Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck), Closed (Full Version)

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TJByrum -> Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck), Closed (1/27/2014 17:18:14)


Isle of Dracos

Over a thousand years ago, Dracos and his Dragonriders arrived on what would later be named the Isle of Dracos. The people there welcomed him and showered him with gifts, and Dracos set about establishing the First Kingdom, with its capital in Dragonhold Keep. He and his Dragonriders ruled the Isle for many decades until his later years when the people deemed him 'corrupt'. In a short but terrible war the people of the Isle overthrew Dracos and his followers. Dracos himself was slain in a final battle within Dragonhold Keep. The remaining Dragons were hunted down until their extinction; only 7 eggs remained, under the protection of the Dragon Priests...

The rebels then fought for many more decades amongst themselves over who should rule the Isle. It wasn't until Taran Kalzar I of House Kalzar that the land would finally be reunited. Taran was a great warlord, but an even greater man. He was loved far and wide, and established the Second Kingdom with relative ease. He then divided the Isle into five holds, installing a loyal family to govern each one. So loved was Taran, the Dragon Priests gifted him with the seven eggs. Taran then bestowed one egg to each loyal family, kept a sixth for himself, and the seventh was to remain in Dragonhold Keep.

The Kalzar's would lord over the Second Kingdom for over 800 years. Unfortunately, an elusive group of murderers: the Red Assassins, murdered King Lordran Kalzar and his entire family; the seventh egg has been stolen, and the Kalzar egg was nowhere to be found. With no king, no heirs, and a mass of confusion, the five lords rise up in arms and prepare for war. Interestingly enough, the dragon eggs are beginning to hatch...


Rules and Info

The king and his family has been murdered. The goal is for the remaining lords to muster up what armies they can and attempt to become King/Queen of the Isle. Each lord can muster up an army of approximately 5,000 soldiers, along with their 500 royal guards. You will never be able to muster this many men again, so you should avoid heavy casualties as much as you can. Using strategy, tactics, diplomacy, and cunning, you must attempt to destroy or subdue your opponents and become King/Queen.

Each lord also has a dragon. They begin young but will grow over time and allow your characters to unleash amazing powers, giving you an edge in most battles. Eventually the dragons will become a worthy asset to your cause.

Along the way are War Assets. War Assets are major and minor characters who may offer bonuses to your forces. As an example, Sadin and his Warriors of Stone or Captain Horn's Fleet can offer some major advantages to your forces.

But beware the Red Assassins! They are everywhere, but nowhere to be seen! Fail to do their bidding and watch your friends and family die!



Dragonhold - TJByrum - Central Region - It has the largest, tallest, strongest, and oldest fortress in the Isle of Dracos, known as Dragonhold Keep. Its land is hilly, with common forests, wild game, rivers, average rainfall, and chilly temperature. Its people dress in light fur clothing.
Riverhold - Kellehendros - Western Region - Fertile river valley with lush forests, clear rivers and lakes.
Craghold - Starstruck - Northern Region - Mountainous region with winding roads and rocky terrain.
Rockhold - Master K - Eastern Region - Hilly region, with lots of cliffs and rocks. It is home to Terrano City.
Gemhold - Draycos777 - Southeastern Region - Hilly region, lots of caves, mines, and rich ore veins. Home of Gemhold City, and underground city home to the hardy people of Gemhold.
Bloodhold - Legendium - Southwestern Region - A mostly rainy, forested, flat, cloudy region, where silt in the rivers turn it blood-red.


Factions and Characters


House Kalzar - TJByrum
House Kalzar was the ruling family of the Isle of Dracos for almost a thousand years. They currently have no leader, no army, no heirs, no dragon, and no supporters. They were destroyed by the Red Assassins.


House Burke - Draycos777 and Black Knight 1234567
House Burke is led by Artacis Burke, the lord of Gemhold. Their crest is that of a gemstone, crossed by a pickaxe and a chisel over a pirple background. They currently have a force of 500 Royal Guards (Cavalry). Artacis' family consists of his twin sister Lorelei, his younger brother Halvard, and his younger sister Gemma. House Burke is in possession of the dragon named Vritra.


House Kcyning - Master K
House Kcyning is led Maxwell Kcyning, more commonly known as 'Master K'. Their crest is that of a crossed katana and fang with a crown in the background. They have a motto: "By Serpents Fang and Serpent's Blade". They are the lords of Rockhold, ruling from Terrano City. They currently have a force of 500 Royal Guards (Cavalry). Maxwell's family consists of his only brother Aragon, Aragon's son Jet, Aragon's middle child Daunte, and Aragon's youngest son Ike. House Kcyning is in possession of a dragon named Jaycov.


House Vance - Kellehendros
House Vance is led by Lady Regent Aurena Vance. Their sigil is that of a fox over three sheaves of gain on a green field. There words are "This Endures". They are the lords of Riverhold, ruling from the city of Kal Haven. They have 500 Royal Guards (Cavalry). Aurena's family consists of her twins: Kored and Rowena. They are in possession of a dragon egg.


House MacBeth - Starstruck
House MacBeth is led by Lady Diana MacBeth. Their sigil is that of an emerald serpent entwined on a gray pillar. They are the lords of Craghold, ruling from their city Inverness. They have 500 Royal Guards (Cavalry). Diana's family consts of. The family has a dragon named Claudius.


War Assets

Special Note: War Assets are NPC factions controlled by TJByrum and Starstruck. They can add advantages and disadvantages to certain factions and may prove to be a powerful ally, or a decisive enemy.

Red Assassins - TJByrum
-Unknown leader
-Unknown location
-Unknown amount of expertly-trained assassins.
-Has claimed one of the seven eggs from Dragonhold Keep.


Captain Horn's Fleet - TJByrum
Captain Horn is a merchant-trader. He currently controls one merchant ship, a small merchant crew, and is assisted by his first mate: Johnny. They are currently in Bloodhold's Fang Bay.


Sadin and the Warriors of Stone - TJByrum
Sadin is a well-trained warrior who has personally trained the Warriors of stone: a force of about 135 infantry who value quality over quantity. They are perhaps the greatest infantry in the land. Sadin is advised by his oldest friend: Doros. The sellswords live in Rockhold and owe allegiance to no lord.

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/27/2014 17:19:24)


[b]Name[/b]:  Your last name will be the name of your faction.  So Lordran Kalzar's faction was 'House Kalzar'.
[b]Position[/b]:  Lord or Other.  Lords have dragons, a major Hold, can raise armies, etc.  Other can be anyone that can affect the story: mercenaries, bandits,
etc.  They could be solo, or even have a small group (like a small faction or guild).
[b]Physical Appearance[/b]:

[b]Skills and Abilities[/b]:  Whatever you're good at.  All Lords will later have an affinity to magic, so you can wait until later to fill this out.

[b]Hold[/b]:  Which Hold do you want?  And is it dominated by a Castle or City?  What is the castle/cities name?  And describe its people.
[b]Dragon[/b]:  Describe your dragon.  There are many types, so I'm not going to discriminate.  Be creative.
[b]Family[/b]:  List some names and family titles (mother, father, sister, cousin, etc) of your Lord's family.


Name: Jorn Belric
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Position: Other (Sellsword)
Physical Appearance: Jorn is a stout young man, built like a warrior, but not without sacrificing speed. Years of hardwork, labor, and training has toned his muscles and made him very fit, but lack of using armor hasn't given him the tree-trunk build of knights. He stands about 5'9, which is average height of most men in Dragonhold. He has long, ragged brown hair, a handsome face, and a rough stubble. His dark blue eyes look aged and weary.

Armor/Clothing: Jorn wears a black suit of traveling armor. He dislikes wearing heavy iron, steel, or plate armor, and ususally sticks to his fur/cloth/leather combination. He almost always wears his gloves, and his entire outfit is either black, dark gray, or drak brown. He has a traveling cape, albeit pretty tattered, that keeps him warm in the fall and winter, and which doubles as a blanket at night.
Weapon(s): Jorn carries a steel longsword and a round shield. The longsword's steel is strange in the sense that it never dulls, nor can it be any more sharpened (not that it needs ). It can cut and hack through most anything another sword could, but there's a certain advantage it has that Jorn could never really explain. It's hilt is wrapped in leather to help Jorn's grip. The shield is made of steel and wood, and is about two-foot in diameter. The shield can stop arrows and deflect blows from melee weapons, and Jorn can wield it with relative ease.
Skills and Abilities: Jorn is a notable swordsman, one of the best on the Isle without a doubt. He is also very good with a shield, as if it is part of himself. Despite his size, he seems stronger than he really is, as well as being faster and he thinks quickly. Some say he has enhanced senses, though these rumors are entirely unfounded. Whatever the case, he's an expertly-trained swordsman. He's also a great tracker, hunter, guide, survivalist, and so on.

Personality: Jorn is a strange man. He's usually quiet, reserved, and observant. He seems to look at everything closely and analyze it, much like he does when he's hunting for wild animals. Those who speak to him know he doesn't reveal to much about himself. Jorn's morality is questionable, but he's more on the 'good' side of things. He doesn't hurt women or children, and only fights when threatened. However he may hide a darker past than he lets on. To put it simple: he's probably a good guy, but he's also quite mysterious.
History: Jorn's place of birth, his family, and such is unknown at the moment. He is known to travel from town to town, usually avoiding the larger cities, taking on jobs as a bodyguard, sellsword, mercenary, tracker, hunter, and more. By this point he should have lots of coin, but he doesn't seem to spend it. At his most recent endeavor, he began hunting in the forests just west of Dragonhold Keep. His purpose, who he really is, and his role in all this will be revealed in the IC.


Name: Kaila
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Position: Other (Child)
Physical Appearance: Kaila is light-skinned, about 5'5, and has a thin body build. She has a child-like face, bright blue eyes, and a clear face. She has long brown hair that she has braided as a noble-woman, although she will change it accordingly very soon.

Armor/Clothing: Kaila as noble-attire, although that will change soon enough.
Weapon(s): Kaila's only weapon at this point is a basic kitchen knife.
Skills and Abilities: Being light and small, Kaila is fast and agile, and she's also very quiet. But she's young and naive.

Personality: Kaila is a young girl, and as such she's naive. She thinks she knows more than she really does, and she can be hot-headed. She doesn't plan ahead much, and rushes into things headlong. She's also very active and hyper. She likes to explore a lot, wandering around in the woods around her home. She's certainly not shy, and will speak to, and even insult people she doesn't even know. She seems to pick out people she likes and dislikes within seconds.
History: Kaila's history will be revealed via IC.

Master K -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/27/2014 21:13:36)

Seems...relatively interesting.

I'm keeping my eyes on this, perhaps, if I don't forget about it.

You assume the position of a Lord. I like the concept. I have things to ask, as I am thinking up my character...

1. How much magic exists? Is it very prevalent or not so much?
2. I understand the concept that your main is a lord, but what about family? I never saw anything in the bio format mentioning that. The character I thought up would have ties to his family. More specifically, a brother and his family. My main, the lord, wouldn't have any other family besides.
3. The dragon; these eggs hatched. Therefore, this dragon is young. You said it would become a dominating force in your army. Does it work along the lines of Dragon Amulets powering up the dragon to become a viable force?

[b]Hold[/b]:  Describe your hold.

Could you elaborate? If I am not mistaken, this is where your lord lives/base of operations?

Just curious. I might submit a bio depending on if I still have interest and if I have time.

Riprose123 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/27/2014 21:17:35)

A few questions, then I can get a bio rolling. Is there only one house to join, or can one join the Dragonhold? I'm confused on if the Dragonhold is a faction or if it's an actual place. And do the assassin's get holds too, or is it only available to the houses?

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/27/2014 21:23:37)

Oooooo dragons? Well now, I'm interested. Question do the dragons have different elements and can you choose them?

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/27/2014 23:57:08)

@Everyone: It will be more clear when a map comes up.

@Master K:
1. Magic is directly connected to the dragons. Being as no dragons existed for a long time, magic was non-existent. But throughout the course of the RP the lords will eventually learn and master these new powers. When Dracos and his dragonlords ruled the Isle, he had Dragon Priests who understood their nature enough to know some basic magic, but no one else has really been able to do that.
2. Your family will play a major role in the roleplay. I didn't say that, I figured it was a given. Your families are nobles, very important people in the land. I'll add this into the bio format.
3. Your dragon has hatched and is very young. You must raise him, feed him, train him, and one day you'll ride him. This process takes very long, and there will be many battles before a dragon is able to do anything major. By the time the dragons are able to do something, most of your armies will be battle-worn and very few factions may remain.
4. A Hold is a region on the Isle. Dragonhold is the central region, dominated by Dragonhold Keep in the center, surrounded by smaller towns and villages. Simply describe the geography and such of your Hold, the dominating castle/city, and its people. A good example is the 'Dragonhold' section found under 'Factions'.

@Riprose123: There are six holds, a Hold is a region on the Isle. Dragonhold is the central region, and was home to House Kalzar, and was the capital of the unified Isle. As a lord, you may control one of the other five Holds, which I will put up in a minute. For example, Dragonhold is a region, Dragonhold Keep was its castle (but you may also have a city), and House Kalzar was its inhabitants; House Kalzar was lead by Lordran Kalzar and his family, who presided over the residents in Dragonhold. The Assassins are NOT join-able, they are an elusive group that will affect the RP secretly.

@Draycos777: Dragons in this RP are not related to DragonQuest. Each Dragon is unique, they're appearance is entirely up to you. They do not belong to a certain element, but rather allow its rider to tap into certain magic abilities, and they to can use mysterious magic.

EDIT: Added some stuff to the bio, and changed the OOC around a bit, edited some stuff in it to. You're basically a Lord of one of the six Holds, and your storyline follows:
1. The training of your dragon.
2. The war for the throne.
3. The threat of the Red Assassins.
4. The strange duo that is Jorn and Kaila and who they really are.

EDIT2: Here is a horribly made, very primitive, early-draft of the map:
-Notice the fertiel rivers flowing through Riverhold.
-Notice the winding mountain paths in Craghold.
-Notice how Dragonhold Keep is roughly the same distance from the other hold capitals; in this sense, everyones army will be able to make it to Dragonhold Keep simultaneously...
-Notice the black dots. That is where your castles/cities will be. Various outlying towns and villages are scattered throughout and not shown in the map.

Legendium -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 4:05:50)

Dibs on Craghold.

So, a Game of Thrones RP? Me likey. I'm going to build up my Character and his land as much as possible.

Plus, only six participants? I'd say let there be six main lords and then let the others become minor barons and such under their rule. After all, in a game of thrones, you should trust no one.

And, I consider myself a good mapmaker with pencil and paper, so I'll get you a slightly-better-than-primitive map drawn up as soon as I find the time. That is, if you want a better map. Or, maybe not better, but different.

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 8:02:34)

Alrighty then, thanks for the info TJByrum. I'll settle down in Gemhold. Onward to making a bio!

Master K -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 10:00:18)

I call Rockhold.

I'll prepare a bio eventually. Right now, I'm in the middle of my midterm exam week.

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 10:01:31)

@Legendium: Game of Thrones is one inspiration, yes. You do not have to be a lord; you can be an Other, which is anyone you want, but they do not get a dragon or army. They have to start from scratch or join someone else. If you want to make a map, go ahead, but I'll probably add onto it, so I would need to be able to edit it.

@Draycos777: Alrighty then.

@Master K: Okay then.

I noticed I left one part out after editing it last night. This is also a major thing to know of:

If you do not wish to be a lord, you may choose 'other' in the bio. You won't have a dragon, nor can you get a large army. You could be anyone you want, choose who to fight for, etc. You could be a mercenary, a bandit, an adventurer, etc. I'll allow you to have a small faction, such as a guild or fellow mercenaries, but you'll have to work a lot in order to get to 500 or more soldiers; until then, only a few dozen or a few hundred may come to your side.

Sorry about that. But if all six lords are taken, you could be someone else that affects the story. You could be solo, like a sellsword, or the leader of a guild or smaller faction that can be employed by the bigger great houses.

I forgot to mention the RP may make a few time-skips. Nothing major, just something to pass the time a few weeks while your armies march or you travel somewhere. But it will still take a long time for your dragons to grow. The RP will make more sense when you see the IC, but you'll be receiving messages and whatnot from your bird-master that will force you into the RP. One message may be about a growing bandit force in your homeland, or a wildfire that forces someone of your army there to help out, etc. The Red Assassins may also attack, so watch out. I only need two more Hold lords before the RP is set to start. I'll probably work on a first-draft of the first post.

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 14:37:43)

Name: Artacis (pronounced: Art-ah-kiss) Burke

Age: 27

Position: Lord

Appearance: Without his armor, Artacis is a tall (6'8) young man with short silver hair and light purple eyes. His skin is pale from the darkness of the mines and like the rest of his people he smells like the earth, although he has only stuck a rock maybe twice in his life. Never the less, his body is toned and fit from years of training with his spear and swords.

Armor: Artacis' armor resembles that of his dragon's natural armor. The steel gauntlets are shaped into claws at the finger tips, three steel claws have been added to the toes and one on the heel. Also the helm is the shape of a dragon's head and the steel plates are made to fit together like scales. The armor is painted black to match Artacis' dragon.

Weapons: Artacis' weapon of choice is his favorite spear' the "Force Lance". The "Force Lance" is a halberd of high-grade steel that is 7 feet long and resembles a Ji more than an old english halberd. The staff is made from the hardiest trees in the Dracos Isles. The spear head is curved like a Glaive and is 2 feet long. Attached to the bottom of the spearhead and the top of the staff is a blade half the size of the head however, thicker. When trading power for speed, Artacis uses a pair of twin steel blades.

Skills and Abilities: Knowledge of rocks, ores, metals and smithery. Expert at spearmanship(halberd mostly) and twin swordplay. Is also mentally in-sync with his twin.

Hold: GemHold City is deceptively open and yet closed at the same time. While the shops of crafted weapons, armors, smitheries and other forged goods are out on the surface for all travelers to see; deep under the earth, the real city is busy humming away. The underground city is a complex design of mines, homes, supports and at the center, a cavern lake and the city hall. Many of the Isle's weapons and armor comes straight from this hole-in-the-ground, of course the best ore is saved for GemHold. The people of GemHold are a hardy bunch who makes their livelihood as miners, smiths, artisans and as fishermen off the coast and lake. The cavern lake in GemHold is wide and deep. Allowing for multipliable ships to be out at once and is feed by an underground current from the main ocean.
The size of the people of GemHold varies, from tall men like Artacis to those whose family line has been dwarfed from the early mines of GemHold. The people of Inner GemHold like that of a miner, with steel boots and gauntlets, while the people of Outer GemHold dress like the art they take up (smith, jeweler, carpenter, stonemason, etc.). The wildlife in Gemhold includes Bats, Bears and Mountain Loins in the caved region. Fish, birds and trees reside near the farm villages of the coastal regions. Fish also have been dragged to the carven lake and have adapted to live and breed in the fresh waters.

Family: Lorelei (twin sister), Halvard (younger brother), Gemma (younger sister).

Personality: Artacis, like his twin is cool and calm in almost every things that he does and isn't afraid to go to any length to achieve his goals, as long as say tactics don't place his family or people in harm’s way. His goal is to make sure that his people can live in peace. Whether this means unifying the Isle or helping to place someone capable in power that can, Artacis doesn't care.

Dragon: Like his master Artacis' dragon, Vritra, is calm and plans out his moves. He respects the options of his master and Lorelei, and while he cares for Halvard and Gemma (along with the rest of the Gemhold people) he is slow to trust what other kingdoms say and do, always questioning their true intent. Vritra pushes himself to hard sometimes, as he worries about the short lifespan of his master as a human and wishes to see his master live to see peace for his people.
Vritra's powers effect the five senses however, the extent is unknown as this power is still weak. His scales are black allowing him to blend in with the darkness of the mines. He has yellow cat-like eyes that collect light easier than a normal dragon's eyes, allowing him to see perfectly in the dark. Being an egg for thousands of years in a cave has made it so that he was born without wings. However, Vritra is quick and agile; a powerful runner that will become faster than almost anything on the planet. Vritra will become a ruler of stealth, a powerful surprise attacker whose main strength will lie in wiping out groups of enemies in a short time, then disappearing again.

History:Artacis and his twin sister Lorelei were born to a king and queen who's families had once live outside of the mines of Inner GemHold. When the last Lord of GemHold died without a heir, confusion and uncertainly broke out amongst the people. Artacis' grandfather's line was traced back to the 70th Lord of GemHold and he was taken to become the next Lord of GemHold. This action now split the people of GemHold in-half. While a large majority of the people accepted him, due to his royal blood. Others were unsure if placing an artisan from Outer GemHold was wise. The Lord of GemHold had always been a fellow miner or smith with the people of Inner GemHold, why change that now? It would be better to choose one an owner of one of the four leading mining guilds to become the new Lord of GemHold.

Artacis' grandfather however, would prove to be a capable ruler in the coming years. With his charisma he draw many of the mining guilds to his side and learned about the issues that the people of Inner GemHold held dear. Using the knowledge of Outer GemHold that he had from his years as a sword smith he proposed laws and ideas that helped to bring the people of GemHold to love him dearly and unite Outer and Inner GemHold together. Although his life was sought after many times throughout his ruler he paved the way for his son, Artacis' father, to inherit the rule and root their family in the history of GemHold. The ruler of Artacis' father saw the expansion of Inner GemHold as its people's population grew as GemHold became the epicenter for metallic trade across the Isle of Dracos. Artacis' father found however, that their previous wooden supports could no longer accomplish the job they use to. With the amount of rock that was need to take out to accommodate for the new generation, he turned to metal supports. During this time the twin were born and the dragon egg of GemHold was rediscovered and hatched. The room that housed the dragon egg given to GemHold thousands of years ago was a secret that was handed down from heir to heir so that the egg would never fall into the wrong hands. When the Lord, before Artacis' grandfather rule, died without a heir, that information had died with him and the room that housed the egg became lost to time. While traveling some of the abandon mines of GemHold, Artacis' father came across a flight of stairs leading down to a room where a dragon egg that was close to hatching sat. Picking up the egg and hefted it back to the city hall, where the Lord and their family resides. That day he learned that he would become a father. He soon became cautious of the way few people took advantage of GemHold's neutral standing. Wanting to protect his family and people he asked King Lorddran to increase the guard to keep, the city of trade, safe from the increased bandit attack, the large gathering of people it attracted.

The day Artacis and Lorelei was born was the same day the dragon egg first cracked. The Artacis and Lorelei were an inseparable force. Each knew what the other was thinking at any time and could always find eachother no matter where in GemHold they were. Their schemes as children would always keep the Lord and Lady busy. Lorelei was the tactician and distraction and Artacis would be the scout and the one to carry out the plan. The three trained together as well, and not just in weaponry but, in becoming the future Lord and Lady of GemHold. While they learned proper court matters and the responsibilities of the Lord and Ladies, Artacis would soon take to spearmanship, while Lorelei to archery. On their 16th day of birth, Artacis was given his halberd "Force Lance" and Lorelei, the Longbow "Force Bow". Life went on like this for many years and during this time Artacis and Lorelei became the representatives for GemHold, while Vritra acted as their guard. At the age of 25 however, while the Lord and Lady checked the the supports for the new air shafts in place for Inner GemHold, one of the supports broke under the pressure causing them both to fall to their deaths. Artacis had suddenly become the new Lord of GemHold and while sadden by his loss he was also happy to see that his parent left doing what they loved and living by the motto they always taught to their children. He vowed that he would follow his father and grandfather and help his people no matter what. This tragedy brought upon the creation of reinforced steel. The next year saw the death of the Kalzar family; bringing a halt to trade in Outer GemHold. While GemHold is still the trade center for the Isle, it is now done by guild to kingdom with guarded carts, which provide income to a certain amount of sellswords that are willing to travel across kingdoms to receive a paycheck. Knowing that another war, for control of the Isle, was around the corner, Artacis and Lorelei are beginning to strengthened GemHold while they fortify Outer GemHold. Two months has pasted since Vritra's hatching. Vritra likes to mimic, on all fours, the way noblemen in Artacis' books walk; trying to walk balanced without making noise and knocking anything over with his tail. This will soon become the base which builds up his stealth training.

"The life of the Lord and Lady of GemHold itself is an occupational hazard, but each morning we awaken with a smile because we love it and its people"

~Ferrand Burke

If there's any questions or problems please ask/tell me. Also if you'd like for me to explain the new trading system and the guilds for those who want to be sellswords in the bio please pm me about what you'd like explained.

Terms: Gemhold is the land itself while GemHold refers to the city.
Outer GemHold is the part of the city that lies on the surface of Gemhold which is the location of the Artisan Guilds.
Inner GemHold is the part of the city that lies underneath the surface of Gemhold and is the location of the City Hall, the homes of the Gemhold people and houses the Carven Lake.

Master K -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 18:25:46)

Name: Maxwell Kcyning
Alias: "Master K".
Age: 31
Gender: Male
Position: Lord
Titles: "Shinobi King', "The Masked Man", "The Faceless Lord"
Physical Appearance:
Master K is about 6'1'' in height, and is well built, but thin. His hair is ebony black in color, and is rather long, but is keep clean. His skin is deathly white, and bears no distinguishing marks or scars. His eyes are gray, and give the feeling of emptiness.

Master K wears armor that appears to be styled like a shinobi. His armor is leather, so it is lightweight and flexible, allowing him to be agile, and is deep black in color, and covers his entire body. He wears gauntlets bear the mark of the Kcyning family crest. He covers his face with a mask, leaving only his eyes exposed, in order to hide his identity. This what he wears when he intends on battling. His regular outfit is simply a black sweater that is tied off at the waist with a red cord, tan colored pants, and closed toed sandals. He still wears a mask in his casual clothing, however. The mask covers the lower half of his face, bears charcoal black marks going down the left side, and is indigo in color.

Weapon(s): Master K's weapon of choice is a katana he designed himself simply named "Pride". It's blade is four feet long, and is simply made of steel. Master K usually coats the blade in poison, making it rather dangerous to come in contact with. This poison causes crippling sickness to whomever manages to escape an encounter with it. The poison is somewhat modified from what normal antidotes can cure, and the poison and antidote are both made within RockHold from a recipe that was conceived by his ancestors. The blade itself also bears the Kcyning crest at its base.

Skills and Abilities: Master K is quite fit and agile, as well as stealthy. He is also trained in the art of alchemy.

The capital is known as Terrano City, and is the capital of Rockhold. It is well known as the walled city, as the Kcyning rulers built up massive stone walls around the city. The city has a gated entrance, managed by guards. The entire city itself has guards that patrol it. The cities attractions are pretty standard, with taverns and inns, blacksmiths, alchemists and farmers markets. Although other towns exist outside of Terrano, many farms exist around and outside of Terrano to provide its markets, and fishing off the coast is very prevalent. Mining exists, but its off towards the larger mountain chains and cliffs that exist towards the far east. There are scattered forests in Rockhold, but rolling hills and rocky cliffs dominate the landscape.

Terrano City itself has a refined architecture. It has stone roads and wooden houses, which are pretty standard. The city is very tight knit, with everyone knowing pretty much everyone. Rockhold Fortress exists within the far edge of the city. The rolling landscape provides an excellent view. Guards on top of the wall watch over the landscape, and there exists a massive bell to warn the city of any imminent danger.

The fortress itself is a massive stone castle, with one central tower in it that acts as a great lookout. The castle features rooms for all the family members, a kitchen, a dining hall, a main hall, and a study, quarters for the maids, as well as other extra rooms. Underneath the castle, however, exists the Rockhold Library, which is where a lot of archives and documents are kept. There is also a passage that leads out of the city, for immediate escape. They have a courtyard at the back of their castle as well, with a lone apple tree standing in its center.

Jaycov is quite reserved, but is also daring and adventurous at heart. He is very attached to his human family, and wants to see that they succeed in their endeavors. Jaycov's scales are indigo in color. He is developing an innate ability for magic, but it is quite weak at the moment. It appears he can wield and manipulate mana itself, but not very effectively at the moment. He can also read peoples auras and gain a good insight as to how they think and how they act. Jaycov also has wings, and can fly. Given time, he'll become a formidable force to deal with, wielding raw magic and insight of his enemies, as well as being physically strong as well.

Aragon: Master K's only brother. Aragon is 36, and co-manages affairs of RockHold with his brother. Aragon is roughly 6'2'', has unkempt black hair, and jade green eyes. He is a warrior, and wears standard steel equipment. Some of it is stylized, however. His helmet is in the design of a dragons head, and his gauntlets bear spikes on the knuckles. His weapon, "Wrath", is a five foot long, steel battleaxe, in the style of dragon wings, designed by Master K himself. Aragon abstains from fighting on the front lines, but is trained to be prepared for war. Aragon has three children who live in the fortress with him and his brother. His title is "The Dragon Knight".

Jet: Aragon's eldest son. Jet is 18, and he watches over his other brothers in absence of his father. Jet has long, somewhat curly, and messy platinum blonde hair, which slightly falls over his eyes. He's about 5'11'', and has icy blue eyes that almost always appear to be locked in a judgmental scowl. Jet stands out as the ghost of the family, because he is rather pale, frail looking, and is almost always dressed in white or gray. Jet is quite scholarly and intelligent, and has an interest in music. Being the eldest child, he pays close attention to the matters that are discussed between his father and uncle, and is always thinking of answers to any problems that arise. He is fully aware of the situation that the Isle of Dracos is in. His title is "The Scholar".

Daunte: The middle child of Aragon's family. Daunte is 15, and is the timid one of the family. He is 5'6'', and has charcoal black hair that is moderately long. He has vivid green eyes...well, that is if you ever see them. Daunte's most notable feature is that he wears a hooded cloak, and actively tries to obscure his eyes and face. Other miscellanious things is that he is quite agile, likes to hide, is very artistic, and is clever. He knows all the nooks and crannies of the RockHold Fortress, and is very good at sneaking. He is also aware of the situation of the Isle of Dracos, but choses to ignore it. His title is "The Shadow".

Ike: Aragon's youngest son. Ike is 10, and is quite adventurous. He's practically fearless, and is somewhat eccentric. He is 4'5'', has rather short black hair, and has shining blue eyes. The most notable thing about his appearance is that he wears a crimson cape, a fake golden crown, and wields a miniature scepter, which is simply a small staff painted yellow and has a variety of beads attached to the end. Ike is always very aware of his environment, and also very observant. He is unaware of the exact details, but knows something bad is going to be happening in the near future. He doesn't have a formal title.

Personality: Master K is a calm, yet determined man. He believes in using a variety of tactics in order to win battles, and is not above getting help from his brother Aragon to plan strategies and manage Rockhold City. Master K values pragmatism to a degree, as evidenced by his poisoned sword, but would rather not get painted as a ruthless, evil person. He prefers to keep his image aloof, yet attentive and involved. However, he also worries a fair amount about issues, and can sometimes crack slightly under pressure when not in the public eye. He is excellent at maintaining a facade.

History: Master K and Aragon were born into their royal family, to Lord Denn and Lady Elizabeth. While they were growing up, Master K trained in the art of stealth, secrecy, and alchemy, while his brother trained to be a warrior. The House Kcyning had come a long way in terms of Lords, Ladies and leadership. The family has been managing Rockhold since around the time that King Dracos had first ruled. Their rise to power, however, came as a dark family secret.

In the uncertain times of when the Isle of Dracos was first settled, Rockhold had no leader to look to. Many men applied to become the new leader of Rockhold, and all tried to win the appeal of the citizens of Rockhold. One of these leaders was Taryvas Kcyning, who was a scholar, interested in the work of the dragon priests. Taryvas kept documents of the subjects he researched, many of which reside in Rockhold Fortress's personal library and archive. Taryvas studied many subjects, saving all his work for future generations to look upon, and kept them well hidden. Taryvas also studied alchemy, among other subjects.

After the war to reunify the Isle of Dracos, the Lord of Rockhold was decided, and it was not Taryvas. Taryvas knew this man, as they had been allies before. However, he also feared him, for he was fully aware of what tyranny this man could be capable of, and feared that he would rebel against King Dracos himself if he rose in power. Out of generosity and pride, the new leader of Rockhold invited all the other suitable leaders to a feast, including Taryvas. He agreed to go to the feast, but began to brew a wretched plan. His studies in alchemy had brought rise to a vile poison, which was of his own creation. On the night of the feast, Taryvas informed the leader that he had fallen ill and could not attend the feast. That night, Taryvas snuck into the fortress, and masqueraded as one of the kitchen staff that was in charge of cooking for the feast. Taryvas slipped the poison he had created into the food, and soon, the Lord and all the other guests ate the feast.

Within a couple of days, all the men that attended the feast fell ill and died of a mysterious, crippling disease that stole away their life, which had astounded the people of Rockhold. Taryvas, being the last of those who were exceptionally loyal to the king, was then made the new Lord of Rockhold. He maintained a good reputation and was well respected in the eyes of the people, but even that could not stop the hushed whispers and rumors of conspiracy and foul play that wiped out all of his competition. This secret was documented within the families archives, which also expressed Taryvas guilt for purposely killing all those other men. When Taryvas died, he left all his hidden documents and research to his children, as well as a key. This key has an unknown purpose, and is kept hidden in the Rockhold library. The only clue it gives to its purpose is that it bears the crest of the House Kalzar.

Coming back to more recent events, Lord Denn had made some questionable choices in the leading of Rockhold, and had a mixed base of supporters, while Lady Elizabeth was well loved by all of Rockhold. Lord Denn was assassinated when Aragon and Master K were 18 and 19. Lady Elizabeth never re-married. Aragon fell in love with a woman, Talia, and had three children with her. Talia, however, died young, due to a disease that took her life. Aragon was devastated at this tragedy, but the true nature of her death was murder. Talia had sought out to become the new leader of Rockhold, and only intended to kill off the rest of the Kcyning family members. It was one of her family members that had assassinated Lord Denn. When word of this came to Lady Elizabeth, she poisoned Talia with the "family poison" and passed her death off as a tragedy, a secret she would take to her grave. Lady Elizabeth died of old age, and left Rockhold in the hands of her two sons, Master K and Aragon.

Presently, they are appalled by the news that the House Kalzar has been eliminated by the force of the Red Assassins. Master K grew paranoid of the Red Assassins, and his brother anticipates that they may soon need an army to deal with the war that is to come...

Well that was fun! Thoughts?

EDIT: Made some fixes to lore.

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 21:46:35)

Oooo, the shinobi (ninjas) have now risen to join the fray. The Artisans and the Shinobi, can't wait to see what comes out of the mountains.

Master K -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/28/2014 22:44:37)

I had a lot of fun writing up the family and it's toxic history.
I didn't have much to work with in terms of Rockhold, so I made it stand out by being a walled city. Gemhold has underground city, Craghold has mountain city (Probably), I have a walled city on the hills. Originally I would've picked Craghold because of geology, but I can make Rockhold work. Besides, Rockhold's landscape kind of reminds me of where I live.

I'm just wondering how I'll handle alliances...

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 9:31:07)

I guess I'll take this time to explain the Guilds.

The Guilds: Groups of men and women that work a similar trade in GemHold can come together and form a Guild. Guildmembers work together to improve their craft and work on orders from Gemhold's Lord or complete orders from other kingdoms for payment. These orders are put through the Lord of GemHold and if accepted, are place on a billboard in the center of Inner GemHold, along with his own orders. Whenever a Guild leader feels like completing an order, they simply take one that applies to their guild (these guild orders are on the terms of first come first served, as two guilds can't work on the same order and expect both to be paid, unless it is a special order that requires more then one guild to complete). Once the order is finished it is loaded onto a cart then sent with two guards, or a guard and a sellsword, to the kingdom that placed the order. After the cart reaches its destination, GemHold is paid. GemHold then sends 70% of the profit to the guild that made the order and keeps 30% to pay the sellswords and to benefit the kingdom of Gemhold (this payment is done so that sellswords don't take off with the money and/or the cargo). There are many Guilds within GemHold; this is a list of the major ones.

Guild Types: There are eight major mining guilds in GemHold. They are:





These four are know as the 4 major pillars. The 4 minor pillars are:




Gemstones/ Precious Stones

There is also a Guild for each artisan group in Outer GemHold. It is said that if you want to learn a trade of the earth, GemHold is where your eyes should set. Mining Guilds of smaller size then the Pillars also operate within GemHold City taking on smaller orders.

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 16:28:30)

@Draycos777: Accepted...

@Master K: Accepted...

@Both: But I skimmed through. Rather quickly. I will five more detailed reads later, for now I'm busy and I don't feel like reading them. If I see anything wrong, I'll point it out and tell you. But yeah, Artacis and Maxwell are fine.


@Draycos777: Sorry Draycos, but the Dragon Egg's have only recently hatched. It's not possible for Vritra and Artacis to be born at the same time. Also, The Isle of Dracos was unified peacefully under the rule of House Kalzar, and no army was needed. Whatever armies there would have been owed allegiance to House Kalzar, but the Isle of Dracos never really had a standing army aside from guards. If Artacis' father raised that army of 2,000, it would have been quickly disbanded after its use, as there was no reason for Gemhold to have an army unless it was needed to quell internal problems, in which case House Kalzar would have assisted. When the RP starts, you will be given the option to muster up an army. Up until now, the Isle of Dracos was at peace and unified.

@Master K: Like I told Draycos, the eggs have just now hatched. Aragon is 36, which would make Jaycos 36, which is not allowed. By the time the RP begins, your dragon is only a few weeks old, or still a dragon egg (up to you). Also, Rockhold would have no reason to have a standing army. If any problem arose that the royal guard could not handle, House Kalzar would have dealt with it. Up until the Red Assassins' attack on Dragonhold Keep, all of the Isle was peacefully unified under House Kalzar.

EDIT2: I've put a more detailed history at the top of the page. Dracos and his dragonriders ruled the Isle of Dracos until they were overthrown. Afterwards, many conflicts took place. Tanar Kalzar I would ultimately win these wars and he unified the Isle under one rule. Tanar and his descendants would rule the Isle for almost a thousand years peacefully. When Tanar came into power, the Priests gave him the dragon eggs. He gave these dragon eggs to five loyal families, and then installed these five families to lord over the other five holds, but Tanar was still the overarching ruler of the Isle. When the Red Assassins killed Tanar's late-descendant, the recent Lorddran Kalzar, and his entire family, Tanar's bloodline is forever lost. There are no heirs, so now the five lords of the land are preparing for war. Five eggs belonged to the five lords, the sixth belonged to Tanar's family (the Kalzar), and the seventh belonged to the kingdom (in Dragonhold Keep, but stolen by the Red Assassins).

Master K -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 17:49:46)

Alrighty, I'll get to fixing.

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 17:55:20)

Good man Master K. I am working on lore for the world, and would love to incorporate important aspects concerning you guys. For example, if your families are one of the five families that Tanar gave an egg to, then they probably fought for Tanar in the Reunification Wars, and I'd encourage you guys to help me flesh them out. I'll tell you guys more later.

EDIT: Dracos reigned for about 46 years, until his death in the rebellions. For the next 52 years, the Isle was mostly divided and the people fought each other. It wasn't until Tanar Kalzar I united those factions that his family would reign for the next almost-1000 years.

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 19:40:48)

Ok, went and edited those parts. Tried not to change the story around to much so hopefully it works.

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 20:29:08)

@Draycos777: I am still iffy on this:

The day Artacis and Lorelei was born was the same day the dragon egg first cracked.

@Draycos777 and Master K: So lore-wise, is House Burke and House Kcyning two of the five families that Taran Kalzar I chose to rule in his holds, or did the two families find another way to power?

Master K -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 20:35:01)

Lore wise,

Kcyning was a contender to be chosen to be the ruling family of Rockhold, but was beaten out by another man who became the lord.
This man was evil at heart, however, so the Kcyning's ancestor, Taryvas, murdered him secretly and the other contending Rockhold lords with poison at a feast the evil lord held. Since the Kcyning ancestor was the last family standing, they went into power and that's how it's been since, with the murders being a family secret.

Even simpler version:
-"Hey yeah I'm from the Kcyning family can we rule please"
-"No man the king chose me, but I'm secretly evil and gonna be a tyrant"
-"Hey to prove how awesome I am I'm gonna throw a party and we're all gonna be there"
-"Naw man I'm gonna sit this out"
-"Oh hey I'm gonna sneak in and poison everybody"
-"Oh look they're all dead"
-"Since I'm the last contender still kickin' Kcyning now rules Rockhold."

And then they lived happily ever after.

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 21:29:46)

Artacis' family name differs from the original Lord of GemHold as their were an offshoot. When the Lord before Artacis' grandfather died without a heir, the bloodline was retraced, which lead to the discovery of their royal blood through a runaway son, who believed himself an artisan then a miner(at this point in time the Lords of GemHold had always been miners and the guilds of Inner GemHold held the most power in the economy of Gemhold). This son then fell in with the people of Outer GemHold. He married and had a son, all the while trying to make life better for Outer GemHold. His older brother assumed the role as Lord of GemHold when their father passed from sickness. His brother saw him as a nuisance to tradition but, nothing more and let him be. The runaway son would soon fall ill to the same sickness and pass, but his line would continue on.

Concerning the egg, I wrote that bit to show that Vritra and the twins still have a strong link. It shows that their birth awakened an egg that had been asleep for many generations.

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 21:44:02)

Awesome, thanks. Now to wait for everyone else.

Draycos777 -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 21:52:10)

Also, as there are dragons in this RP, will there be any other types of magical creatures or any types of monsters?

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (1/29/2014 21:59:57)

Depends. What kinds do you mean?

I'm sure it'd be fun to have some sort of sea-monster lurking around.

I'm trying to keep away from high-fantasy. I was determined to go no-fantasy, but everyone here seems to love fantasy, so I threw in dragons and some rare magic.

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