RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (Full Version)

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Sh4d0wMast3r -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:37:48)


And what when CH's go strenght? Usually low dex wich means low defence and then what? BH or BM comes to play around with you. Seriously, not even Defense Matrix and Assault Bot can help you.

EDIT: forgot to mention that now due to static nerf you have to waste even more stats on energy wich means even lower def/res.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:38:30)

Y'know what, that's enough
Cyber Hunter needed a nerf, I was a merc, and was getting healed looped on my CH that had rank 2 heal.
I had 17-21 + 35-2 or something, they were heal looping me, it was ridiculous, they didn't even make a build for it, they just never needed to worry, they did 3-5 damage per attack, but every 2 static charge, they would heal
This is helping it, they still have extreme builds, they are closer to BH now, only they have+10 resistance instead of extra health on hits

Every cyber hunter, stop whining, adapt, evolve and move on

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:40:08)


Pshh of course. It seems every update with Cyber you have to use a Strength Build. OOOOOOO! MOER STRNTH! YES!

what else do we have left when we do 5 focus built we got nerf too so i am very confuse what built should we do now if not strenght builts.

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:44:16)

Blaze actually they are weaker then bounty's now because of this nerf. while the have 10 resist their static is weak has heck, while bloodlust is still normal. Bounty hunters can heal with every strike while Cyber hunters unless they hit real hard get little energy left. So now the old class is stronger then the new one.

shadesofblue -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:47:58)

Kinda like what happened with TLM's and Merc's except now TLM's are back on top thanks to 5 focus Tank builds.

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:48:39)

so true i don't got physical claws so i am screw now.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:56:37)

Great, looks like I'm looking at 4 energy regain with max static now vs a tank. How about they look at ACTUAL ideas that would balance CH without making their core move useless?
The only things that make any sense what so ever on that list is the fireball and adrenaline changes. [:@]

ND Mallet -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 22:57:54)

When a CH is capable of restoring over 150 health to his already 100+ health in a single Juggernaut battle then something needs looked at. Heal looping is a no for any situation. Heal looping is not something that should ever be attainable by any class under any circumstances.

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 23:20:34)

ND Mallet guy I can agree with that one. However you still forgot boosters can make for looped heals as well. I don't know how many times I have seen attack, booster, booster, heal especially with CH it was annoying a heck to deal with.

However TM can still do it but it would have to be a long battle for it to be obtained. as for CH while their static is now somewhat equal to a Assimilate they don't have reroute like TM however, they do have the PA that TM got as well as the unblockable Emp. Now they can't loop it along with healing without boosters.

rej -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 23:53:15)

We all knew it was coming eventually. It's just part of the cycle. A class becomes OPed. Everyone switched to is. It is brutally nerfed. Players are forced to switch to other classes. Its the only thing the staff know how to do in this situation apparently. [;)]

kittycat -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/24/2012 23:57:21)

@Mother1:, You are right, but the aftermath of Plasma Cannon would be unknown.

khalidon5000 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:01:02)

Well at least they buffed adrenaline and fixed the bug concerning it.

shadesofblue -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:08:22)

Made a PWN'age STR CH Max Shadow Arts Build! :P CH still has some potential, although it's mostly just potential for STR builds right now........

D.v.D. -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:14:22)

Uhm.. you chs also have potential in support + dex build too.
Remember malf increase with sup
Higher malf means more damage (obviously)

my 0.02 on cyber hunter builds

shadesofblue -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:23:04)

^That wouldn't work anymore because basically all CH builds revolve around Static. You wouldn't have enough stats because you'd have to invest in energy too. Especially when you have low STR and static give 3 energy back...... High STR is a much better option.

Naruto Uzamaki -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:31:43)

it seems blood mages really havent change much in fact just now ch are even more usless then before.

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:41:58)

Naruto it is because the move BM use the most was slightly nerfed, while their plasma cannon was nerfed harder. The fireball wasn't nerfed enough, and because of the nerf to plasma cannon more Blood mages are going to steer away from the tech build and toward the str build.

However, CH got hit a lot harder, and as I said before you can thank all the EMP looping and heal looping users for this one especially if you are a class who can't recover from EMP's or can't stand up to tank CH who abuse heal loops.

ND Mallet -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:43:47)

BMs got nerfed pretty good. Instead of hitting 40+ on most tanks with Fireball I am now hitting for 30s. Strength is still an option but it's more manageable now and less 2 hit kill capable.

D.v.D. -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:45:02)

ahh good point
You could use weapons that increase str, support, and dex.Ignore tech.

Remeber how when the first dragon buster came out and heal loop mages used High dex and sup and medium strength?
I think cyberhunters could revive that build

shadesofblue -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 0:57:14)

^But CH's don't gain energy when hit; they gain energy when hitting so you need to swap High Dex with High STR and swap high SUPP with average SUPP. The only class that can heal loop effectively is TLM's, since they have an Armor and Reroute. I have level 34 non-varium TLM's heal looping me, and I'm a Full Varium and use a STR build (21-26 STR) All builds are dead, except for pure STR with a low Massacre (to save energy) and Max Shadow arts (So you don't get blocked).

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 1:04:20)

A quote from ND mallet man "How about actually investing your points into your energy instead of relying on a skill that has a possibility of giving it back?" The lot of you are complaining that you don't get the energy back to use your skills now, but most never invest a lot of energy into their energy. If you want to survive now stop relying on static and invest point into your energy to use your skills.

shadesofblue -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 1:09:24)

^That would be turning us into STR BH's, but it wouldn't work as well since they have Blood Lust (VERY IMPORTANT) and they have Smokescreen (Much, Much better than Malfunction especially combined with Shadow Arts)

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 1:29:59)

^ how is investing energy into your CH build turning you into str BH? It doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Besides I have seen Str CH before the update and they were doing the same thing except with less energy because of Static.

Besides you still have Shadow arts like BH and just about every single move a BH have except for a few. Static has always been CH greatest strength and weakness as well. Take away static and the class falls apart. Now after months and months of healing and emp loops CH get the ball dropped and now CH are running around like chickens who have their heads cut off. Stop spending the energy on everything but energy and invest in that stat to make up for it. It is that simple. (unless the staff decided to undo this nerf which will mean EMP loops and heal loops all over again.

Rui. -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (8/25/2012 1:34:50)

fireball and plasma bolt nerf buffed to be the same but now plasma bolt seems much better and lower energy cost. I am gonna change to a tech mage and people are gonna complain bolt is op.

Bunk and cannon were buffed to be the same make it fair and nerf bunk too.

We blood mages dont use super charge give us assimilation instead.

Dragon buster sword ? Does this give you the cheevo when you buy it ?

Overall no complaints on the nerf good job on the static thing. Still feel emp needs to go or have its scaling drastically reduced.

Does you balance tracker give you info on what skill was used in battle. If not add it and see how many players use multi, rain and air strike.

khalidon5000 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (8/25/2012 1:43:21)

Just my thoughts on the patch-
Good job with the nerf on fireball, however the nerf to plasma cannon seemed unnecessary.
Cyber Hunter nerf was also good, I think we should leave it alone now.
Thanks for finally buffing adrenaline, I'm glad that they also fixed the bug that meant adrenaline wasn't giving rage in some circumstances.
Glad that Dragon Buster 2 is only 995 varium, good price for the sword.
That's all, good job.

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