare, and the Weapon because it's a Promo-Rare. I knew the Armor was worthless, lol. On top of that, it's very ugly in my opinion. ;x



Was it possible to get in 2v2 (in war) ,end up with lv 33 partner (i'm 34) against 2 levels 30 even before this update or did something break here?

5 Level difference is possible as always, it was possible even before the Update, it was always there.

Sh4d0wMast3r -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 20:59:20)

Enjoy the lead while it lasts Exile's, we're feeling generous today....*evil laugh*

pandapwnium -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 23:37:50)

To start off, i'm in the legion and confused at why we are winning. All the statistics point to exile victory, but for some reason we have been leading or been at par with the exile for a large part of the war. I think that there's some morbidly obese man living in the sewer under mcdonalds because he sold his house to buy the most expensive computer that could be built, with 4 monitors. He simply stares up and gapes and the grease that falls into his mouth which sustains him, and the free internet also assures him a steady connection. He has 16 accounts, 4 for each monitor, and bought 500k varium to spam war bombs for the legion. He even has his own, exclusive faction called "Legion from the Sewer", which is constantly the highest rank.

^only explanation

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/9/2012 23:49:07)


All the statistics point to exile victory

What statistics are you referring to and where did you obtain them?

BTW there are players like the man you described in legion. While they are not acting as exaggeratedly, there are more than one of them. It must however be said that varium bombs don't seem to play a significantly large role in this war.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 0:01:59)

hes referring to the war hero leaderboards. exiles have more influence in the top ten players than legion. in effect, more damage to the vault.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 0:54:46)

Is the new door the same as the last, in attacks and resistances?

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 0:56:43)

Damage I'm not sure, Defenses are not the same though

Oliver Bell -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 1:05:46)

Just fully enhanced heavy mechachillid, not a bad armor, seems to buy me an extra turn even without blocks/deflects. Plus it is helpful since I have a large store of bombs from the last round. Lets catch up Exiles.

EDIT: Exiles are just in the lead.

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 1:41:47)


hes referring to the war hero leaderboards. exiles have more influence in the top ten players than legion. in effect, more damage to the vault.

That's not decisive proof. It is possible for Legion to have more players fighting in the war, or for a large number of players outside the top ten to have far more influence than their Exile counterparts. In effect a reliable conclusion cannot be drawn with the current limited information available.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 2:34:08)

Just got told dark varium blaster was restocked so now I am bankrupt, less than 500 credits, need to get more wins to get my money back!

EDIT: Looks like i will be helping exile most of today.

charwelly -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 5:38:42)

A lot closer then I tought

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 6:11:29)

well i do hope exile win this round cause i m certainly trying my best to help exile but i do notice somethings when i play. i notice that some exile members do not atk the vault/door imho the devs should make the vault/door compulsory for all. i also notice this in legion too(i have alt in legion) seem very odd that people are not atking the vault.i guess they are just abusing the war system to get fast credits and easy wins. the devs should stop this by making the vault/door battle compulsory for every1.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 6:52:26)

The war is looking very close, a few minutes ago the difference was less than 1000.

King FrostLich -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 7:00:29)

For those people complaining and asking why some players are attacking the Vault well it's because they want credits. I'm sure 38% of players who have experienced the Frysteland War were thinking the same system the Infernal War but since getting gems are too hard and fighting other players can either be difficult or insanely hard, then they don't need to attack the Vault, they just want free credits like last war. The new ones who don't know about this war probably are too dumb to care or realize why they should attack the Vault or why is it there in the first place.

Lord Loss... -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 7:24:58)

I did 21 22 strike with the new promo weapons, and the next round I did 19 19 with my gun, which is +33 damage not +35. so basically I paid 14k creds and 1500 varium to do extra 5 damage. I feel so ripped off cuz the vault is the only reason I got these weapons, otherwise they are just 1 stat and 1 damage different from frost destroyer stats.

Oh and when they said that frost weapons would do extra damage to george lowe they did +25 so go figure.

Arcanis -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 7:41:09)

Frostlich, where in the name of all that is mathematical did you find that number of 38? Everyone knows its always 42 [8D]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 7:44:30)

Taking a break for an hour or so, already got around 5000 influence today so I have done my part for the Exiles.

TankMage -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 7:45:07)

Looks like Exile and Legion are fighting it out neck and neck, hopefully it stays this close until the last few thousand to make it really exciting.

King FrostLich -> RE: Infernal Infiltration War Discussion V (7/10/2012 7:50:32)


where in the name of all that is mathematical did you find that number of 38? Everyone knows its always 42

Exile players not only want to redeem themselves from the last war, but also for getting or restoring back their credits. Same goes with some Legion players. Majority of them want credits and 1500 free rating points after doing 7500 damage to the Vault. Those players who don't think the Vault is just another waste of time of bombarding it for just another new room or possible another Vault then why bomb it anyway when other players will do it for them. And 38 is just my assumption. I also noticed other level 34's including myself not participating the war after they get the Vault Cracker achievement? Why? Duh, battles that count to your record, possible chance to have a dumb mechalilid, not free and easy way to get credits unlike last war? Of course it's that obvious for some players such as myself.

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