Dragoon23 -> Asleep (New) (1/4/2013 19:16:15)
Asleep Asleep Unable to act until succeeding on a save. This is basically Paralysis, but the monster makes a save every turn. Note that the monster makes the save BEFORE determining whether or not the target can act. So even if the monster fails a save and falls asleep, then it can succeed on the save at the beginning of its turn and act anyway. [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/Deus_Ex_Machina_Eh/AQ/Encyclopaedia/Status_Misc.gif[/img] (Monster) Sleep Potence Sleep Potence -«» Opponent takes a penalty to any saves against Sleep. [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/Deus_Ex_Machina_Eh/AQ/Encyclopaedia/Status_Player_Yay.gif[/img] Info thanks to In Media Res.