RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (Full Version)

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Lord Machaar -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (8/25/2012 9:40:36)

It's weird how some people say, U wanted this "Change", u wanted this and this and this! who told u i wanted this? just give me a single proof that i wanted a single one of those Balances, actually i'm done with balances since last month, so technically, you can't You wanted that or this! i ain't gonna read every single post, i'm not an AK, which means, i won't know everything that is running into this forum, if i know this Change is coming, i would say at least my opinion, my idea is, making a poll, so everyone can participate... just because "Most" of players on that post said so... you must put that change right away... what if all of them are using same build/class? what if they are using a retarded build and coming to whine over here... u really can't count on the player's suggestions 100%
I believe there is a balance tracker...
and just to get this clear, i don't care if popularity wanted this change, i believe they wanted Str BM get nerfed, but what i see? other builds got nerfed too... unless if i didn't know that you can use "Plasma cannon" with str build.. Perhaps!

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (8/25/2012 9:51:27)

Lord Machaar they nerfed the plasma cannon because of it's potential health gain. Remember Plasma cannon is one of the moves that has a higher potential to crit like the others. Plus combined with bloodlust if it does crit you can gain a lot of health back. Especially if you crit with the weapon the powers up critical hits it will be even worse.

But on the other note this is just like with the infernal android thing all over again. People wanted the infernal android nerfed, and as a result all the bots got messed with. This is the same thing. People wanted str BM nerfed and they got it along with a whole lot of other things they didn't want. Now instead of 1 class getting nerfed 3 classes got nerfed wit CH getting the strongest nerf that I feel the str BM should have got. Also once again the Merc class get another buff which makes it 3 buffs and no nerfs (unless you could the move balance as a nerf since it did weaken hybrid armor by one point each.)

ansh0 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (8/25/2012 10:23:09)


Just dumb few stats to Energy

Easier said than done.

Mother1 -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (8/25/2012 10:33:08)

Ansh0 it has to be done now since with static being the way it was before it not only caused EMP loops, but healing loops as well. Not to mention most CH would never invest stat points or little stat points into energy because of that static. This leave them a lot of extra stat points to make themselves extremely tanky. Do you know how annoying it is to deal with tank CH who would abuse heal loops and EMP loops because of this? I will tell you it isn't fun especially if you are a class that can't handle EMP loops or a weaker player who can't barely stand up to a tank player.

I have experienced this feeling and even seen this happen to weaker players. Sometimes they get lucky and score s crit hit when they are far in the duel, and then boom all hope is taken when that CH heals for a 2/3 time due to static giving them another heal loop. It wasn't fair to these players and now if CH don't like it they can either adapt, change class, or save to change class it is that simple.

spectra phantom -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 10:41:50)

Wow....evrybody complains cuz they got so used to being rly OP tank? IMO this is the best nerf to chs so far and i hope this actually makes ppl try other classes than ch...and i honestly hope evryone wont go bm now...

shadesofblue -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 10:58:10)

^If I were really used to being an OP tank, I would've switched to BM as soon as the nerf happenend, since they're still OP. I have the varium and nothing to spend it on, but I'd rather stay a CH in hopes that they'll change it back to the class I paid for as a non-varium (Back when CH still had Technican, and weren't "OP").

Sympleton -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 10:58:51)

I've noticed that a lot of the people complaining about the recent CH nerfs were indeed, cybers themselves. It is very easy to criticize a balance change when it directly weakens your class, but I think you guys should think about it a little bit more.

We all know Str BM was overpowered. OK good, they made a step in the right direction by nerfing fireball.

Although not as much so, we all know that it was insanely easy for CH's to tank, while having infinite healing capabilities. I'm not sure how I feel about such a drastic change with static, but something had to be done about CH's tanking abilities. This is again a step in the right direction.

there should not be any "mandatory" skills for a class to win, and I think static was definitively one for CH. I think this will create a lot more diversity in CH's, which translates into better balance.

Overall thumbs up to this release.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:05:19)

On nerfing Plasma Cannon:

"As a Blood Mage, you will be able to use the devastating Plasma Cannon, which includes a 25% chance for critical strike and ignores 20% of your opponent’s resistance"

"Bunker Buster: Fires a rocket ignoring 20% defense; 25% chance for a critical strike."

Which do you think players have less of resistance or defense?

Both nerfs to the Blood Mage class were uncalled for. Nerf the Class anymore you might as well as delete the class and just have 5 classes.

Removed flaming. -- SMGS

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:25:12)

Plasma could've stayed as it was but it was the synergy with BL, Hun. Fireball was needed to nerf Strength abusers so don't say it's bad because apparently, BMs are even more UP.. That's not true and you cannot fight many people's views on Str BMs as well as the Tracker itself.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:32:48)

The CH nerf was a bit too much, but oh well. After all, you did deserve it. What about making static work as before the update, but with even less energy regen and one turn cooldown? And reduced damage while using static charge.
Then make static regenerate as much as it used to when it was released...about 20-25 energy? But without doing damage (and of course no rage)
And since it does no damage, it should be unblockable too

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:32:58)

Trans I couldn't agree more. It was even worse when you have level 30 BM with 130+ plus strength owning people left and right (even those at level 35 with good builds), then to add injury to insult call the match EZ or call the player they are fighting a noob when the only reason they are winning is because of the spammy strength build.

AQWplayer no that would be worse. Even with less the one turn cooldown would make heal looping and EMP looping happen all over again if not worse. If they 'must' buff static make the energy gain fixed at a number that isn't too low, but isn't too high to the point where EMP looping and heal looping can be abused, or increase the percent 10 45% at max with actual damage. This way it wouldn't give back too much energy unless it crits on rage or crits in general which is based on luck. But I am still against buffing his skill.

Also AQWplayer it is insulting and against the rules to be called Noob, and other bad names in the game. Plus it isn't just me that is complaining about str BM most everyone is complaining about them plus the str BM if done right is instant win against just about any build and how is that balanced? there should be no absolute or almost absolute build to win all battles.

rayniedays56 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:40:58) wonderful thoughts...

Fireball nerf was...ok...but still weak. They just rage it now.
A nerf to plasma cannon. Why? How much sense does it make to nerf a move that is non strength based. And since BM's can't Loop this move, it was stupid.

No. Just no. This nerf was absolutely dumb.

Eh. It's ALRIGHT. However, shouldn't their Bunker be nerfed if Plasma Cannon was?

My main topic of the day ;)

Nerf to Plasma Armor. GREAT! YOU LISTENED! But...just get rid of it, please. This alien skill is killing Cybers.
Nerf to Static. Are you kidding me? You nerf the core of a CH. We can now only gain 3-7 blockable EP every 2 turns. How


Now TM and TLM have a greater EP regain then Cybers, while we suffer under being called OP.

OK. Tired of EMP looping? DO SOMETHING ABOUT EMP! Tired of Heal Looping? THEN DONT NERF STATIC TO WHERE IT'S UNUSABLE! Make it fixed numbers!

Removed self-censored profanity. -- SMGS

FrostWolv -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:45:05)

Well .... I personally like the update

Before this update I used to see tons of CH (hard to kill coz of its tank and EMP ability)and str BM (fast kill and Str abuse that could penetrate opp defences)

Now I guess their is a better balance and a hope to see fresh battles having different builds and no continuous appearance of same CH and Str BM

rayniedays56 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:46:27)

And to let everyone know. CH'S CAN STILL USE EMP! With the right 5 focus build, my level 4 can be 40 EP drained!

King Helios -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:47:40)


I have 43 EP! o_0

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:53:01)


Plasma cannon was nerfed because it works with blood lust while Bunker blaster doesn't since merc don't have this skill. If a plasma cannon crits it has the potential to give you back more energy then a fireball or even deadly aim. Plus if you are using the weapon that power's up crits and the person is a tech spammer >_< that won't be pretty at all. Also the only reason they nerfed Mineral armor was because Plasma armor got nerfed. If they only nerfed one people would be complaining about how unfair that one class has a stronger passive armor then the other.

Also you forget one thing. Reroute only give you energy back when you take a hit. Also if you take too strong a hit and get ko'ed what good will that energy do you? You can't use that energy if you are dead can you?

Now if they gave you back technician it would cause EMP's abuse to go up since EMP's are powered by technology, and there are plenty of Tech Spammer in this class as it is. While you may not like plasma armor it does give you permanent resistance, and it won't cause EMP abuse to get worse.

Now with the static thing sorry, but most CH brought it upon themselves. CH and TLM are the two classes that I hardly ever see invest points into their energy while most of the other classes do so. As a result these classes can tank real easy giving a lot of the other players a hard time in battle. Plus the consistant heal and EMP loops got on players nerves. It was overly abused by some and as a result all the CH are paying the price for it.

Ranloth -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 11:58:14)

Guys, one more thing.. Balance Tracker will show results of nerfs so really, if CHs will do worse with this SC, they can buff %s up slightly (Frenzy has double power, HP > EP in terms of usefulness, and EP cost doesn't justify double the power) so we can hope for slight buff to %s at least. 29% at Lvl 10 is meh since it's 3 Energy per 10 damage and Tanks completely destroy this due to dealing very low damage even and not being able to get decent EP back.

What you can do is play as you do and gather your data, post it here and let Rabble read it. Balance Tracker will further justify your points. Raynie, this can apply to you. :)

Midnightsoul -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 12:00:42)

Personally, I think static charge should work like bloodlust or (strength+support)/2 *static charge effect=energy regained.
I do not see the point in having to nerf it that bad. It was already weak enough and EMP should have been changed to something like assimilation or


shadesofblue -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 12:01:23)


Now if they gave you back technician it would cause EMP's abuse to go up since EMP's are powered by technology, and there are plenty of Tech Spammer in this class as it is. While you may not like plasma armor it does give you permanent resistance, and it won't cause EMP abuse to get worse.

Completely incorrect. Did people complain about EMP or "OP CH" builds back when we still had technican? No, and here's why: Technican; sure, you can do 5 focus and EMP and stuff, but you can't survive as long without Plasma, so you won't have enough time to use Static enough to Heal Loop. Plasma->CH Survives Longer->CH regains more energy because we survive longer->enough energy to EMP/Heal Twice ->Your Heal Looping/EMP'ing problem.

Hun Kingq -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 12:04:32)

Mother1, I have been using Plasma Cannon more often now than before I go critical once in every 100 matches and at rage I get between 45 to 47 damage that is players with low tech. Because of my high dex players with high strength only got 35 to 37 damage but what gets everyone is bludgeon not fireball. I have seen more tech mages using Bludgeon more than any other skill.

The real problem is the stats not the skills.
Players with low support Crits more often.
Players with high strength goes first.
Players with lower tech deflects more.
Players with lower dex than you blocks more.

All these are noticeable facts and many have been noticing it more.

King Helios -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 12:06:08)

^ I crit in about 60% of battles. (129 Support). Seems right.

BlueKatz -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 12:11:43)

I still play but don't post too much recently. So here's my thought

This is a fairly balanced Patch.

Tank/Bot TLM is slightly strong but not OP. This put them into right place.

Merc is still quite weak now but it's a reasonable buff and a quite noticeable one. The problem that Merc only work with Bot

BM is stupid (impo) and they deserve that STR Nerf. I have no opinion on Plasma Cannon. It's stupidly broken at low level and when well abused but it does not make BM OP. I think BM is fine now

CH EMP/Heal loop is still broken so it's actually balanced with the huge nerf lol. But the SC nerf was overkill and make the skill become terribly stupid.

Overall I think it's a balanced patch but it's kinda boring patch with an overkill SC nerf.

Mother1 -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 12:15:10)

King hun plasma cannon doesn't work with support. the chance for it to crit will always be fixed at 25% just like with bunker blaster and cheap shot. Also the highest chance anyone has to crit is 20% unless they have the azreal bane or curse in which it is 25% and that would be only on strikes. Plus you can't forget the plasma cannon stacks with blood lust unlike supercharge since supercharge since if it did it would be overpowered.

Also while Tech mages do have bludgeon like Blood mages most tech mages don't use strength builds like blood mages do. I am a tech mage right now, and the only reason I even have this move is so I can get to reroute (which is the case for just about all tech mages) I am willing to bet if bludgeon wasn't in the tree for reroute almost all tech mages wouldn't even bother to use it at all. In fact most only use it when they have no other moves left and have rage if anything.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Patch Notes - 1.4.9b (8/25/2012 12:43:05)

I use max bludgeon in my build. Guess what? The build failed hard.

Renegade Reaper -> RE: =ED= Patch Notes - 1.4.9b - August 24, 2012 (8/25/2012 12:55:05)

emp is powerful even at level 1 with decent points invested in tech. i agree that a nerf to it rather than static would have been good.
and even though im not a cyber at this moment, i think that with the way they have nerfed static, the % recovered should have been
buffed a little bit.

and guys, the nerf on bloodmages was devestating, the base damage on some was like 85, now its down to like 69 or something.
maybe its just because ive played a lot or w.e, but thats a BIG difference.

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