Valosity -> RE: [PhotoShop] DarkShadow's Art II [Sigs, Banners, Avys, FileResize, etc] (2/7/2014 16:01:17)
Artist: Any Type*: Banner, curved edges Dimensions: Somewhere around signature sizes, just a bit bigger Image Hosting Site: Either is fine, whatever one is the more reliable one Render*: Add any AQW character in there, if you need one PM me about it Background: Anything within preferably AQW, if you cant do that than any other scene, something interesting and pretty simple, but not something real dark Text: Starting Out - A Guide to Helping New Players Font: Any, must be easily readable and good looking (good looking to the artist) Special Request: Nothing really special, but basically im looking for a round edged, slightly bigger than a normal signature shaped banner that has a AQW character in it, an AQW scene in the backround, and the text i put up there, feel free to add anything that makes it look better! PM when Completed*: PM please Just wanna say, this request isnt that specific, because it doesnt need to be. Have some fun trying things that you want to do with it. It's going to be a banner at the top of This guide, so if it could go along the lines of the purpose of the guide in a way, and ill make sure to give whoever does this credit at the bottem of the guiude :) Thanks! ~Valosity