RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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Remnant the Unknown -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 0:13:30)

Yours seems too OP. I balanced mine. So shush.

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 3:11:50)

Not op, just suggested skills. Nulgath has the final say.

Sparkedy -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 8:41:59)


And it doesnt seem OP at all to me...

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 8:47:47)

If you noticed, my Pumpkin Lord doesn't have any massive damage skill xD

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 13:10:13)

*Sigh...* I'd rather this not turn into an argument. I didn't see anything OP about ChaosRipjaw's Pumpkin Lord skills, so why try to suggest something that he and I already suggested together?
It just seems unnecessary, because Nulgath decides the final skillset and it's completely up to him whether he takes ChaosRipjaw's skill suggestion or not.

Let's just drop this, all that matters is that there will be a Pumpkin Lord with

real Pumpkin Lord skills
according to Nulgath.

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 14:22:12)

now how about a new mogloween character suggestion

Pumpkin Wyrm:
Alignment:good 30
Description:brought to life by a pumpkinlord seeking to stop those who would stop mogloween he sends his beast out to guard the event

Stage 1: a orange dragon with vines around it making wings
Stage 2: a dragon with vines and roots surronding it with a head made of fire
Stage 3: a medium sized dragon with wings of fire and vines with a head of fire bursting with a pumpkin head

Pumpkin absorb:
You absorb up to 8 damage
then you release it hitting the foe for half that

Pumpkin Blast:
the wyrm spits out hundreds of flaming pumpkin seeds and hits the foe for a random amount of damage from 20%to 50%

Etenral Seeding:
the wyrm plants itself into the ground and heals hp while for 2 turns being unable to attack

Grand Finale:
The dragon uses the "spirit" of mogloween to hit the foe with incredible pierce damage

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 15:44:59)

@Zeuster Speaking of "Wyrm", I've got an idea.

Character: Pumpkin Wyrm Rider
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Fire and Earth
Description: The Pumpkin Lord has transformed an innocent wyrm into a wyrm like pumpkin creature. (Looks like Frostwyrm rider, but keep in mind that it's Pumpkin-nized)

Stage 1: Thinner and less armored version of Pumpkin Lord and Pumpkin Wyrm
Stage 2: Full Pumpkin Lord and Pumpkin Wyrm :D
Stage 3: Evo Pumpkin Lord riding a "Evo Pumpkin" version of Wyrm (also vines act as wings :D)

Wyrm Fire: Wyrm blows fire at enemy, similar to Inferno
Pumpkin Cannon: Pumpkin Lord attaches his arm to wyrm, turning the mouth into a gun that fires pumpkins at enemy
Vine Whip: The Pumpkin Lord's vines AND the Wyrm's vines lash out, causing a DoT
Pumpkin Wall: Wall of Pumpkins defend the pumpkin lord, but the defense is more than Ice Wall
Empower: Pumpkin Lord transfers power to Wyrm, making attacks stronger
Scare: Pumpkin Lord and Wyrm yell BOO! scaring the wits out of the enemy, which stuns him for one turn

(I think I'm missing some Earthly skills, but tell me what you think!)

Lord_3mpire -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/6/2012 15:55:56)

verify classes could be nice
for example:
dragonlord--> evolved dragonlord--> chaotic dragonlord / evil dragonlord / light dragonlord / dragonrider

character tree can be like this

ty for reading..

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/7/2012 14:59:05)

Pumpkin wyrms sound awesome!

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/7/2012 15:22:05)

^ Apparently, you didn't include the name you want to direct the insult at. So it's just a comment. ^_^
Back on topic:
Alignment: -30 Evil
Element: Neutral/Earth

Description: A horrendous black slime whose only motive is to consume all in its path.

Phase 1: Small black slime, few claws or anything
Phase 2: Medium size black slime, more claws, mouths, etc.
Phase 3: Dragon-size black slime, exactly like I drew, except more claws, mouths, tentacles etc.

Slime Spawn: Lotsa little slimes spawn and attack enemy. Unblockable.
Slime Wall: Same as Ice Wall
Slime Leech: Kinda like a combination of Renew and Poison. Each DoT damage heals you for same amount
(Too lazy to come up with anymore xD)

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 7:04:41)

Character: Luce the Demon of Light/Angel of Darkness
Alignment: Neutral
Element: Shadow and Light
Description: Corrupted by Darkness yet born in the Heavens, Luce is not, an angel or a demon...but both
Stage 1: A young lad with silver hair and his eyes are of 2 different colours Left:Darkness so red eyes Right:Light, thus blue. Sprouting from his back are 2 miniature angel wings
Stage 2: Luce has grown and matured he now has 4 white full grown angelic wings and his eye of darkness holds a flame(kinda like back rock shooter but a dark red colour) his left hand is slowly shaping into claw
Stage 3: Luce fully grown, is a master of both light AND darkness. A cursed angel with 6 holy wings, a devil's hand and wields the eternal blade of light: Excalibur
Cards: 6 in total will start with darkness
Darknness: Rage!!!: Luce loses control of his powers and makes all of his shadow-elemental cards incread damage by 2 while dropping the damage of light-elemental cards by 2 for 1 turn
Death's Reaper: Luce forms a scythe out of pure darkness using the hand of the devil and slashes anyone before him
Apocalypse: Sacrifices 9 points of shadow energy to summon huge demonic thorn and damage opponent 1~5 times(random) (3 damage each)
Light: Light Flash: Luce rapidly hits opponent 1~3 times(random) doing 2 damage each
Anti-Block: for a sacrifice of 5 light and 3 darkness energy, Luce nullifies the effects of shields for 2 turns
Redemption: Burns off 10 light energy to heal himself 13hp

tomnacho -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 9:32:43)

Character: Guardian Of The Black Gate
Alignment: Evil 30
Element: Shadow
Description: "It is said that those who wish to enter the Abyss must battle this evil behemoth to the death to enter"

Stage 1: A Bulky Armored Humanoid Figure Wearing A Hood Making It's Face Invisible, It's Arms Are Muscular And Blades Protrude From It's Elbows Which Are It's Prime Method Of Attack, It's Chestplate Is Black, It's Tassets Are Black & Studded And The Shoulderplates Are Spiky And All Of Which Is Trimmed With A Bloody Red Color.
Stage 2: The Neck Of The Figure Has Grown And The Hood Has Torn Off To Reveal It's Face, Which Has 4 Eyes And 2 Massive Fangs, Aswell As Metal Spikes Made To Look Like Hair, The Elbow Blades Have Grown And Smaller Blades Have Grown From It's Kneecaps, The Armor Has Blood Stains.
Stage 3: The Guardian Has Developed Large Bat-Like Wings And The Tail Of A Dragon, It Has Developed 2 Extra Eyes And The Fangs Have Grown Further, Spikes Have Broken Through The Armor On The Shoulders, Chains Have Been Added To It's Worn Armor And The Elbow Blades Have Grown.

Concept cards

Fury Strike -

Cost: 4 Shadow
Effect: Does 8 Damage To Enemy, Takes 1 Turn To Recover (Can't Move)
Visual: The Guardian Sprints At The Enemy Carelessly And Puts All It's Effort Into It's Attack, After Striking The Enemy It Lumbers To It's Original Spot

Inner Regeneration -

Cost: 3 Shadow
Effect: Heals Self For 3 HP
Visual: The Guardian Begins To Meditate As A Black Aura Surrounds It And Heals It's Wounds.

Shadowed Sacrifice -

Cost: 5 HP (If Possible)
Effect: Guardian Recieves 1 Extra Shadow Point Per Turn For 5 Turns
Visual: A Black Aura Makes The Shape Of A Sword And Stabs The Guardian, But Then Makes The Shape Of 5 Spheres That Fade Out.

Black Blades -

Cost: 2 Shadow
Effect: Does 2 Damage To Enemy
Visual: Slices The Enemy With Both Elbow Blades Which Have Been Covered In The Black Aura

Death Dice -

Requires: Stage 2
Cost: 7 Shadow
Effect: Does 2-12 Damage To The Enemy
Visual: The Guardian Rolls 2 Pitch Black Dice And Then Jumps Into The Air And Strikes With It's Knee Blades

Screams Of Sorrow -

Requires: Stage 2
Cost: 5 Shadow
Effect: Takes 3 Points Of The Enemy's Main Element, And Has A 10% Chance To Stun The Enemy For 1 Turn.
Visual: The Guardian Opens It's Mouth And Screams, Afterward It Crouches For A Few Seconds In Pain.

Soaring Swipe -

Requires: Stage 3
Cost: 6 Shadow
Effect: Unblockable Attack For 5 Damage
Visual: The Guardian Begins To Fly And Then Flies Quickly Toward The Enemy, Attacking With It's Elbow Blades

Crucification -

Requires: Stage 3
Cost: 7 HP (If Possible)
Effect: Adds 10 Damage To Another Card
Visual: Same Effect As Charging Shadow

The Idea Can Be Changed, And I Hope This Idea Is Implemented Into The Game, Thanks For Reading!

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 9:45:20)

@^ dayum thats one scary character

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 12:00:39)

Nice job, blending together my old Demon of Light and Angel of Darkness suggestion :D
Wicked. Should deserve more than just -30 evil.

tomnacho -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 14:03:43)

Yeah, I Have A Few More Ideas I Just Lack The Time To Post Them, I Really Hope My Ideas Make It Though, I'd Be So Proud c:

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 14:15:18)

@Tomnacho, I hope they do too! You've got some awesome ideas. Thanks to ChaosRipjaw the only character I suggested is going in. That's the ONLY reason though, without ChaosRipjaw's skills and suggestion for it to have "real pumpkinlord skills" I wouldn't be waiting to have my favorite character to be finished and implemented.

Dardiel -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 16:46:57)

Characters: Steam Summoner

Allignment: Neutral

Description: "This Summoner preferred making the things he would later summon in battles, called Steam Punks"

Stage 1: A man with steampunk welding goggles and a lab coat. His summons are frail-looking humanoid robots

Stage 2: The coat sleeves are missing, his arms are now clockwork. His summons are now four-legged (two front, two back) and on top of the legs is a torso with two bladed arms. There is no head, instead the area between the shoulders has a red circle as an eye. Slightly more armored than the previous robot

Stage 3: The lab coat is gone, he is now operating a small SteamSuit. His summons are still on four legs, but instead of arms there are only side-upper-torso mounted, vicious looking, worthy-of-replacing-arms guns. The robot is now very well armored.

This character can not attack by himself, he can only use spells. He can use attacks if his summon is put, and the summon performs the attack(s). The summon counts as a shield, albeit with a higher durability, in that it must be killed to track the summoner but unblock able attacks can bypass it. At first the ability to have an offensive shield may sound OP, but keep on mind that the summoner can not actually use attacks if his shield is down. Also, because his summon counts as a shield, the summoner can not create regular shields.

Possible moves:


The character summons his robot, which has a shield rating of 10xStage(Stage 1=10, 2=20 etc.). The robot performs all attacks other than spells.


The summoner increases the health of his robot (if available)

Calculated Risk

The summoner destroys his robot to do medium-high damage to his enemy, low damage to himself and eliminating his shield.

Heart and Soul (does not require robot)

Summoner reduces his health to 1. Half of the health lost is dealt as damage to the enemy and the other half is returned to the Summoner the following turn.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 18:51:03)

thanks ChaosRipJaw that was my inspiration and that mixing together two anti-elements would me cool

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 19:00:37)

Been a while... seeing as everyone is going festive, why not?

Autumn Conduit
Alignment: 0 or whatever Pumpkinlord is.

Description The autumn conduits' ambitions are similar to that of the pumpkinlords', though the Conduits use pumpkin magic to further their goal of festive supremacy.

Stage one: A mage in green robes, with an orange hood and orange shoulder pads, wields a green staff with a small pumpkin seed floating above it, which glows orange. His boots are orange, and his eyes glow green.

Stage two: His robes are now a more "leafy" green, and his arms are covered in vines. His shoulder guards are now pumpkins, uncarved. The shaft of his staff is actually a few intertwined vines now, and the seed is now hovering up and down, pulsing bright orange occasionally. The caster's face has taken on an orange tint and a sadistic smile, with glowing yellow eyes.

Stage three: The conduit is full Pumpkin now, with light orange plate covering his chest, legs and his forearms. What isn't protected by this natural armor is composed purely of vines. His shoulder guards are now carved pumpkins which have a stereotypical face on them, they glow with a pulsing orange color, as if fire burned within them. His staff now remains mostly the same, though the head of the staff is now a jacko'lantern that has a glow similar to the shoulder guards, vines crawl up the pumpkin's sides. He no longer has a human head, and instead has a Pumpkin with a fiendish grin. Could possibly have a hood covering his new head.

Concept cards
Ensnare: Cost 6 Effect Deal 3 damage and stun, with 65% chance of stunning an additional turn
Great Pumpkin: Cost 7 Effect A massive fiery pumpkin falls from the heavens, Dealing 6 damage and 6 more over 2 turns
Pumpkin Patch: Cost 4 Effect A number of roots and small pumpkins spring up which heal for 9 over 3 turns
Ghoulish Delight: Cost 5 Effect have a 40% chance of regaining 4 charges of whatever element was charged last, for 5 turns. When the charge is activated, A pumpkin appears over the caster's head, and ornge orbs power up the Conduit
All Hallows Grieve: Cost 7 Effect Makes a jacko'lantern appear in hand, it's face glows bright and shoots a stream of flame at the enemy, dealing high damage and applying a DoT to the enemy or A HoT to Autumn Conduit. Which one is chosen is random.

ALL damage and percents are subject to change, these are just ideas for cards, not what I expect them to do! [;)]

Because every sword needs a staff counterpart. Give me your critiques, please :D

Castleman29 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 19:24:36)

@Poodlemiester, I really like the character design. I would definitely love seeing a pumpkinlord in mage form.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 19:44:43)

@above Thanks, I try! [8D] I am just in love with the whole pumpkin thing, and I would cherish the moment I can possess a pumpkin wyrm, pumpkin caster and a pumpkin lord, as well as many other Pumpkin-y things.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/8/2012 21:53:35)

Pink-O-Mancer :D
(Beleen said "Beeaauutttiiifffuuuuuuul!")

Blackwinged -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/9/2012 8:48:15)

^Heck yeah!
That's just what this game is missing.... PINK :D

PanKreda -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/9/2012 10:23:49)


There is no place for two gatekeepers! xP I just hope that Oversoul is realy for more mature audience (my idea is kinda ..umm bloody)
It is my idea ( drawings are still W.I.P ):

Character: The Voidkeeper
Alignment: Evil 45
Element: Shadow
Description: The huge and cruel demon that guards the gates of hell. He devours souls of the lost warriors in the endless hunger of blood. Sometimes he goes to the Overworld where he begins terror of the innocent people.
Possess Chance: As hard as Revon, Klunk or Dilly.
Appearance: Maybe some small quest??? Like entering the Nulgath’s Abyss. If not suceeded you will be able to repeat because he will be in Boss Battle

Stage 1: I hope I drew him well ( it was supposed to be extremly Nulgath's style ), he is still in evolving so now he has a “skirt”, tomorrow he will have trousers and legs xd, the mace could be a little bigger, he is as high as Archdemon and he could have some more details but i am not such gifted as our developer :/

Stage 2: I will draw him later. His hood has been torn because of his new horns, we can see 2 pairs of the eyes and mouth like these of "Disturbed Guy" from the band "Disturbed" xd His mace is more bloody, bigger and has additional spikes. His arm blade is bigger too.

Stage 3: His horns are even bigger ( they are big as Illidan's horns ) he is even more bloody and has fangs on his hands. He is bigger too.

Special Cards:

The Endless Hunger - St.1, max.2 cards in deck.
Cost: 5 Shadow
Effect: The Voidkeeper takes 1 Dmg every turn for 3 turns but his Special Offensive cards deal 1 more damage. ( I will mark skills that can be improved with mark “TEH” )
Visual: He screams in hunger, red spheres are shaking around him. His eyes are burning even in stage 1 when his face is hidden.

Soul Drain - St.2, max.2 cards in deck.
Cost: 2 Shadow
Effect: Drains 3 charges from the enemy and heals himself for 1-3 points ( it is something like rolling, x – 1 HP, y – 2 HP, z – 3 HP ) .
Visual: The Voidkeeper’s hand is targeted on the enemy and then red charge spheres fly from enemy to the Voidkeeper’s hand.

The Voidcrusher – St.1, max. 2 cards in deck. TEH available
Cost: 6 Shadow
Effect: Deals 8 Dmg. Theres’s a minimal 1% chance of unblockable damage.
Visual: He fades then he is in the air then he turns black and he hits with his mace like a meteorit.

Bloodsucker ( maybe it will be a ability for vampires too? ) - St.2, max. 1 card in deck.
Cost: 8 Shadow
Effect: DoT causing 3 damage ( total amount is 9 Dmg. ) and healing voidkeeper for 1 HP ( total 3 HP ) each turn for 3 turns.
Visual: He slices the enemy with his armblade. Then a couple of small blood pieces flies to him from the enemy every turn for 3 turns.

Abyss Razor – St.3, max 1 cards in deck. TEH available
Cost: 5 Shadow and 2 HP
Effect: This skill is a 5-hit combo so it is really useful with TEH, every hit is 1 Dmg.
Total damage – 5, if used whileThe Endless Hunger is active it can deal even 10 damage.
Visual: He jumps, then hits with mace, slice 2 times with armblade, hits with his hand and hits with mace again.

ChaosRipjaw -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (10/9/2012 10:43:31)

Epic skill names. Alignment should be -50 evil. Good job!

Now another suggestion . . .
Character: Yin Yang Ninja (White guy)
Alignment: +45 Good
Element: Neutral (when normal)/Ice(when plays Yin Boost)/Fire (when plays Yang boost)

Description: The Yin Yang Ninja wields the classic power of classic KUNG FU to decimate his enemies and restore good!

Phase 1: Kid, with very light armor and small kwan dao. Eyes still have the black pupils.
Phase 2: Older, a little more armor, and bigger kwan dao. Pupils fading.
Phase 3: Exactly as I drew xD

Yin Yang Strike: Special strike that imbalances enemy's yin yang. DoT.
Balanced: Ninja heals himself by balancing his yin and yang at maximum level.
(Oh crud, time to go to the store. I'll add some more skills when I get home! Thanks for reading :D)

Yin Boost: Turns yourself into Ice mode, as Yin represents cold.
Yin cards: Pretty much same as Barbarian cards.

Yang Boost: Turns yourself into Fire mode, as Yang represents heat.
Yang cards: Pretty much same as Witch, but melee forms :D

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