Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (Full Version)

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A dark soul -> Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 20:51:19)

OK so i think we should get something for be nerfed this bad. I rarely see tact mercs because of the nerf so i think its only fair to give us 1 OP skill back, in my opinion i believe that skill should be Smoke. I always get dominated by tech mages using defence barrier and its stupid i can do any damage even though i have 60+str with a delta maul. If there are any tact merc out there who feal the same as I do then speak up.

kittycat -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 20:52:51)

If you have Smoke, It would be back to OP because TLMs would use Strength builds and it is the rise of TLM OP'ness. I agree with what you said, but undoing an action, such as giving back an OP skill may not seem like a great idea.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 20:53:55)

That just puts you back where you were before the nerf, they should just get technician instead of blood shield or maul instead of stun grenade.
You should go to the balance discussion thread.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 20:55:15)

You should reconsider. The right way of balancing is not to give TLM an OP skill, but rather to encourage defensive builds and buff support too. When that happens, TLM will probably be more popular.

A dark soul -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 20:59:05)

ok i understand that being a buff or a defencive char would be better but i want to be able to do damage to tech mages and bloodmages there defence skill gives them 20+ defence at lv 4 with 40 support its OP

AQWPlayer -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 21:00:51)

OP? Did you know that defense matrix requires energy+one turn without rage? and that other classes have PASSIVE armors?
Edit: Plus the fact that not many have 40+ support now, and that shielding reduces your chance to win in most cases

A dark soul -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 21:03:13)

it is OP they nerfed hybrid armor so it only defendeds half for both defence and resist, plus for a tact merc i have to waste 15 health just to be able to survive ur plasma bolt or plasma cannon

AQWPlayer -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 21:05:09)

6 defense for free every turn=more than defense matrix, which lasts only 3 turns. And I thought we were talking about TLM, not merc?
You're wasting 15 health "just to survive plasma bolt/cannon"? I wonder what atom smasher is for. And blood shield lasts for 5 turns, remember? 15*5=75 resistance. There you gained 60 health.

A dark soul -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 21:08:19)

U said OTHER CLASSES just answering what u said my main point is just give us back a good skill even technetian would help so i could juggernaut it like i used too.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 21:09:41)

I hope you don't mean you want an OP skill to get a 90% win rate in juggernaut again. We need more experts' opinions before it is even possible to buff TLM.
Edit: going off for now

A dark soul -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 21:15:22)

nah i use technician to make my sugical strike more stronger its fair since it takes a 3 warmup

Eventus -> RE: Tactical Merc's and why we should be buffed just a little (7/24/2012 21:19:50)

Please use the Balance Discussion Thread to continue this discussion. Thanks.

Padlockin' up.

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