=DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (Full Version)

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Melissa4Bella -> =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (12/29/2012 16:42:46)

Here is where you post your stories, only one post per person please!

Here is where you can discuss your stories: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry Discussion

Joerte -> RE: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (12/29/2012 16:55:57)

Exasperating Darkness

It's infuriating me,
The surrounding Darkness,
I can see Moglins being turned,
Into a shell of their former beings,
I break out of this human form,
I unleash my strength,
With my newfound hope,
My newfound strength,
The darkness is no longer there,
Did optimism really strike?
Just right there.

A beast

A corrupted beast,
Enjoying the freedom of flight,
Giving a very powerful fight,
Us warmongers destroy every one of them in sight,
Our plight,
In the darkness night,
Is inspired as we know we are fighting for what is right

This does not correspond with any of the character's actual back stories.

* On the battlefield of Amethyst City and Doomwood the skies were streaked with Nitroglycerin, the ground with blood. You could hear screams from every angle. It got to the point where you could barely hear yourself talk. And more reason to despair was that that the Wamongers of Falconreach were being mercilessly slaughtered by the opposing forces. The mogkees were being as swift as a stiletto - dodging every blade that was being thrown at them with a savage elegance. The Deadwood Destroyers were being utterly destructive. They literally crushed all opposition to the point of death. Even Artix was struggling to battle due to the height of the vicious enemies. 2 lone beings decided action needed to be taken. They looked at the battlefield from a nearby cliff.*

DragonMan: Ahh it is so beautiful, isn't it?
Joerte: If it is beautiful why are you helping me destroy it.
DragonMan; More destruction makes it more beautiful, doesn't it?
Joerte; Using your logic, Yeah.
DragonMan: Anyway my field of expertise is business and total world domination, battle strategy is yours. What should we do?
Joerte: I have already constructed my plan. We will need an extra person for it.
DragonMan: Should I clone someone?
Joerte: NO! We can ask for help from one of the elite warmongers.
DragonMan: I don't like humans can't we ask a good Vartai or Dragonman clone?
Joerte: I am human and we have been allies for years.
Dragonman: Yeah, but you don't try and kill me all the time.
Joerte; Fair point. Lets go back to the plan. I've got a list a warmongers that we could get to help us.
*Dragoman looks over the list*
Dragonman: Is this a typo? This guy called Odor has a "the" in front of his name.
Joerte: No, this guy's battle feats are so awesome that Alteon couldn't just call him sir, he had to give him the ultimate title of "the."
Dragonman: How do you know him then. You are kind of the " I am going to achieve my ideals no matter what" you can't know someone like that. Your bounty is over 9000 gold!
Joerte: I am also an illusionist, they look at me and they might see a rabbit.
Dragonman: Is it possible for you to contact The Odor.
Joerte: Yeah, since he is a warmonger who is devoted to saving everyone possible, he will obviously be defending the city. Since we are high up on this cliff we should easily be able to spot him. Once we have spotted him I will make an illusion of a mogkee. Once he tries to slays it and falls through the illusion, the mogkee will have gotten his The Odor's attention. Then we make the mogkee tell him to look up. Once he looks up I will make a flash of light appear in the sky which will again grab his attention and alert him to out location. Then we will ask him to come up the cliff if he wants to help the tide of the battle turn to his favour. Then we will bring up our demands.
DragonMan: As always, your plans amaze me. One thing however.
Joerte: Yes
Dragonman: I didn't know you could make your illusions talk. Why have you never mentioned it.
Joerte: You never asked.

*Meanwhile some reinforcements were marching towards the "City of Purple."Among them was a feared warmonger named The Odor. On the march he was talking to his fellow soldier - Uretial.*

The Odor: As much as I loathe attacking these Mogkees, these innocent beings turned to evil by magic. I shouldn't get my emotions get in the way, right Uret?
Uretial: All I can say is that the most feared warrior is a one who won't let emotions get in his way in battle.
The Odor: You always respond in riddles, it's exasperating.
Uretial: Do you expect all you desires to be handed to you on a silver platter?
The Odor: THERE YOU GO AGAIN! Anyway this battle seems to be oddly linked to me. A "city of purple." And I am the fabled Skull Mage of Purple. A city of necromancers and other similar beings. And I am a necromancer. Should I believe it is coincidence?
Uretial:I believe not in coincidence or luck more than a believe in trusting those Doomsday Sayers.
The Odor: More riddles? Fine, with such a wise warrior if want to receive advice it shouldn't come to me quite so easily. Though I have learned a lot from you. I think the amount of troops we have intros unit mean that we don't even need to use a complicated strategy . Allowing the opponents to break through the middle of our forces then surrounding them with our flanks and closing in should be sufficient for this war.
Uretial: I have met no one with more regard for human life than you. Yet you are also the most ruthless warrior I have ever seen. That contradiction will probably be your downfall.
The Odor: *Chuckles* Talking like that before a war is not particularly good for making friends.
Uretial: At my age I am not subject to change. i am set in stone now….
The Odor: Now anyone who thinks like that, they are the ones who see their downfall soon.
Uretial: You who loathes my tounge is the one speaks like me. You contradict yourself so much you're almost a total hypocrite.
The Odor: Despite what someone else would think I have come to really enjoy our tal- WWhat is that!? Is that the battlefield? It looks like "Warmonger Apocalypse" there.

*The reinforcements arrived at the battlefield. The Odor, Overlord of Alteons army and leader of the reinforcements, addressed his army with Uretial by his side.*

The Odor: My Army, we have reached the site of war. We must remain vigilant despite the fact we are fighting mutations of Moglins.
Army: YEAH!
Uretial: Lower your voices - we don't need the opposing forces to hear us.
The Odor: Thank you Uretial. We will be using a simple strategy. Strategy Alpha002.
Army: Ok master.
The Odor: ADVANCE!!!!!!!!!!!

*The army advanced into the fray of the war.*

The Odor: Let them break through. Make sure we don't have any casualties.
The Odor: Break off and surround the forces.
The Odor Good you are in position to utterly annihilate the army of the Blue Witch Pallor. She is a fool for two reasons. A. The blue she wears. B. For declaring war against the warmongers.
The Odor: NOW ATTACK!!

The army swooped around and begin to close in on the army. The Odor , a necromancer, thrust his trusty spear forward and a barrage of bones were hurled at the unsuspecting mogkees. Then he struck down a nearby skeleton with his spear and let loose a frenzy of black magic.. It collapsed with a sudden "ugh" right before The Odor's feet. Behind his mask The Odor was giving a small chuckle. This chuckle was actually mock sympathy for Pallor who was soon to meet her fate. The Odor looked up to see how his army was coping. And he was shocked. Queen Pallor had copied The Odor's strategy and Odor and his army were consequently trapped. He had been outwitted by the Black Witch Queen. Inside The Odor's head:

The Odor: What are these things?
The Odor" Skeletons aren't intelligent enough to carry out this strategy.
The Odor: No! It couldn't be, could it? Have the skeletons…..
The Odor: Become more intelligent along with their wings?
The Odor: Is it evolution?
The Odor: Whatever it is if I get out of this alive I need to take one back for Lim to analyse…
The Odor: I need to get back into the battle.To do otherwise would be a betrayal of my army's loyalty.

*The Odor charged, spear first right into a flying mogkee and fell to the floor. He was utterly gobsmacked. There was no way a puny mogkee could take me down to the floor. He stood up and slashed the mogkee with his spear and saw that his trusty spear just fell through the mogkee like it was a ghost. Then the mogkee spoke:*

Mogkee: The Odor, I am nothing but an illusion casted by Joerte. He is one who is trying to change the tide of the battle to the warmongers. He is allied with the Mayor of Falconreach - Dragonman.
The Odor: And why should I believe you. You may just be an evolved Mogkee.
Mogkee: And who's story makes more sense.
The Odor: With the evidence I've got my theory makes much more sense.
Mogkee: I can prove it to you.
The Odor: How?
Mogkee: Beings of darkness like me can't cast spells of light. But Joerte could make an illusion of it. So look up and see the light that Joerte will create.

*Joerte and Dragonman were nearly done with their plan to contact The Odor.*

Dragonman: You are a flat out genius.
Joerte: I guess you could say that my scaly friend.
Dragonman: What are you going to make the mogkee say now that The Odor has seen the light which proves that we are being helpful.
Joerte: "You have wings, use them and join Joerte on that cliff."
Dragonman: You refer to yourself in third person so casually….
Joerte: That may be.

*The Odor saw the light.*

The Odor: Amazing…. you weren't lying.
Joerte: ODOR! Look at the cliff.
The Odor: So that is you, what do you want.
Joerte: I want to help you win the war.
The Odor: At what cost?
Joerte: None… We are actually going to pay you if you follow our commands.
The Odor: They say if it's to good to be true..
Joerte: Just use your skull wings to fly up here, necromancer.
The Odor: And abandon my fellow warriors?
Joerte; Yes.
The Odor: Don't you know anything about a knights honour.
*Joerte smiled a vicious grin and laughed evilly*
Joerte: … Oh yes, Yes I do….
The Odor: What on lore do you mean.

*Joerte brought forward two small children and The Odor stepped back in fear.*

Joerte: Come up, or these kids will be pushed off a cliff.
The Odor: You…You MONSTER!
Joerte: Hahaha…… That may be, but I can always manipulate things to go how I choose.
The Odor: You're trying to mess with my head aren't you. There is no way of me even telling if they are actually human or an illusion.
Joerte: Badly for you.
The Odor: Curse you! I'll come.

*The Odor came up the cliff and opened his eyes in shock when he saw Dragonman. Then he bowed to his mayor.*

The Odor: YOUR THE MAYOR! What are you doing with this… this atrocity?
Dragonman: He is the reason I control Falconreach. You could say he is an accomplice.
Joerte: We make a good team.
The Odor: Let the kids go!
Joerte: We have to see if you agree to our commands first.
The Odor: YOU FIEND! What are your pathetic "commands?"
Joerte: We develop a strategy to finish this war and then you carry them out, thusly ending this war.
The Odor: You sound full of yourself...
Dragonman: He has reason to be. If it wasn't for him Falconreach would still be under control of Mayor Waen. And the gold taxes would have been over 9000 per day. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED? HMM!
The Odor: Ok I guess we have to develop that little strategy of yours now don't w?
Joerte: I already have came up with a plan.
The Odor: Then why did you say you need me aid to come up with a plan? More Untruths?
Joerte: Initially I didn't need your help to come up with a plan. I just needed to use you as a pawn.
The Odor: Is that what you think of me. A piece in a game?
Joerte: No I value your feats in war greatly. The reason I need your help to come up with a strategy is since your army is trapped I need to modify my original plan.

*Joerte, The Odor and Dragonman fell into deep discussion about what type of modifications Joerte's plan needed. In the end the managed to agree on something. Then they set out to initiate their plan.*

*The Odor leapt of the cliff and remained unharmed due to his wings. He instantaneously raised up some skeletons who were armed with Necrotic Swords of Doom.The opposing skeletons fell one by one. Then The Odor's eye shined a dark red and a gargantuan meteor of red bones manifested in the sky. He used it to take out half the right flank of skeletons while his skeleton army took out the other side of the flank. Part one of their plan had been finished.Meanwhile Dragonman literally summoned money to the left of the left flank of skeletons. Since those skeletons used to be human they were still subject to greed and tried to obtain the money. Then Dragonman transformed into a full dragon and landed on top of the skeletons while they were being distracted by their own greed and envy. Dragonman morphed back into vartai mode (his normal mode) and collected his money back. Part two of the plan had been completed. Now came the time for Joerte to act. What he had to do was gain control of every remaining troop. To do this he created an illusion of Queen Pallor above all of the remaining troops. Joerte gave off his signature evil smile. Now all of the remaining troops would obey Pallor - for mogkees aren't intelligent to recognise the difference. But then something extremely shocking happened - Queen Pallor herself appeared right next to the illusion. Joerte lifted his head in shock as he hadn't expected this outcome. Of course they had to adapt.To combine their strengths to prepare, The Odor and Dragonman joined together.*

Joerte's Thoughts: Hmm this would be a good opportunity to kill her.
Pallor: My army, tell me who is this vile clone of myself?
Pallor's Illusion: Don't even utter a word to this fake clone!
The Odor: This is madness..
Dragonman: No… THIS IS LORE!
The Odor: I wonder if we should do anything or let Joerte roam free.
Dragonman: In my experience *noms on a money sandwich* letting Joerte do as he wishes tends to mean I get what I want.
The Odor: Still I can't help but wonder if he wants us to act….
Joerte's Thoughts: Now PALLOR WILL DIE!
Pallor's Illusion: Yes obey me, and attack the phoney.
Joerte Thoughts: All I have to do now is get some illusions to attack Pallor so the rest of the army follows suit.
*Joerte created a small army of mogkee illusions and forced them to attack the real Pallor.
*The Odor widened his eyes in shock*
The Odor: But how… How did he force the entire army to attack Pallor?
Dragonman: Thats Joerte.
Joerte: THE ODOR! You need to attack with Dragonman! These Mogkees are too weak to hit the final blow!
The Odor: How will Dragonman get up to attack Pallor?
*Dragonman sprouts wings*
The Odor: Okay……

*Pallor had successfully been completely surrounded by a sphere of mogkees. A small opening appeared behind Pallor in which The Odor, an illusion of Joerte and Dragonman entered the sphere*

Joerte Illusion: Pallor, witch of ice and doom. You have taken countless lives for no reason at all. For that you must face the wrath of death.
Pallor: NO… No… I need my wings, I want my wings. YOU necromancer, you have wings, I want them. GIVE THEM TO ME OR DIE!.
Dragonman: Sorry to say but you will be doing the dying.
Pallor: No I won't.
*Pallor attempted to attack everyone. Consequently Dragonman restrained her.*
The Odor: We must take her to be executed by one of the men of Kind King Alteon.
Joerte Illusion: Yes….

Frost Moglin -> RE: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (12/30/2012 13:30:37)

Reeally short poetry for motivation.

Wings in the darkness,
undeads rising up.
But one thing unbeatable,
stands in their way.
Heroes of the lore
are ready for a fight!
The undead army will never survive!

Dragonman -> RE: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (12/30/2012 16:29:49)


Welcome to TDLNND, Pallor has sent her army of unknown size to attack SiOO, Vayle is helping to guard, however, we mahave trouble defeating these winged fiends.

Just a little joke, no trouble at all!

In other news, the Deadwood Destroyers, a species of undead tree not seen for years, has suddenly returned. With wings supposedly being a aguard to an oncoming reign of Darkness (Pallor seems a little late) these destroyers seem to be suited to survive.

Finally, I'd like to note that Flying Mogkees are still our old friends so DON'T HURT THEM!

Vote for Dragonman as the next mayor, because he is, like a bowtie, cool!

These things and people are cool too: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, and Second Silver TH. And Bowties, and Fezzes are cool too.

If you want to be like a bowtie or a fez, vote for Dragonman!

Day 3:

Welcome to TDLNND, we are rapidly approaching 1 million womged beasts wiped away into oblivion. Our catapults will be freed up very soon.

In other news, the Flying Mogkees are becoming more and more millitant, and there have been 30 reports of villagers being attacked by mogkees today, copared to the 7 yesterday and an average of 1 each day between when they were first seen and now, this is a rapid increase.

Next off, the villagers are, seriously this isn't propaganda, blaming former Mayor Rayf for these attacks, he iws quoted saying "What Flying Moglins, they're worthless, and serve no threat for MY city. GIVE ME BACK THE TREASUREY"

In other news, Rayf is crazy, sent to an asylum, more at 10 (not really).

Vote for Dragonman, because he is not the BAD crazy, unlike CERTAIN mayors. These people like GOOD crazy:Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzvlle, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Had487, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon since they voted for Dragonman.

Yes, Xan is good crazy.

That's all for toight, happy warring!

Day 3 Extra:

EXTRA EXTRA: Dragonman's news breaks threadlocks, somehow.

Dragonman announces views on labor unions as a permittable annoyance (which is MY view IRL, but let's not change the subject to REAL politics.)

Day 4:

Welcome to TDLNND, today, with the access to the catapults, we have jumped all the way up 38%.

In other news, the color war, which inevitably starts everytime a war happens, has cooled down, for inexplicaabe reasons.

Next off, the Mogkees attack more and more villagers every percnt, villagers in cities and villages near SiOO have all hidden, Faconreach villagers, more hardy then others, have not taken to hiding, seeing as the angry mob from thankstaking hasn't even fully dispersed.

Meanwhile, the normal Frosval celebrations have ended, without giving many townspeople any chance to celebrate this year. "This was even sadder than Togsmas" reports one saddened villager, "at least we got to celebrate a little then".

In other news, Rayf has been let out of the insane asylum, he was apparently "possesed by the ghost of Cysero's father".

Finally, Mayor Waen ha tried to make having wings illegal, this is a stupid dicision, and if you wish to tell mayor waen he is wrong call 1-800-WAEN-IS-DUMB

Dragonman is against the CLipping Wings Act, and if you are, you should vote for Dragonman, like these people: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon.

Goodnight and goodwarring!



Welcome to dayly spoon report with your host smog. In our latest developing story a sneevil box stealing rings sleeper cell has finaly been discovered by the gaurdians of falconreach.
In other news smog the amazing awesome guy has a new spoon... so shiny... so so shinny. but anyway we have curently defeated 1554696 waves of evil winged undead things speacking of undead everyones favorit moglin necromancer zorbak has been discovered to have been stealing cookies and baked goods from the falconreach bakery to atempt to turn himself into a titan again more on this latter know lets take a look at the weather.


ORIGINAL: Popinloopy

Welcome back to TLDNND, everybody! To people just now tuning in, Starsaber has a strand of Seppy's Madness, brought on by some cursed tea, and the war meter is climbing faster than Cysero would if he jsut drank coffee and was on a ladder. Now, on to current events. We see some slightly charred winged eyeballs occaisonally falling to the ground, thanks to our own Magmortorlx, and it looks like some rotted togs and going to be fertelizing some trees near Doomwood, and a giant Deadwood just got chopped in half, burning as it fell. I leave you all with an encouraging Battle On!


ORIGINAL: BraveSirRobin

The Daily Dragon!!!
Your number 1 newspaper

The undead legions of flying creatures have seemed to stolen multiple weapons.They are of magic origin and,therefore, smell of cheese.It seems they are warmonger made.More on this matter later.

Types of creatures
Undead skeletons(as opposed to live ones)Flying winged flying eyballs(strange they have wings already)flying slimes(possibly a lie)

Injured,carried away
Starsaber got the 'You..you killed her'disease.

Many people seem to be apllying for the news.What you expected something longer?Well people seem to be coming because they want to...try out for...the news.Thats it.

Some people say that Sepulchure is behind this.Those same people also say he was behind Sepulchures fall.They say he did a spell and gave wings to the undead.And grew them in Doomwood.Or maybe that was that guy who said he was under a spell and got sick.Either way its news.

This newspaper is brought to you by TDLNND

Day 4:

Welcome to TDLNND. I'm Dragonman, your host.

Today we've reached all the way up to 56%, if we get to 60% before the Mogkees are ready to attack, we will probably get some sort of reward.

In other news, Starsaber is attempting to cure Sepulchure's madness, because it has infected him, he will likely either turn into a Shadowscythe drone, or be cured. We're rooting for your cure Starsaber!!


The broadcast is brought to you by Dragonman's suppoters, Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, I am Legend. Not., dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon.

Newscast over, CHARGE

Day 5:

Welcome to TDLNND, I'm DRagonman, your host.

Today we started curing the moglins, and we have defeated an additional 14% today alone, leading us to 72%.

In other news, Timekillers hhave been spotted fighting with the other heroes, it seems that they are finally with us, or were they always with us and just time-travelled... ARGGGH!

Now a word from our sponsor:

Hi I'm Dragonman, Landis Waen may be a nice guy, but his decidions have lead us closer and closer to becoming part of The Rose. Just because he's nice doesn't excuse this ineptitude. We need someone who can stand up against the rose and that's me.

I'm Dragonman, and I approve this message.

Finally, Zadd is celebrating today, because people are calling him less sstupid then Pallor, since he thought he'd be known as the stupiest villain ever, forever, this is a pleasent surprise. We were unable to get Pallor to comment.

That's all for today!

Day 6:
Welcome to TDLNND, today we've made it to 84%, and we're well on our way to 100.

Considering Pallor's impeding loss of army, she seems surprisingly unworried, continuosly sending rieinforcements, even though she has less then 650,000 monsters.

THe moglins have begun healing some of the togs affected, but they are unable to cure the other monsters.

Rumor has it that Pallor has one SPECIAL moglin abducted, you know who I mean, Zorbak. Winged Zorbak could cause a devistating amount of damage to Amethyst City, if he does exist, but, in this reporter's opinion, the only moglins Pallor has transformed are the Frost Moglins.

In other news, The Hero has decided to finally reveael what happened at the Sandsea Gate all those years ago, it shohuld definately be something to look forward to, since it has been hidden for so long.

Now a word from our sponsor:

Hi I'm Dragonman, now I'm sure you want me to tell you a good reason not to vote for Waen, well I'm not going to. We need a mayor who won't just do what he's told, but stand up for himself and his city.

I'm Dragonman, and I approve this message.

Dragonman is proudly endorsed by: Zork Knight, bob!!!, Kinzdor, Xan, The Odor, Dornalca, djkramer123, 100Rob123, Prince Amrod, Wraith, Baron Dante, ~SoaringAbove~, GreyWarden, Angelixx The Good, Faerdin, plue344, DoomCake1234, Ace127, The Cow says MOO, Axel459, Deviance, dragon deamon, The Master, bobeee, smartman294, Keldor, megakyle777, Rytis 155, runekiri, Civer, Und3rgr0und, glaisaurus_x, Drago_BloodMoon, kingyugi456, AlkaNephrite, WallyWeaver, Lightcaster, golden1231, Voodoo Master, Soulless Shadow, 1girlhousefan, 3 Vandoran, The Hollow Soul, lloydbunyan101, dragonman111, Varen6398, VanHellsin24, ACW0, god of insatily, Derith Raxonus, Dart Ichimonji, Ferakin, Dragon4455, Hopeful Guy, Drakonnax, Dwightt, Rukaji, Mortarion, magmartorlx, Frost Moglin, Selutu, zachmac, Smog (and his spoons), gamer rulez, BraveSirRobin, zeppyzeppy, killer 15683, Starflare, Darius, kim346, Dragonknight315 (and the 7 other knights of creation), Nessaling, hellblade124, Death snake1, Reaper252, D00ms(and his Hammer), blaze656, Dragonlord93, Imaru, Break Eventide, Chisagen, Icy Flare, killybob, .Joerte, Alethia, Stelios, Rayld, The_Rookie, Sainsbo, Legendium, dkfreak11, Supersei, Starsaber88, deatharrows, Raharu95, Axoris, RamDF (Twice :O!), Thejop, superbat67, Miran, Shadows Morgenstern, Popinloopy, deathlord45, Yuttt, Rider of Firnen, magmaman, Dragonlord Blurok, Dragon LordX, Kingofthedeamons, Second Silver TH, ThatHeroGuy, and Craze's Dragon.

Finally, a splinter organization from the Rose, called the Daisy, is trying to ban fine dining, as well as science. The Rosse has distanced itself from the Daisy, by claiming that fine dining does not exist, and that every restaurant, is fast food. This reporter, is truley confused by the stupidity of certain organizations.

Good Night, and Good Warring!

Day 7:

Welcometo TDLNND, this is the last broadcast for this war, and, as I broadcast this, we have approxamently 85,000 waves left to defeat, they should be destroyed within two hours.

In other news, what's that... somethings cooming... by the light, it's getting close. I don't have my staff, AAARGH... AAAAAAHHHHHH


We apologize for this interuption and give you a word from our sponsor.

Dragonman.... krrschtt chhhhhrt

We here at TDLNND apologize for that inturruption as well.

Hello? Hello? This is Xan, y'know, I'm the cameraman here. Dragonman's in trouble, I repeat Dragonman is in trouble. We need reinforcements in section 15082. Repeat need reinforcements... drained.... magic.... Rose..... trap.... Krrschhht.

TDLNND is brought to you by Serenity's bread. You want bread? Buy Serenity's!

Day 8:

Welcome back to TDLNND.

Last night I was attacked by a Rose Battalion, during reports, luckily reinforcements came just in time: Cataclysm, Faerdin, Castrater, Chisagen, Elryn, Deathlord45, gamer rulez, and Miran. With their help, we were able to defeat the battalion, and even race to see who could kill the mostof Pallor's minions.

But the Rose has something new, something that can knock out magic for short times.

Well, that's all for this war, Happy Frostval, and I'll see you all on Lucky Day (Or earlier if there is a war earlier.)

Stephen Nix -> RE: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (12/30/2012 19:01:30)

Got a comment about my story or a grammatical error with a sentence? Click this fancy link over here -> (DF) Stephen Nix Works!

In Frostvale there stood one new villain that demanded that Vayle be brought in with no reasoning at all, her name was Queen Pallor. She is an ice necromantress whom used her magic to transform all moglins in the town of Frostvale into Flying Mogkees. Now at her command she now wages war against the people of Amethyst City, but a new band of heroes will soon approach to try and stop her wicked plans. Stephen Nix actually knows Queen Pallor in his past, he has ran by her on countless occasions and even learned a thing or two from her.

Naturally, Nix has found common ground with this new ally of his, and he has agreed to a new set of terms to make sure he works for his demand. For you see deep down, Stephen wants to know what it's like to fly. As a half penguin / half undead, Stephen never had that opportunity to even try flying, now with Pallor in control perhaps he can be given the chance to do just that...

Stephen Nix: So do we have a deal Queen Pallor?
Queen Pallor: Indeed, we can work together to get both of our wants and needs!
Stephen Nix: I'll get you Vayle, you get me those wings!
Queen Pallor: Your wings will be special penguin, I give you that!
Stephen Nix: Goodie! You know you were such a great teacher back in the days before you hit royalty Pallor, what happened?
Queen Pallor: Another time Nixy dear, we need to claim Vayle as soon as possible.
Stephen Nix: HAHA! Right away your majesty! Anything else?
Queen Pallor: A group of heroes will soon try to infiltrate my area, and they will start their investigation at Frostvale, see to it they don't leave!
Stephen Nix: Not a problem.

Just as Nix leaves, Queen Pallor and Nix each have their moments alone...

Stephen Nix: When I get my wings, Queen Pallor will be frozen forever! That witch has done me nothing but trouble in my past...it's even said she had something to do with my black book. If it is true and it was her that tricked my trainer for the book back those years ago, then I will extract my revenge!
Stephen Nix: HEHEHE! I always win!

Queen Pallor: That dult thinks he can outsmart me, I know what he's gonna do if he gets those wings. Oh Regenold?

A flying undead minion flies in...

Minion: Yes madame?
Queen Pallor: Do me this one favour in your travels.
Minion: What may that be Miss Pallor?
Queen Pallor: Keep Nix in your sights, if you and your troops get the chance, eliminate him!
Minion: At your command then!

He flies off into the battlefield...

Heroes started to take groups in Amethyst City so the area could be well protected. However, there was one particular group that only argued with one another. It was the Purple crew and the Bloo crew.

Voodoo: I said, GET OFF MY FOOT!
Christian (Starsaber): Back off purple voodoo kid, stop picking on my friend!
Voodoo: I would but I am tired of his antics around here.
Craze: If you have something to say, say it to my face!
Mritha: Oh here we go again, Craze, before I put my boot up your---
The Odor: OK! People we gotta infiltrate the Queen's lair!

Mortous (Caststarter): Indeed guys and gal, it's time to put our differences aside and work together on this situation.

Mortous calls in a fellow fighter for information....

Mortous (Caststarter): What news have you for us citizen?
Fighter: It's not going well, those undead creatures are everywhere, your task sent by Vayle is to get out of here as soon as possible!
Mritha: Incorrect, we are not leaving here!
Craze: No he has a point, we need to get in the battlefield as soon as possible and get past all the flares around here.
Mritha: This city needs our help!
Fighter: But Mritha, your task requires you to leave.
Voodoo: Then we must do as Vayle requires.
Mritha: I--I can't do this.

Voodoo, The Odor, and Mritha step aside for a moment...

The Odor: Mritha you are a fantastic warrior in the battlefield but our fight isn't here.
Mritha: But this city needs our help! We are purple!
Voodoo: True, but I am neutral and we need to start seeing the world as neutral.
Mritha: Well, ok you two seem to have your heads still on your shoulders, we can work this thing together.
The Odor: Voodoo and I are Necromancers, we know what were doing!
Mritha: Oh yea, that's right a warrior and two necros...this should be interesting...

Craze, Mortous, and Christian talk briefly...

Craze: This is taking forever. I'm bored! Those purple lovers brought a terrible plague brought upon this world through the corruption of blue. While we sit back and stay as we are, they do all that they can to spread and infect the world.
Mortous (Caststarter): I can agree we are much calmer than they are, they spread themselves around too easily.
Craze: Should we just go our separate ways then?
Christian (Starsaber): No guys, we need to stick together. As much as we quarrel with them, we will need to work together. My golden blade, Creation will guide us on this journey.

The others return...

Mritha: *takes her Gravity Hammer out* Ok where to?
Fighter: As you all leave here, you need to locate and defeat the Queen and her minions up close and personal. It is said she is very close to the town of Frostvale!
Craze: Off we go then to Frostvale to get some answers then...
Fighter: Good luck heroes, I know you will do us proud until then...BATTLEON!

The team start to make their way out but will have to fight their way out of the city...

A pack of Undead Togs start to form outside of their meeting area...

Voodoo: We gotta go people and we need to move fast!
Mritha: Allow me to do the HAXing!
Craze: OHHHH NO YOU DON'T! *press a button on his gauntlet and summons a mana grenade and throws it at the horde of creatures*
The Odor: Hmpt. That did nothing!
Mritha: So useless....

Mritha unaware of what it truly does runs up to the togs and starts smashing each with her hammer but as the button on Craze's gauntlet lights up the grenades explode damaging Mritha as well and defeating the remaining Togs...

Mritha: *holds her arm* Gahhh, that really hurt. *stares at Craze and starts stomping her way towards him with her hammer drawn* YOU DID THAT ON PURPOSE CRAZE!

The rest stand back for a bit and let the two hash it out...

Craze: Yet the chaos that people constantly put this world in is your colour's fault! Some of the most disloyal people are purple, your friend, Melissa is one of them!
Mritha: That.......is my sister you arrogant sap!
Craze: We're in the same clan, I think I know that!
Mritha: Blue is trollish and boring. They can't even spell their own name right!
Craze: It's pronounced BLOO!
Mritha: Purple is loyalty, royalty, and inspiring. We have bigger armies and supplies. YOU HAVE NOTHING!

The others start to step in on this....

The Odor: Surely we can work this out together? We can solve anything if we put our minds to it!
Mritha: Not with those people! *points at the bloo people*
Mortous (Caststarter): *unsheathes his Ethersword* So what you think we are different in our fighting views then purple people? That is clearly the work of children talking!
Voodoo: Wow, the wise guy says something again to try and look like the leader...you know we don't need you *takes out a voodoo of the bloo people* And this little piggy got booted back to Falconreach!

Christian (Starsaber): Come on guys, enough of this we can do better by moving forward!

Mortous (Caststarter): Are you seriously mocking me Necromancer?
Voodoo: That depends, you wanna challenge me?

The arguing goes on for hours until...

Christian (Starsaber): *whispers* I can't take this anymore. SILENCE!!!!!!

Everyone stares at Christian...

Christian (Starsaber): We...are supposed to be friends, but because of a colour differences we have to hash it out on each other?
Voodoo: But---
Christian (Starsaber): BUT NOTHING!

Christian (Starsaber): We are arguing about the silliest of things. I mean come on guys, we work best when we get along. Can't we put our differences aside...perhaps just this once?
Mritha: We've tried truces before, remember what happened Craze?
Craze: *muffles under his breathe* From where I stand, you broke it first!
Mritha: What did you say?
Craze: *laughs* Nothing...

Christian (Starsaber): I want everyone to put their hand in here *holds out his hand* If you place your hand here, vow that we work together! Enough of this foolishness, we have to stop Pallor!

Slowly one by one each place their hand on top of the other...

The Odor: Problems can be solved better, if we work together.

Voodoo: Sometimes, I just forget about what we are even arguing about. That needs to stop.

Mortous (Caststarter): Agreed Christian, the bickering ends now.

Craze: I'm not perfect....but I am Tranquilosive!
Voodoo: That's not even a word.
Craze: HAHAHA!

Christian (Starsaber): Mritha?
Mritha: What says that Craze won't break it this time?
Mortous (Caststarter): If Craze wishes to live, he'll do it.
Craze: O.O
Mritha: Alright, let's make this truce secured!

Christian (Starsaber): Thank you. Now we can move together on this situation.

Finally teamed up for the best, they put their differences aside and escape the area and continue their way to Frostvale...

Voodoo: My legs are killing me!
Craze: Oh come on Voodoo, we only just started.
Voodoo: Maybe instead of giving life to dolls, I should consider lifting weights and going on runs.
Christian (Starsaber): This is actually a breeze for me.
The Odor: *slowly takes up the rear of the walking troops* I'm gonna die soon....
Mortous (Caststarter): Seriously we took like 100 steps, how are you exhausted already?
The Odor: *starts to crawl* This...is not worth it.

Mritha: Better idea! *clicks a button on her armor*

A giant black and purple warthog appears infront of everyone...

Mritha: Everyone hop in.
Mritha: *laughs and walks towards Craze* No.

As the team travels North they finally arrive at Frostvale...

The Odor: The moglins...they're gone.
Craze: Everyone's gone.
Mortous (Caststarter): What happened here?

Stephen Nix enters the scene from behind one of the homes...


Stephen Nix: Greetings Loser Heroes!
Mritha: Well if it isn't the infamous Nix.
Mortous (Caststarter): You know this guy?
Stephen Nix: *chuckles* Ah yes, me and Mritha go a way back. Don't we deary?
Mritha: What's your involvement with this?
Stephen Nix: Oh you know the usual. Pair up with the leader and add my two cents to the situation.
The Odor: Leave before we turn you to Walrus food.
Stephen Nix: Leave? HAHAHHHAHA!

Craze: What's so funny Penguin?
Stephen Nix: You tell me to leave, yet you will be the ones running out of here in seconds.
Christian (Starsaber): How do you figure that?

Stephen Nix: You don't get it do you? YOU ARE ALL OUTNUMBERED!
Stephen Nix: I look at you heroes all I see is a dumb Necromancer *points at The Odor*
Stephen Nix: Two Dragonlords. *points at Mritha and Christian*
Stephen Nix: A Bomb Expert. *points at Craze*
Stephen Nix: A Rogue. *points at Mortous*
Stephen Nix: And umm...yea I'm not gonna lie I have no idea what you are? He likes to play with dolls!?!?! HAHAHHHHAHAHHA!
Voodoo: *grinds his teeth*
Stephen Nix: Queen Pallor said there was gonna be a task-force to destroy, I didn't think it was you freaks! This will be easy!
Craze: Except it will be us, that will be victorious you slime.

Stephen Nix: Oh Craze, I forgot that was you for a second, it's hard to tell cause what you've been dead for how long? 110 years? *his eyes begin to glow* Sorry ole' chap I lost count.
Craze: Thanks to Death I have enough favors to last me another century!
Stephen Nix: *shakes his head* Except when we are done with you, Death will be the least of your worries!
Mritha: You talk a big game Nix, who's this "we" you keep talking about? It's not like you have an exit strategy either.

Stephen Nix: Oh no, how correct. What am I gonna do?
Stephen Nix: Well might as well throw in the towel and forfeit from you people. You've won once again.....NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTT! I plan on walking out the only exit here.
Christian (Starsaber): Past us? You gotta be dreaming!

Nix whistles for the hordes of Flying Mogkees to show up from around Frostvale...

Stephen Nix: *Laughs like a maniac as the monsters start to swarm the heroes* This is only the beginning act, and you're done for!
Voodoo: There's thousands of them.
Craze: Oh MY G------ What are we going to do....

Stephen Nix: YOU HEROES ARE BADLY OUTNUMBERED! HAHAHHAHAHAHHA! I hope you brought some heaaaaaaalth potions!

The screen goes completely black...

Stephen Nix: Kill them where they stand!

Quest Complete


As the Flying Mogkees swarm around the heroes, Nix makes his escape and quickly dashes outside of the town of Frostvale...

Craze discovers a catapult nearby and rushes towards it...

Craze: I GOT AN IDEA! *he places his explosives and then quickly fires them towards the Mogkees* HAHAHAH! This is fun.
Christian (Starsaber): Not bad shooting Craze but more are showing up, they're gonna overwhelm us!
Craze: *places some Nitro sponges in the catapult and fires them at the monsters as one connects* Not on my watch!


Christian and Mort glare at Craze...

Craze: Umm, did I do that? *gets off the catapult and rushes towards the others*

Mritha: We need to get out of here quickly! TO THE WARTHOG!

The giant vehicle slams into one of the walls of Frostvale and unlocks as everyone dashes towards it and locks themselves in...

Craze: We're gonna get eaten alive out here. We need someone to start shooting down those Mogkees so we can get some distance.
The Odor: Alright I'll use my spear, but I'm gonna need some backup!

Everyone looks at Mortous...

Mortous (Caststarter): What...ok I'll help!

While the others ride from inside, Mort and The Odor ride on the back of the warthog. As the Flying Mogkees get closer The Odor arms himself with the gun in the back and equips it with his spear, as he shoots it he uses his magic to get it back in his gun to re-fire instantly. Mort takes out his Ethersword and starts swinging it at the flying creatures.

The Odor: Fire away!

The vehicle's speed increases and as they make their turns, left and right, left and right, forward, and so on, the two on the back-end fire away at the enemies.

The chase lasts for about 2 hours until they arrive at a bridge, finally they can move forward to the fortress, just one problem...

Voodoo: What do you mean were outta gas?
Mritha: Well, what else could it mean?
Mritha: We are on foot now soldiers! Let's give em hell!

They continue to travel on foot under they finally witness the hideout of the Queen herself...

Christian (Starsaber): THAT PLACE IS HUGE!!!!!!
Craze: You can stop adding so many exclamation marks you know.
Christian (Starsaber): Oops, sorry. Hey *peaks out from the corner* we're not alone people. Look alive!

A nearby campsite with all the monsters and 3 guards are camping outside like they are expecting a guest. Their small fire goes out as they spot the team approaching them. Stephen Nix is also seen with the guards.

The Odor: Well, those must be the guardsmen that are in control of the area...wait there's Nix.

Stephen Nix: This is highly unfortunate...I thought those flying maniacs would've destroyed you, but here you are. *shouts* PLAN B!

The guards wake up and Nix transforms them into undead ice creatures...

Stephen Nix: I guess I'll see you people inside... *snarls* if you can last the cold.

Nix flees once again and the guards step forward...

Guard: Enter now minions.

A small group of monsters rush towards the heroes and each of them take out their weapons and start fighting each creature.


Guard: Eliminate the trespassers!

Mritha starts to run at the swarm of Eyeballs, The Odor takes out his spear and starts throwing it at the Boardrakes, Mort summons daggers to be flung at the Skeletons, Craze sets up some explosives near a campsite of the undead guardsmen, Christian in his newly acquired warrior armor takes out his Creation and starts to go toe to toe with the Togs, and Voodoo summons giant voodoo dolls with dark magic and throws them towards the Mogkees.

Mritha: *with her Gravity Hammer drawn and slamming it into the eyeballs* This is some serious fun.

Nix now inside the castle summons a giant Undead Deadwood Destroyer to guard the door, and approaches Queen Pallor...

Stephen Nix: Unfortunately we had a slight problem.
Queen Pallor: Under whose guidance Nixy dear?
Stephen Nix: Well it wasn't my fault.
Stephen Nix: *holds his fin out* It's time Pallor, I want my wings!
Queen Pallor: Your task was to defeat the heroes, you have not done that. Your other task was to kidnap Vayle, you have not done that either. Now leave my presence.
Stephen Nix: It's always about what you want, if your good at this, why don't you finish them?
Queen Pallor: *takes off her gloves* Never let an undead penguin do a simple task. CANNONS READY!

Queen Pallor sits down in this chair in the middle of the room and looks through a telescope...

Queen Pallor: FIRE!

The heroes fight nonstop, finally defeating the last of them. Craze sets off his explosives and the undead guardsmen are now buried under the rubble of the settlement...

Craze: We move now people. Next checkpoint, the door.
Queen Pallor: *On a microphone connected to her chair* EXCUSE ME TRESPASSERS, IT IS TIME FOR YOU TO LEAVE!
Christian (Starsaber): Who said that?
Voodoo: The Queen did, it's not like she can stop us anyways.

A giant ball of ice lands not 20 feet from them and the ground shakes...

Queen Pallor: FIRE AGAIN!


As they scatter the open field they get closer and closer to the door, until one ice ball hits the group right on, knocking them all out...

Queen Pallor: Die-rect hit! Well aimed an' true, Regenold.

The Queen gets off her chair and starts to move towards the exit of the room with Nix beside her...

Outside the heroes remain still in the snowy grounds, some in pain and others in disbelieve of what happened. For a few hours they remain there, but eventually one by one, they get up and heal each other.

Christian (Starsaber): *struggles to stand but grabs a hold of Voodoo* I...can't...do...this.......without you friend.
Voodoo: *grabs his hand and lifts himself up* What happened? Why is everyone staring at me?
Mortous (Caststarter): *cleans off his leather armor* No one gets left behind Voodoo. You were hit the hardest.
Mritha: *cracks her back* We all got hit, I told you guys to move but we barely gain any distance at all.
The Odor: Well we tried, but we ran in panic of that giant cannon!

Mortous (Caststarter): *walks up to the door* It's locked, how can we get in?
Craze: Step aside people, I'll rig it...AGAIN.
Mritha: You know that the last blast almost killed us right?
Craze: *winks* But it worked didn't it? *looks away* Alright everyone get some shielding!

Craze sets off the bomb and the door not only blasts open but just as Nix and Queen Pallor walk in the centre of the room, they see the door explode with the giant undead Deadwood in pieces in the main room. They make a quick dash through the corridor and close the gate to get through to that room where they proceed to argue.

Queen Pallor: This is your mistake you fool!
Stephen Nix: My mistake, your the one whom immediately stops firing a cannon because they've stopped moving. YOU COULD'VE AT LEAST TAKEN THEIR HEADS OFF!
Queen Pallor: You and your blasted need for wings, penguins aren't even supposed to fly anyway. What nonsense is this?
Stephen Nix: Oh miss perfect, everything has to be the way you call it. Heaven forbid you be the bait next time.
Queen Pallor: ENOUGH! You have failed me twice over, Regenold kill him!

The Queen rushes out of the room just as the heroes are able to finally find another way to reach to Nix.

Stephen Nix: *turns to the heroes* One second will you?

The team has a seat by the fancy furniture and watch as Stephen and the minion go head to head....

Craze: *sigh* BORING!
Mritha: *sips some lemonade that she pulled from a flask* Lemonade Craze?
Craze: Hmmm. Yes.

Christian (Starsaber): I'm not sure how to get this stain off my armor any tips?
The Odor: Why do I always get the weird problems to fix?
Christian (Starsaber): What, it's a serious subject...what do you use? I use Oxy-Box from the Sneevil and Co. Have any on you?
The Odor: Shut....up.

Voodoo: I can't help but notice this could take a while...
Mortous (Caststarter): Yup. I don't care for this at all.

Stephen Nix: Almost done with this pathetic creature.

The screen goes black...

Voodoo: Could be about another hour.
Mortous (Caststarter): *laughs* We got time.

Quest Complete

Part 3

Nix and Regenold had just finished their battle...Nix was victorious. Only one group remained as targets and that was the team from Amethyst City, Nix knew he had to eliminate them next.

Stephen Nix: Alright you punks, I'm ready for you now.
Voodoo: Bout time Nix.
Mortous (Caststarter): It ends here penguin fiend.
Craze: Nix, you and your minions are finished.....leave this place while you still can.


Stephen Nix: I may not be good at getting along with others, but I always get the job done. *takes out his black skull staff of doom*



Nix rushes at all the heroes with armored undead servants he summons and starts clashing with each hero one by one. The Odor takes out his Bone Ripper and starts furiously trying to dice Nix's minions to pieces. The Undead Armored Kilguin tries to stab The Odor with his battleaxe, but The odor uses his dark magic and blasts the head of the one Kilguin finishing it off. Mritha takes out her Gravity Hammer and starts to go into combat against one of the Kilguins, Mritha gets backed into a corner until she jumps in the air and starts flying in the room with her DragonLord Wings. She begins to race towards the Kilguin whom is taken by surprise as it shatters upon the collision of it and Mritha with her hammer. Mortous and Christian charge at the last Kilguin...

Mortous (Caststarter): Christian! *points at the chandelier above them* Aim for it! *tosses him daggers to throw as he defends them from the Kilguin* HURRY!

Christian takes aim with the daggers and misses the first two by a long shot...

Mortous (Caststarter): COME ON MAN FOCUS!
Christian (Starsaber): I can do this! *throws the last dagger and it hits the chandelier which drops and smashes into the Kilguin just as Mort escapes from close combat*


The heroes all stand with weapons drawn and stare at Nix...

Stephen Nix: I will not be taken lightly.

Nix takes out his weapon and begins to clash with all the heroes at once. He matches move for move on Mritha but gains the upper hand with his eyes and blasts her to a wall with a freezing cold ice blast. He sees Voodoo trying to blast dark magic at him but summons a quick deflect spell and tosses the magic at Mortous just as he tries to swing his sword at Nix, which ends up knocking him to the ground. Nix takes the opportunity and bashes Voodoo over the head with the skullstaff and then tosses him aside.

Stephen Nix: They called you people the deadly task force.

Christian sprints towards Nix with his blade drawn and begins to clash with him. Nix peeks his eyes and causes mass trauma to the warrior and uppercuts him with his fins which causes Christian to fall down and slam onto the ground. Craze prepares a bomb and tosses it at Nix, Nix dodges the bomb and freezes it just before it collides with the wall and hurls it back at Craze which explodes at his feet, sending him back into the furniture face first.

Stephen Nix: Yet all I see are pathetic heroes trying to make a difference in the world. Give over it, Frostvale is done....FINISHED! You might as well throw in the towel.

The Odor: WRONG!
Craze: You think you're so tough don't you?

Nix lifts up the arm of the unconscious Voodoo Master and simply lets go as it hits the floor...

Stephen Nix: Well, I'm not your average run in the mill enemy wouldn't you say?

Mritha: *shivers* Didn't get your wings did you?
Stephen Nix: *thinks* No...I didn't.
The Odor: I bet you wanted to take over Frostvale didn't you?
Stephen Nix: Well, I guess.
The Odor: Time and time again you want to do the impossible yet there is always someone stepping in your light isn't that right Nix?
Stephen Nix: Ok...sure. What are you getting at?

The Odor steps up and starts walking towards Nix with his Demonic Skull Helm starting to light up on fire...

The Odor: Wanna know why?
Stephen Nix: Hmpt. This'll be good....Why?
The Odor: Because you are a lowlife, scum and everyone can simply step on you because you're a pushover.

Nix starts to get really angry.

The Odor: You went to Falconreach and the only thing you could say was the word...WAC. WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN? Were you just learning how to talk?

Nix starting to get really mad...

Stephen Nix: That's my native penguin tongue you inconceivable fool.

The Odor: *starts yelling at Nix* You waste your time trying to learn from the number ones around L.O.R.E. WHY DON'T YOU TRY AND TAKE THAT SPOT? Hiding from the shadows like a little baby! Oh look at me, I'm the sidekick of the main bad guy.

Stephen Nix: *starts to prepare a massive ice spell* Stop it.


Stephen Nix: *starts to make the ice spell even larger enough to freeze a person whole* I said...STOP IT!

The Odor: You...are a joke. Half undead, half penguin because you read a page that was ripped in your little black book. *starts to laugh at Nix* I get it now. Your trying to get back at the world for having Artix lock up that book of yours!

At this point Stephen is absolutely furious with him and as everyone finally wakes up and stands beside The Odor, Nix throws the ice spell towards them. Voodoo, Mort and The Odor each take in some of the damage dealt by the ice ball and with enough power and enough strength, they send it right back at Nix.

Stephen Nix: Ahhhh crud, you were did this on purpos------

The ice ball hits Nix and freezes him on the spot...

Craze: *glances at The Odor* That...was wicked!
Voodoo: When you started to go in flames I knew you were up to something.
Mortous (Caststarter): Just enough time to send that blast back at him! Great strategy Odor!

Mritha: Well done guys, but we still need to attend to Queen Pallor.
Voodoo: Agreed, now that Nix is done fro we can move onto the next fight.
Christian (Starsaber): We overcame our hate for each other for a time being and worked together to take out Nix and now the Queen doesn't have a chance.
Voodoo: Guys I got a confession...
The Odor: What's up Voodoo?
Voodoo: My colour is actually red...

Voodoo transforms into a Necromancer with red armor.

Mritha: Aww dang.
The Odor: COME ON!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS?
Voodoo: I didn't mean to hold back on this for so long, I haven't exactly been a fan of any colour but red......Mmmm Reeeeeeeeeed.
Craze: O.O
Mortous (Caststarter): *laughs*
Christian (Starsaber): Actually red suits you!
Mritha: When we get out of here Voodoo, you me and The Odor are going to have a long talk about betrayal.
Voodoo: But I fought with you guys... *his helmet changes to the Voodoo Tribe Helmet to block his face*
Mritha: Yup, I'm gonna run you over with my warthog. It's official!

The gate raises up all on it's own and the heroes witness the Queen standing there alone in her room...

Craze: Let's deal with that later guys!
Mritha: The battle begins--
Christian (Starsaber): TOGETHER!

This concludes the story, at this point whatever happens in the actual war in Dragonfable happened in here as well. With Nix being frozen in this castle it almost appeared as if he would remain here as his punishment...

The last focus is on the ice cube that is Nix.... As the screen goes black the last thing you will see is the water running down Nix's fin as he slowly starts to regain control of his body. That means he's thawing out and will be on the loose once again.


Hope you all had a great Frostvale and enjoyed your holidays! Thank you for reading and I hope to see you in more war threads to come. Battle On!

Complete side gag (NOT REAL IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM!!!!!) Alternative Mritha ending...

The heroes have just defeated the Queen and Vayle is pleased to know that everything is back to normal....well almost everything.


Mritha: 1st off!

Mritha in her warthog runs over Voodoo...


Mritha: 2ndly!
Stephen Nix: I am no pet!
Mritha: Suuuuuuuuuure you aren't!

Mritha walks Nix to go the pet store. They walk inside and see a little igloo perfect for Nix. She stares at him in love with it as it is purple.

Mritha: :D
Stephen Nix: NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!

Nix breaks control of Mritha and rushes outside screaming for help....

Mritha and Craze stand on falconreach cliff...

Mritha: 3rdly!
Craze: So the truce is off huh?
Mritha: Yup.
Craze: *takes out a white glove and smacks Mritha* I challenge you to a duel!
Mritha: O.O Hmmmm.....NO!

Mritha punts Craze off the cliff and flies him into the skies until a star randomly shines

Mritha: Purple... For... The... Win!

The Odor -> RE: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (12/31/2012 12:34:57)

The Odor swatted away a flying eyeball with the candy cane. The enemy most certainly had caught him at an inappropriate moment this time. He was wearing red coloured Dragonlord armour, a soft red hat with a white fur lining, a matching cape that sprinkled snow around him when he ran and he was wielding a giant candy cane… Queen Pallor had appeared when he was getting ready to visit the Frostval Moglins and he hadn’t had time to change. He looked around the forest where other heroes were fighting the winged freaks and he noticed an oddity. The numbers arrayed against them were minimal compared to a lot other wars… Sure they were still massively outnumbered but compared to other battles… This was nothing. What was this woman Queen of if she couldn’t get a grander army?

He raised his hand and a pillar of light engulfed a winged Zombie tog coming towards him. Wow… This woman was obsessed with wings… She seemed to have stuck them to EVERYTHING! If she was so desperate for the ability of flight she should just get the necromancer armour. It wasn’t the fastest way of travel but it was in the air… Or she could just get a Dragonamulet and a dragon… Going to these lengths for the skills was just silly. He raised his shield and batted away a flaming skull that was hurled at him. The offending undead (which also had wings…) leapt after his stray cranium and The Odor lashed out with a wave of fire that burnt it to a crisp as it was picking it out of the snow. He ran past it as a clamour of a greater battle starting was heard further ahead, making sure to bury his armoured foot in the skeletons ribcage as he ran past. It never hurt to make sure…

He ran through the woods, snow flying around him both being upset from the ground as his heavy armoured feet tore through it and from his enchanted cape, continually heading towards the sounds of combat. As he ran a bolt of magic passed closed to him, connecting to a tree of which the trunk, where the bolt connected turned to splinters and dust and the remaining tree fell towards him. He leapt forward and to the side and rolled forward, back into a sprint. This armour was easier to move in then his normal Necromancer wear… But had he had that he could just have Ghostformed away from the tree… His thoughts shattered as he reached a slope over a spot of woodland where a strange sight greeted him. Among the trees, three individuals of… Different appearance fought against a horde of the winged foes.

He only recognised one of them beyond the shallowest shadow of remembrance from other battles. The Warmage Elryn, his blue robes fluttering in the stiff winter wind, stood next to a tall man with a black overcoat and a scruffy mop of black hair covering his head. The stranger stood with one hand raised, an aura of magic surrounding it while he held a wooden staff in his other. In front of the pair a stone sword was planted in the ground. A few steps before the pair a Deathknight was fighting, both feet planted on the ground while aptly wielding a doomaxe to cut down foes around him. The man wore a black helmet in the likeness of a roaring dragon with glowing purple eyes and a cape of golden cloth. Around the trio corpses where stacking up but more and more was bearing down on them and they were too few to watch every angle of attack which had left the back of Elryn and the other man open to a pair of Fiends and a skeleton sneaking up on them. The Odor cried a warning as he leapt down the slope. As he rushed down the snow covered incline the two men spun around, spotting their new enemies. The black clothed man pulled the sword from the ground and beheaded the skeleton with a deft sweep while Elryn delivered an open palmed blow to one of the fiends, sending it straight into a tree where it exploded in a flash of light and bolts of electricity. The Odor leapt into the air, making wings appear on the back of his armour as he tossed his weapon (if it could be called that) to his shield-hand allowing the shield to just hang on the leather straps. He flew forward, grabbing the last fiend by the tail, pulling it with him as he passed the two men and when he landed by the deathknights side he swung the monster as a flail against a boardrake. This fiend to disappeared in a flash of lightning but not before it had sent the boardrake into a tree where it collapsed on the ground. The Odor had no time to celebrate his victory though since his burst of speed had tossed him of balance and the foes had not been quite as dazzled by his display as he would have hoped…

Elryn grinned inside his hood. He had been very surprised by The Odors sudden appearance (The warmage recognised ASILs Warmaster even in his odd clothing for he had spoken to him when he was not in his normal Necromancer wear before…) but he and Assa, which was what the man dressed in black was called, remained as un-stunned by his choice of attack as their enemies. He returned to his magical barrage by summoning a fire ball that burnt a flying eyeball and a winged Tog that were closing in on their newly arrived ally while Assa charged to the front to aid Deathlord and The Odor who had now managed to straighten up his stance, gotten his weapon to the correct hand and was now laying in to the winged monsters with the... Candy cane???

Assa swung his heavy blade into an oncoming skeleton, striking it to the ground before he placed his foot on its skull, caving it in as he used it as leverage to leap into the air and land between his two allies, cleaving an eyeball on the way down before launching a magical bolt into a skeleton which exploded in a rain of bone bits.
“Pleasure to meet the two of you.” The dragonlord said as he sent a wave of cold through his sword arm, freezing a Tog in place. “My name’s The Odor. Yours?”
“… You can call me Deathlord…” The Deathknight muttered while he beheaded an attacking fiend before blasting a Boardrake out of the air with a rain of Darkness bolts.
“… I sense there is a story behind that name.” The Odor said as he launched a wave of energy bolts into a pair of Fiends and an Eyeball.
“… There is.” Deathlord said before he spun around, launching a flurry of blows at a skeleton.
“… Okay… What is your name?” he asked Assa while hooking the canes curve around the foot of a skeleton, sweeping the feet from out of under it as he brought the cane down over its body, breaking the undead in twain.
“My name is Assa. It is a pleasure to fight beside you on this day The Odor.” He said as he cut down a Flying Eyeball.
“Thank you Assa. The same to you.” The Dragonlord replied with a smile.

Elryn raised his hand and unleashed a storm wind that hurled away a pair of flying eyes that was moving up from behind against the quartet. He was slowly backing up towards the other three fighters, taking out the enemies that were trying to get in before they had managed to get a good defensive formation up. He heard the other three fighting with weapons and magic behind him as he drew closer to them. He chuckled.
“The Odor… What in the names of the Avatars are you wearing?” He asked the newly arrived soldier as a grin made its way to his lips…

The Odor wasn’t even looking at the warmage but he felt it. Elryn was grinning. He had noticed that the other times he had met him to… Sometimes you just felt his grin… In your bones. He liked that in the man. It was nice to just be able to know what someone felt without guessing.
“Hehe… Well, turns out I am not always walking around in battle gear. When Pallor showed up in Falconreach I was getting ready to head north to celebrate Frostval with the Frostmoglins… I always wear the cape and hat when I go there. And I felt like Dragonlord armour.” He said while holding off incoming enemies with the end of his cane.
Elryn nodded slowly and made a charging skeleton to fall over by shifting the earth under its feet with the flick of a hand.
“Are you sure you can handle the battle wielding that?” Assa asked with a concerned look over his face a looked at his new allies’ weapon. “I could lend you my staff.” As he finished his sentence he used the weapon to beat down a Boardrake. The flow of attacking enemies was slowing… The remaining foes were holding back… Like they were waiting for something.
“Nah… I can handle it. I have had some time getting used to it and switching it out would set all that back.” Plus he had had some time to enchant it while he was talking to Vayle. He now noticed all the monsters had pulled out of range for all of them. “What’s going on?”
They all froze as they heard heavy footsteps coming up from behind.
“… Our side?” The Odor asked as he turned to check the new arrivals along with the others.
“… Not quite.” Elryn said as they all stared at the new arrivals. A horde of the Mogkees fluttered around ten giant treemen with wings…
“… Those are some big trees…” Assa said as all four charged the new enemies with the warmonger cry on their lips. Battle on echoed around the forest as battle was joined.

Stephen Nix looked in the scrying pool… The four heroes had now engaged Queen Pallors reinforcements to the part of the battlefield where those four had been fighting. He normally wouldn’t care one bit but… well they were quite big names and had managed to cut a swathe through that upstart hags army. He had been waiting for a good time to move his own troops in on the army and these people seemed to be getting desperate enough to accept help. He turned back and looked over the bodyguards he had chosen for the day where they were gathered in the teleportation circle. He sighed as he thought about the resources it had taken to produce… He missed the time when he had had access to the ice portal*… Teleportation had been a simple affair then. The circle had taken time and tons of resources to manufacture… But it was worth using it to stop that usurper. He joined the 40 Killguins that made up his bodyguards. He was under no illusion that they would not be enough to take on the entire group of Pallors troops attacking the heroes but reinforced with undead from the battlefield he and his men could definitely turn the tide for the Do-Gooders... He slammed the tip of his staff against the circle which exploded in a flash of light.

The Odor caught a smash from one of the giant trees fists on his shield but was attacked from the side by one of the Mogkees. He growled as he sidestepped the tree and smashed the Mogkee with the tip of the cane. The battle had more or less come to a standstill. They had managed to take down two of the trees, one when Deathlord had managed to blast apart ones arm so that Elryn could get close enough to burn it to ash and one had gone down when The Odor had succeeded in getting one on the ground so that Assa could blast its head with one of those magical bolts of his. But the beasts had learned from their mistakes and now the Mogkees and the other beasts had managed to aid the trees in splitting the heroes up. They were all fighting on their own now… Elryn had removed his robes and was now laying into the enemy in bark armour with his maul; Assa stood surrounded using his sword to keep the enemies at bay while he blasted one with magic when he could. Deathlord stood on the trunk of one of the fallen Deadwood Destroyers fending of the flying pests with his axe. The Mogkees that was knocked down turned back to their real selves and ran away. The monsters seemed to pay them no heed. One good thing at least. The deadwood spun around towards him and he lashed out with a wave of fire. This sadly barely seemed to slow the beast down as it bore down on him… He needed help with it. He blocked one of its fists with the shield and smashed it over the face with the cane. He felt his legs buck slightly from the weight of the blow. The monster kept pressing down on him before it raised its other hand and smashed him in the side. He felt an armour plate bend from the force of the impact. He groaned. Once more he felt a pang of longing for his good old necromancer armour…

Deathlord smiled under his helm as he saw the Dragonlord get trapped but also trapping a deadwood… He raised his hand, sending a burst of necromantic magic into DoomWoods’ corpse chocked ground until the spell caught on to one of the dead bodies. The magic was absorbed into the creatures’ bones and it began forcing itself to the ground. As it appeared before him he ordered it to clear a path so the skeletal being leapt forward, attacking the monsters separating him from the Dragonlord. As his new minion went to work Deathlord himself leapt off the trunk of the fallen monster and charged towards the place where The Odor was fighting. The undead creature cut down two boardrakes while he dodged under a mogkee and cleaved an eye ball in his path until he reached the Deadwood Destroyer, where he switched the grip on his weapon and jumped up cutting it deep, leaving a large gash in its back. When he landed it struck after him but he dodged its clumsy blow. The Odor, who had now released from the beasts grip, backed a few steps before he blasted it with a pillar of light.
“… I guess I should say thank you but I got a question… Why did you not do that earlier?” The Odor asked the deathknight.
“… I didn’t have a clear shot at him.” He said with a bored tone.
“… Did you use me as bait?”
He didn’t care to answer. He raised his hand once more and felt the veil between worlds open for him as an another undead dashed through a portal cutting the tree man making it stagger backwards before tipping over allowing him to shatter its head with an axe strike.
“… We aren’t done talking about this.” The Odor said as he went back to fighting the enemies swarming around them. Deathlord rolled his eyes and turned so they were fighting back to back while looking for an opening to get to their other allies.

Assa smiled as he saw Deathlord take down the Destroyer. Seven to go. Sadly the remaining ones were holding back, waiting for them to wear themselves out during fighting with the lesser foes. A skeleton and a pair of Mogkees charged him but he dodged to the side, planting his sword in the skeletons head, letting the blade go as the undead fell backwards. He grabbed one of the cursed Moglins by the ears and smacked the other with it making both of the creatures wings burn up in a flare of darkness. They looked at him as he let the one he had grabbed go.
“Run you fools!!!” He proclaimed as he saw an eyeball, a fiend and a boardrake moving in on him. He raised his hand, launching a bolt that hit the eyeball, making it explode as the Moglins ran for their life. He swung the staff and hit the Boardrake, sending it veering of course before he grabbed the sword from where it was planted in the ground and swinging it upwards cut apart the fiend. He spun around and blasted the boardrake down on the return.

The Odor hooked a Mogkee, pulling it in so he could bash it away with his shield making it to turn back into a normal frostmoglin… The enchantment couldn’t be to stable…
“Are you okay?” He asked Deathlord who was fighting behind him.
“I am doing fine.” The deathknight muttered. The Odor merely shook his head and smashed a boardrake down with his cane. The guy was getting on his nerves… But he did do a fine job.
He looked over to where Elryn was fighting and cursed. The warmage was getting overwhelmed it seemed… He was completely surrounded by a swarm of the flying beasts and now two Deadwood destroyers was bearing down on him and he didn’t seem to have noticed.
“… Crap. Elryn is having problems… Do you have another of those dashes in you?” He asked the Deathknight.
“… Sadly not… Do you have anything?”
“… Can you hold out on your own?”
“Just go.”
The Odor didn’t need more encouragement. He jumped into the air, putting his foot on a Togs head for leverage as he pivoted around as the Dragonlord wings grew out of his back. He blasted forward, heading towards one of the Deadwoods as the other hit the warmage in the back. Elryn dropped to his knees as The Odor hit one of the treemen with full force. He managed to tear it a few steps away from the warmage before he had to land on the ground. He unleashed a couple of strikes on the monstrosity before swinging around to offer Elryn the curved tip of his cane which he used to pull the warmage to his feet. Elryn brought his maul into contact with other destroyer while The Odor turned back to the one he had been fighting only to be greeted with a rain of sharpened twigs. He tossed up his shield to cover behind until the attack had ceased. Eltryns mauls blows was driving away the gargantuan tree enough so he let the handle go and swung it by the leather strap on the handle into the beasts face sending it to its back. He leapt on it to press his advantage but a pair of boardrakes hit him in the chest and pushed him back. He splayed his weaponless hand backward which sent a shockwave of concentrated air, which stabilized him enough to let him land on his feet. The Odor threw a swing at his Destroyer as it came at him. He cursed his foolishness as it merely bounced of his enemy and he once more needed to parry one of the giant wooden fists with his shield. His shield arm was aching and the buckled armourplate at his side was not helping. He dodged away from the Deadwood while Elryn backed up to his side. Before they could do anything more there was a blinding flash of light and the destroyers were hammered by blue bolts of magic, making both pull back. The Odor looked behind him and saw a large group of Killguins joining battle with the flying monsters. In the centre of the newly arrived group was a taller penguin, its back torn to the degree where you could see its spine, with a top hat on its head and a doomstaff in its hand. They all recognised Stephen Nix.

Nix enjoyed the look of shock on his new “allies” faces.
“Need a hand, heroes?” he said with a low laugh. The Odor and Elryn clenched their weapons and came towards him but ten Killguins immediately formed a circle around him while the remaining thirty kept driving back the flying monsters. “Calm down. I am here to help.” He said.
“… Why do I doubt your honesty, Penguin?” The Odor asked as Assa and Deathlord joined the two other heroes.
“Hmm… Good question… Could be all my previous missdeeds, the closeness in tactics with Pallor, making an alliance between me and the queen quite possible…. But I think it is a subconscious hate towards my devilish good looks making you worried and insecure…” he said and nodded slowly. “In all seriousness… Pallor is far too much like me for my taste… I want to propose an alliance. We aid each other taking down the upstart hag, then you go back to hating me and I promise to be the same Nix as before.”

“… Can we trust him?” Assa asked the others.
“… No…” The Odor said as he looked around the battlefield where the killguins was now slowing dwn as the enemies numbers started to count. “But if we want to stand victorious here we will probably have to chance it with him...”
They all looked around the battlefield before Elryn turned to the necromancer penguin.
“Hehe… We will gladly accept your aid… But you might want to look out… With increased focus being on this area of the battle the rest of the warmongers might show up… And we just might fail to… Inform them of your current… Allegiance.” The warmage said with a grin before the heroes turned around and went back to fighting.
Nix swallowed hard and gave a cautious look around the battlefield before opening his beak to reply.
“Whatever… I will cover your backs and hold the flying beasts off your backs while you deal with the destroyers.” he said and started raising undead to reinforce his Killguins. The Warmongers turned back to the battle while the undead and killguins covered their flanks. They once more unleashed their mighty battlecry and charged.

Silver -> RE: =DF= 2012 Frostvayle - Winged Darkness War Stories & Poetry (1/4/2013 13:00:35)

It's frostval night, but we see a strange sight,
Winged creatures up high... it's mogkees in the sky!
We all look around with nothing strange on the ground...
but the moment we turn the other side... we see something in smoke... which the being hides...
Skin with the tone of pale...

that's what I came up with so far...

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