Return to Paxia! (Full Version)

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whackybeanz -> Return to Paxia! (7/20/2012 5:56:03)

Return to Paxia!

Location: Travel Map » Chessmaster Saga » 11: Return to Paxia

Having successfully retrieved the Energy Orb from the Bennuju Wetlands, you find yourself returning to Kalanyr and company for the most 'thrilling' point of any mission... the debriefing, which you hope will hold the answers you seek.
  • Continue

  • «Scene: Debrief»

    «You»: ...and then if ran off while we were fighting its flunkies.
    Zephyros: You forgot to cage it?
    Radagast: ...Well, funny story about that... you see... um... hmm... can you give me a minute to think up an excuse?
    Radagast: ...Wait.... wait... ok, I need another minute.
    Kalanyr: ....Moving along, what did you learn before it ran off?
    «You»: All it said was something about remaking the world.
    Aelthai: What about its reaction to the orb?
    «You»: It didn't let me ask about-
    Radagast: Magical resonance between the orb and beast, the energies feed off each other and increase until the elemental charge manifests itself in the local environment.
    «You»: ...Alright, HOW did you figure that out?
    Radagast: It's the same principle as the platypulse's feedback loop, only it is an external resonance rather than an internal one... and believe me, I know that loop *very* well. *shudder*
    «You»: So what you're saying is that these things are basically linked to the orbs?
    Radagast: Something like that, yeah.
    Radagast: Their magical signatures are similar enough to be naturally drawn together, effectively enhancing the elemental charge where the two energies come together.
    Radagast: Needless to say, the effect gets stronger as the two bodies near one another, eventually reaching a point that the elemental charge manifests in its simplest form.
    «You»: ...Who are you and what have you done with Radagast???
    Kalanyr: Well, that's a working hypothesis at least, and explains the phenomena we've heard about so far.
    «You»: What about what happened to Jacqu- Aw zard spit! I forgot all about him! Sorrygottago!
  • Poof!

    «...and you dash off, leaving only a puff of smoke in your trail.»

    Zephyros: Huh, didn't even wait for an answer.
    Aelthai: Did «You» forget we can teleport people?
    Kalanyr: It would appear so.

    «Scene: Paxia, meeting Jacques»

    Jacques: «You». My dear FRIEND. So good of you to come. I was beginning to worry that you'd forgotten about me.
    «You»: I'm sorry, Jacques, I was-
    Jacques: I'm glad you're here though, I don't know who else I can trust these days. Ever since... that war, I've been plagued with nightmares about Paxia's demise.
    «You»: Demise? But-
    Jacques: Figuratively, of course. Paxia may not be safe yet, but it's still here. We must be CONSTANTLY vigilant though if it is to survive.
    Jacques: Enemies can be anywhere, come any time. The Beasts might come back. I can't let Paxia fall. I can't. I can't.
    «You»: Jacques? Are you alright?
    Jacques: ALRIGHT??? Yes, I'm fine. Just a little tired. Had some trouble sleeping. Bad dreams. Had planned to check on Ai-Pang today, haven't patrolled that part of the island in a while.
    «You»: Why don't you just let me worry about that?
    Jacques: No no, too dangerous. I can't let you go alone. What if there's trouble?
    «You»: IF there's trouble, I can handle it. Come on, Jacques, I do this for a living, and I'm very good at my job. You know that about me.
    Jacques: Yes, yes you're right. I'm sorry, I just-
    «You»: You're tired. Lie down and get some sleep. I'll handle your rounds today.
    Jacques: Alright, you win. Just make sure to check on Dynami and the old clan ruins as well. If there's still time after that, check Nocturu, then maybe Glacius... and Geoto... and the Trophy Room...
    «You»: ...Oh, wow, would just look at my wrist? I gotta go! Those rounds won't complete themselves, you know. Bye!

    «Scene: Patrolling Dynamo»«Scene: Old Paxia Ruins»«Scene: Near the Almost-Black-Hole»

    «You»: Ok, looks like there's not going to be anything here either. I'm almost disappointed.
    Dr. Ai-Pang: Please! I've told you everything I know!
    «You»: I stand corrected.

    «The scene pans up to show the Thunder Stalker confronting Dr. Ai-pang near the Almost-Black-Hole.»

    Thunder Stalker: Yes, you've certainly sated my curiousity, but I'm afraid I can't let you go just yet.

    «You enter the scene and Dr. Ai-pang hides behind you.»

    Thunder Stalker: Oh be still my heart, «You» appears to 'save the day'!
    «You»: YOU!?
    Thunder Stalker: Why yes, I am me. How nice of you to notice. Sorry though, I only have time for one dance.
    «You»: ...You keep that up and I'll have to teach you the Danse Macabre.«You»: Alrighty, same rules as before? I ask, you answer?
    Thunder Stalker: Sounds fun, but I think my chaperone might disagree.

    «The Luminous Wyrm enters the scene.»

    Luminous Wyrm: Does your incompetence know no bounds? This is the second time you've lost to this would-be 'hero'! Retreat.
    Thunder Stalker: Aw, but I hate to leave on such a sour-
    Luminous Wyrm: I SAID LEAVE! Go, or I'll make you wish I was allowed to kill you!
    Thunder Stalker: ...Fine, have it your way. I'll see you later «You».

    «The Thunder Stalker bolts away.»

    Luminous Wyrm: So you're the one who has been stirring up so much trouble.
    «You»: What can I say? It's a gift.
    Luminous Wyrm: Indeed? Well I think a little 're-gifting' is in order then.

    «The Luminous Wyrm flings a health potion onto the ground.»

    «You»: ...What's this?
    Luminous Wyrm: Your gift. It'll take the pain of your last fight away. Go on, take it. I want to see you stand back up so I can knock you down!
  • Take the potion!
  • Leave it!

      Take the potion!
      «You receive a Full Heal.»

      1 BATTLE
      Level 1-37: Lambent Wyrm (13)
      Level 38-57: Lucent Wyrm (38)
      Level 58-82: Beaming Wyrm (58)
      Level 83-102: Brilliant Wyrm (83)
      Level 103-127: Effulgent Wyrm (103)
      Level 128-137: Radiant Wyrm (128)
      Level 138+: Luminous Wyrm (138)

        «If you defeat the Luminous Wyrm...»

        Luminous Wyrm: Tch. I can see I underestimated you, hero. I won't make that mistake again, and I won't forget this humiliation either.

        «If you are defeated by the Luminous Wyrm...»

        Luminous Wyrm: I knew it. Nothing but a rank amateur, all bark and no bite. Perhaps now the mistress will see the gravity of the others' failures.

      Leave it!
      «You»: Save it. I'm standing now, and when this is over I will still be standing.
      «You»: I don't need your charity, I am «You», hero of Battleon, and I will defeat you!
      Luminous Wyrm: ...So be it, fool.

      1 BATTLE
      Level 1-37: Lambent Wyrm (13)
      Level 38-57: Lucent Wyrm (38)
      Level 58-82: Beaming Wyrm (58)
      Level 83-102: Brilliant Wyrm (83)
      Level 103-127: Effulgent Wyrm (103)
      Level 128-137: Radiant Wyrm (128)
      Level 138+: Luminous Wyrm (138)

        «If you defeat the Luminous Wyrm...»

        Luminous Wyrm: Hmph. No wonder the mistress is so cautious about you. Savor your victory while you can, «You», but know that it won't last. You cannot stop the coming storm.

        «If you were defeated by the Luminous Wyrm...»

        Luminous Wyrm: You should have accepted my gift, 'hero'. Maybe then you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself.

    Luminous Wyrm: Farewell, "hero". Hope for your own sake that we do not meet again.

    «The Luminous Wyrm leaves the scene.»

    Dr. Ai-Pang: Whew. I didn't think I'd get out of that alive.
    «You»: What did they want?
    Dr. Ai-Pang: I don't know. They just kept asking questions.
    «You»: About?
    Dr. Ai-Pang: My work, mostly. They asked about the Almost-Black-Hole, how I contained it, what it was capable of... you know, under other circumstances their interest would actually have been flattering.
    Dr. Ai-Pang: I think that bright one asked something about "Paxia's would-be defender" too.
    «You»: Wait, they asked about Jacques?
    Dr. Ai-Pang: Yep. Didn't seem too fond of him either.
    «You»: I'm sure the feeling will be mutual as soon as he hears about this. He's going to have a fit when I tell him.
    Chessmaster: Solar Shock

  • Lambent Wyrm Spear
  • Lucent Wyrm Spear G
  • Beaming Wyrm Spear
  • Brilliant Wyrm Spear Z
  • Effulgent Wyrm Spear
  • Radiant Wyrm Spear
  • Luminous Wyrm Spear G

  • Lambent Wyrm Strike Z
  • Lucent Wyrm Strike
  • Beaming Wyrm Strike
  • Brilliant Wyrm Strike G
  • Effulgent Wyrm Strike
  • Radiant Wyrm Strike
  • Luminous Wyrm Strike G

  • Luminous Wyrm Helm [L. 12 Z, 32 Z, 72 Z, 92 Z, 132 Z | 52 G, 112 G]

  • Play again!
  • Guardian Tower!
  • Leave

    Monster lists by Scakk.

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