RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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Vagaran -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/2/2013 15:26:54)

DIS: Exams next month
DIS: Need to begin studying soon
ACC: Found out I'm going for English and Math! Means NO German exams for me! :D (I'm really REALLY bad at german xD)

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/2/2013 16:06:09)

To be accomplishment. Tomorrow.

Our school's musical theatre profile students, that includes me, are finally performing the various musical numbers we're rehearsed the past months, in front of an audience. Two big performances from Anything Goes and Kristina från (from) Duvemåla respectively. I have a solo part in the latter. In a smaller group we're performing Greased Lightning from Grease.

I am so excited! This is likely the biggest thing we'll do except the final projects next term. All fingers and toes crossed for great performances!

Dis: English presentation tomorrow morning... [>:] Still feel like mine will be too short...

Corvus Corax -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/3/2013 2:47:16)

Dis: I was promised tonight off from work, and got a last minute frantic call from the house supervisor telling me my relief had called in sick and could I please come in. Awesome.

Misty_kitty -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/3/2013 2:58:07)

DIS: Track meet on Wednesday, May 8. How nerve-racking >.<

toidiedud -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/3/2013 12:23:50)

Life ACC:Finally got my license today after my 4th shot at it.

A bonus is that there was NO line at the DMV.

Rafiq von den Vielen -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/4/2013 7:11:08)

Dis: Sick. My stomach is acting evilly. ;-;

Acc: Found €30 on the street.

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/4/2013 7:59:49)

Acc: The performances yesterday went great! What was not so good was not so good, and what was good was awesome! Our Greased Lightning was totally the best of the whole evening, both bragging and being realistic.

Acc: Checked my iCal for next week. Most beautiful thing ever - no homework. No appointments. No school Thursday and Friday.

Dis: I always end up confused in these situations, 'cause I'm used to there always being something school-related I have to do.

Crisis Hoarder -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/4/2013 10:09:38)

Acc: Finals over!

Smalls -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/5/2013 14:41:40)

Acc: Had a great night at prom last night
Acc: Went bowling with friends afterwards and god was that fun
Dis: Prom made me realize how much I need a boyfriend

draketh99 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/7/2013 2:21:24)

Acc- Stopping in for a bit to check on you all, I miss you guys
Dis- I miss you guys.

Acc- I survived the semester (I think, let's hope these grades are passing).
Acc- I have a fairly stable job (Finally!)
Dis- My manager is quitting, and that may hurt some of my job security, but not by too much, I hope.
Acc- Happy for him, as he's quitting in order to go out and do what he loves.
Dis- Injured my knee in a random tornado storm a few weeks back.
Acc- About healed up now.
Acc- Got promoted in my job (I have an OFFICE now! This is a big step for me).
???- I work out of an office now
Acc- I'm still outside half the day on average, in spite of having an office to work out of.
Acc- Finally built myself a gaming computer, it's fun and shiny and I love it ^^
Dis- Mental health is still an issue, and gives me a scare on a pretty regular basis, but I think I'm starting to learn how to cope, or at the very least, learning to learn how to cope.

kpnut -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/7/2013 5:27:45)

ACC: I have my bedroom window open, this indicates that is summer up here in Sunny Scotland (just for reference: in scotland it's winter in spring, autumn in winter, spring in summer and summer in autumn or any variation of the seasons not being in their allocated time frames, for further reference my mum keeps the windows open all year round unless the weather is particularly bad I keep my windows closed all year round unless it's Summer)
Dis Exams

Hollow Knight -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/7/2013 14:50:46)

ACC: Got accepted into college.

Geek -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/9/2013 9:44:09)

ACC: After almost 20 hours of work, I got the script for Parallax Mapping right! You all have NO idea how happy I am!


Vagaran -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/9/2013 11:26:54)

ACC; found a store where I could order a new battery for my laptop! Expecting to get the battery next week.
DIS: Danish, Math and English exams next week...
DIS: And 2 weeks after I got some more exams to read up on...

Tha Killa -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/11/2013 14:00:03)

Acc: This girl and I are really hitting it off, going to see a movie with her soon[:)]

UnderSoul -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/12/2013 13:47:18)

ACC: My messed-up yet lovable family found the perfect gift for my grandma. A battle-ready katana that looks like the one from Kill Bill!

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/12/2013 19:27:24)

ACC: Won my regional boxing tournament in my age group, onto state!
DIS: I broke my pinky finger.

Womba -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2013 6:15:47)

Whelp... mum starts chemo in early June.

Dis: 3 Days before my birthday... according to the doctors "it's only bad for the first couple days."

Acc: Finally got rid of this burned out 24-inch plasma screen television we had. The thing was heavy.... pulled something in my neck trying to load it up in our pick-up truck with my broke-back brother. (he's got degenerative back disease)

Acc: Lot's of stuff fixed up... lots more room in the house now.

Acc?: Getting a Wii-U soonish... then I'll finally be able to join in on all the Monster Hunter action.

Cataclysm -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2013 16:44:16)

Acc: Finished with AP testing
Acc: AP Gov was the easiest AP test I have ever taken, and perhaps one of the easiest tests I've taken in all of high school. I finished the multiple choice thinking "The FRQs cannot possibly be easier than this." Then they were. Finished the whole test in about an hour, with about two and a half allotted for the test. It was that easy for me.
Acc: School is basically done for me now. Four AP classes, which make up my core classes, and they're all finished. Huzzah!

G Man -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2013 20:51:33)

Diss: Really sick.
Diss: So sore from being sick...
???: About a week and a half of school left.
Diss: Going to a funeral Friday. (Great Aunt.)

popinloopy -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2013 20:55:39)

ACC: Passed first 2 parts of gttimg my IC3 (Interneet and Computing Core Certification)
ACC: Planning on taking 3rd part by the end of next ewek
???: Not sure how prepared I am
ACC: If I manage to pass the third, it will open up many opportunites, as well as possibly letting me not have to take a class or two later in life.

raylas -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2013 21:47:57)

ACC: Got the last Boker Kiridashi from BladeHQ.

Langste Nacht -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/14/2013 21:49:21)

ACC: My phone had been stolen for about three days before one of my wonderful friends found out who did it and stole it back for me. :D
ACC: Bought another keyboard (This makes two and a regular piano, not counting the one in the band room which is essentially mine exclusively now).
DIS: I feel like I've become a stereotypical teenager given that I feel heartbroken over a current crush of mine starting to date someone else yet who still seems to come to me for every problem. I suppose I can still be supportive if nothing else. Oh, the wonderful, melodramatic, merry-go-round of life as a "young adult."
ACC: The only class I really have to worry about now is my math class, everything else has ended.
ACC? Currently on a Broadway music obsession, as if my sexuality wasn't questioned enough as it was.
Oh, and how could I forget; Massive ACC: I've lost over 40lbs in the last 5 months, I figure I only need to lose about 20 more and I'll be golden.

Overall quite nice, wouldn't you agree?

Memory of a Nightmare -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/15/2013 2:09:35)

Dis: Yesterday happened. Test all morning, really slow afternoon. On my way to the bus I was almost run over by a car.
Acc: Eurovision Song Contest saved the evening. And it's hosted by Sweden this year. (Insert smiley here. I'm on my phone.)

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/15/2013 4:14:07)

DIS/ACC: After the way work went today, I decided to try my hardest to get a better job. Which shouldn't be that difficult, given the nature of my current job.

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