RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (Full Version)

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UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/12/2012 20:12:20)

^Creepy, awesomely creepy.

Mondez -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/13/2012 15:56:04)

Character: Mon Dez (The original body)
Sprite Battler
Anime style body

Alignment: Neutral
Element: Shadow
Description: The original body out of the five spawns. The original prince of the Void has come to challenge the prince of darkness, Nulgath.
Stage: Legendary (Boss)

Player: All is well, that ends well.
Enemy: Where is the prince of darkness?

Special Cards

Reflecting Void: Cost 10 Shadow energy -> Sacrifice 2 shield cards for 10 deflection.

Explosive Counter: Costs 15 Shadow energy -> For 2 turns all damage is deflected.

Darkening Void: Costs 8 Shadow energy -> For 2 turns the opponent's attacks will miss 50% of the time.

zentrix321 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/13/2012 22:00:44)

@Zeuster i liked the 3rd stage looks like Vindicator Of They Angel

Level 1 (apprentice)
Name: Black Dragon Egg
description: ....
alignment: evil 50
2Guard- absorb 20 damage for 2 turns(5 shadows)
3Shadow guard- gain 10 armor(6 shadows)
4shield- gain 5 armor(3 shadows)
2shadow force- all armor became attack(10 shadows)

Level 2 (veteran) Evil
Name: DH black drake(double head)
description: rawr!
alignment: evil 50
1 shadow force- all armor became attack(10 shadows)
3 shadow guard- gain 10 armor (6shadows)
3 attacks - gain 5 damage(4 shadow)
2 unlockables- attack 1 damage (2shadows)
2 Curse or poison- 3 damage for 4 turns (6shadows)
1 Frenzy- the 2 head bites the enemy for 10 one head damages 4 so it is 8 all ( 7 shadows)
Double strike- 2 head uses Shadow Fire or etc. idk. gives each head damages 4 total of 8 and applies DOT 2 damage for 2 turns(special) (10shadows)

Level 3 (champion) Evil
Name: DH Black Dragon(double head)
alignment: evil 50
description: how dare you challenge me
1 shadow force- all armor became attack(10 shadows)
3 shadow guard- gain 10 armor (6shadows)
3 attacks - attacks 5 damage(4 shadows)
3 attacks - attacks 2 damage (2 shadows)
2 Curse or poison- 3 damage for 4 turns (6shadows)
1 Frenzy- the 2 head bites the enemy for 10 one head damages 4 so it is 8 all ( 7 shadows)
1Double strike- 2 head uses Shadow Fire or etc. idk. gives each head damages 4 total of 8 and applies DOT 2 damage for 2 turns(special) (10shadows)
1Shadow play- the left OR right head of the dragon (shadow breath) attacks 3 damage for 3 turns (6shadows)

level 4 (master) Evil
name: Elder DH black Dragon
alignment: 50
1 shadow force- all armor became attack(10 shadows)
3 shadow guard- gain 10 armor (6shadows)
3 attacks - attacks 5 damage(4 shadows)
3 attacks - attacks 2 damage (2 shadows)
2 Curse or poison- 3 damage for 4 turns (6shadows)
1 Frenzy- the 2 head bites the enemy for 10 one head damages 4 so it is 8 all ( 7 shadows)
1Double strike- 2 head uses Shadow Fire or etc. idk. gives each head damages 4 total of 8 and applies DOT 2 damage for 2 turns(special) (10shadows)
1Shadow play- the left OR right head of the dragon (shadow breath) attacks 3 damage for 3 turns (6shadows)
Shadow dance- Flies up then the two head of elder dragon Charges Electric ball of Shadow for 20 damage (15shadows) (just like the baby dragon in DRAGON FABLE) electric ball of shadow

allenwalker888 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/14/2012 3:24:38)

Character: Soul Harvester

Only one stage: Master. Alignment: Evil. Type: Shadow
The main purpose of these characters is for farming for either characters or gold.
It only has 4/6 bash attks and 5/7 shadow light attk....

Looks like the void reaper with a soul harvester weapon.

quintenii -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/14/2012 6:32:30)

OverSoul account, ingame name: Roroth

A veteran character, possibly shadow, cause of his evolutions.
Crazy Cowboy
The apprentice could be a normal cowboy
and the Master could be a more evil looking and more muscled cowboy.
Possibly with heavy gunnery! ^^
The legendary is a concept I'm working on. :)

The lord of DERP -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/14/2012 6:59:29)

i want memes to be in oversoul so... (KEEP IN MIND THAT THIS WILL BE RANDOM!)

Apprentice: Forever Alone guy
- A villager that has a forever alone face and he fires his tears at enemies

Player: I only wanted to see someone...

enemy: The reason i came into battle was to see someone...

Veteran: MEGUSTA
- a person with a megusta face and uses maracas that he uses as weapons and wears a poncho and

Player: MEGUSTA...

Enemy: ME LIKE

Master: Troll
- a person with a troll face and in a suit

Player: you sir, are about to be trolled

enemy: I'm going to troll you so hard...

Legendary: Meme Lord
-a guy with a epic robe and hood that uses every meme as his weapon

Player: I will only use the worst of memes on you......


quintenii -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/14/2012 9:39:19)

I think the only meme Milton would send you would be this one.

BWMagician -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/14/2012 11:54:38)

@FieryEaglen sorry for replying so late. When I made the cards, I thought that the specials looked a bit overpowered, so, as a restriction(or balancing or whatever), I put in a One-card-per-deck restriction and a high energy cost. I think that would be fair, though, if you think not, could you tell me a bit more about it?

FieryEaglen -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/15/2012 17:26:16)

@zentrix321 I don't think Double Head Black Dragon will be allowed because 1. He's a founder characer and get rare after 1st January 2013. 2. If there's a character like that, that means there's a founder replacement. Which Nully surely don't want that.

Character : Mecha Lion-Elite

Specials : The character is a Machine. So no Poison or any DoT can stop it except for Cat Reflex or anything that use Melee.
Alignment : Neutral

Element : Neutral

Description :
The leader of the Mecha lions. He always has the latest intel to farm his brilliant strategies.

Stage 1, Mecha Lion Jr : His appearance is a Mecha cub. Not big or anything. Also have green eyes. Claws is Golden. And other is Silver.

Controlled : Enemy Detected. Must Destroy. PEACE.

Enemy : Enemy Disturbed. Must Destroy.

3x 1 Attack

2x 2 Attack

3x 5 Attack

1x Counter Strike

2x Ironhide

1x Cat Reflex

Stage 2, Mecha Lion : He grown more mane and body is bigger.

Controlled : Destroy. Opponents.

Enemy : Enemy. Detected. Must. Fight. Victory.


2x Iron Defense : 10 Defense.

1x Mecha's Claws : 10 Damage.

Stage 3, Mecha Lion-Elite : Grow bigger and have the limits of Mane. And mane is Golden, and now have Golden Eyes. Also, have Saber Toothed Tiger Fangs.

Controlled : Mecha. Rule. The Lands.

Enemy : Enemy. Approaching. Attack.


Grand Drilling : 6 Damage and 2 stuns.

Mecha Strike : All attacks will turn into Unblockable attacks.

Battery Boost : All attacks or Unblockables will gain 3+ for 3 turns.

Mecha Blast : It opens it's mouth and attack for 15.

Ultimate Machines : The golden is replaced by Red and eye is Red and attack gain 5+ for 3 turns, and after that, will get a stun for using too much power.


Dannish -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/16/2012 11:28:51)

Founder 2nd Evolution Char-Tree:

Founder Darkness Veteran
0 Neutral
Description: A darker Founder, this one follows in the path of darkness.
Look: Obviously, a darker Founder Vet.

F-Shadow Knight
0 Neutral
Description: This one has become a Founder Knight of Shadows.

Champion S-Founder
0 Neutral
Description: The Shadow of Founders has grown into the Legendary Champion of Shadows.

UnderSoul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/16/2012 21:12:25)

This goes out to The ND Mallet Guy.

Element: Chaos
Alignment: 0
Description: BEWARE THE MOOSE!!!

Stage 1:* A moose, nothing special.
Stage 2:** He now has a red robot eye and a steel jaw.
Stage 3:*** He gets metal rocket feet and is twice as tall.


Apprentice Player: MOOSE
Apprentice Enemy: For the glory of MOOSE

Veteran Player: ROBO-MOOSE FTW
Veteran Enemy: GO ROBO-MOOSE

Master Player: For KiwiMoose!
Master Player: KiwiMoose will eat your non-moosey soul!

*Name: Apprentice Moose
**Name: Cybernetic Moose
***Name: Mighty Mashin' Mecha Moose

Tally -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/16/2012 21:16:05)

MOOSE! ='D No one can resist its moosey charm.

alpha strike -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/16/2012 22:59:02)

Stevie The Stylist
Ripped Cyborg with flamboyant clothes.

Chet The Cheese
A swiss cheese slice with a robot body.

zentrix321 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/17/2012 8:40:28)

the CHAMPION(master) evolution of:

Vampire Lord
and. Undead Axeman

Victoria3114 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/17/2012 20:51:55)

I was thinking as I leveled up my Founder Master, looking at the character tree, I thought, well, what could we use all those empty evolution slots for?
Then I thought, why don't we just fill up the left-hand side with a female founder? It would be a nice bonus for us girls :P

Tally -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/17/2012 22:19:35)

Yesss gender alternates.

~I would love that for my Alpha pirate

Kirishin360 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/18/2012 2:55:11)

Umm I'm just asking can u please make rev egg into the old rev u kno the one with little wings and katana? plss

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Shadow killer ex -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/18/2012 3:06:22)

A dracomancer
more big dragon that have legendary ranks(hopefully there is ,in the future)
Corrupted void breeds(chaos element)
Yeti (for Xmas!)
uhhhh epic character from morning star,nightmare plate,golden plate,fuijin,asguardian,ETC
Dual blades assassin
Captain(pirate master)
Dragon rider

Faisul -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/18/2012 16:56:26)

Simon Drefoul



1.Count - 1st Rank
2.Duke - 2nd Rank
3.King - 3rd Rank
4.Emperor - 4th Rank (Legendary)

Simon (The Emperor) Was the true aire to the Stayzian Empire or even the closest blood line, Simon was the cousin to the Emperor of Stayz (Rodrick Stayz II) as Rodrick could not produce any babies before he died he had no aire for the Stayzian Empire so he must of had a plan? That's where Simon was then brought in his cousin to take the Stayzian Empire before Rodrick died but as all crowning's there must be a ceremony as the lords were anxious for a new Emperor to be in the Empire instead of the Stayzian bloodline, The Lords had conspired against the crown. The lords were successful in doing so they had poisoned the Emperor making Rodrick's life expectancy to 0. But the ceremony it must continue? as Simon was not of the name Stayzian but the name Drefoul and of his fathers history of attempting to kill the Empire 4 times he was declined the Empire and excommunicated from the Stayzian Empire. Simon Drefoul now seeks a new world a world where he can hope to become powerful enough to take back his families empire. One day Simon Drefoul was travelling on his trusty steed when a group of bandits had appeared and there leader Nulgath has given you two choices...

1. Give us half your money and we'll let you go... (Continuing your dream of becoming Emperor)
2. Join us as the great bandits of Oversoul... (Destroying your dream of becoming Emperor)

Or take the risk and listen to your brain maybe it'll help you once in a life time...
Ask Nulgath to a duel...
Surprise attack Nulgath when he's not looking.

The choice is yours because this is...

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Veral77 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/19/2012 21:24:58)

Well, because you already released some fairies, why not dark fairies or even zombie fairies ?

Blade Slayer Of Time -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/19/2012 21:33:38)

Name: Kenobee
Good +30
Description: A powerful minded warrior without arms but with psychic powers to hold his blade...
Rank 1:Kenobee the unarmed... He is a knight without arms but his sword floats in front of him... He says when you use him: "This battle is only a crossroad..." and when you face him: "Hmm... another challenge..."

Rank 2:Kenobee the mindful.... He now has two swords and a symbol appears on his forehead so small it looks like a dot... He says when you use him: "Hmm.. another chore? How amusing..." and when you face him: "Call me insane if you must..."

Rank 3:Kenobee the insane... He now has one blade again but it is a young paladin blade(he used to have normal blades) and his eyes are glowing and the symbol is brighter... He says when you use him: ".............. *twitch*" and when you face him: "dun dun duuuuuuuuun......... hahahah!"

Yeah... You... Are... Welcome..

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/20/2012 11:13:50)

I actually would suggest a Succubus character to be the "dark variant" of Fairies.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/20/2012 11:44:38)

Maybe you could customize your Oversoul, since people seem to want to choose their gender. You could also choose what you are dressed as based on what you were before you died; such as a peasant or a noble. Different gender versions of characters is silly though, because you're possessing a certain character; there's not going to be a female Ulrik or male Keena because they already have a specified gender.

Zanzibaarus -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/20/2012 12:02:44)

Must...resist edit your suggestion to bring Homestuck...

Alternians. That is all.

Veral77 -> RE: =OS= Dragons, Undead & Paladins... oh my! Character Suggestion Thread II (12/20/2012 14:49:22)

@Zanzibaarus: Perhaps one would prefer insect wings over bat wings, eh?

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