RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (Full Version)

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Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (1/18/2014 19:31:52)

How goes the war?

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (1/20/2014 1:12:01)

Not great Heroes of the Scape, but here you can see the ending screenshot now.

This week Geoto attacked B5 and B9, Dynami territory, Geoto gained 3 but Dynami gained 70. Geoto's attack failed.
Lucian attacked B6 and B7, Dynami territory, Lucian lost 20 while Dynami gained 70, Lucian's attack failed.
Aerodu attacked B9 and B10, Dynami territory, Aerodu lost 6 while Dynami gained 70, Aerodu's attack failed.
Glacius did not attack.
Dynami attacked B8, Geoto, and B11, Aerodu. Dynami gained 70, while geoto gained 3 and Aerodu lost 6. Dynami took both areas.

Yet another succesful week for Dynami, map update coming very soon.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (1/25/2014 0:43:40)

Almost time!

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (1/25/2014 1:03:56)

Now it is time, starting screenshot. Good luck everyone.

EDIT: No posts all weekend, a little disappointing, still heres the ending screenshot.
This week Geoto attacked B5 and B8, Dynami territory, Geoto lost 17 while Dynami gained 1345, Geoto's attack failed.
Lucian attacked B6 and B7, Dynami territory, Lucian gained and lost nothing but Dynami gained 1345, Lucian's attack failed.
Aerodu attacked B10 and B11, Aerodu gained 80 nwhile Dynami gained 1345. Aerodu's attack failed.
Glacius made no move.
Dynami attacked C5, Aerodu, and B1, Geoto, Dynami gained 1345, Geoto lost 17, Aerodu gained 80, Dynami took both areas.

Another bad week for Dynami's opposition, map update coming.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (1/27/2014 20:23:27)

How can we have one week 70+ and the other week 1300+? We're not doing that much different... someone attacking us only some weekends?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (1/27/2014 22:11:57)

I don't know whether to believe you or not DigDog. Either way, good job Dynami.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (1/28/2014 3:04:16)

Well its always possible people not on the forums are fighting in the Paxia defence forces event as well, that could affect the outcome.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/1/2014 0:45:13)

Just barely got in on time.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/1/2014 1:13:37)

I noticed, just 15 minutes before the deadline is certainly cutting it close. Ok guys here is the starting screenshot. Good luck all.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/2/2014 23:59:51)

Another quiet week.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/3/2014 1:08:45)

Perhaps on the forums, in game; we will soon see. Ending screenshot.
This week Geoto attacked B5 and B8, Dynami terrirory, Geoto gained 30 while Dynami lost 9, Geoto took both areas.
Aerodu attacked C5 and B11, Dynami territory, Aerodu stayed the same while Dynami lost 9, Aerodu took C5 and B11
Lucian attacked B6 and B7, Dynami territory, Lucian lost 29 while Dynami lost 9, Dynami held its own here; surprisingly.
Glacius chose to attack no one.
Dynami did not send in plans.

Fairly good week everyone, not as quiet as it seemed. Map update coming soon.

EDIT: map updated.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/7/2014 14:03:09)

It will be interesting to see how the war will impact this weekend. Dynami typically thrives o during war weekends.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/8/2014 1:06:40)

Well its time to start up and see how this war affects things. Starting screenshot.

Spanish Inquisition -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/8/2014 15:37:41)

Long live Dynami! Also, hi. I brought cookies.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/9/2014 4:01:45)

Nice to see you Spanish Inquisition.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/10/2014 0:29:10)

Yes, it has been too long. We have missed you Spanish Inquisition.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/10/2014 1:12:24)

Ok guys we are done for another weekend, ending screenshot.
This week, Geoto attacked B1 and B9, Dynami territory. Geoto gained 1 while Dynami lost 20, Geoto took B1 and B9.
Aerodu attacked B7 and B10, Dynami territory, Aerodu gained 71, Dynami lost 20, Aerodu took B10 BUT
Lucian attacked B7 and B6, Dynami and contested territory, Lucian lost 24, Dynami lost 20 so Lucian's attacks failed and B7 goes to Aerodu.
Glacius has not attacked.
Dynami did not send in plans.

So unless my math is wrong we can all breath a sign of relief, unless you are Dynami, as Dynami only have 1 area left. Map update coming soon.
EDIT: map updated, shame Lucian didn't get 5 more defence points as then Dynami would have been completely eliminated.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/10/2014 1:28:42)

I tried to get in a last attack on Dynami before the end. Guess I came up a little short.

DigDog -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/10/2014 21:41:23)

Uh oh.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/11/2014 2:10:52)

Definately a little off pattern for Dynami though, as you said Heroes of the Scape they normally thrive during wars.

EDIT: By the way Heroes of the Scape how is that trophy you were designing coming along?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/11/2014 15:06:12)

Getting there. I had life happen and had to put it on the back burner for a little bit. I will continue it soon.

Lord Markov -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/13/2014 14:28:45)


Uh oh.

For some reason this made me RotFL.

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/15/2014 1:04:35)

Ok guys this round of the PUC has officially begun, starting screenshot. Good luck everyone.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/15/2014 23:47:49)

/facepalm. Got so busy in the war I forgot to send in plans.[:'(] Oh well, next week i guess. It will give you guys a chance to try and catch up.[;)]

Oliver Bell -> RE: Paxia Ultimate Conquest thread 5 (New Game time) (2/17/2014 1:10:10)

You may come to regret that mistake Heroes of the Scape. Here is the ending screenshot.
This week Geoto attacked B6, Dynami, and C5, Aerodu. Geoto gained 3, Dynami lost 6, Aerodu lost 2. So Geoto took C5 BUT
Lucian attacked B6, contested, and B7, Aerodu. Lucian lost 60, Geoto gained 3, Aerodu lost 2. So Lucian's attacks failed and Geoto keeps B6.
Aerodu sent in no plans.
Glacius sent in no plans
Dynami sent in no plans.

So a relatively quiet week with only 2 clans sending in plans but its significance cannot be understated. Dynami has been eliminated.
As always map update is coming soon.

EDIT: map updated.

EDIT2: Seriously not a single post all weeks! This War of the Fangs seems to be very distracting, oh well lets hope things pick up this weekend. With this starting screenshot I declare this round of the PUC open. On a side note, my activity this weekend will be less than usual and at different times, but no worries I will still be able to get the ending screenshot on Monday.

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