RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/25/2012 4:59:08)

Void Dragons, Void giants and any other characters from the void maybe even something like the Horo-Show Void Vigilante , honestly I just want a lot of characters from the Void

Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/25/2012 9:29:12)

Here's another character who I spent more time on art then cards

Beetle-Kin Swordsman (4 helmet variants, can switch between either freely)


Element: Neutral

Pre Battle Quotes:

Swordsman (AI): You dare challenge me? Prepare to die.
Swordsman (Player): Should you dare stand in my way, then prepare to die!


5 Attack x3
2 Attack x3
Surge x2
Energize x2
Charge x2
Counter x2
Cat's reflexes x2

PanKreda -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/25/2012 10:12:22)

Uptade of my previous suggestion:

Name: The Voidkeeper
Alignment: Evil
Element: Shadow ( with 1 Chaos card )
Card Deck: Special ( as Blackwing's deck )
Possession: By quest "Entering the Abyss", by event "Portal to Suinotlim appears"
Type: Quest Boss, Event Boss
Evolution: Instant Legendary

Looking: - It is very high quality, ready to re-make it in Flash file and animate.
a) Player - "I will crush you, weakling! Nobody can face my Master!"
b) Enemy - "How dare you enter the gates to HELL?!"

Cards ( 15 card-deck ):

a) Attack cards:
3x Bash - 1 Shadow Charge, 1 Damage
3x Slice - 2 Shadow Charge, 3 Damage
2x Void Slash - 5 Shadow Charge, 6 Damage

b) Defense cards:
2x Shield - 3 Shadow Charge, 5 Defense

c) Special cards:
1x Soulreaver - 8 Shadow Charge - Damages 6 Enemy Charges
2x Sacrifice - 4 HP - 5 Damage
1x Hellreaper - 10 Shadow Charge - special 10-Hit-Combo that deals 1 Damage per hit
1x Zealot - 8 Chaos Charge and 3 HP - Special buff ( use like Might ), usable only on Hellreaper, adds 1 Damage to every hit of Hellreaper ( total damage of buffed Hellreaper - 2 Damage per hit, 10 hits )

I will make animation-showcase later.

poodlemiester -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/25/2012 22:18:36)

These past few pages bare testament to how much people want void creatures.


Character names

Stage one: Tainted Mercenary
Description: A blade for hire sent into the void on a contract to slay a legendary Void Wyrm. When he came out, he wasn't the same man.

Stage two: Soldier of the Void
Description: This warrior is being consumed by the void.

Stage three: Voidlord
Description: A ruthless killing machine spawned from only the most violent void energies. His soul has been shattered, and his mind is now under the influence of some unknown entity of the void.


Stage one: A man with standard platemail, though he has leather leggings. He has a claymore. The center of his eyes are pure black. The hilt of his sword and the bottom half of his sword appear to be made of the black material that the Void dragons are made of, and the substance makes up his arms half way to his elbows.

Stage two: The character's whole left arm is now made of the black fleshy substance, and his sword is in a similar state, with the blade of his weapon being composed of bone. His whole face head is pitch black, and his eyes pulse purple. All over his body is being morphed into the void material.

Stage three: Pretty much this, along with the weapon, shield, and of course the sweet helm. Some may call this stage a rip-off, I call it an homage to the sweetest set ever made.


Stage one

Possessed; I've seen where your going...
Encountered; Are you after my soul? I'm afraid i haven't one anymore...

Stage two

Possessed; I will show you hell.
Encountered; You want my soul? How about I take yours!

Stage three

Possessed; I will destroy your very essence.
Encountered; I will undo your existence.

Thanks Axel for the idea.

Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/25/2012 22:23:25)

Another one in my series of feudual insectoids

Moth-kin Night Assassin



Pre battle quotes:

Moth-kin (AI): Have you come searching for your own death?
Moth-kin (player): Where my shadow falls, death soon follows.


2 attack x2
5 attack x2
Shadow strike x3 (4 mana, 3 damage, unblockable)
Poison x3
Kamekaze x1 (like sacrifice, but deals 15 damage at the cost of 10 hp)
smoke shield x3 (evades all attacks for 1 turn, 5 energy)


Two new combatants.

Spider-Kin Weaver and Mantis-kin Blade Warrior




Pre-battle quotes:

Weaver (AI): It appears I've found a snack.
Weaver (Player): Don't worry, I won't bite. . . Much. . .


5 attack x2
2 attack x4
neutralize 1x
counter 2x
poison 2x
2 unblockable 2x
iron hide 1x
web trap (7 energy, stun the enemy after 2 turns) 2x

Blade master:



Pre battle Quote:

Blade Warrior (AI): Have you come searching for a fight?
Blade Warrior (Player): I don't want to hurt you, but you leave me no choice.


5 attack x2
2 attack x3
neutralize x1
iron hide x2
Counter x2
shield 3x
heal 3x
Slash (7 energy, 10 damage, deals bonus 3 damage if enemy has a shield on.)

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/26/2012 16:54:00)

Update to my previous Void character that I thought would fit better up here since recently EVERYONE'S been wanting Void creatures.

The Corrupted
Alignment: -30
Element: Shadow and Chaos
Description: Formerly human, The Corrupted are those unlucky enough to go to the Void and come back alive.

Stage 1- A Sword Apprentice with pitch black skin and red eyes
Stage 2- His armour is now torn, and his hands are now more claw-like. His mouth is now open, revealing fang-like teeth
Stage 3- He now wears armour similar to a lighter version of Void Vigilante, and is taller, but leaned forward. He has lost his sword in favour of his claws. The mouth in the torso of the Void Vigilante has a tongue that occasion ally pops out and wiggles side to side slowly.

Suggested Lines

Apprentice Player- I'm back!
Apprentice Enemy- Would you like to know where I've been?

Veteran Player- Youuu willll DIE!
Veteran Enemy- I've seen things you can't begin to imagine!

Master Player- I'll rip you apart!
Master Enemy- I'll see you in the Void.

Victory- Another soul for the Void.

Suggested Unique Cards

Void Sacrifice- For 5 Shadow and 5 health, add 3 damage to an attack and make it unblockable.

Void Reaper- For 10 Chaos, deal 5 unblockable damage and heal 7 health

Call of the Void- For 5 shadow, increase the attack of every added attack card by 4

Devour- For 6 Shadow, the tongue whips the opponents shield destroying it and giving half to you. I fit is odd number shield it gives you 50% of shield-1, and then adds 1. Ex. 5 shield, you get 3

Vertigo Beast -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/26/2012 18:35:54)

Water Snake/Water Serpent

Apprentice = Water Snake Hatchling: A small blue-ish green snake with small fangs and a faded dark green stripe down its back. His body is sort of curled at the ground and his head only sticks up a bit.
Enemy Quote: "Ive seen my brothers and sisters stepped on but I won't be so easy to defeat!"
Controlled Quote: "Its my feeding time."

Veteran = Water Snake: A Blue-ish green snake with large fangs and a dark green stripe going al the way down his back from his head. Most of his body is curled at the ground but his head is up.
Enemy Quote: "You used to kill our people easily, but now we have grown, and we are hungry!"
Controlled Quote: "A water snake eats anything and everything, and I'm getting hungry!"

Master = Water Serpent: The snake has grown very large, not quite dragon sized but bigger than a bloodvoid. He is a teal color with a dark green stripe down his back. His fangs are huge and his tongue flicks in and out quite often. His eyes are large and he looks angry.
Enemy Quote: "As I grew up I saw towns burned to the ground. I realized I could use my water powers for helping those people. Then I got hungry and decided to come eat you instead."
Controlled Quote: "My lust for hunger is greater than any power in this realm!"

Water Snake Hatchling ---> Water Snake ---> Water Serpent


Water Snake Hatchling

2x 1 energy/1 damage
3x 2 energy/1 damage
2x 4 energy/5 damage
1x 2 energy/1 unblockable damage
2x 3 energy/5 shield

2x Fanged: Your foe is bitten for 5 damage, also leaving them poisoned for 1 turn which does an extra 3 damage on their next turn. (6 energy)
1x Renew: (Same as current renew)
1x Slippery: You become slippery and attack for 6 unblockable damage being able to slip by shields. (8 energy)

Water Snake

1x 1 energy/1 damage
2x 2 energy/1 damage
2x 4 energy/5 damage
1x 2 energy/1 unblockable damage
2x 3 energy/5 shield

2x Fanged: (See Above)
1x Renew:
1x Slippery: (See Above)
2x Jetstream: You blast for foe with a jet stream from your mouth for 5 damage and you drink some of the water healing you for 2 health. (6 energy)

Water Serpent

1x 1 energy/1 damage
2x 2 energy/1 damage
2x 4 energy/5 damage
1x 2 energy/1 unblockable damage
2x 3 energy/5 shield

2x Jetstream: (See Above)
1x Shed Skin: Shed your skin for new hard scales. Gain 15 defense but lose a turn.
1x Slippery: (See Above)
2x Fanged: (See Above)
1x Groundwater: Pulse water into the ground below your foe, trapping them in quick sand for two turns. UNLESS the foe is a Water Snake or Serpent. Hatchlings can be caught.
1x Renew

This was a fun one to design! Water can be quite versatile, the really hard part is the naming xD Im glad all of the characters I've designed were all fun to make, I can't really choose which one I like best yet, but I might go with the Earth monk just because i really like the Earth element. Thanks to Andlu for the idea to make a water snake character it was really a great idea. Hope this gets accepted.


Secret1337 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/27/2012 12:00:32)

Midget -> Giant

The giant shall be soo big soo you only see his toes and sometimes feet[:D]

zentrix321 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/27/2012 12:01:12)

Skeleton Ice Mage (apprentice)

Soul Keeper (veteran)

FieryEaglen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/27/2012 15:33:07)

Character : Survivor (Lee from the Walking Dead Game :D)

Alignment : Good 25

Element : Neutral

Stage 1 : Wears a Blue Jacket covering with a little blood and holding a Pistol on his hand, also, is tanned (I'm not the racist).

Controlled : Sure looks like this place is much better than Macon...

Enemy : I should have been there to help my parents! Curse me!

Stage 2 : Now holds a Butcher Knife and have more blood.

Controlled : Clementine will be safe with me, I will take care of her.

Enemy : You shall not take Clementine!

Stage 3 : Now with more blood and Pistol is upgraded.

Controlled : I'm infected, I don't have much time left...

Enemy : I will not become a walker! I don't want to....

Stage 4, Legendary if you want (Walker/Zombie Lee) : Eyes is all the way white and walks like a zombie, also use gun to infected or kill humans. Also have dry blood coming out of the body and the brain have blood coming out too. (When walking or running (That's not possible), the head will leak out blood and the blood will appear while walking, but when going back, the blood became dry)

Controlled : Graaaa.... gra..

Enemy : Grahhhhhhh... graah.. gra.......

Skills :

Brain Shooter : Enemy is stun for 3 turns.

Knife Rage : Chop your enemy head.

Double Pistol : Attack for 10


Walker/Zombie :
Body Devourer : Takes off the Intestine and your enemy is turned into a zombie for temp and can't attack you for 3 turns.

Walker's infect : Your enemy attacks will lower by 1.

Horde of Walkers : A horde of walkers including you attacks the enemy and the enemy take damage of 4 and can't attack for 2 turns.

Walker's Pistol : Enemy take damage of 4.

Walker's Bite : Your enemy will get 2 stuns after 4 or 2 turns. (DECIDE!!!)

- VERY IMPORTANT : They won't have a same skill again so I advice lower at the Lock Apprentice, you put a Character sign. And if you click at the character, for example the Apprentice, and click Character I would get the skills and if I choose the Legendary I would get the Walkers skill.

sly the warlord -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/28/2012 17:29:12)

I know some people may have been thinking this, but VOID KNIGHT LEGENDARYS! Being the Fiend, Hex, Blood or Shadow!

Shadow - Master of the dark arts and quick evasion, (Uses new skill cards that gives you Evasion for 4 turns and Cat reflexes along with Counter strike)

Blood - One with the blood of the living. ( Uses Life stealing and self stealing cards to mutilate the Opponent into submission)

Hex - Master of the Arcane Arts. (Uses a new card that does a MASSIVE 15 damage to an opponent along with one Fireball, Refresh and Lightning Storm.

Fiend - ((My favorite )) One of the strongest Legendaries you ever shall behold. Four 5 attack cards, 3 Unblockable 1's, Two Empowers, Life Drain, A Shadow Stun card, and a Card; that after five turns (If you can survive) Will Instantly KILL the opponent with damage based on thier current health BAM.

I REALLY hope you guys approve of this because I'd LOVE to see this in game!

Thanks for your time.


Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/28/2012 17:31:16)

@sly the warlord the void characters of nulgath will all be in has been said so ;)

KingoftheNight -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/28/2012 17:53:30)

Yes like Zeuster said they'll be in game but they should be open for everyone not just people that got into the stress test.

#2 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/28/2012 19:37:32)

should be a rare called being of the elements or like a doom knight

Zeuster -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/28/2012 19:42:55)

@#2 a rare as in HARD TO FIND
..if never come should only be for a logical reason and not for the sake of bragging rights

Character: Dracomancer
Alignment: Neutral0,light 20,Dark 20
Element: Energy,Fire
Description: the dracomancers are a race of beings with powers that resemble that of dragons,taking from spirit and
even bending forms
Stage 1: a draco knight..looks like a normal knight but with small wings and a less armored look
Stage 2: he has now grown taller and takes a draconion form keeps a bit of his armor and his wings have grown out
Stage 3: he now has a nearly full draconion look with wings and talons
he also has a blade and dragon runes near him
(if possible) stage 4: he now has grown into a fully grown dracomancer with a dragon look now completely formed
and with a blade of dragons and a mini wyvern around him
only 2 new one

Dracomancer Form Ritual:
take 2 damage cards and take them for 10 energy
and 5 shield

DracoKnight form:
take 4 attack cards and deal 15 to 20 damage depending on which cards where used

BumFoolingGuy -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/29/2012 22:19:32)

Character:Van Striker
Description:A halberd user who has trained in wind techniques to make them be ousted by the wind

Apprentice:A male character that has a European halberd with a normal plain outfit
Veteran:He has a banner on his back and has a mustache
Master:He's now in a martial artist uniform, has a pointy beard, with a scar on his left eye, and now has a classical Oriental halberd

5-hit combo:He moves his body forward down as the halberd is opposite side-ways(45 degree angle) then dash at the opponent, swings it up for a single attack to jump on it and spin around in the air then strike down as a tornado/hurricane appear dealing the rest of the damage combo. He jumps back towards his spot afterwards

Dendesen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (11/29/2012 22:53:27)

Character Name: Arazeal The Water Enchantress

Element: Water

Looks: Blue wavy hair, looks like a blue witch, staff is a blue orbed staff, Bright blue eyes, and has a smirk on her face.

Cards: The same as Water Apprentice,

She just came up in my head. [:D]

Desmodus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/1/2012 9:56:45)

Claustrophile (Master)

Element: Energy

Alignment: Evil

Description: A space-faring alien starfish who seeks relaxation. He seems to have found it on OverSoul.

Quote (controlled): I am born of the Cosmic Ooze -- YOU AIN'T GOT NO CHANCE!!!

Quote (enemy): I like OverSoul. I think I'll build my Summer home here.


Inhale Shadow X2: Shadow version of Energize
Poison X3
Mark of Death x1
Energize X1
4 charge 5 damage cards X4 (energy)
2 charge 2 damge cards X3 (energy)
Shield Cards X3 (energy)
Sacrifice X2

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/1/2012 13:50:15)

Santa Claws
Element: Ice and Shadow
Alignment: -25 Evil
Description: Santa decided to deliver presents to the Void. Bad move.

Stage 1: Like the typical Santa, but with big claws that look like they're from the Void.
Stage 2: His big fat stomach now has a mouth and his beard is a mass of tentacles.
Stage 3: The face is now blacked out and his feet look like Void Dragon feet.

deathlord45 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/1/2012 21:41:36)

Element: Shadow and Light
Alignment: 0 Neutral
Description: Once a great and noble knight who championed truth and justice fallen to hatred and evil of all after finding his family murdered by his own hand. He now searches a for who caused him to murder his own family and for a way to resurrect them.

Stage 1: A man in black leather armor with gold trim.

Stage 2: Same man now with gold armor with black trim

Stage 3: Full armor with pieces that are gold with black trim and pieces that are black with gold trim. Has a cape that is black and gold.

Optrick -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/1/2012 23:12:17)

Name: Clockwork Fiend
Element: Chaos
Description: The Fiends of Time, turn and turn in endless grief.
Master Form

Dendesen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/1/2012 23:12:55)

Character Name: Banshee

Alignment: Neutral or a little evil

Element: Water

Stage 1: Looks like a young 10 year old girl with long grey hair

Stage 2: Looks like an older teen with blue skin dark black armor and grey hair.
Stage 3 (if possible): Looks like a goddess of water and has rain falling upon her, same looks, except bright white eyes,

Description: Once who was a young girl who has realized that screaming a war cry or simply disorienting them may be the key to battle, how loud can her shrill screams get?

Quote (controlled): Ahh, a simple human being, I shall reconstruct you, in as inhumanly as possible..

Quote (enemy): You made me this ugly! You will pay your life for your sin!

Cards: Water Rapid, Cause 4 damage

Seismic Wave, cause 3 unblockable damage

Refresh, convert a defense card into health.

That's it, please put this in the game, we need more girls and water characters! [:D]

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/2/2012 0:56:52)

Alignment: 15 Good
Element: Chaos
Description: Mages who have dedicated their lives to studying time, Chronomancers are tough to beat.

Stage 1: A robed middle-aged man holding a calendar. His robes have small patches of blue armour like the AQ Chronomancer's, but much smaller. He has a small black beard that does not go past his chin.
Stage 2: He looks older now and has a long white beard. He now has a clock on his back; the robes have been swapped out for some light leather armour but the blue patches remain. he holds a small wand in the hand that is not holding the calendar.
Stage 3: He now looks much younger and is clean shaven. He wears full Chronomancer armour and holds a staff with a floating clock on top.

Suggested Lines

Apprentice Player: Do you know the time?
Apprentice Enemy: Look at the time! I'll have to kill you quickly.

Veteran Player: I may not have much time left, but I'll outlast you!
Veteran Enemy: Looks like time's caught up with you.

Master Player: Time stands still for no one, no one but me!
Master Enemy: I'm afraid you're out of time.

Victory: Your time has come.

Suggested Card

Time Stop: Freezes enemy in time for one turn

Cyberbeast10 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/2/2012 2:17:27)

Stone Guardian
A large grey soldier carrying a large shield and a large sword. Base form has broken armor and no helm. Veteran has grey armor with black trims and Master features a helm along with the armor getting small shoulder spikes.
Alignment: +0 Neutral
Element: Earth
Intro Lines:

Opponent: "YOU...SHALL NOT...PASS!!!"
Controlled: "Same as above because awesome line is awesome.

Liger Huntress
"A humanoid liger, wielding a scimitar in her mouth as she crouches (almost going on all fours), she wears hunter's cloth. Veteran form has her with a buckler strapped to 1 of her forearms.
Alignment: Neutral +5
Element: Neutral
Intro Lines:

Opponent: Fresh meat!
Controlled: Hopefully, this one won't give me indigestion.

Zard the Kid
"A serious-faced Zard wearing a cowboy's hat and using 2 revolvers."
Alignment: -5 Neutral
Element: Neutral
Intro Lines:

Opponent: The next time you blink might be your last
Controlled: I never miss my prey. Never.

"A big, buff bodybuilding chameleon that is too muscle-bound to describe"
Alignment: -5 Neutral
Element: Neutral
Intro Lines:

Opponent: "You can't see me...if you know what is good for you"
Controlled: "It appears you can see me...big mistake"

FieryEaglen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/2/2012 18:10:01)

This can be a character for the Character Shop on 2013 or whatever, maybe, here's a story. (DESCRIPTION)

Character : ShadowCommander (Shadows of a Commander)

Alignment : Darkness

Element : Darkness

Description : A spoiled Knight who spoils the GOOD kingdom every year. His story is... The knight was the Commander of Good and Peace, he done good deeds for the Kingdom, but one day, a strange knight came to the king, the king really likes him and he is a Commander. Every villager likes him and Rodath, the Commander was left alone and he begin to work for the Darkside, and prepares to get Revenge. On the Kingdom and the strange knight.

Stage 1, Spoiled Knight : Have red eyes, and look like a Pactonal Knight, but just without the helm and have Barbarian (Veteran) weapon. (But is colored Red).

Controlled : Why....

Enemy : Why.. is this happening to me.. I learnt a lesson... GOOD can never be trusted!

Stage 2, ShadowKnight : The Pactonal Knight is recolored by Black and Red and now wears a helmet covering the head but not the eyes.

Controlled : Anyone, who joins Good will fade away and join the Shadows... with ME....

Enemy : Good can't be trusted.. they're all worthless beings.. and they will join US... become one part of us and destroy GOOD....

Stage 3, ShadowCommander : Now armor is functioned with upgraded pieces of a Good Commander. And the weapon is changed with a Undead Berserker weapon. The shoulders also add spikes.

Controlled : The bottom of the depths are the memories of good.. and they shall be perished once and for all!

Enemy : Facing Evil is NOT an option, you better back away or I will show you getting yourself killed in front of me.

Concept Cards :

Faded Light : Both the enemys are sent somewhere deep in Hell and Light cannot be used for 3 turns. (Extremely helpful against Light characters)

Shadow Soul : You took your enemy soul out and crushed it making your enemy stun for 3 turns.

Shadow Wolf : You turned into a well- armored wolf and Attacks are off for 3 turns for your enemy.

Great Sword of Darkness : A giant sword appears from the Sky and attack your enemy for 15 damage.

1 hit : Summons a skeleton then the skeleton hits.

2 hit : The skeleton appears once again and attack 2 times.

3 hit combo : You grow wings and you flew with a uncontrollable Shadow Fire around you making you rage, then 5 blades appears top of the enemy's head. Then the 5 rains of blade fall down and attack the enemy 3 times. PLEASE be informed, the fire will fade away after it's done.

4 hit : 3 hit combo and 1 hit.

5 hit combo : Attack the enemy Fourth and back, then fourth again stopping in front of the enemy putting a slash on him.

Took me 2 hours to do this, so feedbacks are VERY Appreciated.

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