RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (Full Version)

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neo_manni -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (10/22/2013 22:55:40)

^ does that mean you could put my secondary in the list for L150 characters in geoto Oliver Bell?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (10/23/2013 4:26:38)

If you link it here then yes I can add it neo_manni.

neo_manni -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (11/10/2013 16:03:24)

Thx to the war my tertiary is now L134 and has all the L134 guardian dragon blades woot woot! I think my drive for my tertiary is coming back into his stride I updated a lot of my gear and the major overhaul is coming in the next level. Only need like 6.5 mil exp to level up, woot woot!!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (11/11/2013 1:17:23)

Nice job, just a quick reminder I said you can add a second character to the level tracking, though if you want to do so I need a link to the character page.

neo_manni -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (11/11/2013 1:25:29)

here is my secondary bro,

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (11/11/2013 1:32:35)

Updated, enjoy being the only person with 2 level 150's on the level tracking.

neo_manni -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (11/12/2013 22:35:58)

indeed I am [8D]. and more than likely my tertiary is gonna be L135 today and before long he is also gonna be level 150. I wonder if I should focus in getting him to L150 or trying to get him to L150 while trying to increase our points?

P.S. WOOT! WOOT! it looks like my tertiary is gonna get to L136 today or shortly after midnight I am excited OH YEA!! wish us luck Oliver.



Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (11/17/2013 1:46:04)

Nice job neo_manni, at this rate you will have one more level 150 in Geoto very soon.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (2/26/2014 5:32:26)

Slowly but steadily, lvl 102 (26-02-2014)

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (2/26/2014 15:58:22)

Updated. Congratulations on the level up WolfWorshipper. On a side note for those interested neo_manni's third character has reached level 150.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/1/2014 16:30:12)

lvl 103 (01-03-2014), defending our clan gives nice exp!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/2/2014 4:01:58)

Yes it does give rather good exp. Updated.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/8/2014 5:05:06)

Link to character:Under Avatar
Now Level:112
Level when you first posted:First time posting in this thread !

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/8/2014 8:26:20)

Updated. Nice to add another new character to the list. On a side note as activity is picking up again I would like to revive my earlier suggestion for reforming the first post, see below.

I have been considering replacing the top 5 with a 'legends' section for level 150 and a 'champion section' for characters level 135 or above. Any feedback on the idea would be welcome, especially on the names as I am not overly keen on them.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/8/2014 9:34:07)

+1 good idea and also a nice addition to the award gallery, I'll get on it straight away

As for the names, my suggestions:

Geotian Imperial Commander and Legion Commander?

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/8/2014 10:20:17)

The best can be called-Geotian Supreme Commander and or Lord of the Legion !

I am going to go for the champions section when I reach my cap !

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/8/2014 13:55:11)

Hmm nice ideas, here are a few more of my own, how about 'Legendary Commander' and 'Elite Commander', or perhaps 'Spire Guards' and 'Forest Guardians'. I definately like the fact that everyone is coming up with such quality ideas here, its been a while since we had such activity over this forums and I am glad to see Geoto on the road to renewed activity and hopefully long-term recovery.

Warmonger DragonJax -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/23/2014 21:35:52)

Looks like my friend who finished his exams leveled me up till 135 by hitting cap many times ! Level 135 update ,please !(Holidays he has been sitting at the computer like a maniac and he wanted to level me up so I am not sharing ,please don't ban me !)

neo_manni -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/24/2014 0:21:15)

what about "Champions of primal Earth" it has a nice right to it guys, right??

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/24/2014 0:27:45)

I must admit it does sound good, I assume it is for level 150 characters, the only difficulty is finding a 135+ group name to go with it. Updated first post, took quite a while.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (3/31/2014 14:22:50)

March 31st - Amaymon the Unrequited, lvl 104

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/1/2014 3:21:21)

Updated, congratulations on the level up WolfWorshipper.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/1/2014 16:58:11)

make that 105! And no April's fool :P

finally I can upgrade my gear, this has been quite ridiculous

Oliver Bell -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/2/2014 3:53:44)

Nice job WolfWorshipper, I remember level 105 drained a lot of my gold so good luck upgrading. Updated.

Grimrow -> RE: Geoto Level Tracking II (4/6/2014 0:49:31)

Alright, so I got the full Fujin and Eventide set, just want the Golden and Asgardian now :)

In the mean time I got to level 106 (6-04-2014)

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