RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 16:20:52)


but it seems like you are trying to make a void for each element..maybe make it a bit more different?

That's right. I'm trying to make a void for each element. There should also be a Bacon Void xD
But there should be a void where it is a large fusion of all the elements. :D

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 16:24:17)

..oh i remember when i used to post every second when somebody made a new post :P
i do not know where my creativity went *sighs*
but if there is ANYTHING i would probably be a Zeuster or Chickencow in oversoul
Stage 1 a normal chickencow
Stage 2: a armored chickencow
Stage3:( i do not know how this would work)

Blackwinged -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 16:25:26)


I like it! The Pumpkin Lord with real Pumpkin Lord Powers! You can be sure I'll make that for Oversoul!

The Pumpkin Lord always felt kinda lame in AQW because it had the exact same skills as the warrior class, but I can't wait to play as a Pumpkin Lord in Oversoul! :D

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 17:50:04)

Chronos Infiltrator
Alignment: +35

Description: This assassin has mastered the art of chronomancy and now uses these two specialties to further the cause of good. Striking from the shadows, the past, and future, he is a force of reckoning.

Stage one: A man in grey cloth armor, similar to the Whispering Raiment from aq classic. In one of his hands he has small dagger. His face is blacked out from the shadow of the hood, though two brightly glowing cyan eyes can be seen from below the hood. Small non-glowing runes can be seen on various parts of his clothing.

Stage two: His armor is now light tan as he is in the time stream more than in the shadows. In one of his hands he now has a short sword with a tan blade which has numerous glowing runes running down it's blade. He retains his runes from stage one.

Stage three: The runes on his raiment are now glowing and there is some visible bronze light plate covering his arms and some is seen where the clothing on his chest exposes it, and one of his eyes has a glowing scar which is visible only by it's bright glow. It runs vertical down his left eye. One of his weapons is now a kama which has a bronze handle and a cyan colored blade, whose edges glow bright teal. His weapon which he holds in his off-hand is a sickle which has a blade comprised solely of glowing cyan, making the weapon's blade look as if it were composed purely of energy. Small fissures spread out from where his feet are, a bright glow escaping from their depths.

Concept Cards
Ethereal Blade: Cost:5 Effect: deal 7 damage. If enemy is shielded deal 5 damage to shield and 2 to enemy
NeverEnder: Cost:10 Effect: For the next 5 turns you deal an extra attack for 2 damage. These count towards combos.
Time Consumer: Cost:6 Effect: 2 turn stun and 6 damage over 3 turns.
A tear in the fabric: Cost: 8 Effect: 10% chance to have an extra turn for the next 8 turns
Best served twice: Cost:4 Effect:6 damage with a 40% chance of a second strike dealing 2 damage

On a side note, Nulgath should update that list about what is getting in game on page 1. Show us some love! xP Not impatient, I just wrote a ton and would like to see if any of my ideas got in game.

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 18:03:55)

@poodlemiester just wait i say a tweet where nulgath said they would start using suggestions once
they get in all features Just keep waiting we are just suggesting

Stronius -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 18:20:35)

Character: Greater Plague Demon
Allignment: Evil -50
Description: A massive bloated corpse housing a powerful demon, who has slain countless souls over the centuries. His body is covered with wounds and scars, and his skin is sickly green. Massive stag like horns grow from his head and an evil smile greets his face. Carrying a rusted blade powerful enough to corrode rock and slough metal, this demon awaits his next victim.
Special cards: Regenerate. Heal 5 hp every turn for 3 turns.
Corrode: Special attack that deals half the demons current Hp, requires 3 turns of warm up, and ignores sheilds.
Sickness: Spread a deadly plague to the enemy, dealing 5 damage every turn for 3 turns.

Phase one is just a fly infested corpse with 1 unique card, phase 2 has the corpse bloat up from disease and gain a 2nd card, and phase 3 he gains his sword and antlers and has all 3 ability cards.
I envision it to look something like this

Lord Hades -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 18:57:37)

Character: Pellor, the Barber-Surgeon
When the fields run red with blood, one can be sure that the Barber-Surgeon will be there to survey the damage. But he is a healer primarily, and has saved the lives of more men than have fallen to his saw.
Alignment: Good +20

Phase One: A man in a bloody apron, wielding a severed arm.
Phase Two: The man has a trimmed beard, his apron is clean, and he is holding a large hacksaw.
Phase Three: The man is very well-groomed, is in a white coat, and holds a small knife in his hand.

Cards...Disarm (6 Neutral): Deal four damage. Gain four shield.
Amputate (10 Neutral): Deal five damage. Your opponent's attacks do one less damage EACH for five rounds.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 19:44:37)

Character: Lord of Destruction
Description: Once an Agent, the Lord of Destruction fell from grace and now warps the power of creation to the volatile impulses of destruction. He has named himself the god of destruction, and antithesis of the Creator, while this may not be true, he is still a horribly powerful adversary.

Phase one: Similar in appearance to a stage three agent, though all that was once lime green is now a tangerine hue.

Stage two: His wings have been resided into his armor, which has changed hues to a darker, yet less "bronze" color.

Stage three: He has traded in his previous armaments for a kite shield and a spear similar in appearance to the blade of awe, though the color is light silver and there are runes of a bright orange glow on the spear-head. His armor is completely silver and he has a very large orange cape, with some of it hanging on the front part of his armor. He has a large hood and no eyes or glow are visible below this shroud.

Concept cards:
Black heart: Cost:5 Effect: Deal 7 damage and heal for 4
Eventide: Cost:5 Effect: After 4 turns heal 9 HP
Remorseless: Cost:9 Effect: Ignore shields for 15 turns

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 19:50:31)



It should have large attacks like spiky pumpkin vines reaching out the ground. Everything a REAL PUMPKIN LORD SHALL HAVE!

I like it! The Pumpkin Lord with real Pumpkin Lord Powers! You can be sure I'll make that for Oversoul!


He took my suggestion?! Best game ever. I can't wait! Will it be out for this halloween, Nulgath?

Stronius -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 21:00:03)

I just thought of another demon.
Character: Lord of Change.
Allignment: Evil -40
Description: A large figure, dressed in long magi robes glowing faintly blue and green, with a cowl shadowing the face except for a raven's beak poking out. The Lord is a master magician, specializing in mutation spells, who has defected to evil and increased his power through the dark arts.
Phase 1: Little more than a mage in deep blue green robes, weilding a long staff with a spiked ring at the end.
Phase 2: Now the Lord has sprouted a large pair of black feathered wings and a raven's beak
Phase 3: The lord has increased in size, and has an aura of power around his cowl and staff.
Special cards: Psychic Ward: Creates a magic barrier that reflects an enemies next attack back at him.
Mutate: Transform the enemy into a harmless creature(insect, bunny) for the next 2 turns, halves all their stats and power for the duration.
Absorb: Siphon the enemy's charged power and gives it to you as the element of choice. Requires the user be at or below 50% hp.

Character: Shadow demon
Allignment: evil -45
Description: A being of pure terror, the shadow demon feeds on an opponent's fears to strengthen itself. Made of darkness, only the strongest of attacks can damage it.
Phase 1: Just a sillhouette of a man, with glowing purple eyes and clawed hands.
Phase 2: The demon gains spikes down it's back and shoulders, and grows larger in size.
Phase 3: The ultimate form, has an aura of wispy darkness tendrils and massive batlike wings, dressed in the robes of a necromancer.
Special cards:
Nightmare: Send your enemy's worst fear at him, breaking focus. -50% enemy damage for 2 turns.
Silence: Use your speed to attack your opponent before they can react. 8 unblockable damage.
Shadow mastery: Send your enemy's own shadow to attack them. Next enemy's attack hurts himself instead of you.

Character: Blood demon. Image:
Allignment: evil -50
Description: A being of pure anger and hatred, blood demons cannot go a single day without ending lives and spilling gallons of blood.
Phase 1: A typical demon form, with red skin, burning eyes, a face that is part human, part canine and part goat.
Phase 2: The demon gains blackened bronze armor, and weilds a massive battleaxe and sword.
Phase 3: The demon grows to Nulgath's size, and his weapons burn with unholy fire.

Special cards:
Bleed: Cause the enemy to uncontrollably bleed. Deal 5 damage per turn for 3 turns.
Strike of Bloodthirst: Deal damage based on fire charges, and heal half of what you deal.
Crushing blow: Deal damage based on number of fire charges, and damage self for half the amount.

Clearly these are tough characters, only the most evil of men can use them, but their power in battle is nigh unstoppable.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 22:11:44)

@Stronius Lord of Change comes from Warhammer 40k. Also, I noticed several of your suggestions included demons from Warhammer 40k. Don't do that.
New character: Doomsday Spirit
Alignment: Evil -45
Element: Neutral/Shadow
Description: A cloud of pure doom and despair. Only two eyes glare from its dark depths. Death and destruction follow where the Doomsday Spirit goes.
Phase 1: A brown cloud, red eyes are like Void's eyes
Phase 2: Darker, eyes more intense, larger cloud and begins to take on a slight man shape
Phase 3: Black, a 90% man shape, just fady, eyes are blazing red, and has eye tattoos like Vestige and Void of Nulgath
Despair: Enevelopes enemy with complete despair, causing a DoT (same as Poison)
Doom: Same as despair, but envelopes enemy with total doom.
Destruction: A massive attack, (slightly weaker than Witch's Fireball), and costing a little less energy than Fireball
Death: Same as Destruction.

Stronius -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 22:26:40)

@chaosripjaw Well the name can be changed, and I can't help it if 40k has great demons. They don't have to look anything like the images I used, those were simply the inspiration. Milton can design them to look however he wants, be it similar or very different than the daemons. Besides the issue of infringement, what do you actually think of my character ideas? I like your cloud of doom, it sounds genuinely scary, like the red fog from Aq. Maybe not have 2 of it's skills be copies of it's other skills though, seems redundant.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 22:45:07)

@Stronius or w/e The point of suggestions is for your own ideas. If Nulgath likes something from somewhere else, I'm sure he will put it in the game, with enough change on his own accord.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 22:57:45)

@Castleman29 Hey . . . don't forget I helped you convince Nulgath about the PumpkinLord Idea xD

Stronius -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 23:23:20)

,@castleman29 Gratz. Sounds like a fun class to play, although I hope our attacks do not consist of baking and eating ourselves.

I understand, I'm just trying to put something I enjoy into a game I'm sure to love. Besides, quite a few other suggestions are taken from other media as well, and the Op never said they had to be your own ideas.

On topic: I forgot elements. The shadow demon would obviously be darkness and ice, and the blood demon is fire and earth. Chaos sorcerer guy would have chaos and lightning, and the plague demon would be earth and water.

ND Mallet -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 23:32:37)

Since holiday characters are so popular I'd like to suggest ReignDragons, GiftBox characters(don't actually open into a rare character never to return because of Nulgath's position against rares), Cupix, Grenwogs, Mistletoe Moose(because sometimes you need more reasons to kiss one), and so on.

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/2/2012 23:37:21)


@Castleman29 Hey . . . don't forget I helped you convince Nulgath about the PumpkinLord Idea xD

No worries, I would never! I just love that he took the suggestion!


@castleman29 Gratz. Sounds like a fun class to play, although I hope our attacks do not consist of baking and eating ourselves.

I don't even care, as long as I get to be a PumpkinLord I'm happy. But thanks for the congratulations!

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 11:28:59)

Okay I'm back to suggesting!
Pumpkin Lord suggestion by Castleman29 and ChaosRipjaw xD
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Fire, since the Pumpkin head is usually on fire, and Earth, since Pumpkins come from the ground :D
Description: The Pumpkin Lord is the master of all Pumpkins. He uses the power of Pumpkins and . . . . more Pumpkins to spread horror during Mogloween! :D
Phase 1: Looks like original Pumpkin Lord, but less bulky and less pumpkins.
Phase 2: Full Pumpkin Lord set, pretty much like AQW's Pumpkin Lord.
Phase 3: Like Evo Pumpkin Lord, but set in Oversoul style :D
"Vine Whip": Idk what to call it, so I just call it Vine Whip xD. Vines streak out from Pumpkin Lord's back and latch on Enemy, causing a DoT, like Poison, but uses Earth energy instead.
Thorns: A massive thorny vine with jack-o-lanterns streak up from the ground and cause moderate damage (unblockable attack, like Witch's Inferno)
Blow Fire: Firey Pumpkin Head blows fire at the enemy, with a chance to apply a DoT, like Poison, but uses Fire energy instead.
Wall of Pumpkins: Just like Barbarian's Ice Wall, but a batch of Pumpkins appear in front of you to block attacks ^_^
Vine Wrap: Like Barbarian's Freeze, but Vines wrap around enemy, rendering it/he/she immobile

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 11:45:46)

@ChaosRipjaw, I love you and those skills. <3

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 12:25:48)

Okay now, I've got another character suggestion:
Character: Demon of Light
Alignment: -50 evil
Element: Light
Description: As a mockery of the Angels of Heaven, this demon has decided to use the power of light to do evil.
Phase 1: A twisted classic demon, but has a twisted halo supported by horns, and wings are angel wings. It glows a pure gold and white.
Phase 2: More muscular, wings larger, longer fangs, claws, everything. Light on it is more harsh and intense.
Phase 3: By now, it looks like a perfect blending of an ArchAngel and an ArchFiend.
Burning Light: A beam of corrupted and pure light blasts enemy, an unblockable attack like Inferno.
Evil Light: Light betrays and attack the enemy, just like Skexis' Mark of Death, but uses Light Energy.
Light Heal: Young Knight's heal.


Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 12:37:55)

The Demon of Light sounds interesting, however... once I possess my PumpkinLord every single other character will be dead to me.
All I want for Frostvale is my two front teeth.. Mogloween is my PumpkinLord..

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 13:48:55)

Now, time for HOLIDAY CHARACTERS!!! Mogloween is done, which is Pumpkin Lord, so first is Cornucopia!
Character: Turdraken
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Neutral/Earth
Phase 1: Normal turkey
Phase 2: Larger turkey, with some scales and wings
Phase 3: Full Turdraken!
Cluck: Sonic sound that is unblockable, like Inferno

Next is Frostvale!
Character: Santa Claws
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Neutral, or Ice, if you like.
Description: Me gonna make you all sad for Frostvale!
Phase 1: Evil black moglin with santa hat, but not yet furry and clawzy like the real Santa Claws
Phase 2: Furrier, bigger, eviler!
Phase 3: Full Santa Claws!
Bad List: Overwhelms enemy with total sad, leaving a DoT, just like Poison
Good List: Overwhelms enemy with happy, leaving a stun, just like Freeze.

Now it's Heroes Heart Day!
Character: Cupid
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Neutral
Phase 1: Baby Cupid!
Phase 2: Teen Cupid!
Phase 3: Daddy Cupid!
I'm gonna write some more soon!

Character: Grenwog
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Neutral
Phase 1: Little baby grenwog :D
Phase 2: Bigger.
Phase 3: Full Grenwog :D
Boxing Punch: Hard punch, unblockable
Gnaw: Exactly as it says, lowers all defenses notably. It's made so that all attacks, even blockable, will hit the enemy.
Character: Bunny Berserker
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Neutral
Phase 1: Little rabbit wearing cute armor!
Phase 2: Original Bunny Berserker
Phase 3: Evo Bunny Berserker!
Berserk Bunny: The fury of the bunny is unleashed, causing massive damage (slightly weaker than Fireball)

Okay, I think that's too long. After next post, I come up with more holiday characters for Oversoul ^_^

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 14:10:20)

@ChaosRipjaw, I love those. How about this?

Character: Jack Frost
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Ice
Description: I'll be doing more than just nipping at your nose!
Phase 1: Icy elf with blue elf clothing.
Phase 2: Icy elf with blue elf clothing and icicle claws on his fingers.
Phase 3: Icy elf with blue elf clothing, icicle claws of his fingers and ice shards coming up from his shoulders/back.
Ice tomb, freezes your opponent for one turn.
Ice shard, 4 damage for one turn.
Ice barrage (5 hit combo), you send a barrage of ice shards/spears at your enemy!
Ice wall, 5 point shield.
Ice attack, turn your arm into a blade of ice, run up and cut your opponent for 5 damage.
Pneumonia, your enemy begins taking damage over time. (4 damage per turn for 3 turns, or 9 damage for one turn.)

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 14:14:37)

@Castleman29 xD I like those abilities! I'm gonna describe them

Ice Tomb: An ice coffin appears and snaps shut on the enemy. It's also see-through for use :D
Ice Shard: Raises hand and an icicle reaches up from ground and hits enemy, kinda like water rapid, or hand shoots a long spear of ice out
Ice Barrage: Hands raised and ice darts flash and flash and flash onto the enemy!
Ice attack: It'd be a little cooler if one turned into a blade of ice, like you said, and the other turns into a club :D

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/3/2012 14:19:47)

@ChaosRipjaw, Exactly! It seems like we think way too much alike!
Great minds, eh?

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