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TJByrum -> Former Roleplays (4/26/2013 19:56:08)

I've taken to looking through the Archives and want to open discussion of previous roleplays that quite a bit of us may have enjoyed in the past. Which RP did you like best (if any)? Which ones would you see returned?

I have seen Ruins of Paxia come back from the dead (not that it really even died), as well as discussion for the Assassin's Guild to be revived. I am sure many of us would like to continue on with other previous roleplays.

Also, which roleplays have you hosted in the past, and which ones do you feel confident about making a return?

The only RP's I have 'hosted' of particular note is City of Silversword (later handed to Sheriff Duncan) and The Assassin's Guild, both I(link) and II(link), which had a decent bit of popularity. I also hosted World War Lore, which I am not sure how many of you would remember it. It was very messy and out of order. I also hosted the less-than-noticed Guild: The Rising; if I remember right, that was to be the successor to Assassin's Guild.

jerenda -> RE: Former Roleplays (4/26/2013 21:29:47)


I have seen Ruins of Paxia come back from the dead (not that it really even died),

Pfft, don't lie to yourself. It was /so/ dead. It's been dead for /years/.

Anyway, I just want to caution, there's no reason that dead RPs will revive. Basically, it's up to the hosts to decide what RP they want to host. Old RPs are good (I'm only reviving RoP because it's my darling) but new RPs are even better!! Also, they don't have a lot of messy expectations to fulfill.

I think RoP was the only RP I ever really hosted. I sort of took on something about the God Blades, but it never got off the ground. I think some of the requirements for being a good host are, obviously, knowing how to tell a story well and how to write, but I think it's also important to be able to handle disagreements. Usually most players can sort things out on their own, but it's never a bad thing to be able to intervene when necessary. And you obviously have to be able to push the plot along while still letting the players do their own thing.

There are probably other requirements for being a good host - I can't name any off the top of my head, so I'm clearly not that fabulous. Anyone else?

TJByrum -> RE: Former Roleplays (4/26/2013 21:47:12)

I'd like to mention that while I have 'hosted' countless RP's, many never garnered any attention and those that did barely got off the ground due to disinterest or me taking a leave of extended absence.

I can't tell a good story. The only story I can tell is one I would enjoy. A good writer knows how to write a story that others will enjoy.

I might be speaking a bit out of overconfidence here, but I am convinced that some of my RP's - had they gotten off the ground - would have had terrific and amazing plot twists.

I like RP's that concern with personal morality, emotions, and allegiance. Who do you fight for, for what reason, and how does it make you feel?

Vanir -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/1/2013 19:52:43)


and The Assassin's Guild, both I(link) and II(link), which had a decent bit of popularity.

zOMG! What has happened since I was gone!

Some guy (Ezio Auditore? I assume an obvious Assassin's Creed link) started the Assassin's Guild, it was extremely popular, he handed it to me when he left, then I dissapeared and was gone until now. You picked up? I'll have to read those ICs and see what happened.

I like RP's that concern with personal morality, emotions, and allegiance. Who do you fight for, for what reason, and how does it make you feel?

All good things! I like morality, emotions and other psychological subjects such as mental and theological struggles, philosophy, worldviews, fear, hatred, and love. The unexamined life is not worth living, so you will find many of those things in my characters and in my RPs. Assassin's Guild (When i was running it, I don't know about you, sorry) had very complex (atleast, as complex as my maxed mental capacity two years ago. I believed it has since increased) ideas and involved plot. As in, the dark creatures being all hatred, evil, fear, and other negative emotion. When I became lead, i deeply involved my character into that. There was also a secret (love) story involving Terraminator's characters which was lightly hinted at, but I was developing way to reveal and develope. (Developing ways to develope it. Does that make sense?) Anyways, Assassin's Guild had become the greatest thing I've ever known in a roleplay. Probably because I was leading it, and I loved my story. A revival would certainly be supported by me.

Edit: After reading a few posts of your Assassin's Guild, TJByrum, it seems to have no relation to my Assassin's Guild. Is that so? I am interested in knowing how your Assassin's Guild sprang to life

TJByrum -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/1/2013 20:06:06)

@Vanir, I was once Ezio Auditore. I was Ezio, started AG1, and later handed it to you. I then created another AG. I change my name often.

Vanir -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/1/2013 20:16:27)

My eyes have been opened to the enlightenment of the gods! Have mercy on my poor miserable soul, as I am a sinner and deserve nothing but punishment for my ways. You are my greatest hero!

TJByrum -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/6/2013 13:59:58)

Does anyone remember that one RP that someone hosted a good while ago where the characters were mentally unstable and broke out of the facility they were being kept in?

Vanir -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/6/2013 22:43:55)

@ TJByrum - I must have missed it sorry. I do remember one RP where the backstory invovled and accident with expirements and then explosions and disease and fears, and I also played as a Drakel.

My First RP was hosted by Flarekyi, I don't rememeber the plot extensively, something about native pyromancers being oppressed by expanding colonial empires. I played a Tree; it was awesome. I would like to bring that character back for a new RP, that would be fun.

Legendium -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/7/2013 1:20:31)


Project DNA? Not quite sure....

There was a disease which gave you powers over your worst fear, but there was no breaking out of a mental facility.... Ooh! We could try that though! Swordhaven Asylum, we should call it!

black knight 1234567 -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/8/2013 12:24:14)

WWL is one I remember. It was SUPER ACTIVE, like, seriously, I think we hit 2 OOC's in 3 days?
I vouch for Assassin's Guild. I was really liking what I was doing on there, and the free roam idea was really cool.
I wanted to do something with the Horsemen, but that never picked off..../:

Alexandria Serthes -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/26/2013 22:20:11)


Also, which roleplays have you hosted in the past, and which ones do you feel confident about making a return?

Welcome to the Clubs. Good grief that thing was huge. While it did eventually die (in part because I usually suck at villains and I was doing a villain), it was at 25 pages IC, and I think we were on OOC mark 3. I'm not sure whether or not I want to bring it back, since there's another roleplay I've wanted to host for a while, but if I do start a Clubs RP, it'll be after the summer's over, for sure.

Starstruck -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/27/2013 0:25:19)

Hi *waves*

I ran WttC while Serthes was AWOL. It was a lot of fun; that RP managed to support an impossible amount of both free roam and player created storyline. I still don't know exactly what made it so flexible; maybe it was how simple and clear the concept was.

Don't be fooled guys, WttC died because people left. Had everyone remained (Isis, Mech, Nightlark, Kooroo, Zeph, and I), we could have sustained that RP for years. Sadly, it stagnated because key people disappeared in the midst of plot.

Which brings me to my next point: announce your breaks. Please. If you plan to never return, announce that. Bunnying is a thing, but nobody wants to be responsible for ZOMG are they coming back tomorrow or next year? What do I do?

Zephyrial -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/27/2013 7:31:59)

Ha... Yeah... I guess I do need to shoulder a portion of the blame for WttC. I think the problem there was that it coincided with a sudden confluence of absences, and when one person vanishes, the others fall in turn, lacking the will to role-play alone. I would have jumped right in again when I came back a while before the Reconstruction, but the direction I wanted for my character was blocked by a bottomless pit of inactivity. However, it seems that we - as a community - are becoming a bit more aware of how our absences hurt us all, so hopefully things will be a little different now!

As for my own favourite RPs, WttC notwithstanding... it would have to be the Elven Entourage. One of the first RPs I ever participated in, and the only one that has ever been seen through to its conclusion! Despite being short (and me being green) it was an amazing experience.

TJByrum -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/27/2013 10:34:11)

Never joined WttC, although I was around when it first popped up.

Elven Entourage? Sounds classy. Probably wasn't around though.

Kooroo -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/28/2013 14:06:19)

Let's get a list up. Of my would-revives, that is.

RoP, WttC, LoW (Lords of War) are the ones that spring immediately to mind for me, and I'd join them if they ever came back. It'd be nice if they came back.
WaWiaPoW (Words and Words in a Play on Words) would be fine, if we had more activity and more interaction.

And there was one other one that was awesome, but I can't remember it. It had violence though. Violence is always good.

Starstruck -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/28/2013 16:54:40)

Ok. Now finish your history so you can actually join them when they come back. And RoP is coming back already, so you're slow.

TJByrum -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/28/2013 17:05:26)

What was WaWiaPoW?

Vanir -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/28/2013 17:49:24)

The greatest thing that Starstruck ever concieved.

Your character was a word. A word that escaped from a dictionary and manifested a physical form. Star could tell you more, it was his RP.

My character was Transparent, to match that word I created a gaint, autotrophic, and invisible bug. I think I only posted once before I dissapeared but it was awesome all the same.

TJByrum -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/28/2013 19:07:06)

What? Sounds crazy and trippy.

Edgemaster Scion -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/28/2013 22:23:18)

'Twas a little strange indeed, but (prior to me disappearing from it without notifying anyone), I enjoyed playing a jester by the name of Facetious. It was so different from the dark and emotional characters I love to play. I probably enjoyed WaWiaPoW the most out of all the the other RP's I've been in just for the change in my own character.

Starstruck -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/29/2013 8:34:41)

WaWiaPoW was my creation :3 It was based off of several of those "book comes to life" stories that a bunch of people have tried. "OMG MERLIN/HARRY POTTER/SILVERTONGUE" and all that.

Some books would work...a great deal better than others for this. The biography of a peach farmer < the biography of Blackbeard. Well, what would be the absolute worst Real World Book?

A Dictionary.

Thus, Words and Wordplay in a Play on Words became a thing. It was a lot of fun and challenged the vocabulary! Players could create characters based off of a word of their choice. Shorter words were weaker and dumber, and were caught first, which forced someone who wanted to play to actually open up their dictionary and think about SAT words. There were Seekers and an evil Dictionary and evil purple bugs and a blue teletubby bear with CUSTARD and it was just a lot of fun.

Unfortunately, I had trouble keeping a good hold on the storyline and so it got a bit behind :/ I'd love to revive it, though, as it was amazing.

Zephyrial -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/29/2013 11:58:27)

I would certainly like to see WaWiaPoW revived, seeing as how I spent many hours searching for the perfect word, only for the RP to die before I could even make one post! Actually, I daresay that happens a lot; I've probably spent twice as long making bios as I have making posts.

Kooroo -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/29/2013 14:55:53)

I've still got something in that RP that I'd like to act out.
One fairly special ElTee, that acts as an annoyance and combat accessory to a really talkative guy.

That'd be a reason to actually get some work done.

I'm not slow. I'm just referring to another chapter.

Alexandria Serthes -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/30/2013 4:21:01)


Hi *waves*

I ran WttC while Serthes was AWOL. It was a lot of fun; that RP managed to support an impossible amount of both free roam and player created storyline. I still don't know exactly what made it so flexible; maybe it was how simple and clear the concept was.

Don't be fooled guys, WttC died because people left. Had everyone remained (Isis, Mech, Nightlark, Kooroo, Zeph, and I), we could have sustained that RP for years. Sadly, it stagnated because key people disappeared in the midst of plot.

Which brings me to my next point: announce your breaks. Please. If you plan to never return, announce that. Bunnying is a thing, but nobody wants to be responsible for ZOMG are they coming back tomorrow or next year? What do I do?

Hiya!!! *glomps*

You did run it while I was disapoofed, and you did an excellent job too, all things considered. Honestly, when I first started that mammoth, I thought, "Oh, hey, maybe it'll get a few people RPing, six, at the most" and then it just completely blew up. I think when it finally did die, it had had about sixteen to twenty members participate all told, and with three characters to one RPer usually, it had a pretty solid character base. The character limit I had on WttC is possibly also part of the reason why it was so popular, and wound up being so awesome. The number of characters allowed for everyone to get a chance to add in a lot to the plot (the whole romance between Flicker and Raven never would've happened without having a higher-than-normal character limit, for example), without requiring everyone to have predetermined goals for the RP, or their character(s). Plus, of course, the main plot was exceptionally straightforward, while still allowing everyone to work with it in their own way.

I had to leave too, and since I was in charge of the second boss-dude, it was also my fault.

As far as leaving goes, yeah, definitely announcing when you're leaving and leaving instructions for bunnying with someone of your choosing. Just leaving a character standing in the middle of an open field while everyone's waiting on a post from you to move the RP along is rude, to say the least. Having been guilty of doing so with Jamil, I will do my best to never do so again (by the way, with Jamil, I had practically no idea how I was going to do what I was going to do with him, so I never really could leave very good instructions for bunnying him.)

WaWiaPoW was an RP that I'd heard of, and read some of, but never actually joined. It'd definitely be interesting to see that come back though.

I think, if I do eventually get to start another RP here, and it involves the clubs, it'll likely have some of the same core ideas, but it won't be the same as the original WttC. Or (again, if I get the opportunity), I may find that it's time for something completely different.[;)]

Legendium -> RE: Former Roleplays (5/30/2013 8:52:31)

WaWiaPow sounds awesome. I'd love to see it return, as I can already think of a multitude of words to choose from. Lycanthropy, for instance would be long enough. Or maybe Supercalifragiliciousexpialidocus. At least, I think that's how it's spelled.

And I think it's partially my fault that WttC died. Star and Kooroo could probably tell you more though.

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