RE: Exile last breath ? (Full Version)

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rej -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 11:44:56)


will we see tidal wave going from exile to legion when this is all over ?

Yes, we probably will. If most of the Exile population is as greedy as I am, then I can assure that there will be very few exile players left.

Hopefully the staff has learned from last weeks blunder, and will give all further rewards to both sides. (That, or exile wins. Either option works for me.)

MrBones -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 11:49:57)

Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to set the record straight. It is always reassuring to see one of the game maker step foreward and adress an issue, as futile as it may be ;)


I think you are having bad memory. On the last war, many players, even faction leaders who pay varium for their factions switched sides or disbanned to get both 1k cheevo. There was an uproar in the forums from elder faction leaders complaining and whinning that they were not able to grab both.
That problem was so big that the devs had to come and remove one cheevo from those players. Yes, all that commotion for a 1k little trophy.

I would like you you to remember that this is a small game. What is there left to a level cap emperor player if not the cheevos collecting ? All i am saying is every little things count..

rej -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 11:53:03)


Achievements mean a lot to a big number of ED players, it's perfectly fine that the first side to break through the vault gets extra rewards, but I think those rewards should be credits and battle tokens, not achievements.

I would definitely agree to that idea. 500 BTs and 5,000 credits seems like much more reasonable reward, as compared to an entire achievement.

@Guppy: There is no call for you to verbally attack me. It was comments like those that caused war discussion to be suspended twice.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 11:55:04)

@ Cindy


If I may add: if we were artificially controlling the war, then why am I scripting out two alternate endings?

Idk? Some people do like to make their workload tough and maybe you are doing it to help improve your storyline skillz?

But I also didn't see NW or you deny that there is any Dev Influence. All he said was that the player bases were fairly even. So if that is the case why not tell us directly if you are influencing the war rather than beating around the bush?

Guppy -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 12:01:14)


I would definitely agree to that idea. 500 BTs and 5,000 credits seems like much more reasonable reward, as compared to an entire achievement.

I think an Achievement is fine, whether Legion or Exile gets it, the fact that you can't play fair and complain whenever you don't get something is annoying to me. Get over it, they're going to continue to give Achievements, and if you are going to switch because you didn't get some Achievements, shame on you.
If Exile won an Achievement for getting there first, good job. Yes, i'd be a bit upset about not getting an Achievement, so I do understand the arguments, but it has to stop at some point, people are just going on and on about, they've already started it, so they're going to finish it. Not change what they're doing in the middle.

Santa ClawZz -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 12:22:40)


Proof or it didn't happen :)

To the conspiracy discussion:
The first vault door had a few turns in the first days of the war, but after you guys implemented the 2VS1+NPC feature, the Legion side started doing even better than before, resulting in a record time win over Exile. The situation hasn't changed, but every time I log on, I see Legion ahead 7k points, then Exile 5k...then the same thing over and over. Let's say the player base is almost the same, just hypothetically because we all know that isn't true, then HOW does Exile start becoming equal to Legion after losing a devastating 3.5M points behind in the first door?

Is it this high damage bug? Is it some kind of staff badly wanting Exile to win? Is it both?

I don't know any of that, but it all looks so suspicious how Exile only started playing during the 2nd vault door. The same suspicion I had when it took Exile around 4 hours to do 3.5M damage to the Vault to take it down.

Sparticus -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 12:42:10)

I'm not really sure it matters what's happening behind the curtain. (Wizard of OZ)

Play out the war and let the situation unfold. After its over we can all sit around and score winners and losers.
Even if things are manipulated a bit here and there, it's just to make the war more fun for everyone.
Isn't that the reason we all sit around playing games like this? Fun right?

I have to admit, this war is much more interesting thus far then the last and the DN indicates the best is yet to come.
Exile or legion, no one is going to go anywhere and it's unlikely they will dump sides next war.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 12:44:36)

I personally, do not think that any of you have taken into account the various times that players may be able to get in game. Remember this is international and therefore is subject to time zones.

Please do not keep trying to assassinate either of the sides that are competing.

You have a fight on your hands do it with honour. Not with all the 'picking at this' and 'picking at that'

Thank you :)
No offence meant to any one particular person. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. lol (My bad) :)

Have fun and stay safe.

Guppy -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 12:51:50)


The first vault door had a few turns in the first days of the war, but after you guys implemented the 2VS1+NPC feature, the Legion side started doing even better than before, resulting in a record time win over Exile.

When they first implemented that, Exile got ahead 100k, which caused complaints against Exile. Not sure if you were around to see how it first was helping Exile alot and screwing over Legion.

Santa ClawZz -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 13:01:31)


Now first that wasn't my main point because I had my facts right, I was just pointing them out. Second, the first day of the war Legion went up to 800,000 damage ahead then somehow Exile reached us within 2-3 hours and even surpassed us by around 30-40,000. After that it was all Legion. Never again was Exile close to reaching us. How did that change in the 2nd Vault Door? It's not like Legion was always only a few thousand points ahead and now Exile mobilized their army to beat us, NO, that wasn't the case. LEGION won by A LOT of points in the first war and as I can still see when I go on, Legion is doing 15-20,000 damage every time that damage bar refreshes, so we are still doing grrreat.

Can't say the same about Exile. One minute they are 20,000 points ahead, the next minute they are 2,000. It's like someone is giving them the right push to just stay a few thousand points ahead.

I'm out of this thread!


Eukara Vox -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 13:19:34)

Enough of the complaining and finger pointing. If the Devs say they aren't doing anything to influence this, then LEAVE IT.

Fay Beeee spoke truth, yet no one will listen.

Stop the accusations.

Stop the whining.

Play the game and do what YOU need to do to get things done.

I don't want to see anymore accusations towards staff.

Eukara Vox
AE Admin

button33 -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 13:36:31)

Guys, Come on, it's just a war. We are down to our last strike here, and do you really want to ruin it?

And just to point one more thing out, Don't say someone is guilty unless you have proof. One is innocent until proven guilty. So don't go around saying exile or legion is cheating, just because they are winning. Sure, winning is fun, and I admit I want to win, but this game is for fun, and you don't have to make such a big deal out of it. This game isn't a life or death matter

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 13:43:54)

Italy, Mexico, France, just off the top of my head there are definitely more. [;)]

OT: No I do not think it will cause people to leave exile for legion, but newer players MIGHT join legion instead of exile.

MrBones -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 13:50:08)

It is very hard to keep this thread on track.

Please please people, this is NOT about whetever or not the developpers are influencing the war. I just wanted to point out a major flaw in the fact that legion have more players, legion are more active and in the future will keep growing and growing to the point of no return.

Should I blame players for being too greedy and switch sides as they please for a little reward ? NO I WILL NOT.
Games are games.. Oh yes it's all in good fun like Sparticus stated. But keep in mind money is involved as well.

[ With big money comes big responsabilities ] O.O

If you find the Nightwraith comments on the first page about the two sides being almost equal in number of players, allow me to doubt. There was a shift in the players numbers, during AND after the Frost war. We all know it.

Stay on track guys ! Let's show this forum we can have a heated discussion and be civil.

8x -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 15:58:51)


I think an Achievement is fine, whether Legion or Exile gets it, the fact that you can't play fair and complain whenever you don't get something is annoying to me. Get over it, they're going to continue to give Achievements, and if you are going to switch because you didn't get some Achievements, shame on you.

You just assume that we will switch side for an achievement... I think that most of the exile players that are complaining (including me) are loyal to the Exile and their factions and don't want to join Legion just for extra achievements, no matter how much they mean to us. After you reach most of the goals in this game the one thing that you have left is collecting achievements. (Send me your reply in a PM if you would like to comment my post)

Mecha Mario -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 17:48:08)

Deleted several posts in this thread due to off topic. Take it to PMs instead. Please stay on topic.

ScarletReaper -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 18:08:09)

I could definetly see a lot of new players choosing legion. As far as switching sides of old exile loyals, I don't think so. Personally I have one of each. lol. But Generally have always prefered legion, even before the frysteland war. But I had to make an exile character to so I could get the kewl weapons :D

sylar67 -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 19:54:27)

if im not wrong this war isint exile vs legion ... its legion and exile vs the vault i dont see why there will be a winning side when it ends it should be both sides winning against the vault ... or maybe make the last vault very strong and give them time if they dont kill it by that period the vaults win the war and both other sides lose and maybe a bit later after getting reinforcements blablabla there will be a infernal infiltration war 2 and 3 and 4 untill the exiles and legion win the vaults :)

kaiseryeux21 -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 21:38:40)

special tnx to nicolas for mentioning our faction ED war tribunal as one of the top factions in this game. it makes us proud specially our founder SHUNDRAA.:-)

on topic, i really don't see any wrong if legion leads at one point then exile leads again. we have to remember that in order to battle the vault, we must first go through a random 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2 battle. unlike previous war, we can just throw war bombs then do massive damage. this time its different. and to say the least, im enjoying it. there's no assurance that everytime legion players enter the random the battle they won, same thing goes with the exile. u win some, u loose some. so there are lots of factors affecting the damage we inflict to the vault. i am a legion player and will stay legion and will stay to my beloved faction until i loose the drive to play this game. but i am also hoping exile can bounce back strong.

im looking forward for the new guns after we break the 2nd vault. what can be better than having new weapons right??

enjoy this war everyone.

VIX -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 22:15:58)

This War should be more organized i will never participate in it until it becomes more better.

i don't understand why this new system is really weird...for people who play 1v1 only they should be allowed to choose between 1v1 and 2v2 mode,
People who likes playing 1v1 doesn't really like playing 2v2 it's like this new system forcing people who don't like playing 2v2 to play 2v2 now. and that's what i don't like and not only me who didn't like this few of my members and few other people who likes playing 1v1 didn't like this 2v2 thingy in war even if it's NPC , those npc are sleepy heads and really useless.

make a system that allow people to choose between 1v1and 2v2.

oh well im not really interesting anymore i've retired and im not coming back until ED becomes more better. if i say what's bad and what's good in ED , the bad things would be more then good.

I think im an old player in ED that played this game for 3 years and half and i know what's good and what's bad. im just not going to bother anyone with anything i simply Retired from ED until it becomes more better.

Sorry for inconvenience and Enjoy this war.


Algorithm -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/12/2012 23:03:06)

omg i read :D vix retirard y men? ples no leve strando exile men PLES. exile cn be bery stron u no? we ned wrk as teh team for mak porgress.

Fight hard my Exile comrades we can turn the table!

-Legion Commander F

friend18 -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/13/2012 0:49:07)

VIX, the point of the war was so that everyone had a fair chance. It's no fun constantly playing 1v1... Plus you can still win at 2v2 with a 1v1 build, and likewise, the other way around. I use my build for both modes and have rarely lost. I did somehow lose to a level 33 (I mean seriously a level 33 when I don't lose to 34's) because I had forgotten that I had field medic and got hit by a bot attack (I also had lost track of the cooldown time). But, that's been my only serious loss in 1v1. It's quite possible to do well in both modes. You just can't simply rely on a massacre build all of the time. You have to get creative. Sure, the battles might take longer and it might take more strategy, then just smoke, maybe cheap shot/emp and then eventually massacre, but at least you'll have a better understanding of the game. Having options is always nicer than just being able to only attack (for bounty hunters). Maybe it's time to just try a new build :)

VIX -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/13/2012 5:15:25)

@friend18: Well the issues isn't about builds. the issues is about 2v2 ,i hate 2v2 more then u can imagine.

cuz of partners.

First it was when u play 2v2 and get a partner lvl 30 or 34 and everything he does playing like he wants and don't listen to u and u lose cuz of him or he leaves the battle and let you battle 2v1 how can be this fair?

And those NPC are worst then people who leave battles. cuz those NPC crits and Block and Deflect u + they don't help you ( Helping,Healing,Defending you with a shiled).

so imagine ur playing and ur partner is an NPC and ur vs 2 lvl 34 , can u tell me what u can do? like i said the problem isn't about the build, the problem its cuz of those NPC i didn't said it's bad creating 2v2 NPC System. But atleast make them think of helping you \ Healing you \ Use Shield on u ( JUST HELP WITH SOMETHING)!!!

Oba -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/13/2012 5:52:56)


so imagine ur playing and ur partner is an NPC and ur vs 2 lvl 34 , can u tell me what u can do?

Well I can tell you what to do, get your information before whining. That has already been fixed. Its either 2 players vs 2 players, 1 players+1 bug vs 1 player+1 bug. Or you and just bugs.

And if your sick of blocks/crits/deflections, try out a non-str abusing build! -.-

8x -> RE: Exile last breath ? (7/13/2012 5:58:30)

If you go on server with less than 300 players you will be matched against NPCs most of the time and get lvl 34 partners. I've fought in quite a lot of war battles and on low population servers in 1 out of 5 times you are matched against real players. And so far my partners only left twice and most of my partners are at least level 31 and fully equpped.

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