RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (Full Version)

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Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (7/8/2013 16:16:05)

Updated, thanks for posting.

KaizerWolf -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/9/2013 16:47:50)

Just hit Level 139!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/9/2013 18:30:57)

Ok I added you to the level tracking.

KaizerWolf -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/11/2013 13:53:16)

Hit level 140 just now. Never thought I'd be this close to level 150. [:)]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/11/2013 16:28:54)

Ok updated. Good luck warring and with reaching level 150.

KaizerWolf -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/16/2013 18:57:40)

Level 141 accomplished and trying to replicate a bug; apparently I missed my Print Screen button when I found it the first time. [:@]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/17/2013 1:13:26)

Ok I updated the first post, only 9 more to go, great job with the fast leveling.

KaizerWolf -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/17/2013 2:20:35)


Ok I updated the first post, only 9 more to go, great job with the fast leveling.

Gotta get to Level 143 before August is over; with the next wave of GGB items and Zee's items, I've got Z-Tokens to get my hands on. [8D]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/18/2013 14:55:53)

Sounds like you will be quite busy, speed leveling can be very tiresome though it may be worth also doing ballyhoo as there is a chance a video will get you 20 Z tokens which can add up nicely if you get lucky; of course there is also a chance you won't get any Z tokens at all.

KaizerWolf -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/19/2013 16:20:30)

Doesn't help that I'm not explicitly farming for EXP (since I've gone and upgraded my Nightmaregon and bought the Legendary Shadow Crystal, for example), but I'm not too worried about it. I'm holding onto my Z-Tokens for the GGBs first, but getting (one of) Zee's items is top priority when I can. Here's hoping the next package is gonna be just as awesome as the last few have been!

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/21/2013 14:37:19)


Level 116


On a side note nice to see some people finally were competing for top 5 as it would have been sad to still almost be 5 with my sporadic amount of playing these last few years.

Also have you considered the idea of maybe switching to something like the AQ system where those at cap have a separate Legends category?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/22/2013 15:14:29)

Nice to see you again Anvos, updated the first post. I have been considering replacing the top 5 with a 'legends' section for level 150 and a 'champion section' for characters level 135 or above. Any feedback on the idea would be welcome, especially on the names as I am not overly keen on them.

KaizerWolf -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/22/2013 17:03:33)

I'm quite fine with the idea.

Speaking of levels, the GGBs have made me jump from 141 to 144. [8D]

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/22/2013 21:02:46)

Level 117


As for the name issue, maybe we should make a discussion thread to see what we can come up with, while not cluttering the Level Tracking page to do so.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/23/2013 15:21:26)

I updated the first post, creating another thread won't be necessary we can discuss it here, normally it would be raised in the council thread but currently we have no council and until that is sorted out we will have to persevere.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/24/2013 15:14:14)

Level 118


Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/25/2013 15:26:25)

Ok, updated, keep it up Anvos.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/26/2013 21:35:32)

Level 119


Well, looks like I'm going to push forward towards 120 before switching to alt as I'll then have something to do by rerunning to upgrade mastercraft sets.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/27/2013 15:49:01)

Ok updated, good luck upgrading your sets.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (8/31/2013 17:30:45)

Level 120


Well that now makes me into one of the pinnacles of balance, all stats at least at 100. (Centennial Hero I guess)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/1/2013 9:11:50)

Updated, nice job Anvos.

Anvos -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/1/2013 22:11:02)

Level 121


Well, my mountain of gold has disappeared, and I still need to upgrade golden, guess I'll stick around with main to get the gold for it.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/2/2013 0:46:42)

Updated, believe me I know what it is like to see a nice pile of gold disintegrate quickly into nothing when you have sets to upgrade, at level 150 I was broke and had only upgraded half my stuff. It recovered quickly, largely because I received an abundance of gold because of golden gift boxes, not something I would recommend if you don't want to buy the rare items though.

KaizerWolf -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/2/2013 14:15:59)

Level 145 accomplished! Now farming essences because I have to save up for all the new items I'm going to be buying.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (9/2/2013 15:54:24)

Updated, only 5 more to go KaiserWolf, good luck with getting enough gold for your level 150 equipment it can be a very expensive level.

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