RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (Full Version)

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DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/15/2013 13:36:02)

Too late...

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/16/2013 1:10:01)

Ok guys that it for another weekend, ending screenshot.
This week, Geoto attacked B3 and B8, both Dynami, Geoto broke even, Dynami gained 657, Geoto's attack failed.
Lucian attacked B6 and B7, both Dynami, Lucian lost 140, Dynami gained 657. Lucian's attack failed.
Aerodu attacked B9 and B10, both Dynami, Aerodu gained 202, Dynami gained 657. Aerodu's attack failed.
Glacius chose not to attack this round.
Dynami attacked B11, Lucian, and C5, Aerodu, Dynami gained 657, Lucian lost 140, Aerodu gained 202. Dynami took both areas.

The beast of Dynami is expanding, map update coming very soon.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/16/2013 13:48:14)

Damn [&:] I left when Dynami was around 150 below the first screenshot and stopped attacking at that point. To think so much happened in that short amount of time!

Dynami you guys are scary [:o]

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/16/2013 19:08:49)

Shhhhh, it's okay. We just like to party as a group.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/16/2013 22:18:40)

As a group, and at the last minute when we think we are in the clear. *Goes to finish up the trophy with another Dynami plaque.*

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/17/2013 14:44:00)

I wouldn't do that yet Heroes of the Scape, as far as I am aware everyone is still prepared to fight Dynami for as long as possible.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/17/2013 23:46:14)

Don't get me wrong. I will fight till my dying breath.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 1:07:51)

Screenshot is going to be a little late, my old laptop appears to have broken about 10 minutes ago. If someone else can get the screenshot I would appreciate it.

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 1:29:12)

I`mmmmmmmmmmmmm baaaaaaaaccccccccccckkkkkkkkk! So Oliver is leading this now? Hmm Deth never told me he stepped down, he deserves a smack for that. So who`s the winds game master at the mo? As for the screen shot I`ll see what I can do, though still feeling my way through windows 8 so no promises.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 1:35:18)

Got screenshot at last. Heroes of the Scape is the Aerodu game master.

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 2:00:40)

>.> So I took one for nothing? Nice. If Scape ever needs say like a adviser or aswsintint I`d be happy to help. i was the orgnil game master of wind after all. I imange with Deth leaving that the water clan took a hit.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 2:51:30)

True Nautica has been inactive in the PUC since, though Glacius and Lucian have become active in their place so the game has 4 active clans currently. Thanks for the offer to help, fortunately the new laptop didn't take as long to get the screenshot as I feared, still took half an hour though.

tommy2468 -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 5:14:43)

Five clans actually. Geoto, Aerodu, Glacius, Lucian and Dynami :)

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 11:42:42)

Welcome back and thanks for the offer kinzdor. I will let you know of I need anything. In the meantime, fight well.

Kinzdor -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 15:30:33)

I imange Bell will be taking a break this upcoming week for the holidays?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/21/2013 17:32:55)

We did for Thanksgiving so it is not out of the question.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/22/2013 9:28:21)

I think it would probably be best but I would like to know if there are any objections to having a break.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/22/2013 13:43:04)

No objections here.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/22/2013 22:00:13)

No objections for me either.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/22/2013 22:52:22)

Aerodu agrees.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/23/2013 1:10:32)

Ok, I will let you know my decision later.

For now this round of the PUC is over and here is the ending screenshot.
Geoto attacked B3 and B8, Dynami territory, Geoto gained 11 while Dynami lost 80, Geoto takes B3 and B8.
Lucian attacked B6 and B7, Dynami territory, Lucian lost 11 while Dynami lost 80, Lucian take B6 and B7.
Aerodu attacked C5 and B11, Dynami territory, Aerodu gained 39 while Dynami lost 80, Aerodu takes B11 and C5.
Glacius chose not to attack any territory.
Dynami attacked nothing, as they fauiled to send in plans again.

A surprising collapse from Dynami, losing 6 areas must hurt badly, map update will take a while longer as my old laptop broke so I don't have the current map yet.
EDIT: map updated, took less time than I thought.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/23/2013 13:54:26)

Sweet! Thank goodness for that one. I will relay the message to my compatriots, it will do well to increase morale.

To Aerodu, will you guys be happy to share strikes at B9 and B10 next round?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/23/2013 17:32:01)

I will send you a PM High Paladin.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/25/2013 16:50:20)

Ok I think it would be best to take this weekend off as it is christmas. It also gives everyone time to work on their strategy. Before I forget, Merry Christmas fellow Paxians.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (12/31/2013 17:43:36)

Happy New Year fellow Paxians! I know not everyone has reached it yet but I know some have!

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