RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (Full Version)

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Vagaran -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/15/2013 13:19:58)

ACC: Got a respond from High School, was accepted into the school located in my town! So happy!
???: Math exam tomorrow, really nervous.

Mordred -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/15/2013 15:08:03)

DIS: Have to retake my AP Calc exam because the College Board is cancelling my class' scores because the tables were round. [:@][:@][:@]

Xplayer -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/15/2013 17:59:51)

Exhibit #10536 of why the College Board is one of the worst organizations in the world. Sorry to hear that :(

Trevorpokemon8 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/15/2013 19:12:55)

@Mordred: Where is the logic in that cancellation!? Also, Calc AB or BC? Just wondering 'cause I just took my AP Calc test last week.

Major Acc: Got my own computer now, and I'm downloading Skyrim from Steam as I type this on said computational device.

Related Acc: I have begun my entrance into the wonderful world of PC gaming.

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/15/2013 23:10:23)


DIS: Have to retake my AP Calc exam because the College Board is cancelling my class' scores because the tables were round

That is quite possibly a stupidest reason for voiding a score I have ever heard. My condolences.

Dis: The new stuff we're learning in math is confusing for me. Of course, it doesn't help that I zoned out twice in class today, and the teacher called me out both times. Today wasn't the most helpful class, though. Basically, it went like this.

Teacher: Okay, here are some things that don't normally happen in these kinds of graphs. *proceeds to go over said things and then continues on to the next problem*
*10 minutes later*
Teacher: *stares at the graph on the board that defies everything he told us about how the graphs work*
Class: *trying to figure out what we're supposed to be learning*

apus -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/16/2013 0:27:37)

I feel bad for you Mordred. Then again, I felt that some of the FRQs on my version of the Calculus BC test was pretty hard. You might be getting it easy if you retake a new version...or you might not. Could go both ways.

Then again, I guess an ACC this week was that I managed to take the AP Physics B exam without feeling too badly (I got a headache and felt dizzy the morning before I took it and thought that I wasn't going to make it). For me, AP testing is now over.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/16/2013 16:27:06)

ACC: Got back from surgery.
DIS: My back still hurts.
???: Hockey Sticks can do that I guess.

ACC: Somehow I got a 100% on a 60 question Trigonometry test. Still have no idea how, considering there were no Multiple choice answers, and Trigonometry is my worst subject...


A = 1/2BH B = 21 yd^ C= 8.2 yd^

I don't understand either.

Womba -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/16/2013 23:05:54)

???: Decided I had to go for my G.E.D. instead of a diploma since there's no way in heck I'm gonna get through the high-school I'm in with the way they're handling things. (long story, not going to explain) With the way the economy now is a GED is worth the same as a high-school diploma anyway.

Acc: Gonna enroll in 2 or 3 college classes just to get the feel of things and some experiences before I'm ready to take everything. It'll be good in getting me to decide on career's to, since I've already had some potential showing across several things. Of course, this will be all after I'm done with my current school...

Dis: A/C broke. Thing decided to go in reverse, so now instead of cold air blowing out like it should, our air conditioner is like a vacuum... just sucks air in. Poking at the fuse box and some of the other things confirmed it's broken.

Dis: The AC broke after about... half of a month. Some peoples are gonna be verrrrry embarrassed tommorrow.

Word of Mouth is powerful. Especially when it's backed up by the facts. ;P

Acc: Bought my brother a new lawn mower and other things as an early birthday present to him.

Dis: My birthday total is gonna be a bit over $420 [8D] but it'll keep me entertained for quite a while.

Dis: Addendum to the air conditioner breaking. This is why I like cold places ALOT more. You only need two settings on your temperature settings. Heat. Or off.

Plus my body just doesn't handle the heat well... sure I may be horrible at most of them, but this is why I like most of the cold sports like ice skating, or snowboarding.

Sir Nicholas -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/17/2013 0:34:00)

ACC: My love's Birthday is today, and we're going out with her parents for a dinner in celebration. I also purchased for her a balloon, some assorted chocolates and a bunch of red roses.

She loved it.

ACC: Had a few good days at work. Also have made about $250.00 worth of cash.

DIS: Unfortunately, my family keeps begging for money, (probably for cigarettes) and they owe me for my first two paychecks.

ACC: Fortunately, my dad and I worked out a compromise.

ACC: Got the game Darksiders - killing demons and Abyssal creatures, it's awesome. My love watches - and she says "kill evil for me". Which I do, quite gleefully.

sean.2 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/17/2013 1:10:08)

Acc? Bought myself an iPhone 5. I feel old when I use it. Damn, technology is going to overtake me one day...

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/17/2013 7:04:06)

ACC: Getting an interview lined up for a job I'll probably enjoy.
ACC: If everything goes as planned, I'll be able to quit my current job after said interview (current job is a major stressor in my life, so its removal would greatly benefit my mental welfare).

Xplayer -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/17/2013 22:28:20)

Dis: Missed the GPA cutoff for the honors college for the 3rd semester in a row. Just sent an e-mail to my advisor explaining how "at least I improved significantly from last semester please please please don't kick me out."
Acc: Either way, I should have an internship in engineering lined up this summer.

UnderSoul -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/17/2013 22:38:09)

DIS: Phone broke
ACC: Got a replacement until it gets fixed, granted it's an older model.
ACC: School will be ending soon!
DIS: School will be ending soon!

Superemo -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/18/2013 4:20:27)

ACC: Interview is set...
DIS: For 11:30 Monday morning. I'm normally barely conscious at that time. Oh, well. Coffee exists for a reason.

draketh99 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/18/2013 9:34:58)

Now that I've finally built myself a computer I can game with, I have plunged myself into the game that is Borderlands 2.
Acc- The game is amazing.
Dis- My sleep schedule is officially wrecked until I complete each and every quest and max out everything I can in that game.
Acc-After talking with a few friends, I have a ton of art projects on my mind.
Dis- After talking with a few friends, I have a ton of art projects on my mind.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/18/2013 10:12:46)

DIS: Have no idea why a Twelve year old girl would think it's a smart idea to drop a nearly brand new Blackberry Curve out of a third story window >.<
DIS: Now I remember why I hate it when my cousins visit
DIS: No money for a new phone :/
ACC: Saw the Doctor Who season finale!
DIS: I have to wait 6 months for next episode T.T

Cataclysm -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/19/2013 19:18:23)

Acc: I have my hurl now. It is lovely. The feel, the swing, the weight... All simply gorgeous. Cannot wait to use it more.

deathlord45 -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/19/2013 19:59:45)

ACC: finished my finals about two weeks ago.
ACC: Graduating June 8th.
ACC: got over a cold with minimal effort.
ACC: finally got my TV back in my room(long story)
DIS: I have ACT exams the same day I graduate.

Hells Elder Brother -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/20/2013 2:19:22)

ACC: I know its late, but I got my Learner Driving License :D
ACC/DIS: My last Athletics Carnival is on Friday. Its both exciting and sad at the same time...

Xion V -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/21/2013 4:02:48)

ACC: Turned my soda habit into a water habit. If someone offers me a beverage though, I won't decline it.
ACC: I've begun writing once more, this time in the AE Fanfiction section, I may head over to the RolePlay section but I see that it has been revamped.
DIS: My (American) Football season is over, I enjoyed playing while it lasted however, loved my position too (Free Safety).
ACC: Less than thirteeen (school) days remain before summer break! That'll give me more time for writing!

Vagaran -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/21/2013 14:30:40)

ACC: Writing in English exams are over!
ACC: Just 3 more exams to go, English speaking, Danish and Chemic!
DIS: Sick right now :/

Onyx Darkmatter -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/21/2013 20:58:27)

Acc: Finally finished w/ my EOC Geometry exam, hopefully my results comes in and have a good grade.
Dis: Failed my FCAT test... again. Now I'll have to take reading class again next year.

Acc: Next week, is my final week of school. =P
Dis: The following week is my final exam week. ;-;

Reaper Sigma -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/21/2013 21:41:33)

Acc: Going to Canada. :D

serenity_777_ -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/22/2013 12:59:08)

Acc: Went to Miami and took care of my mom for a bit.

DIS: Flew back to Houston without hugging my mom and saying goodbye O:

Travis Touchdown -> RE: Life (Dis)Accomplishments Thread #33 (5/22/2013 13:26:09)

DIS: What started as a headcold has proven to be quite a pain in my side. It's been about two and a half weeks, and I've had chills, chest congestion (hopefully it doesn't end in pneumonia), an AWFUL cough, and, of course, lots and lots of mucus. And to make it worse, after making some progress on it, I think I'm having a relapse. I'm sick and tired of being sick. >_>

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