trying to find (Full Version)

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SirKaine -> trying to find (6/28/2013 11:28:52)

Hello most of you wouldn't know me, the few that would remember me as CappsDragon or Cappsalot here. However i'm trying to find the 2005-2006 archives that where post on the boards for a long time. if anyone could help me find these i would be in their debt. On a different note it truly saddens me that i only know four names on here that have post on here lately and they would only know me from Afina's forums.


Ryu Viranesh -> RE: trying to find (6/28/2013 11:50:41)


You can go to The Archives section of the RP boards and change the "Display Topics from Last:" box on top of the forums to "All Topics". Then, navigate to the last page of the archives and start from there. Everything that still exists on the RP boards from that period has been moved there, so that would be your best bet of finding things from 2005-2006.

Although, if you're looking for threads that you specifically posted in, you could go to your Profile and check there, since that might be quicker in that case.

I hope that this helped, and though I don't think I know you, welcome back!

SirKaine -> RE: trying to find (6/28/2013 12:38:35)

umm, what im talking about is before the WIPE and it was move to a different board for archive off-site


Legendium -> RE: trying to find (6/28/2013 13:58:33)

Well, if it was before the wipe, it might not be here, if you're talking about anything that happened before the change. Most of the old RPs should still be here, under the Archives section if you set the Display Topics button to All Topics. I checked, and you can find the old RPs from back in 2004. If the old Archive section still exists? No. It doesn't.

And welcome back, I guess. Which four faces are the ones you remember? Perhaps they could answer your question better if my answer doesn't suffice. I'm guessing one of them is Deehee (demonhunter), and another is Kellehendros?

Oh, you mean it was moved off to a different board entirely? Well, I doubt it's existence then. If it's anywhere in a different board..... Well, the only place I can think of that is an Archive in the forums that isn't here is the MtAK Archives. But I doubt it's there. Far likelier that it's in the L&L, if it's anywhere at all.


TormentedDragon -> RE: trying to find (6/28/2013 14:36:59)

While those archives might still exist, I fear that the link to them has long since been lost in the shuffling and reshuffling of the forums. There are, however, threads in our current Archives forum that date back to 2004. It's possible you'll find what you are looking for there, Sir Kaine.

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