RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (Full Version)

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Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (12/30/2013 21:16:56)

Hello! I've finally decided to apply to become one of you guys! :P I've just recently finished my bio, hopefully it will be approved and I can begin adventuring the vast area of the RP forums with the rest of you!

DaiTigris -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (2/27/2014 22:09:39)

Hey Amon, good to hear! Don't mind the dusty corners over here, they can be quite deceiving. Speaking of which please excuse me as I belatedly throw some welcoming cookies at you and ask someone else why the welcoming cookies where locked in a closet. Otherwise getting through the Academy may take a while but I'm sure it'll be worth it once we manage to do it. Persevere and drink lots of hot chocolate, I think It might help.

omf -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/4/2014 18:43:00)

Man I came back and I can't post anymore. Now I'm sad v.v

TJByrum -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/5/2014 8:26:32)

Nonsense Omf, just get through the RPA and everything will be fine! The community isn't that strong right now, but once we get some (more) active members we ought to be on a roll (hopefully).

DaiTigris -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/6/2014 19:17:09)

Cheer up and have a cookie Omf. [:)] Also hoping to be one of those proud active members one day! Till then I'll just hand out cookies to everyone.

vulkan -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/16/2014 16:21:13)

...I just came back...

What happened to "making this sub forum better and easier to use for everyone?"

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/16/2014 17:08:10)


I was not aware that it was meant to become better and easier to use for everyone. On that account, I think it failed. Pretty miserably too. The problem is, the current system doesn't work with inactivity, and it seems to have ground to a halt right now.

Eukara Vox -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/17/2014 8:09:22)

If all you are going to do is complain and whine, then stop. That is actually against the universal rules of the entire forum.

This complaint is getting old.

If you want things to actually be hopping and going, get people to actually participate. THAT is the problem. I've watched this forum. I've TRIED to participate. Kinda hard when people come in, get approved, and then go away. It's not anyone's fault but those who do half the work required to be active.

Again. POSTERS are needed to be ACTIVE in order for a forum to WORK.

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (4/17/2014 8:44:51)

Hey Vulk, glad to see you back.^^

I said to stop. I meant it. ~Euk

The Extinguisher -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (8/13/2014 2:05:45)

Hey it's EC again. Maybe I should try and be more active in the community that got me into role playing.

Master K -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/1/2014 0:03:36)

I'm quite upset I missed out on my chance at entering the EC...

It was what brought me to the RP boards way back in the day. Alas, due to real life commitments rendering me no internet for six weeks, I couldn't attend.
I'm just popping in here to say I'm still kicking, biding my time.

Tdub -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/1/2014 10:24:16)

Welcome back, Master K. One of these days, we'll have a rematch at the EC that will blow the Arenas to the moon. Hope to see you around!

Marcus Twain -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (9/18/2014 23:00:48)

Hello all,

I'm back! Not sure if anyone even remembers me though haha. I left just as all the changes with the new RP Academy were happening. I'm wondering if this forum has become any more populated since then. I would like to participate again, but I remember the frequency (or lack of) posting being the main reason I left. Other than that, I guess I'll get to work on a bio for the Academy. I'll see you guys around.

DaiTigris -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/26/2014 14:45:35)

Greetings to all!

It's nice to see some familiar faces after being away and trying to figure out how to pull off the balancing act of life. Otherwise remember to throw cookies at each other and always drink hot chocolate during this fall season.

blankmaskara -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/27/2014 21:58:21)

Welcome back. And have a mystery cookie.

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (10/28/2014 0:12:08)

Welcome back, Dai.

It's good to see some familiar faces after a long while.:)

Legendium -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (12/3/2014 3:22:46)

I'm back. For a while.

Schizo -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (12/5/2014 20:15:23)

Guess who's back/Back again.

Sir Nicholas -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/4/2015 22:57:42)

Schizo, so good to see you again! Welcome home!

I'm happy to announce I too shall return to the Forums & to the RP Section.

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/4/2015 23:56:54)

Welcome back Schizo. It's been quite long. So happy to see you.^^

You too, Sir Nick. It's been really long since we RPed together.

I hope everyone comes back one by one.

Kinzdor -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/5/2015 9:41:52)

I was thinking of doing some work in the L and L area and ended up checking in here. Like many I jumped ship and migrated to other websites after the change. What brought me back was the changes under are new head mod and mostly Vanguard Academy. The best rp eveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer. I was a part of the 2 previous va rps, as well as the planned forum for it nad the prequel. I couldn`t miss out on being a part of it once more.

Arthur -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/5/2015 9:53:16)

So happy to see you back Kinz. And I am greatly humbled by the fact that you were drawn by Vanguard Academy. Truly, thank you. :D

Sir Nicholas -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/5/2015 11:26:02)

Kinz, Arthur - my brothers! (Grabs both in a GREAT bear-hug) I'm so happy to see you again!

And yeah. Here's to the new head, and to our old home: Long live AE Forums, and Battle On! (Downs a glass of Pepsi in one swig)

MoonrayDrake -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 0:27:25)

A new year, new chances?

I have absolutely no idea if there's anyone who even remembers me, but I guess I'm back? I don't know if I'll stick around longer this time (I hope so of course). I kind of miss the old RPing days so I'm just trying to get back into it, starting on the forums where I personally think I had the greatest RPing experience in my (by now a little less short (25) ) life.

So yeah, hi! I'm back I hope this time to stay for longer than I did on the previous attempt.

Posting this at a very late hour (or early depending on how you look at it), so probably won't do much of anything right now, but I felt like saying hi at least.

Cheers, Moonray.

PS. for those (still) confused, I am definitely not what my avatar suggests.

Riprose123 -> RE: The RP'er Welcome (Back) Thread (1/11/2015 0:45:01)


*Gives welcome (back) cookies, pens, and matches*

It's good to see you, welcome back! :D You probably don't remember me, but I remember you. O.O (I'm not normally this creepy. ._.) Go join something! D:< Lateness is never an excuse to halt creativity. #NightOwl

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