Xanzitrax -> Paragons of Lore (4/30/2013 8:22:06)
[image]http://i122.photobucket.com/albums/o260/haydnfawn/ParagonsofLoretest_zps4f3e6554.jpg[/image] Introduction Paragons; strong, fearless and unequaled in any way. Paragons are the elite of the elite, the true heroes that Lore needs. A Paragons will stop at nothing to defend his allies, to defend his homeland. They come from all over Lore, whether it be Swordhaven, Shadowfall, Lolosia or the Frozen Northlands. Whether you have allied with the forces of Good, joined the armies of Evil or mastered the power of Chaos, any hero worthy of the title of Paragon is welcome in our guild; <Paragons of Lore>. History of the Guild <Paragons of Lore> was created and is currently run by me, Xanzitrax; Beta-Player and Founder of AQWorlds. I have played since beta and have been playing on and off for the past, almost 5, years. Originally this guild was created as <Carpe Spolium>, standing for "Seize the Treasure". This seemed an appropriate name for the guild, as a large part of the game involves collecting treasure, be it weapons, armor, pets.. It was meant to be an equivalent to the guild I was in charge of on World of Warcraft. I had not recruited anyone to my guild by that time. After an unfortunate turn of events I had to change guilds on WoW and thus the name became slightly irrelevant on AQW. So I had decided to rename the guild to something more exciting, something that was easier for people to understand. I decided to call it <Paragons of Lore>. While a Paragon is simply an excelent and smooth cut diamond, Paragons are often refered to something unequaled, something I strife to create with this guild, and possibly with you. About <Paragons of Lore> Now what exactly is this guild all about? First of all, I would like to create a nice community within the guild; people having a nice chat, going /dancing together at Yulgar's Inn, etc.. People have got to get along, become friends! But obviously, in these times of need, Chaos and Chaorruption on our doorstep, we must also fight together. Join each other in battle, defeat those difficult bosses together and help each other obtain that wonderful new piece of equipment. Our Members After a short while, several members have joined our ranks. We're still small, but capable of growing. What I'd like to see one day is a full guild of 50 members! We don't do any special ranks. There's a Leader, his officers and the members. Recruitment Status: 18/50 Guild Leader Xanzitrax ( Character Page Link ) Guild Officers Ameerkat99 Ashelix Members onikoa cjay360 rjay360 dragoneyedphantom James the Vi anthony150 The noob clan Alex sein Lord Malifact 01 Doudy IceInWater Battlemaster39 What are we looking for We're looking for mature and skilled players who have a decent knowledge of the game. We need players who are active, but most of all friendly. Your level does not matter, neither does your allignment. As long as you have at least a short history with the game, know how to play and are capable to help others with your knowledge, you are welcome here. We expect everyone to be friendly towards one another and hope everyone will have a good time together. For those wanting to join our ranks To become a member of Paragons of Lore you will have to submit an application. You can reply on this post. This is the template for the application, which you can copy and paste into the editbox:
[b]Your in-game name and Character Level:[/b]
[b]Favourite Class:[/b]
[b]Why do you want to become a Paragon of Lore?[/b]
Fill this in and we will get back with you as quickly as possible! If approved, I am generally available for Guild Invites around 8PM (GMT-4). Guild Website We now have an official Guild Website, complete with an Events Calendar, Forums, etc. Please click this link to go to the website. Battle on! Please do not ask private information such as name, age or place of recidence. ~Hollow Knight