salene -> RE: [PhotoShop] DarkShadow's Art II [Sigs, Banners, Avys, FileResize, etc] (12/31/2013 21:46:47)
let me first say i love all your guys art! 1: Artist: i would like to see both maxijacks attempt and darkfire if that is okay Type*: (Sig, Banner, etc.) animation Dimensions: (Please keep in mind the limit for each type) 500x100 Image Hosting Site: (PhotoBucket or ImageShack) photobucket Render*: jackel sano, without the staff, and with a book in his closed hand. he doesn't have a headband, and his hair is brown. his robes are silver and white. there are clouds swirling behind him and there is the shadow of a dragon flying around in the background. the clouds are also swirling. in his outstretched hand there are a few floating runes. also, make the jackel sano character less muscular, and with long robes. also make his hair slightly longer and more scruffy, and give him wire rimmed glasses on the edge of his nose. Background:the swirling clouds and dragon shadow mentioned above Text: "The Sky Scholars under that write "Dragon Heroes Guild" Font: whatever you think will be best Special Request: this color #C69E18 PM when Completed*: (Or other way to contact [Specify]) yes i hope you have a happy and safe new year -Salene