Summon Rascally TwEbil (Full Version)

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Ward_Point -> Summon Rascally TwEbil (8/19/2012 1:45:47)

Summon Rascally TwEbil

Also see other Summon TwEbils: <Normal>, Bad, Troublesome, Impish Z, Wicked, Naughty, KinEbil

Price: 4,143,334 Gold
Sellback: 2,071,667 Gold
Level: 134
Location: Ebil Twilly!
Element: Darkness

Effect: Summons Rascally TwEbil as a guest. Cast again to dismiss him.
Cost: 0 MP

Luckily you always keep some Brownie Batter on hand to feed Twilly-- turning him into the ebil version of himself. TwEbil!


Information from PieLover31416 and ssjgoku5.

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